Books for Students and Their Parents


My daughter loves books. Her joy of reading began in grade school and she still loves reading and collecting books. Books never get old and there are so many to choose from. If your student is into digital versions of books, there are many programs available as well.

I’ve done the research for you and each link has multiple suggestions for you and your student. I hope these books are helpful and will be great additions to your library.

Grown and Flown’s list of books for college students

Even though they’ve had their heads in books all semester, giving books to your college student is still the perfect gift. It’s also a good way to help start their own personal libraries, so when they do get that first apartment, there will have plenty of books to fill up that IKEA bookshelf. These titles are all ideal for the 18-25 year old set, and anyone starting out in the real world for the first time.

Forbes list of best books for students heading to college

There are few things scarier in life than heading off to college for the first time. Independent living, harder classes and a new environment all add up to a big challenge. While nothing can fully prepare an incoming first-year student for what lies ahead, a good book can go a long way toward making the transition easier.

10 personal development books for students

In school, we are encouraged to read the great literary classics—Shakespeare, Orwell, Austen, etc. While these are absolute must-reads for any avid reader, there’s also a case to be made for reading books that encourage you to live a fuller, richer, and more meaningful life. After all, personal development books are just that: books that help you to develop into the person you want to be. There’s no better time to start reading books that help you become the best, happiest, most successful version of yourself than while still at school.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 personal development books every student should read. Even if you read just one of them, you’ll take away a few lessons that could stay with you for the rest of your life.

Real Simple’s motivational books for students

Books for college freshmen should be inspirational, educational, and entertaining—and don’t books make the best high school graduation gifts, anyway? If your new college student is struggling to find their way on their own, searching for a new direction, or simply in need of a break from school stresses, give them one of these top books for college freshmen to help them on their way.

Grown and Flown’s list of best books for parenting teens

If you have a brand new freshman, and are just beginning the crazy journey of modern high school, I bet you’re full of a combination of nerves, anxiety, excitement, and worry. And right along with that, you’re also fearful and kind of leery of what parenting changes to expect, and exactly what kind of teenager your teenager will be (and how your parenting may have to change or shift.)

My list of 10 books for parents of soon-to-be college students

Graduation gift time is approaching. High school students are graduating with aspirations of college in the fall. Graduation gift guides are dominating the online world. But why not treat yourself to a few gifts that will help you with the transition from high school to college?

These books for parents should provide great summer reading and future reference as your teen heads to college in the fall:

My list of 10 must-read books for parents of college-bound students

I love books because, well, I just love books. They are some of my prized possessions. These college books are part of my collection because they are jam-packed with information about the college admissions process. Some of them are informational, and others help you relax and laugh during the process. Add these books for parents of college-bound students to your reading list. After all, who doesn’t like books?

Amazon’s book suggestions for teens and soon-to-be college students

Amazon has some great books available, along with a large sampling of books for teens and soon-to-be college students. Take a look at some of the books they recommend.

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