I’m sitting here today thinking about what happened yesterday in my state. Being so close to home for me made it even more difficult to believe and digest. We need to protect our children.
We have so many small towns in Texas. Uvalde is one of them. They are all close knit. Everyone knows everyone. The kids grow up together and the parents know each other’s kids personally. I can’t even begin to imagine how broken this community is or how absolutely devastated and angry those families who lost loved ones are feeling today.
Death is never easy. But when it’s a child and it’s from violence, it’s hard to understand how this could possibly happen. We need to protect our children.
I don’t want to start any political arguments, but it’s time we do something–anything to protect our children.
Get involved
Our leaders speak volumes but can’t seem to agree what needs to be done. Parents and educators need to get involved and demand action. Go to school board meetings. Elect people who support action. Make your voice known.
Sign petitions. Contact your state legislators. Help to get out the vote for the candidates that have a record of protecting our children and voting for legislation to make schools safe.
Educate your kids
Teach them this simple action: see something, say something. If they notice someone is spewing hate, threatening violence, or acting like they want to hurt someone, tell you or an authority figure.
If we are going to allow our kids to be on social media, they need to pay attetion to what they read and see. Even if they are harrassed for it, it’s better than what might happen if they don’t report it.
Demand better protection
Schools should be fortresses. Doors should always be locked and secured. Absolutely no one should be able to enter a school building unless they have been vetted. And once they enter, they should be met by an armed guard and vetted again. This is the first line of defense and it shouild be enforced.
Demand mental health care for students
Covid messed up our kids. There were more suicides among teens than ever before. There is a higher incidence of drug abuse. They stayed inside for months playing video games and spent hours on screens. We need mental health to be easily accessible for our kids and their families.
We can’t change what happened yesterday, but we can take action as parents and grandparents to demand something be done now. When the people rise up, politicians listen.