All posts by Suzanne Shaffer

5 Ways for students to avoid college sickness


college sicknessWith tons of college students crammed into dorms and classrooms, it’s not surprising that ailments spread like wildfire on campus, especially when you add sleepless nights, high stress, poor diet, and a general lack of physical fitness to the equation. And yet, the college students in your family need not succumb to the illnesses that plague their peers on campus, even if they are so caught up in their studies that they make health their last priority.To avoid college sickness, here are just a few pieces of advice you can instill in your kids  before they leave home:

  1. Prioritize R&R. Burning the midnight oil and letting anxiety rise without respite are two great ways to ensure that your body forces you to take a time out by contracting an illness. While students might not think that they have the time in their busy schedule to get the rest and relaxation they need, it often boils down to a matter of planning and prioritization. Sure they could stay out late with their friends, or they could choose to go out for a little while and then come home and hit the hay for a full night of rest. Taking time to relax with some yoga or even a couple chapters of fun reading (not related to a class) is possible when studying is done in a timely manner instead of put off until the last minute.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Proper nutrition is essential to good health, but one of the best lines of defense against illness is a large daily dose of fluids to keep a body hydrated and flush out toxins. Water is generally best, so let students know that soda and coffee don’t really figure into the eight-glasses-a-day rule.
  3. Use hand sanitizer. In general, the best way to keep kids from spreading germs is to have them wash their hands frequently throughout the day. But college-age kids might not be keen to run to the restroom between every class. For this reason, mini bottles of hand sanitizer are a great option. They can fit in a backpack or purse and keep hands that touch food and faces from transmitting the germs their classmates inadvertently share.
  4. Get a flu shot. Your teens have no doubt had all of their immunizations by the time they head off to college, but flu shots must be received annually in order to protect students from this virus. Shots may not be fun, but if they keep your student from spending a week in bed with a fever, body aches, and all manner of other symptoms they’re well worth a momentary sting.
  5. Keep regular doctor visits. Good health is an ongoing process, and it requires the help of professionals not only when something is wrong, but for regular checkups and preventive care. Since your teens will probably remain on your insurance during their time in college, find them a doctor in their area that’s on your plan and remind them when they’re due for a physical. And for times when they’re unable to avoid illness, put the number of the doctor or your policy provider’s premier patient line on speed dial.


Stocking up on college wardrobe essentials


Your teens would happily waltz off to college wearing the torn jeans and stained tees that saw them through high school. But as a parent you know the power of first impressions, and you want your kids to set their best foot forward when they enter the ivory tower of learning. They have all semester to prove that they’re bright, insightful, and motivated to work hard, but if they show up to class in clothes that you wouldn’t even donate to charity they will be making a bad first impression. It’s important that you take the time to help them find wardrobe essentials that are comfortable but appropriate.

Here are just a few suggestions of college wardrobe essentials for your college bound teen.

college wardrobe essentials

Get rid of the worn, ratted clothing

The first thing you should do is get rid of the raggedy old jeans and tees that seem to have become the staple of every teen wardrobe. Even if all you can get your teens to agree to is a brand new and cleaned up version of these outfits it will be an improvement over the gnarly threads they currently sport. But if at all possible, you may want to push them to expand their style borders and adopt a few pieces that will help them to appear like they’re serious about their education. It’s not as though they have to wear a prim and proper uniform, but wardrobe selections are not only important with college staff, they make  either positive or negative impressions with other students.

Take some professional attire

In truth, it’s not a bad idea to have at least one suit handy for situations like internship or job interviews, and a few business-casual pieces couldn’t hurt either. Slacks can provide a nice change from jeans for guys or girls, as can buttoned shirts, which can be just as comfortable as other options while looking a lot more put-together. A jacket can add finish to any outfit. Remind your teens that there are ways to make these pieces portray their personality by dressing them up with accessories (scarves, jewelry, cool kicks, etc.). They can work to make a wardrobe appear more polished while still showing off the style that they rank as a top priority when it comes to creating great outfits.

Don’t forget to pack climate appropriate clothing

Another thing to consider when selecting an appropriate college wardrobe is the climate your students will live in. If they’re used to the temperate climate of sunny southern California, they may have a rude awakening when they head off to college in Michigan or New York. So it’s important to outfit them with all the cold-weather clothing they’ll need to survive their jogs across campus in below-zero temps. This could include long Johns, wool socks, and an arctic parka, as well as gloves, hats, and scarves. Rather than letting them pack bikinis and gowns for prom that they’ll never use, store their less useful clothing at home so they can come back for it later and send them to college with a wardrobe that truly suits the needs of their new environment.


