BunkTrunk: Keep College Valuables Safe


Before you know it, college move-in day will be here. Students will be deciding which items to take to college and which should be left behind. Knowing the nature of a college dorm room, students are hesitant to  take anything valuable with them to college. Even with supposed secure dorm entrances and locks on doors, most students do not take advantage of these safeguards.

Students allow other students to enter dorms without a key card and often leave their doors open or unlocked when going to class or other campus activities. No matter how conscientious your student is, they can’t count on a roommate to follow the same guidelines. Laptops, expensive textbooks, iPhones and other electronics are easily stolen in an instant if left unattended or secured. BunkTrunk, a genius invention from a parent who met their student’s need is a must-have for any college student. It’s easily assembled by the student and it’s affordable–worth every penny you will spend.

After trying to remedy the situation with her roommate and several calls home to express her frustration, her father decided she needed a secure storage solution. Since we’re dealing with an 18 year old who’s just moved away for the first time he realized any viable solution would have the following requirements:

  • It had to be easy to use or it wouldn’t be use
  • It had to be big enough for her laptop and some of her expensive textbooks
  • It would be a bonus if she could put her purse, medication, and jewelry in it
  • It could not take any desk space or floor space, because she had none to spare
  • It could not be ugly because, lets face it, that just would not fly for a girls’ dorm room
  • It could not require screws or bolts or other types of fasteners, because the college would not allow anything but command strips for hanging, mounting, or attaching anything to college property / furniture

Watch the video below to see how it works and click the order button afterwards. Your student will love how easily it’s assembled and how it doubles as a computer stand, charging station and night stand while keeping valuables safe.

Right now, they are offering $30 off the retail price. You may have seen the ads on social media. That’s a bargain, so don’t wait until the last minute. 

ORDER YOURS TODAY and protect your student’s important items when they head off to college in the fall.

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