All posts by Suzanne Shaffer

Colleges and Social Media

I just read a great post by a parent who is going through the college admissions process talking about College Admissions Secrets. Take a few minutes to read it because it addresses an important issue with parents: What can I do to assure my student will get accepted to college? Is there a secret?

One admissions officer was asked this question and responded using social media (Twitter). Do you think this was from one of those “helicopter” parents?

I would bet that some admissions representatives regret the day that parents found them on Twitter and Facebook. Now they can ask the questions they have been dying to ask, even at the dismay of some of the college representatives.

For colleges and students, social media can be a two-edged sword in many respects. It gives colleges the opportunity to connect with a larger applicant pool and share their message to a vast number of prospective students. But it also allows the parents of those applicants to interact and insert their questions into the process. Social media allows students to connect directly one-on-one with college representatives and current students. But it also means that students need to be more vigilant about their online persona because the colleges are watching.

If you would like to see how two colleges are using social media to reach students, follow the links below:

Hofstra University

Cornell College

If your student is applying to one of these colleges or any other colleges with a social media presence, let them make the connections themselves. Don’t be one of those parents who make admissions officers run for cover. Encourage your student to search for each college’s social media page and pursue those connections on their own. Let them, as one admissions representative once told me, “drive the car”.

5 Tips to help your student prepare for college

As a parent, it’s always a wonderful thing to see your child growing up. The years can pass by so swiftly that before you realize it, it’s already time for him or her to prepare for the college admission tests.

But the bigger question is—are you prepared to shoulder the expenses that a college diploma entails? If you already have a plan and a separate fund ready for action, then there’s nothing for you to worry about. However, if you’re the kind of parent who has put off college planning until the last minute, you have to decide on a plan as quickly as possible so you can discuss it with your child.

College is a major decision that you and your child will have to tackle seriously. It entails great financial resources, the tenacity to stay on despite the rigorous academic requirements and emotional support from one another.

It is never bad to aim for high goals, but make sure that you and your child have realistic expectations given the scarcity of financial aid programs and the difficulties of being admitted to the top educational institutions in the country. He can’t study at an expensive school if you can’t afford it and scholarships don’t always fill in the gaps. You can’t force him to take a particular course if he doesn’t have even an ounce of interest in the subject matter.

Deciding about what to do for college is something that you and your child should mutually make. Here is some food for thought as you sit down and talk about college with your child:

  1. Consider your child’s career: the course that your child wants to take will be the single biggest factor in determining where he will go for college, how much you will have to spend for it and how he will prepare for the admission exams. There are courses that will allow him to graduate and get a job in three years’ time, but there are also other career paths that can take as long as a decade to finish. Be sure that you both understand the complexities and difficulties of getting into the school and applying for financial aid, provided you are qualified for it.
  2. Talk about your financial resources. Your child has to know if he will need to look for work to earn extra cash to augment your financial contribution even before he is packed off to the dormitory. Learning financial independence is certainly a good thing, but not at the expense of his academic standing. Some students need time to adjust to their new environment before they can take additional responsibilities like a job, so don’t expect your child to be able to work and study at the same time immediately. Be realistic about what you can and cannot do for your child in terms of financial support so that he can also make plans and contributions on his own.
  3. Help your child to prepare for the admission exams. Be generous with your words of encouragement and advice as your child reviews for the college entrance tests. Nothing prepares your child better for college than a solid educational foundation. Help him brush up on the most critical subjects that will impact his chances of getting into his college of choice the most, such as English, Math, Science, History and Computer Science. Let him know that you are with him every step of the way.
  4. Do your homework. If your child already knows what course he wants to take, it’s up to you now to help him choose the best college or university. This will help you prepare not just for the admission exams but also for the actual costs that you will incur once he is accepted for enrolment. Your expenses will vary from institution to institution, so you should be careful to note the differences and the options that are available to you. After all, you will have to pay not just tuition fees but also dormitory fees, living allowance, medical costs, etc. Learning about the different colleges and universities that offer the best programs for your child can help you plan ahead and structure your finances accordingly.
  5. Check out financial aid options. Knowing about the various colleges that your child can attend will help you gather important information about financial aid and scholarship requirements that can help ease the burden of sending your child to college. There are different types of programs that can look into, such as work-study plans, merit-based financial aid, need-based financial aid and federal financial assistance. Go over each option with your child and solicit his ideas on the matter so you can both come up with a mutually sound decision.


When not out building relationships with other bloggers, Krisca Te can be found reading blogs that tackle how to save money. She is also a personal finance freak who is currently working with CCF, a personal finance blog that writes about financial literacy.

Do you need $10,000 for college?

Do you have a creative student? Writer, photographer, graphic artist, filmmaker, print designer, architect? Here’s their chance to enter a contest that could net them $10,000 for college. All they have to do is enter–how simple is that!


Adobe is looking for examples of unique self-expression, individualism and creativity using their Adobe Creative Suite 5.5. Your student can download a FREE trial and create anything using the Suite and upload it to their Imagination Gallery.