How to make high school graduation special


If you have a high school senior, the offers of admission have finally started rolling in. March is almost over, April is just around the corner and before you know it you will be watching your college-bound teen walk across the stage at their high school graduation ceremony. Next step college–but first it’s time to celebrate and recognize their accomplishments.

Here are just a few suggestions to plan for the once-in-a-lifetime milestone and celebration. After all, you only graduate from high school once!

Brag (just a little)

This is the time when every parent can brag about their teenager. They have worked hard, applied to college, made the decision on which college to attend, and are on the road to independent adulthood. When they hear you bragging about them, they make act embarrassed on the outside, but they will smile on the inside that they have made you proud of them.

Plan a celebration

Make early preparations. Whether you have a family gathering, a party with their friends, or a small dinner with your immediate family, make it special. Take the time to pick out a unique present (perhaps some type of jewelry for your daughter, or a nice watch for you son). They will always treasure the gift and it will remind them of their accomplishment. Celebrating this time in their life with you creates a lasting memory and encourages them to continue pursuing goals.

Create your own congratulatory banner at
Create your own congratulatory banner at

Watch them beam with pride

Take out senior ads, order graduation banners from, and order graduation announcements to share with family and friends. Attend  banquets, recognition ceremonies and award presentations with them. When your teen sees how proud you are of their accomplishment they will move forward toward college with confidence and pride.


The hooking up culture


Hooking upIs dating gone? What about courtship? According to a recent NY Times article and most college students it’s a dinosaur. They have random “hook ups” with people they meet–which can include anything from making out to oral sex to intercourse. Parents need to know and understand this new culture in order to prepare their students for college. As I’ve said before, preparation is much more than academics.

According to the article in the Times hooking up is destroying today’s young adults:

Blame the much-documented rise of the “hookup culture” among young people, characterized by spontaneous, commitment-free (and often, alcohol-fueled) romantic flings. Many students today have never been on a traditional date, said Donna Freitas, who has taught religion and gender studies at Boston University and Hofstra and is the author of the forthcoming book, “The End of Sex: How Hookup Culture is Leaving a Generation Unhappy, Sexually Unfulfilled, and Confused About Intimacy.”

Parents MUST be aware of the current “hook up” culture and have some serious talks with their teens. Steer them away from one night stands, make out sessions, and sexting. Inform them of the changes that have occurred (if they don’t already know) in how people meet and get to know one another. Consider this story in The Atlantic:

This was a routine she repeated for months. Every weekend night, and on some weekday nights, she would drink so heavily that she could remember only patches of what happened the night before and then would have sex with the same fraternity brother. One night, she was talking with someone else at the frat when the brother interrupted her and led her upstairs to have sex. On another occasion, they had sex at the frat, but Nicole was too drunk to find her clothes afterward, so she started walking around the house naked, to the amusement of all of the other brothers. She was too drunk to care. Eventually, everything went dark. Next weekend, she returned to the frat.

When I asked Nicole if she was still hooking up with the same frat boy, she shook her head. She explained that the entire time she was having sex with him he never once spoke to her or acknowledged her outside of his fraternity’s basement. Not in the library, not in the dining hall, not at the bookstore.

I later told Nicole’s story to a close guy friend. “What a jerk, right?” My friend, also a frat brother, objected: “After the first time, it starts becoming the girl’s fault, too.” Nicole and the frat brother were just hooking up, after all—what didn’t I get?

Make your girls (and boys) understand that “hooking up” is NOT the road to a lasting relationship. Help them know how to stand up to peer pressure and encourage them to seek out relationships, even if it’s not the norm and it takes time.

This Friday night on 20/20, Denice Ann Evans, producer of the award-winning feature documentary: Spitting Game: The College Hook Up Culture, will talk about hooking up, the use of social media, texting and sexting on college campuses. It’s an interview you don’t want to miss. Record it if you have to but watch it with your teen. Education is much more than academics. Parenting your college-bound teen requires that you invest your time to understand the obstacles that your teen will face as they enter college.

Working part-time during high school


The Essential Guide to High Schooler's Prepping for College

As a parent, you’re not only responsible for helping your teen get into college but also for making sure they’re prepared for it. From money management to studying skills, college requires a diverse set of skill sets. Just getting good grades in high school won’t effectively train your student for the demands of university life.

