Ideal Careers for your Strong Student Leader

leaderIf your child has excellent leadership skills or wants to develop them more, it might be time to start looking at colleges and careers that are suitable for passionate leaders. Children and teenagers have plenty of opportunities to build their leadership skills through the years, and there are some interesting college majors and careers they can explore too.

Business and Entrepreneurship

For people who want to take the lead in their career, working in business or becoming an entrepreneur is often a top choice. It opens up opportunities for them to climb the career ladder and to both use their leadership skills and put forward their own ideas.


Working in education is a good way to use leadership skills to inspire others. There are lots of ways to work in education, teaching different ages and different subjects. You might teach children or adults, ranging from being a school teacher to passing on your area of expertise to people looking for a new hobby or teaching key skills like the English language.

Legal Careers

Working in a legal career as a lawyer or another legal professional presents plenty of opportunities for leadership too. However, it’s likely to be in a different way to how someone might lead a class of people or even a team in an office. Leadership in the legal profession could involve working with a team or with someone one-on-one.

Nonprofit Organizations

If your child is interested in doing good in the world, they might be interested in the leadership skills necessary for working at a nonprofit organization as outlined in this infographic.

Infographic Design By USC

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