Before you head to the college fairs, and go through the emotional rigmarole of enrolling your children into college, you’ve got to prepare them for numerous changes in life. While homeschooling is becoming a more popular approach, there can be concerns that children aren’t prepared for college in this manner purely because they have been educated at home. Can a child get a better education at home to prepare them for college? Let’s answer the question.
Does Homeschooling Hinder Their Socializing?
From an outsider perspective, a child that is educated at home by themselves can seem ill-equipped to deal with what college throws at them. But in fact, while being homeschooled means they’re not engaging with people on a regular basis, it means that they can interact with other people with more vigor. In fact, many children are better socialized through homeschooling than those that go through the standard education system. It could also be because homeschooled children are less bound by time in class, so they have the opportunity to go out and engage with the world.
Are Homeschooled Children “Less Academic?”
There are two strands of thought to this. Because many homeschooled children choose their education they naturally have more of a passion for the subject, and when they apply to college, this authenticity shines through their application making them more of an asset to a specific college. But on the other hand, there are plenty of educational organizations, like cyber charter schools, that provide a structured education that children can follow. Because a child chooses their own education through homeschooling, or can follow a set routine provided by these cyber schools, it makes them more skilled regardless of the avenue they go down. It’s not a question of them being “less academic” but more about having the time out of school to add more strings to their bow, making them very attractive to college admission officers.
They Will Savor College
There are many kids that get into college and treat it like a vacation. But for those who have been educated at home, and have had to seek out their own passions in life, they will make more of college life. The opportunities that present themselves can be a logical extension of what they’ve already done. But in fact, as college provides more of an opportunity, from numerous extracurricular activities to social functions and more valued friendships, the child that’s been homeschooled won’t take this for granted in comparison to many others. It’s not just the fact that they will turn up for lectures and knuckle down, but they’ll find all aspects of college rewarding.
If anything, it would appear that home education is the way forward. There was a study that followed students between 2004 and 2009 at a doctoral university, and those that were homeschooled outperformed their peers and graduated at a higher grade. Even from an academic perspective, it appears that homeschooling isn’t the act of the parents wanting to bring their child out of formal education. In fact, it could give them a leg up in life!
If you’ve thought about homeschooling and wonder if it’s right for you, this infographic should help you weigh the pros and cons.