Should Your Student Major in History?

historyWhen choosing a college major it’s important to understand its worth and value after graduation. What exactly does a career with a history degree look like and what are the advantages?

1. A history degree has many job options

It could be archiving items in a museum, becoming a human resources officer or even an information officer–there are plenty of job options that stem from a history degree.

2. Your skills are transferable

One of the big advantages of studying history is that many of your skills can easily be transferred to a different discipline. For instance, your analytical skills are invaluable for many different jobs, your ability to prioritize tasks can also come in handy, and decision-making skills are a much-needed trait among all industries.

3. History lessons teach you to be independent

Since history degrees mainly rely on self-study and research, it helps you develop a sense of independence that can help you grow more independent. It requires a lot of hard work and mostly involves reading and analytical work which can improve your independence and self-sufficiency.

4. Studying history allows you to learn from the past

Whether it’s learning from past mistakes or drawing inspiration from old American propaganda (which we’ve included an infographic about below) there are countless ways to take hints from things that have happened in the past.


Design from: Norwich University

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