All posts by Suzanne Shaffer

An inside look at Blackboard


blackboardModern education programs are now widely employing Blackboard software. That has helped to expand online education resources. Distance education classes give students the opportunity to study on their own time.

Supporters also feel that distance education is less expensive. Electronic information is certainly one of the biggest advantages that Blackboard software provides. Instructors are completely free to issue whatever sort of materials they want to their students. If they have the right to do so teachers can actually give out entire electronic books.

Drop Folder Technology

Most Internet users are familiar with the idea of a network folder. Blackboard allows instructors to set up a single folder that students can upload work into. This can be an excellent way to collect assignments into one area.

Some teachers have set up multiple folders in this manner. They could create one for each week’s assignments. The system can work in reverse as well, which means that professors can issue handouts through the system. Teachers who have access to public domain materials really love this technique.

Teachers often post a welcome letter along with several PDF or RTF files that contain information about the course. Since they can change up the text printed in the header section above the drop folders, teachers often post a number of relevant links that can help students to understand the course material.

Message Board Options

Blackboard can work like any other forum system. Class discussions are carried out this way. Students who have experience with regular forums probably will not have any problem getting used to the format.

Whenever someone writes something, other people have the opportunity to reply. They can post a response that is on topic, or they can decide to post a new topic. Some installations will allow students to insert images straight into their posts. Instructors can participate in the discussions as well.

Hybrid Course Content

Some teachers have had success with hybrid courses. Blackboard has a few options for those who want to hold part of their class in a traditional classroom. Those with access to projectors can make the most out of these resources. That being said, telling students to log into the system on days that they are not in class works just as well. Some people have found the hybrid options to be unnecessary for this reason.

Networking Education Resources

One of the best aspects of Blackboard software is its wide installation base. Instructors in more than 60 different nations use Blackboard to conduct classes. Exchange students can log into their accounts from around the world.

Physical distances do slow things down quite a bit. Teachers who have students from different regions in their classes might want to tone down their Blackboard pages. Images can be provided as direct links as opposed to embedded content. Videos and flash content are not necessary when teaching most classes.

Extending Blackboard Programs

Blackboard is a closed source program, but its developers offer two systems to extend it. Building Blocks can be used to make new education resources. Teachers with any experience in computer programming or Web design can easily put together new modules to interact with students.

Power Links is a more complete architecture. Some people might be disappointed to learn that only those who buy the campus and vista packages will ever get a chance to use it. Individuals who have experience with hypertext should have no problem developing modules with the Power Links package. That being said, extendable solutions are not always the best ones.

Blackboard is powerful software. Most tasks can be accomplished with the basic package. Some instructors have very ambitious projects that never go anywhere. Start small and build on early successes when making education modules.


Author Bio

Joshua Turner is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to business. In this article, he describes a few benefits of the Blackboard system and aims to encourage further study with a masters in management information systems.

The smart way to shop for books


textbooksWhether you are a college student or just a book lover, you may wonder where you can shop for books for as little money as possible.  You can still find physical books as well as ebooks for a fraction of the cost.  In some cases, you can also find books for free if you know where to look.  In either case, remember to look for local outlets as well as online ones in order to find the best bargains.

Online Stores

Online outlets have been very good for the used book market and for finding rare or hard to find books.  Retailers like allow anyone including professional sellers and private owners to put their books on the market.  Sometimes this type of market is very competitive and some book owners are simply looking to get rid of unwanted items, so they will set prices very low in order to ensure a sale.

Of course, there are also other online outlets like Abebooks.  Brick and mortar bookstores such as Barnes & Noble have also gotten into the used book market, so it is possible to find books through major retailers as well.  Furthermore, you just may look at online book clubs such as those that offer early paperback editions of books in order to find newer books at a lower price.

