Tips for Your Recent Graduate to Help Them in the Workforce


Whether you have a new high school graduate entering the workforce permanently or temporarily, or you have a college graduate starting their first job, to be secure in their new position they should follow these ways to make themselves indispensable.

1. Make Your Manager’s Job Easier

Nobody wants their job to be difficult, and that’s especially true when it comes to managers. They’ve got quite a bit on their plate, and more than a few tasks to get through. They don’t want to have any extra work because some employees aren’t doing their jobs properly. Take the time to make their job easier.

It’ll reap more than a few benefits because of it. Making sure your tasks are done to a high standard, while also avoiding any potential problems is a great way to do this. It could even be worth taking on extra duties whenever you can.

2. Build Work Relationships

It’s always worth having work relationships with your colleagues, but it’s even more worth having them with managers and other high-level workers in your company. The more familiar they are with you, the better they’ll think of you. They could even be more likely to come to you with various tasks and duties.

The trick is to make sure these relationships are as positive as possible. It’ll help you stay in their mind when it comes to promotions in the future, making it worth putting the time and effort into. It’ll pay off dividends long-term.

3. Offer Solutions

There’ll be plenty of times where the business you work for runs into problems. Many of these will be minor, but some of them can be quite large. Nobody likes this, and they want to get through the problems as quickly as possible. That’s where you could be indispensable.

By offering solutions as much as you can, you show you’re a problem-solver that can be counted on. While you’ll need to make sure these solutions are actually appropriate, there’s no reason not to put the time and effort into them. You’ll be counted on more and more because of it.

4. Enhance Your Qualifications

You’ll already have quite a few qualifications for your role, and these would’ve been part of the reason why you were hired. That doesn’t mean you should just coast on them going forward. It can always be worth taking the time to enhance your qualifications as much as you can.

Not all of these have to be directly related to your role. Instead, it could be a matter of getting a few other certifications to make yourself indispensable at work even more. BBP certification and other workplace safety certifications can always be great for this. There’s no reason not to consider getting a few of these.

5. Share Your Knowledge

Speaking of enhancing your qualifications, it’s always worth sharing your knowledge as much as you can. The more qualified you are, the more expertise you’ll have related to your job and related areas. There’s no point hoarding all of this to yourself, though. Instead, sharing can be best.

It proves to your manager and colleagues that you actually know your job inside and out. It shows how indispensable you are. There’s no point in having all of this knowledge if nobody else knows about it. The more you can share it and actually put it to use, the better it’ll be for you.

6. Volunteer For Key Projects

You’ll naturally have specific duties and tasks you’ll have to get done for your job. That doesn’t mean you should shy away from taking on other duties at various times. In fact, it can be more than worth it if you have the time to actually help with some extra projects.

Focus on the projects that’re essential to the business. The more important they are, the better. It’ll show you’re willing to go the extra mile and help you become more and more indispensable. While this means needing to work more, it could be worth it.

7. Always Be Reliable

Employers don’t like employees they can’t rely on, which is why this is always worth focusing on as much as possible. The more reliable you are, the better your managers and employers will see you. This doesn’t just mean turning up to work on time and not being late to meetings, however.

Instead, it means being able to put the work in consistently and showing you can reliably do your job to a high standard. The better you can show this, the more indispensable you should be. Make sure people know you’re reliable by actually showing them you are.

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