Coping with the Coronavirus


I am seriously tired or seeing “coronavirus” on every social media platform. I’m tired of seeing people panic and act like it’s the end of the world if they can’t find toilet paper. I’m tired of hearing about another college or event that has been cancelled. I guess I’m just tired.

If you have a college-bound junior or senior, you probably feel the same way I do. But along with the frustration comes some concern and disappointment. Senior events are being cancelled. Colleges aren’t allowing visits. Admitted student events are cancelled. Some schools are having extended spring breaks.

How will all of this affect you and how can you cope?

There is going to be disappointment

Your teen is going to experience some disappointment. They have been looking forward to this time since they started high school. It may not be the end of the world to you, but it is to them. Be patient with them. Support them. Give them tons of hugs. You know this will pass but they don’t.

There are options available to make this tolerable

Thankfully we live in a digital world. In person visits cannot occur but virtual visits are available. Most colleges have them on their websites and you can also view some on YoUniversityTV video tours. After that, chat online with some current students you can find on social media. Most students are happy to brag about their school.

Mom can help by asking friends on Facebook for help connecting with current students. Grown and Flown is a great resource for current college parents.

If you have questions that can’t be answered by either of these options, reach out to the college itself. They will be happy to help you and understand your frustration.

Take care of your family

It goes without saying that the number one priority is the health and safety of your family. That includes protecting their mental health. Fear and anxiety can take over when everything seems out of control. Have open conversations about what everyone is feeling and find ways to help everyone cope.

The admissions outlook will change

Sarah Harberson, a college counselor, points out these things to expect during these next few months:

  • Expect decisions to be released on time.
  • Admitted student programs are being canceled amid fears of the fast-spreading virus.
  • With great uncertainty, the waitlist will be in full effect.
  • Acceptance rates will rise.
  • Be ready for colleges to aggressively try to convince students to enroll even after they make a decision.
  • Campus tours and information sessions are being canceled for prospective students and families of younger grades.
  • ACT and SAT tests sites are being shut down not only abroad but here in the states as well.
  • Virtual classes are replacing face-to-face in-person classes for high schools and colleges.

We are already seeing many of these things occur. If you need more information on any of these, read the entire article here: How Coronavirus Could Impact College Admissions.

If you need questions answered or just need to vent, hop over to my Facebook page and commensurate with other parents who are going through the same things you are. In the meantime, take a deep breath and hang in there–this too shall pass.

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