Local Bookstores and Libraries

Supporting local booksellers has always been very important.  Many online stores have extensive used book sections.  Many of them also specialize in offering discount books, so it is possible to find many selections at only a fraction of the cost.  Larger chains may also occasionally have clearance sales when it is time to make room for new inventory, so it helps to keep an eye out for the sales and specials that occur throughout the year.

Libraries also tend to have sales in order to clear out books that may no longer see much circulation.  These sales are usually fundraisers, so buying books from libraries helps to keep them open.  In some cases, libraries may offer bags of books at a set price.  Like online outlets, libraries sometimes have books that are rare or out of print, so you just may find a treasure when libraries have their sales.

Yard Sales

You may not have considered garage and yard sales as a place to find discount books, but just as many people can find unexpected treasures, book lovers may also find books at a yard sale.  Yard sales can be an exciting way to find very inexpensive books because you never know what will be available.  However, many people are willing to let go of books for less than $1 each.

Book Swaps

You can also find out if there are any local outlets that will allow you to swap books for free.  Sometimes libraries offer book swaps.  Local residents may also organize their own swap or you may initiate an event yourself.  You may also find book swaps and exchanges online as well.  Typically, members of these sites will offer books they no longer want or need in exchange for books in which they are interested.

Little Free Libraries

Little free libraries have been growing across the country in recent years.  These are simply independently owned outlets that may be outside a business or private residence where anyone can leave and take books and other media at will.  You do not have to leave a book in order to take one and there is no limit to what you will find.  In fact, in addition to rare selections, you may also luck out and find a current bestseller for free.

Rent or purchase used

Since textbooks are often only used during a semester, consider renting them, or purchasing them used online. There are numerous sites that offer these options, including and

Author Bio

Ryan Ayers is a writer and blogger who creates articles relating to education. In this article, he offers a few financial tips for students buying books and aims to encourage further study through online masters in education programs.

The importance of college role models


Everyone needs a role model at different stages of life; a role model is that the person you look up; it is he or she who inspires you to stay focused on achieving your goals. Role models are very important because they sort of define the path that you should follow in order to reach a certain end. A good way to describe these individuals is as a guiding star; a bright shining light that directs you to where you need to be. Role models are of great importance and more so during the formative years. It is during this period of time that a person requires guidance so that they do not end up on the wrong path.

Quite a number of people have actualized their dreams because of the role models they chose; dream actualization is a vital element in the equation of happiness. The college years are among the most important in a person’s life; in fact for quite a number of people, this is the make or break period. At this level, therefore, good role models are very important. There are various college role models who can significantly influence the life of a college student; the following are some of them.


college role models

Sport is a big part of college life. In fact, it is during the various college sporting events that scouts from the big leagues come to search for new talent. It is coaches who are tasked with ensuring that members of the various teams deliver on the pitch, court, in the pool etc. College coaches are very influential because their job is not just to teach team members how to throw, swing or kick; their responsibility exceeds that. How a coach reacts when greatly distressed during or after a game can greatly influence how team members behave in similar times. It is only that, for them, it won’t necessarily be limited to the field, court etc; they may actually extend it to their daily lives.

It is also the duty of a coach to instill sound work ethic to his or her team members. Good sportsmanship is also something that coaches teach as well as general presentation during practice sessions and games. How a coach handles all these aspects of sport will determine just how the team members carry themselves in their daily lives.


It is during the college years that an individual is supposed to learn how to become almost completely independent. There are no parents to boss them around; in fact, some might say that parents are not needed anymore. This can’t be further from the truth; parents have a very big role to play throughout their children’s college years. How parents relate with each other will greatly influence how their children view relationships. Most college kids are just that: kids, and therefore, they still need their parents to guide them through life. If parents aren’t approachable or available, chances are that their kids will never consult them on vital life issues. Instead, they will find their own solutions; this, of course, can have dire consequences both in the immediate and distant future.


