Parent Survival Guide for Cross-Country College Moves


Once your child decides they want to move cross-country for college, a mix of emotions arise: pride, dread, excitement – perhaps even the urge for something strong like coffee (or maybe stronger!). Don’t fret though; we are here to help guide this new chapter with ease and possibly even bring smiles or laughter along the way!

Accept Change (Even If It Feels Like a Sucker Punch)

Let’s be real; sometimes change feels more like an unexpected knock out punch from life itself than something to be celebrated and anticipated with open arms. Just breathe. Breathing helps! No longer are your children living under your roof, but rather stepping forward into new and exciting chapters of their lives. Although you will miss the sound of them rummaging in the kitchen at midnight or their ability to turn laundry into abstract art forms; new challenges and adventures lie ahead! But their decision to move cross-country for college is an expression of their growing independence, and something worth celebrating (once you’ve recovered from that sucker punch).

Plan Ahead (Because Procrastination is Only Fun in College)

So let’s get down to business – planning. Yes, planning may not be exciting – but remember those carefree college days of staying up all night just to finish a paper that was due the next morning? Well, let’s just say last-minute chaos often does not go as planned when dealing with a cross country moving service and dorm room dimensions. Create a checklist of everything that needs to be accomplished – from changing their mailing address and booking flights (or organizing an epic cross-country road trip) – as part of your preparations for their departure. Include them in this process; after all, this journey is for them! It gives them an opportunity to experience real world situations while you support and encourage them along their journey.

Be Their Rock (But Don’t Forget Your Own Oxygen Mask)

As your child enters new territory, they may experience both excitement and anxiety. Be there as their rock during this transition phase by providing comfort, guidance and reassurance when needed. However, remembering the wisdom from in-flight safety videos: always put on your oxygen mask first (in simpler terms: take care of yourself first too), is equally as essential. Feelings such as pride, sadness, worry or joy should be normalised- reach out to support networks or engaging self-care routines to maintain balance. Don’t lose heart – You got this!

Maintain Communication Lines (And Carrier Pigeons Don’t Count)

With modern communication tools at our fingertips, staying in touch with a distant college kid has never been simpler. No longer must you rely on snail mail or costly long-distance calls; all the answers can now be found online! Make use of modern communication – texts, video calls, social media and memes are all excellent forms of interaction! Plan regular calls – weekly, biweekly or whatever works for both of you – but remember this isn’t intended as an undercover operation to track their movements! Assuring them of this fact is key to encouraging independence while at the same time making sure they never feel alone – no carrier pigeons needed (unless it’s for an adorable text message emoji of course!).

Summary: Don’t Forget Their Way Back Home

Parents, it is time to arm yourselves with plenty of tissues and prepare yourself for an empty nest as your children venture off to college. While they might move far away for study, they’ll still rely on you for advice, emergency laundry skills and home-cooked meals they simply can’t find elsewhere – here’s to opening new chapters while staying close behind!

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