Life Lessons Your Student Will Learn in College

collegeDo you remember the days of being in college? For the most part, it’s full of so many happy memories, life lessons, and ways of creating a future for yourself. While college is still a place to grow independently without the supervision of parents, there is still the thought in the back of their minds about what the future holds for them, and what they need to do to ensure they get the right career. Among all of this pressure, there are still life lessons to learn in college.

The Big Money Problem

Your kids won’t really understand the value of money until they reach college.  As they get older and start college, the things that they have to pay for grow and grow, and they aren’t always going to be able to rely on the bank of mom and dad to help them out. They really do need to learn the skill of managing money, and they’re never going to be able to do that if they know they’ve always got something to fall back on from you. You could even help them with their money management.  As hard as college is on the finances, it definitely does help to teach a lesson or two.

Solo Living

They will have to learn to do things for themselves. Washing and drying, and perhaps even ironing. Keeping the room clean so that it doesn’t start to smell, and generally caring for themselves. You wouldn’t believe how many college kids hygiene levels drop in the first couple of months because they just can’t look after themselves. They have the stress of making new friends, getting used to college, and getting used to living on their own to deal with. So sometimes because of all of this stress, hygiene levels do drop! They also learn to enjoy their own company, which we really do think is an important life lesson. You can’t always rely on people to be around you, so being content being alone is an important life lesson.

Finding A Love For Travel

So, we’ve spoke about financial management and the stress of juggling living solo, so how on earth do they fit travel in!? Many colleges actually organize a couple of trips relating to sports, or the course they’re studying. A school trip company would organize the location and perhaps the itinerary, and all your kids would have to do is pay the fee to go. Trips or studying abroad teaches your student to enjoy other parts of the world, and be aware of world problems. Travel really does help to broaden then mind in other ways, and it’s such a good way to fill a life with memories, especially at college

The Real World

We would like to think that the biggest lesson they learn, is about the real world. Although they might not be in it just yet, they know it’s looming, and hopefully they understand how stressful it’s going to be. During high school, kids are sort of shielded from the realities of what adult life is going to be like, but during college, they really start to drum it in about the hardships out there. So, the lessons to be learned will involve the importance of finding and keeping a good job, and how to look after themselves.

The Importance Of Family

Finally, a big lesson they will hopefully learn is the importance of family. Family time is something that will become hard to come by while. But hopefully this lack of contact, but influx of support, teaches them why parents and family are the best people in their lives!

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