Entries are being accepted NOW!

Adobe will be awarding a $10,000 prize from the finalists of four entry periods. Entry Period 4 has already begun and it’s not too late to submit an entry. You don’t have to enter the contest to win the daily prize. Then, once the finalists are chosen, you will get a chance to have people vote on your submission. Tap your Facebook friends, your Twitter followers, your Google+ circles, your family and friends.

The deadline to enter this final period is October 15th.

While you’re there, vote for the current finalists and give someone a chance to win!

While you’re at it, check out the REAL OR FAKE app that gives you a chance to decide whether or not the photo is “real or fake”. It’s pretty darn cool!

Imagine snagging a $10,000 prize for college…just by your student expressing their creativity using Adobe Creative Suite 5.5. 

Using Facebook to “spy” on your kids

How about it parents? Do you use Facebook to “spy” on your kids? Or do you like to think of it as “helping them protect their personal brand”? Whatever the reason, you’re not in the minority. Check out this cool infographic and see where you fit in; and DON’T share this with your teen!

Parents on Facebook
Courtesy of:

Preparing your teenager for college

Today’s guest post is written by Carol Jones, author of Toward College Success: Is Your Teenager Ready, Willing, and Able? Carol approaches the college preparation process from more than an academic viewpoint. She recognizes that students need to be taught to be independent adults before heading off to college.


By now, most parents and their students are settled back into the routine of school. Back-to-school night is over and students have their schedules down. Now that the chaos has smoothed a bit, consider this: Nearly 27 percent of college freshmen flunk out, drop out, or disappear mysteriously from their university and college campuses. When your son or daughter waves goodbye from the dorm parking lot, what’s the chance that he or she is going to add to that statistic?

Whether you have a high school senior, a freshman, or even a middle schooler, parents who expect their child to go on to higher education need to prepare those students while they are still living at home. If parents really want their students to successfully maneuver all the temptations of parties, late nights, and skipping classes while culling a college education, a degree, and the beginning of a promising career, they need to start preparing their teenagers long before the end of high school.

And I am not talking just about academics. Academics is, of course, an crucial part, but if your teenager cannot wake himself up in the morning, cannot handle conflict, cannot manage her time and priorities, cannot self-advocate, cannot manage his money, does not know when she needs help or how to get it, then despite a stellar grade point average, that teenager will be leaving home with a deficit.

In my book, Toward College Success: Is Your Teenager, Ready, Willing, and Able?, I show parents that developing the skills for a successful college experience needs to begin long before you wave goodbye at the dorm parking lot. Most of the skills I am talking about are covered in basic parenting, but many of us in an attempt to instruct, guide, and model, end up interfering and rescuing—which, of course, only teaches them that mom and dad will take care of everything.

Teenagers need graduated responsibilities with real consequences. Many will stumble, but when they do make progress, they should be rewarded with more responsibility. For example: extend curfew hours, allow more driving privileges, let them take on a part-time job, even let older teens attend events without adult supervision. Praise them when they show responsible behavior and be ready to go back a step when they don’t.

Let your teenager make his own appointments to talk with a teacher or to make the orthodontist appointment. Guide him to figure out his time and calendar and commitments—you will not be there to do it for him in college. College is a time of much change, more freedom, and new and challenging situations. Students who come already capable of figuring out how to solve a conflict with a roommate, how to safely handle themselves at a party, how to determine just how much time they need to study for that mid-term, are the students more likely to succeed in their academics. Look for the opportunities to give your middle and high school students a chance to mature, to be responsible, to learn from failures and consequences, and to accept challenges. By doing so, you are guiding them toward college success.


To learn more about Toward College Success: Is Your Teenager Ready, Willing, and Able?, go to to read excerpts, buy the book, follow Carol on Facebook, or to read her blog.

Interview with Power Women Magazine

Last week I did a radio interview with Power Women Magazine about the college prep process and my Parents Countdown to College Toolkit. In it, I discussed the steps necessary to prepare for the admissions process, how to stay organized, and the 10 mistakes parents and students often make when applying to college.

Click the link below and you can listen to the interview.



Power Women Magazine Radio Interview

5 Questions to Ask on a College Visit

college visitFew things in life are as difficult, nerve-wracking and simply mind-blowing as helping your son or daughter navigate through the wide sea of college selection. There are so many things to consider! Admissions: Will my son or daughter get into a good school? Cost: Can I afford the tuition? Schools: Which college or university will be right for our family?

Something that many families fail to realize is that not only do the schools need to decide if the student is a right fit for the institution (based on application, test scores, etc.), but the student needs to determine if the school is right for him / her.

Websites, such as offer plenty of good information that will help in the college selection process. You can see which schools are right for your child based on admissions requirements, areas of study and even location. College websites also offer a wealth of knowledge that will generally answer many commonly asked questions, such as cost, academic offering, test requirements for admissions and financial aid options. Many college and university websites also offer virtual tours where you can see the campus, the classrooms and common areas; some may offer a glimpse into what dorm life looks like.

