Incoming college students go through big changes as they reshape their entire social circle. They just left all their friends from 4 years of high school behind them and they need a social app that is uniquely tailored to their new college life. Current social platforms don’t have any use on a physical college campus, especially if you don’t know anyone there.
Freshmen U™ addresses new college social environment
Freshmen U™ is targeted for just campus use, addressing specific college student bodies within the individual university settings. Freshmen college students now have their own social app that includes patent-pending augmented reality (AR) technology developed just for social interactions.
Students can meet and interact with other students just by using their username within the app. This allows them to get to know each other before sending out a traditional friend request. This no need to know someone’s real name to start a conversation, which is hard to do when you first arrive on campus. Students just download the app, pick their campus, and start to meet people. It’s that easy.
Designed to get new students to connect with other students
Our app is designed to get new students out of their dorm and start to connect with each other in real life on campus. Users can drop photos of themselves around campus as they walk from class to class or attend a football game, which others can now see through the app’s AR GPS ecosystem and they can rate or comment on these photos or videos. Think of Facebook meets Pokémon Go. The app encourages interaction and more face-to-face meetings around campus and does away with the awkwardness of making new friends.
Customized social interaction
In a quest for profit above all else, the big three social media platforms have ignored a very important demographic group of college students. We did not. College students need customized social interaction, and they want their digital media. We’ve found a way to give them both, with no ads and no unnecessary data sharing with 3rd parties. We are a small group of developers (3 to be exact) that wanted to build something fun but useful on college campuses. I think we did it! Students now have a way to digitally plaster their lives into the real world around campus. It feels like rebellion but is totally safe and secure.