Establishing a Saving Strategy

saving strategy

One of the key elements of adulthood is learning to save for the future. Before your student leaves for college, it’s crucial to teach them how to manage money and save for the future. They will be bombarded with opportunities to spend, making saving a low priority. There will be the usual college expenses, entertainment and the temptation to frivolously spend while they are in college.

As their parent, you know the importance of saving for college and continuing to save for retirement. You can set an example by your actions and encouraging them to establish their own saving strategy. If you help them set up a savings account before college, it will be routine for them to put a portion of their earnings in the account during college; and, it establishes a good saving strategy after graduation.

Start in high school

CIT Bank can help you with their Savings Builder account. You can start an account for your student while they are in high school with as little as a $100 deposit. The savings you accumulate can be used for textbooks and any additional college expenses after high school graduation. Just a small monthly deposit of $100 quickly becomes $1000 and more to help your student with college expenses.

Here’s how it works

With $100 you can open an account with CIT Bank and earn up to 2.20% APY by making a single deposit of $100 or more every month. By using this online bank, it’s easy to grow and preserve your savings safely and securely because they are FDIC insured. There are no opening, monthly servicing, or line transfer fees.

You can easily access the funds in your account using free electronic transfers between your savings account and any other account at another bank; or, you can call and a check will be sent in the mail for free.

You can open a Savings Builder Account with CIT Bank by:

  1. Entering your information online
  2. Funding your account with a minimum of $100 with an electronic transfer or check
  3. You will receive an email confirmation and you are ready to start saving

The benefits of a saving strategy

By establishing a savings strategy for college, you are not only saving for those college expenses, but helping your student see the value and the benefit of putting money aside for the future. As the savings grow (with interest), you are teaching your student good money management and setting them up for financial success in the future.

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