College professors have a duty to ensure that their students not only get the best possible academic knowledge but life related teachings, as well. Most college students view their professors in high regard probably because of their achievements and what they have gone through to make it to where they are at present. A professor can either use this high opinion to impact positively or negatively on the lives of their students. All this can be achieved simply through the words they use and the things they do both in and out of the lecture hall.


Author Bio

Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he describes the importance of role models in students lives and aims to encourage further study with a masters in coaching and athletic administration.

Your student’s college health insurance plan


college health plansCollege is an exciting time in a young person’s life, and most of the excitement comes from being away from home and meeting new and interesting people. However, being close to new people and moving to new places can also have a negative aspect on your health through exposure to all sorts of bugs and germs. If you have a decent health plan, then you don’t need to worry much because you are protected, but if you don’t, it’s time you learned about your options.

The Parent’s Health Plan

Recent litigation has left many students eligible for coverage through their parent’s health plan, which continues until they are 26. Each school will have their own specific requirements about your parent’s health plan, and this will determine the doctors you can access through an in-network program and so on.

Students whose parents don’t have health insurance are not eligible and have to work with the following options:

College Health Insurance

The majority of colleges in the country have their own health plans, and they’re usually low cost.  However, low costs shouldn’t be the driving force behind your search for a health plan. Some of the low cost plans come with questionable coverage caps and wouldn’t be ideal if you get an illness. Coverage usually focuses on smaller threats, such as immunization and medicine because schools tend to focus on keeping the population healthy.

Individual plans

This is a valid option if you have concerns about your school’s health plan and would like more features on the policy. Individual plans won’t cost much and they also come with more options than the typical college plan. In addition, they can be applied for online. The premiums would be slightly higher, but if you have a chronic condition to worry about, this route offers you more security.

You will have to contact an insurance broker or agent who will give you more information about the kind of coverage you need and the related costs. Your health will have to be evaluated before you can get any type of plan, and should you have any major pre-existing medical conditions, several stipulations will be added to the plan, or in some cases, your application could be rejected.

More and more colleges are dropping the student health plan because the federal government requires it to be more comprehensive than it is currently. The 2010 healthcare overhaul helped put in place guidelines, which necessitate substantial coverage for students. About two-thirds of full time college students operate on their parent’s health plan and aren’t affected by less than satisfactory plans offered by college insurance.

A minimum of 600,000 students in college, about 7% of the total number, purchase their own insurance from the school. An increase in premium by the president requires most colleges to up the cost to much higher figures than the students are currently paying, which is why many colleges just opted to drop insurance this year.

In order to stay safe and informed, take time to check your school’s health policies, and see which type of coverage they offer. A school may offer several types of policies, and depending on the school, they can range from widely comprehensive policies which cover major critical illnesses and minor accidents among other conditions. It is advisable to take up the more comprehensive cover because it will take care of your visits to health services, any medical procedures and diagnostics you may need and any visits to a specialist.

Much information is required when assessing medical insurance and medical plans, so take your time, and ensure you only pick the health plan that will keep you safe over a range of situations and isn’t costly.


Author Bio

Andrew Deen is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to law. In this article, he explains student’s health insurance plans and aims to encourage further study with an online masters in health law.

The True Cost of College


How much is the average American spending on higher education? More than you might expect. This infographic goes beyond tuition and offers a comprehensive breakdown of the real costs of college, as well as what goes into financing a degree, including the realities of student loan debt. What is the true cost of college?

Did you know?

  • The total annual expense of attending an in-state public four-year institution averages $22,261 (only $8,655 of which is tuition and fees, the rest is room and board, books and supplies, transportation and other expenses)
  • Attending an out-of-state four-year public institution averages $35,312 and a private non-profit college or university averages $43,289 each year
  •  $237 billion in financial aid was given during the 2012-13 school year; the average student received $13,218 in financial aid
  • 67 percent of 2009 college graduates are in debt with student loans
  • Total student loan debt exceeds $1 trillion and increases nearly $3K every second

These are just a few statistics that emphasize how important it is to understand all the expenses of college and identify potential funding opportunities while budgeting for higher education. The full infographic can be seen at

college costs


How co-signing can get your children lower student loan rates


co-signingWhen it’s time for your children to start looking at colleges, you may be wondering how you are going to pay for tuition and other expenses. Private student loans for college may have lower interest rates than some federal loans and flexible repayment options which can help your student get the funding needed in a way that’s simpler to manage. However, your child may not have the income or credit score to qualify for student loans or lower student loan rates that are available.

