Driving: An Adult Responsibility Your Student Should Master

drivingWhen your kids decide they want to drive, it’s normal to want to approach them about driving especially if you have prior experience. It’s a fantastic opportunity to spend time with your kids and it can be a brilliant bonding experience. If they’re interested in learning to drive, then here are a couple of the most important things about driving that you should pass down.

  1. Seatbelt First

There are many depictions of driving in films and media where people just don’t use their seatbelts. In fact, your kids may have rode in a car where the driver didn’t request everyone to put on their seatbelts, nor did they bother to check if everyone was wearing them. This is typically because they feel safe driving shorter distances, especially if there’s no traffic. However, it’s incredibly dangerous to forget your seatbelt and it’s something you need to drill into their head as soon as possible.

  1. Watch Other Cars, Not Just Yourself

Defensive driving is the best way to avoid a talk with your car accident lawyer.. If you don’t want to end up in an accident, it’s vital that you teach your kids the importance of not just watching their own cars, but the cars around them as well. This will train them to be mindful of other drivers and also helps them identify problematic drivers before they have a chance to accidentally crash or strike your child when they’re driving in the future.

  1. Cars Are Not Fashion Statements

With influence from pop culture and media, your kids might have this idea that cars are a fashion item and they need to get the latest and greatest models and brands. In fact, with the rise of Tesla’s electric cars and talks about saving the environment becoming popular in schools, they might be more willing to purchase a vehicle in the future because of the brand, not because of the features. Instead, teach them that used cars are acceptable and there are plenty of fantastic vehicles that feel great to drive instead of just looking fancy.

  1. Distractions Are Bad

Distractions, such as talking on the phone, answering a text message or even changing the music, are bad. You need to teach your kids to keep both eyes on the road, ears on the road and hands on the wheel. Even something like talking to their friend in the passenger seat could cause distractions especially if they’re looking to face them when talking, so make sure to highlight the importance of avoiding distractions.

  1. You’re the Example

If you decide to teach your kids how to drive, then remember that you’re the role model for them. You need to do everything you teach them or else they’ll create the connection that you’re teaching them something that you don’t actually believe in yourself. So if you’re going to teach them about distractions, don’t make an exception for yourself. If you’re going to drone on about seat belts to ensure they learn, then don’t neglect the seatbelt yourself.

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