Back to School Tips for High School Parents

It’s that time of year again and your college-bound teen is headed back to school. Every year presents opportunities to get a leg up on the college process. If you and your teen plan strategically before school starts, you’ll have some goals and be able to hit the ground running.

Here is a quick list of back to school tips, broken down by each grade level. The activities are to be done just as soon as your teen gets back to school:

9th Grade

  • Meet with your school counselor and map out a course plan with challenging classes in core academics
  • Start establishing strong relationships with teachers and faculty
  • Get involved in school and community based activities (showing a 4-year pattern is the best strategy)

10th Grade

  • Sign up for the PSAT and/or PLAN (practice tests) to get an idea of your strengths and weaknesses
  • Think about taking on some leadership positions in the activities you’re involved in
  • Start researching colleges and make some preliminary college visits
  • Do some research on scholarships locally and at the colleges you are interested in attending

11th Grade

  • Sign up for the PSAT since this test counts toward the National Merit Scholarship
  • Register for the SAT and/or ACT
  • Attend area fall college fairs and parent nights
  • Visit colleges in the fall to help narrow down your choices
  • Determine which scholarships you are going to apply for and note the deadlines

12th Grade

  • Hit the ground running!
  • Get those recommendation letters EARLY
  • Finalize your college essays
  • Lock in your college choices and finish those college applications
  • Get ready to apply ED or EA
  • Register and take the SAT/ACT early in the fall
  • Research AP tests and CLEP exams (check with colleges for their requirements)
  • Watch and keep track of any scholarship deadlines

If you approach each school year with a set of tasks, strategies and goals, you will be well prepared by the time your college-bound teen sends off those college applications.

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