Benefits of co-signing a student loan for college

Co-signing your student’s loan may open up private student loan options that would not have been available to him if he was applying on his own. Since income and credit score are important factors when banks approve private loans, and your student may not have a steady source of income or any credit score to speak of, co-signing may be the only way he can obtain a student loan for college. By co-signing, not only will you help his chances of loan approval, but your credit score could also contribute to lower student loan rates.  Plus, getting your student started with a loan that has his name on it can possibly help improve his credit score for future lending opportunities.

Information to consider before co-signing student loans for college

While lower student loan rates mean lower monthly payments for your student, you should understand the responsibility of co-signing before you make a commitment. Your child will be the primary borrower, but by co-signing you are responsible for loan payments if he defaults. Late payments could also negatively affect your credit score. Be sure your child fully understands the responsibility this puts on you, and the importance of making payments on time before you decide to co-sign. You may also want to draw up an agreement, stating he will eventually reimburse you for any loan payments you need to make on his behalf.

Look for private student loans with a release option

Since there are some cautions surrounding co-signing student loans for college, you may want to look into a private student loan that offers a co-signer release option. This allows you to co-sign, helping your child get approved and obtain lower student loan rates, but it also releases you of payment obligation after the student has made a certain amount of consecutive, timely payments. This shows the bank enough confidence in the borrower that you (as co-signer) no longer need to be included for security purposes. Make sure your child understands that once the co-signer is released from obligation, they will be solely responsible for the loan payments. Speak to a lender at your local bank today to learn more about private student loan options and how co-signing could help your child obtain financing for college.

Sponsored content was created and provided by RBS Citizens Financial Group.

The benefits of blogging in college


bloggingMost students have their hands full with attending class, completing homework, writing essays, and studying for tests. Some also have to contend with part-time jobs to support themselves, at least in part, during their time on campus, or they want to take on internships as a way to gain some experience and network with those in their industry of choice. And with any free time that’s left over, many want to pursue their social lives or get a few hours of much-needed rest.

But there is one other activity that students should consider adding to their roster if they want to do all they can during their time in college to prepare for a career–that task is writing a blog. As a parent you may wonder why you should encourage your students to tackle this seemingly non-essential undertaking, but there are a few reasons why spending a little time blogging in college is a great move for the future.

An online presence

Consider that in this day and age, hiring agents don’t stop at performing an interview and checking listed references before offering a job to an applicant (i.e. your student). Nearly everyone now goes online to see what they can find out about prospective candidates. This means they will review any public profiles on social networking sites like Facebook, Google+, and so on, not to mention running a Google search. What they’re looking for is an indication as to whether or not your student (or more likely, your recent grad) will make a good employee. For this reason you should warn your kids about the dangers of having public profiles (unless they are professional in nature). But you might also push them to create a blog related to the industry they’re interested in joining.

A virtual resume

A blog can become a virtual resume, one that demonstrates a student’s knowledge of and passion for the career they’re interested in. With careful planning it can serve to portray a student as an expert, exhibiting what they have learned and how they have applied that knowledge, showing their intuition and ability. It allows them to express insights and opinions in a constructive manner. And if they’re penning blog posts with the thought in the back of their mind that entries may one day be seen by prospective employers, they’re bound to put in their best effort and create something that showcases their writing skills, reason, and creativity. Of course, blogging can also help students to increase their knowledge base and solidify their own positions, both learning and teaching as they go. And it can show their skill with layout and design, as well as their ability to engage in optimization if they decide to use SEO for ranking purposes.

