Finding the Best Car for your College Student

carNow that your student is all grown up and off to college, it’s perhaps time to have that chat about buying a car. Undoubtedly, it’s going to make his or her life way easier when they have to be on time for classes – and it also gives them that sense of extra responsibility that we often need in order to actually grow up.

You may have your own doubts, though, which is understandable. It’s hard enough to see them jet off to college and leave the house they grew up in behind, but now they’re going to be fully independent. They don’t even have to ask you for a ride anymore, and it’s hard to say if this is a good thing or not.

Here is a handful of expert advice on what to look for when buying a car for your teenager. That way, you can feel a bit more confident about your decision.

#1 Focus on parenting rather than technology

You can buy your teen the fanciest car with all of the technology in the world, but it’s really no replacement for good parenting. You need to have that chat with your teenager long before they’re able to drive a car of their own and make sure that, even if they’re not experienced enough, at least they know how to handle the vehicle.

Some features may be helpful, though, such as a text alert when your teen is going over the speed limit. That way, you’ll be able to let them hear it when they’re back home – and you can lecture them even if you’re not in the car with them.

#2 Buy a boring car

Like all parents should know, the best car for your teenager is one that is boring and slow. Flashy colors and an engine that’s made for speeding is really no option for an inexperienced driver – no matter how cool it would make you seem as a parent.

Remember that you can find great prices on used cars online, by the way, so that you don’t have to spend money on buying a brand new one. Have a look at Kelly blue book value to estimate the price of a car you have your eyes on, and make sure that it’s a big, boring, and slow one.

#3 Skip phone-to-car features

While technology certainly is making it easier for us to use our phones while driving, it’s not really the safest feature for inexperienced drivers. You should definitely pass on those Apple Carplay features or general phone-to-car interfaces as they just make it way easier for your teenager to get distracted while driving.

Let them know that focusing on anything else than the road is a big no, and set an example by avoiding the features yourself while driving. That way, they’ll never be able to use it against you later on.


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