The days and weeks before your child heads off to college can be manic. You have so many things to arrange to ensure that they are prepared for flying the nest and starting classes that you rarely get a moment to sit down and think.
However, there are a few things you should absolutely make time for before they head off to college and out of your home, including the following:
1. Visit the grandparents
Before they head off to college and into adult life, it would be nice if you could make the time to visit the grandparents. The extended family are likely to be so proud of them and they will naturally want to spend some quality time with them before they are too busy with college life, so this is a really nice thing to do for everyone concerned.
2. Teach them to cook
Teaching your kids to cook at least five simple meals from basic affordable ingredients will mean that they can always eat well when they are at college, without having to break the bank in order to do so. So many students turn to junk food, put on the freshman 15, and never lose that weight, which is not ideal for their health. Not only that, but spending some time together in the kitchen is a great way to bond and have some quality time before they fly the best.
3. A safety talk
Taking the time to talk to your kids about issues like safe sex, drugs, and rehab, drinking too much alcohol, and various other safety issues that are likely to arise when they are off at college and out of your sight for the first time is really important. It might be awkward, but if you can talk to them frankly about such issues, you can hopefully help to prevent them from making some questionable choices that could be harmful to their futures.
4. Take some time to reminisce
Get out the baby photos, show them their first pair of baby shoes, talk about the time they starred in the school nativity, and have some fun reminiscing about their childhood, It’s a great way to bond and show them just how loved they are before they head off to college and out into the big bad world on their own.
5. Take a trip
Taking your kids on a trip just you and them is a great way to say goodbye to them in a fun and adult way that shows them you value the adult they have become while still thinking of them as your child and giving them the adventure of a lifetime. If you want them to leave on a sweet note, this is a really good way to do that, for you both.
If you can fit all of these things in before your kids head off to college, you will make great memories, and hopefully help to send them off in the best way possible, so at least try to fit in some of these suggestions if you can!.