Beneficial for networking

However, a blog can also serve other useful purposes. It can help students to become part of an online community, and it doing so, to network with industry peers. This can offer not only the ability to seek advice in order to improve an online operation, but potentially the opportunity for collaborations and even employment down the line.

The average student is unlikely to hire a professional firm like to help them brand their blog and gain popularity, but any college kid can benefit from creating a basic blog and using it to demonstrate their talents. This is just one great way to prove to prospective employers that they have more to offer than other applicants.

Preparing your kids for college this year


“You will ever remember that all the end of study is to make you a good man and a useful citizen.”
John Adams

college prepWhen the kids go off to college it can be a stressful time – both for them and their parents. Despite the inevitable emotional wrench, managing the transition by making sure that everyone is well-informed and all the necessary preparations have been completed will ensure a smooth-running process that results in a lifetime of memorable experiences.

Academic preparations

Kids who have a specific career goal in mind will need to make sure that they choose the right type of college for them as well as the right course. Find out in advance what the academic requirements are for their chosen course and ensure that they are able to meet these requirements. A vocational career might require them to attend a technical college rather than an academic college to ensure that they are heading in the right direction.

Getting the right result for the SAT is also essential. SAT prep courses are a good way to ensure that the candidate is ready and there are plenty of different test prep program options, so it should be easy to find the right one.

When making college applications it is important to have all the right information in place. This includes high school transcripts, the college admissions test scores, any letters of recommendation and AP exam scores.

Financial preparations

Finances can be a minefield for both parent and student. There are so many expenses to be taken into consideration that it can be difficult to know where to begin. Tuition fees, living expenses, books, food and money in the pocket soon begin to add up. For many parents it will be necessary to begin saving early on in the child’s life, long before college is even considered by the child. Most states offer savings plans for colleges that come with tax benefits and it is a good idea to look into the possibility of scholarships. It is possible to file online for the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Taxes will need to be prepared early to ensure that an application can be processed. These applications can be made any time between January 1st and June 30th.

Kids will need to learn how to manage their own finances while they are away at college. When they are still living at home it is a good idea for them to have a checking account and learn how to look at how they spend their money. Encouraging them to save during their teenage years will help them a great deal and teach them how important it is to look after their money.

Domestic preparations

Going off to college is not simply a question of packing a suitcase. These days, young people need all kinds of paraphernalia to see them through their time at college. Items such as a TV, DVD player, computer, microwave and even a refrigerator may all be needed. This is before daily essentials such as bedding and clothes are added into the equation. Working out a list in advance is a good idea as it means that nothing will be forgotten when the time comes to move to college.

5 relaxing activities for college students


college-activities-580x385When you send your kids off to college, you know they’re going to have some fun. And you can’t blame them. After all, they are working hard to earn a degree, so it only makes sense that they would play hard in their off-time. Plus, they’re away from your supervision for the first time, and the thrill of making their own decisions (and having no curfew or rules) can lead to a lot of late nights out with their friends. At some point, though, their hard partying might get the best of them, leaving them fatigued, ill, and unable to perform their duties as a student. In this case, you might want to suggest some activities that could not only be fun for them, but also more relaxing. Here are just a few relaxing activities for college students that will ensure they have a great time without compromising their education in the process.