Perhaps balancing after school activities, household chores and a job will:

Encourage Exploration

Teens who work during high school — at the city swimming pool, mayor’s office or local burger joint — will gain valuable insight about themselves, their working habits and career aspirations. Their career choice may change, but it’s what they learn that’ll prove useful in college. Part-time work can help a teen discover and develop his or her natural traits, such as leadership, communication or team player abilities. By the time they get to college, working teens will already be experienced and ready to make decisions about classes, majors and career choices.

Resume Building

Some teen job seekers aren’t sure what a resume is, don’t think they need a resume, or aren’t sure what to include.

Even though, a resume isn’t required for a lot of teen jobs, a resume can bolster the chances of getting hired. Plus, the teen will have more information to put on the resume than one might think. Even if, it isn’t formal work experience, it doesn’t matter — include other types of work like house sitting or volunteering experiences.

Apply for jobs by making a list with your teen:

  • Name, address and contact info
  • School, work, volunteering history
  • Skills and experience
  • Accomplishments such as awards, sports, honor roll, etc

Develops Independence

A teen who’s expected to balance homework, after school activities, a social life, and work will have to learn time management and responsibility. If handled properly, this can provide teens with a great opportunity to mature and find their independence. As parents, we often try to micro-manage our kids’ lives as a way to lead them down the right path. Do that, but when they hit a certain age, you need to cut the cord. Let them make some of their own life decisions, even if it means guaranteed bumps in the figurative road of the future. They’ll learn from those mistakes and be grateful you let them.

They Learn to Communicate

If you have a sometimes strained relationship with your 15-year-old — and who doesn’t — it can make you wonder how one would handle a working relationship with co-workers or a boss. Conversing regularly with people who aren’t their friends or family members provides a good experience for teens. They learn to communicate with people who don’t already like or know them. It can be rough, but it’s essential. Fast forward five years and that teen will be in college and need those skills when participating in group projects.

Building Confidence

Being aware of ones natural talents is one thing, but having confidence in ones ability to try is another. Teens need experience in learning from mistakes. Working part time will undoubtedly present opportunities for this. If handled properly, teens will learn how to apply criticism and improve — which will help them build confidence as they see reputation isn’t built on skill alone but also on their ability to try, and try again. College life and all that it includes can sometimes be rough. Your student will need a degree of confidence to succeed — help them build it.

Saving for college

Working part-time during high school will also give your teen the opportunity to save money for college. This money can be used for purchasing books, travel expenses, living expenses and even tuition, translating into less money to borrow while they are in school.

5 First aid tips for college students

campus health services


Though all college students are covered by insurance for the duration of their studies, there are minor injuries that can be treated without having to walk into an emergency room.  There are a few first aid tips for college students and preventative safety measures that will allow you to keep certain injuries from keeping you down when you should be hitting the books.


If a serious burn takes place, from boiling oil or a fiery object, it is necessary to get to the hospital immediately.  There are very few cases of serious burns, however, and the occasional singing can be taken care of with only a few preventative measures.  A cooling ointment will help take care of first-degree burns that come from accidentally touching a radiator or getting a nasty sunburn after a long football game.  For a more serious burn, you should cover the area with sterile gauze.  Do not use cotton balls, since they can get small bits of fabric into the wounded skin.

Relieve Pain

Headaches, tension, stress, migraines, and the occasional boo-boo are all commonplace in the college environment.  A simple over-the-counter pain relief medication can be a godsend after a particularly intense lecture, a major exam, or a lengthy cramming session.  An aspirin is good for physical pain or soreness from activities like intramural sports or gym exercise, while ibuprofen like Advil is better for headaches or tension brought about by stress.  Remember to be careful not to take more than the recommended dosage of pain relievers.

Keep Sickness at Bay

A cold-weather college can breed the flu like an incubator.  Avoid colds and flu by bundling up against inclement weather, but also stash away flu medication for what is likely an inevitable contest with sickness.  Vitamin C tablets and lozenges work well to not only boost your immune system but to clear up a sore throat.  Cough syrup works well, but too much can leave a student woozy and drowsy.  Keep a thermometer on hand in order to monitor your temperature, and do not be afraid to see a doctor if your temperature exceeds one hundred degrees.

Cuts and Bruises

Whether you are a particularly clumsy student or whether you just have bad luck handling things, there are sure to be a multitude of cuts and scrapes in the duration of your studies.  Keeping sterile bandages on hand will help against paper cuts, cracked skin, or any sports injuries that cause blood to flow.  Keep a set of pressure-sensitive pads on hand so that you can protect your feet against blisters if you have to hike all the way across campus in order to get to your next class.  If necessary, a full knee brace can be helpful if you have to lift heavy objects or participate in a soccer game that puts much more demand on your limbs.  Remember that any kit should have basic items like tweezers and scissors in order to create a field bandage or operation in a hurry.


