Do your teens say you’re losing your hearing?


Parenthood is all about communication. Communication with your child, with your partner or co-parent, with your child’s school or college and with your own parents, friends, family and the people from whom you get your guidance and inspiration. But communication is a two way street. As we get older, hearing loss can put up a roadblock on our side of that street, making it harder to hear and understand when others communicate with us. The thing is, we rarely notice hearing loss, at least until it has already reached a point at which it has become fairly profound. Our hearing ebbs away so slowly and gradually that for some it may take years or even decades to realize that their hearing has become an issue. Here we’ll look at some of the signs that you’re losing your hearing without even knowing it, and what you can do to prevent it from impinging on your life and the quality of your relationships.

What causes hearing loss?

There are many different causes of hearing loss and it can affect us at any time in our lives (although it tends to become more common as we get older). Sometimes hearing loss is temporary and it takes nothing more than flushing out excess ear wax to return it to its usual clarity. Those who have noisy jobs or work with heavy machinery may also experience hearing loss if they don’t properly protect their ears. There are also hereditary conditions like Meniere’s disease which can also become detrimental to your hearing over time. And then sometimes it’s a simple matter of advancing years. Whatever the cause of your hearing loss, the longer you live in denial, the worse your quality of communication with your loved ones and your overall quality of life are likely to become. Forget the myths about hearing devices! A hearing aid can be a lifeline for your quality of communication with the people most important to you. Be sure to consult an audiologist if you notice any of the following…

Your kids keep asking you to turn down the TV while they study

You and your child have worked together to create a perfect study space which is conducive to relaxed, focused study and hard work. But unbeknownst to you, your deteriorating hearing is impinging on their studies. If they keep complaining that you have the TV, stereo or radio on too loud this could be a sign that all is not as it should be with your hearing.

Your loved ones get a little irritated when they keep having to repeat themselves

Have you ever noticed that people need to tell you the same thing two or three times before you’re able to understand it? Maybe not. It’s fairly common for people to ask one another to repeat themselves. However, there’s a chance that you’re doing this more than you think without even noticing. If you notice loved ones rolling their eyes or sighing when you ask them to repeat themselves, this could mean that your hearing loss is further along than you thought.

Social occasions that become an ordeal

When we have hearing loss, it becomes harder to pick out individual voices from the texture of background noise. As such, following a conversation in a busy bar, cafe or restaurant can become tiring and stressful. People with hearing loss tend not to get too involved in the conversation and hang back a little, smiling and nodding at what seem like appropriate moments. If this rings a little too true to you, you may well be affected by hearing loss.

If you’ve noticed any or all of the above taking place recently you owe it to yourself, your kids and your loved ones to talk to someone about your hearing loss.  

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