  1. Learn an instrument. Most students are already learning a lot thanks to their heavy course load, but taking up an instrument is an entirely different beast. Playing music forces the mind to switch gears, which can lead to increased focus and calm. It can drive away the clamor produced by cramming one’s head full of new facts and help students to release some tension, forget their worries, and get back to a healthy mental state.
  2. Host a movie night. Having fun with friends doesn’t have to include running around all night or getting crazy. Sometimes a night in the common room with popcorn or pizza and a few good movies is just what the doctor ordered.
  3. Play a team sport. This might not sound like a particularly relaxing activity, but the truth is that exercise can help to relieve stress and boost endorphins, making students feel great. This can be even more effective when playing a sport like baseball or doubles tennis, which can be relaxing and still boost endorphins. Think about whether or not you want to buy a new baseball bat or glove and join a team or maybe catch a doubles game of tennis. It can also help to induce a good night’s sleep, which pretty much any college kid could use. In addition, it allows students to spend quality time with their friends away from the books and the parties. In short, sports could be the most positive and beneficial activity your kids partake of on campus (well, aside from attending classes, studying, and ultimately earning a degree).
  4. Create online scrapbooks. Family and friends back home want to stay apprised of what students are up to when they go away to college, but most kids don’t have a ton of extra time to call and Skype with everyone they know. However, smartphones and tablets make it easy for students to keep photo journals of their campus experience, and all they have to do is upload them to a social networking account like Instagram or Facebook in order to share. Of course, they can also have a little more fun with the process by using Pinterest to create pinboards for specific events like spring break, sporting events, and clubs they’ve joined, just for example.
  5. Picnic on the quad. Students spend so much time running back and forth across campus to get to class that they might never take the time to enjoy the beauty of their surroundings. So instead of spending their study time indoors, they could load up a picnic basket for lunch on the quad. Or if they really want to relax, they could leave the books for an hour or two and enjoy a long lunch (and maybe some frisbee) with friends.

Relaxing is just as important for college students as it is for adults. Relaxation relieves stress and allows your student an opportunity to recharge.

How to avoid impulse spending in college


spend money

One of the best things about being in college is that it’s a time to learn what it’s like to be on your own. College is when you learn the most about how to manage your time, to be focused on your schoolwork and also be smart about your money. However, the tricky thing about having all of that freedom is that you can easily be tempted into not making the most of all of those things, especially as it relates to spending your money wisely.

But, just because the lure to be an impulsive spender may present itself, that doesn’t mean that you have to fall for the trap. If you would like some proven and effective tips on how to avoid impulse spending in college, we have five for you right here:

  1. Make out a weekly budget. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is taking on the “I’ll just wing it” mentality when it comes to spending money. If you have a budget set aside for food, gas and entertainment, that will help you to make plans that will fit into what you can afford to do.
  2. Use coupons. There used to be a time when people associated clipping coupons with something that their grandparents did. But, thanks to television programs like Extreme Couponing and mobile apps that let you download them on your phone, using coupons has become common. Shopkick, SnipSnap and Yowza are all apps that can connect you to discounts at most of your favorite stores. If you’re still feeling a little “too mature” for using them, look at it this way: coupons can save you money and they are readily available using your smartphone.
  3. Don’t always use “shopping trips” as a way to spend time with your friends. In college, there is always someone who is going to the mall or a vintage store up the street. While it’s certainly acceptable to sometimes go along with your friends (even if it is just to window shop), the reality is that after 3-4 trips, you’re probably going to want to buy something whether you need it or not. So, when the invite is extended to you, know that it’s fine to sometimes say “That’s OK. Text me when y’all get back.”
  4. Avoid payday loans. All of us have times when we find ourselves in a bit of a financial bind. But, when you do, one of the last things that you should ever consider doing is applying for a payday loan. Sure, it might seem like “quick money” but the amount of interest that you’re charged is an easy way to get into a hole of debt that can be extremely hard to get out of.
  5. Use cash. Credit card companies are pretty aggressive about trying to get college students to sign up with them, but there are many sad stories about how credit card debt ruined a lot of people’s lives. There are a lot of financial experts who encourage individuals to live by the simple motto of “If you can’t pay for it with cash, then you don’t need it.” If you follow that rule in college, in time, your bank account and credit rating will be so glad that you did.

Be wise about your spending, frugal when it comes to saving, and a smart shopper when you can use a coupon.