The biggest harm that will likely come to a college student will come from another college student in their near vicinity.  Living in a dorm room hall with dozens or even hundreds of other students will create a breeding ground for infections and germs.  Keeping these nasty little invisible menaces at bay is the best means of keeping yourself healthy.  Having an antibiotic ointment like Neosporin for cuts allows you to prevent infection, while a rubbing alcohol application on surfaces like desks and computer keyboards will prevent the spread of germs from person to person.


Author Bio

Sarah Daren is a writer who creates informative article related to the field of health. In this article, she offers first aid tips to college students to help against sickness and burns and aims to encourage further study with an  online fire science degree.

Preparing for college studies

preparing for college


There comes a time when parents have to send their children off to the world of university or college, and hope that the child acts appropriately and completes the studies in a mature manner. Though independent, there are certain lessons that parents should strive to teach the child before they leave home to enter their first year of college studies.

The following are four ideas and lessons parents should teach their child to ensure they are preparing for college studies:

Teaching Healthy Study Habits

Encouraging a healthy study habit is important, but first the student must learn the study habits that are going to help them to excel in their classes. Teaching methods to remember and recall information, habits to study alone and as part of a group, and habits that can help the student to embed the information to their memory are essential for students transitioning to a university setting.

Parents should emphasize the fact that cramming, or waiting until the last minute to study large amounts of material, isn’t an effective way to absorb the information. Proper organization and planning is required for successful studying. Encouraging healthy eating and sleeping habits as part of the lifestyle can help students to get in the right state of mind for studying.

There are classes parents can register the student for that teach basic studying techniques, as well as identifying the type of learning that works best for your child. Using these classes, parents and students can find studying techniques that work.

Teaching the Student to Ask for Assistance

There are many sources of assistance available throughout the post secondary education. Students can find help through study sessions taught to enhance the information that has been learned in the lecture hall, group sessions between peers that can be used to understand ideas, and tutoring services that are available through the university or college, free of charge.

It’s important to teach the student that it’s okay to ask for help, and learn about the options that are available for the student to find the help needed. Asking for help at the beginning of the confusion of concepts, rather than waiting until the concept has been built upon, can help the student to understand the lessons being taught.

Teach Short and Long Term Goal Setting

Parents should teach students the importance of setting goals and the differences between short and long-term goals. Creating goals that are semester wide and education wide both as short and long term can help the student to reach their goals.

It’s important to teach the student to set goals that are achievable and realistic to be reached within the time frame. Always include a time frame that includes completion of the goal. A goal without a timeline is not a goal at all. Teach the student that it’s okay to reward themselves once the goal has been reached, but rewards should be practical and match the type of goal that has been completed.

Teach Accountability

Unlike high school, where students have teachers and parents that ensure the work is being completed, students are held accountable to themselves in post secondary school. If work is incomplete and tests aren’t attended, zero marks are given to the student.

It’s important for the student to realize that they are held accountable to themselves and that they are solely responsible to study and get the course work completed. This is one of the most important things to teach the student before they head off to college (especially for students that are leaving home and going to school). Students must be aware of the privilege and cost that comes with post secondary school and ensure that the lessons are being absorbed, to avoid a squandered education.

The combination of these four lessons can help to increase the chances that the student is going to be successful in their first and subsequent years of post secondary studies.


Author Bio

Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles relating to education. In this article, he offers tips for students to prepare for college and aims to encourage further study with a Master in Higher Education.

Why engineering degrees are still worth the resources

engineering degrees


There is a great deal of cynicism about the value of a collegiate degree these days, as unemployment soars and many people, even those with higher-level education, find themselves unable to find meaningful work.  While an English or Theater degree may be less valuable than the student would have hoped for, the good news is that an engineering degree can be worth every penny put into a person’s education.  The number of engineers in today’s society are far lower than the current demand for their services, making it not only easy for job placement, but also for picking and choosing where you would like to work.

The Money Talks

The National Association of Colleges and Employers suggests that there are few degrees that are more valuable to a student than engineering itself.  Four out of the five highest paid majors go to engineers, with petroleum engineering topping the scales at an average paycheck of one hundred thousand dollars for an entry-level position!

While a degree in computer engineering does not pay six figures, it is still possible to earn over fifty thousand dollars per year upon graduation.  What’s more, this value is sure to increase over the course of an entire career.  For a person who works for forty years, an engineering degree will provide half a million dollars more in salary than a person with just a high school education.

