Why Grandparents Make The Best College Mentors


Grandparents are a fantastic resource for college-age students. They have a wealth of knowledge that allows them to provide perspective as young people go through education and get professional careers. But the benefits go beyond this. Grandparents tend to have a greater perspective on life that allows them to put everything the student does into context. 

In this post, we take a look at some of the reasons why grandparents make great mentors and how you can use them. 

They Provide A Different Kind Of Feedback

Students tend to receive feedback from three primary groups of people: parents, teachers and peers. For most of their formative years, they live within this network of people, never really straying outside of it to get new perspectives. 

The antidote to this is grandparents. They’re often able to offer broader, wiser feedback, than the other groups mentioned above. They’ve been through life, seen all of the ins and outs, and have a better understanding of why people wind up where they do. Academic achievement is important, they will tell you, but there is much more to life than that. 

They Know What You’re Going Through

Even if our grandparents didn’t go to college, they still know what young people are going through. They understand that life can be tough sometimes and that it doesn’t always go your way. They have had many ups and downs in life and have learned how to navigate them.

They help talk students through the problems that they face as young people and provide philosophies to help them cope. They always remain calm and collected, even when events seem to be racing away from you. For instance, many elders find themselves having to use the best nursing home abuse attorneys.

They Understand The Value Of Time

Rome wasn’t built in a day – and neither is an education. Instead, it takes time to master new skills and reach the pinnacle of understanding. 

In this regard, grandparents make for great educational mentors. They know that it can take years to truly understand the world and, even then, the learning never stops. Many elders discover new things every day that they didn’t know about before. 

They Boost Confidence

Grandparents can also help students with their confidence. Many people get into the habit of believing that college is their one shot at success in life. If they don’t make it, then they can’t fulfill their dreams. 

Empathetic grandparents understand this predicament young people find themselves in. They find innovative and clever ways to demonstrate that it’s not true. Even if your academic life isn’t a success, that doesn’t mean that the world is closed off to you. 

Interestingly, this approach can actually help young people build their confidence. The less they believe that college is a one-shot chance for success, the more they will relax into it and be successful. 

They’re Less Attached

Compared to parents, grandparents are less attached to your success as a student (and your emotions). Therefore, in many cases, they can give you advice that parents could not. This fact increases their utility and allows them to be more frank with you

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