The Reason For the Pay

Why are engineering degrees and educational paths so much more valuable than other professions?  The answer is simple; it is a case of supply and demand.  Fewer and fewer students are going into engineering in all forms, with only five percent of all graduates holding these golden degrees.

In the United States, this imbalance is especially profound.  Other industrialized nations like Germany and Japan suffer from far more competition, with as many as one third of all students graduating with engineering degrees, but in the United States this particular career path is much more rarely taken. Engineering jobs are continually becoming available worldwide, such as the number of jobs that went into engineering at the Olympics every four years.

How Much Should You Pay For a Degree?

If you go to a major, well-respected technological university, you could realistically expect to pay about two hundred thousand dollars for a five-year engineering degree.  This kind of debt can keep a person in tuition bills for much of their life, even if their highly regarded degree gives them favorable job placement for a firm.  For a state school, however, you may pay only about ten thousand dollars per year for tuition (that figure is about double for out-of-state tuition).  This figure, however, does not include books, housing, fees, or other sums like parking.

How to Pay For the Education

Student loans have now eclipsed credit card debt as the number one source of owed money in the United States.  For those who want to pursue a degree in engineering, it may be necessary to take on significant debt in order to pursue a high-profile career.  For those who want to start a career, move to a new city, or purchase a house, it may be extremely difficult if they have several figures worth of student loan debt.

It is far better to get a type of aid for your education and reduce the payments as much as you are able to over the course of your schooling.  Since nearly all engineering degrees require five years of study, the financial commitment is even greater.  The good news is that the final year is usually spent in a co-op program where the student will earn money, so that it is not always necessary to take out loans for the final year of schooling.


Author Bio

William Stevens is a blogger who creates informative articles relating to engineering. In this article, he explains the financial situation around a degree in this field and aims to encourage continued study with a  master of engineering in civil engineering.

How universities are making emergency situations stress free for families

emergency response


Today it is perfectly normal for a parent to worry for the safety of their child in the classroom.  Tragically, it appears there is no safe place for a child, even in the grade school classroom.  It is natural for parents to be particularly concerned about the well being of their child once they send them off to receive a college education.  Universities are taking measures to deal with this, and are consciously forming plans for properly dealing with emergency situations.

Emergency Response Guides

Most universities provide their students with an emergency response guide.  This guide provides the student with emergency contact lists.  It also lays out the chain of command that is in place at the school to deal with emergencies.  It will make clear where information can be found during the event of an emergency.  It will give general outlines for how different types of emergencies will be dealt with.  For example, emergencies that are discussed may include the injury of a student, or a fire, chemical spill, disruptive riots or protests, natural disasters, or utility outages.

It is important for parents to familiarize themselves with the emergency response guides that are in place at the university their child will be attending.  This will ensure that there is a sound system in place in case of emergencies, and will also provide you with the information you will need in the event of an emergency.  Familiarizing yourself with the emergency response guides is a way to eliminate the anxiety and stress that can be caused by a fear of the worst possible situation.


Almost all universities follow three basic steps when dealing with an emergency.  These steps are preparedness, response, and recovery.  Universities have a formula in place that they will follow in the event of an emergency.  During the response, the disaster will be dealt with.  For example people will be rescued and the emergency will be put to an end, or endured until it naturally ends.  The response involves communicating with parents, the press and the general public.  Once the physical safety of the students is ensured, communication takes place.

This communication is particularly important to parents.  There is probably nothing more frightening than imagining knowing that your child is in the midst of an emergency but not begin able to communicate with them to find out how they are being affected.  Most universities will provide students and parents of students with telephone numbers that can be called in order to receive up to date information during the event of an emergency.  They will also provide parents with a web address that can be accessed online in order to find information.  Parents can also refer to Facebook and on campus text messaging systems to find information.

The Recovery step of dealing with an emergency on campus takes place after the emergency, and involves getting the daily functions of the university up and running again.


Although there is the chance of manmade emergencies, a major source of most emergencies that can strike during your child’s higher education is nature.  Some larger universities have received what is called a StormReady designation from the National Weather Service.  This means that weather is monitored on campus and that a hazardous weather plan is in place.

The weather is monitored 24 hours a day and the university is prepared to contact the students, parents and the public in advance of a major storm.  Parents that are looking to rest easy in regards to their child’s safety may prefer to send them to a university with the StormReady designation.

There is much that cannot be controlled during an emergency, but many universities are taking the steps they can to reassure families that they are prepared to deal with disasters in an efficient manner. These measures are being advanced and perfected through such studies as an Online Safety Degree.