Once you’ve narrowed your search based on the information available online and you have a list of schools that will be a good fit on paper, then it’s time to plan your college visit. Pictures will show what the campus looks like, but only with a visit will you know how it feels.

Most colleges and universities will offer an information session for prospective students and their parents, very often followed by a tour.

During the information session, many of the same details that you read on the school’s website will be discussed, but don’t forget that these sessions are an opportunity to dive deeper. Usually, it will be an admissions director leading the session, discussing things like program offerings, campus life and the admissions process. They may even discuss financial aid or have a representative from the school’s financial office there to answer questions.

The campus tour is where you’ll get a lot of great information not usually available online. Most campus tours are lead by current students who are well versed in everything the school has to offer. They’ll show you the highlights of the school’s campus, as well as give you an idea about academic routines and social life.

During the information session and tour, there are some key questions you should encourage your student to ask, questions like:

  1. What key factors do you consider when making your acceptance decisions? Some schools cut off applications solely based on test scores; others equally weigh everything, such as test scores, transcripts, essay and interview. Knowing this will help you better prepare for the actual application process and better establish your expectations. You can easily get the data related to this question online, but knowing the key factors that colleges consider will be a plus.
  2. What are some of the academic offerings outside of the classroom? Your son or daughter may know what field of study he or she wants to pursue, but even if they don’t, it’s good to know what the school can do for him / her beyond the lecture hall. Are there research opportunities or study-abroad programs? These things make for excellent educational opportunities and can help a student build up his / her resume.
  3. Is financial aid need-based or merit-based? This may not be an important question for everyone, but some schools offer only need-based financial aid, whereas others may offer both need- and merit-based financial aid. Merit-based financial aid may change as your student’s grades fluctuate throughout their college career, and it’s important for both you and your child to know how academics may affect his or her tuition.
  4. What is campus life really like? Do students stay on campus over the weekends? Is there easy transportation to the nearest town or urban center? Are there clubs and sports available based on your son’s / daughter’s interests? Is there Greek life on campus? Is it necessary or even possible to have a car on campus? The college experience is more than just lectures and studying. The social aspect is just as important and enriching to your child’s education, so it’s wise to find out as much as you can about it.
  5. Are academic advisers and faculty easily accessible and supportive? Your child won’t have you around to answer all of their questions and help them along the way, and being independent from parents in an important step in the process of maturing. But support is still needed. You’ll want the confidence of knowing that there’s a system in place to aid your child, helping them select courses, guiding them through their program of study and working with them to resolve any issues that may arise during their time at a school. Some colleges have a more hands-on approach, while others are a little less involved. Knowing your child and his / her needs will help you to determine the type of support he / she need to make it through school, and may be a big factor is the school selection process.


Today’s guest post was written by Sarah Fudin. Sarah currently works in community relations for the University of Southern California’s Master of Arts in Teaching program, which provides aspiring teachers the opportunity to earn a Masters degree in Teaching and Masters in TESOL. Outside of work Sarah enjoys running, reading and Pinkberry frozen yogurt.

FREE Webinar–Beating College-Bound Stress

It’s not often that parents can find information about how to deal with the stress that surrounds the college admissions process, let alone find it for FREE. Kay Kimball Gruder, a Certified Parent Coach by the Parent Coaching Institute, and Wendy David-Gaines, author of “Parents of College Students-Survival Stories” are joining together to provide parents with some tips on how to de-stress during the college process, especially during your college-bound teen’s senior year of high school.

Date: Tonight September 26, 2011

Time: 9PM ET

Location: Online–Register by clicking here

Cost: FREE

If you are the parent of a college-bound student, particularly in the senior year of high school, chances are you are feeling STRESSED. This webinar is designed to reduce college-bound stress by sharing common communication patterns that exist and traps to avoid. Participants will gain STRATEGIES for better communication concerning:

  • Issues of money
  • Expectations for your student’s senior year in high school
  • Partnering in the college process

Student Cheating: An Epidemic?

The Washington Post published a blog article a few days ago, “The Cause of Standardized Test Cheating and How to Stop It” citing these disturbing statistics:

FairTest has documented confirmed cheating cases in 30 states and the District of Columbia in just the past three academic years. Hardly a week, or a day, goes by without a reminder that the mounting evidence of cheating in cities and states across the nation shows no signs of abating. Sadly, neither does the damage caused by the standardized testing mania that underlies the cheating scandal, as explained in a new FairTest fact sheet.

As parents, we need to look at the underlying cause BEHIND the cheating. Is there too much pressure to test well? Are students not taught throughout their lives that cheating is wrong? Has the invention of technology made it easier to cheat?

Here’s an infographic that outlines cheating and it just doesn’t happen in high school and college. Sobering–to say the least

Created by Online Masters Degrees


3 Steps to prepare for a college theatre audition

College Theatre and Musical Theatre Programs are amongst the most competitive programs to gain acceptance to within a College or University. With thousands of applicants vying for a spot, it is important to present your best and most marketable self to make an impression. In order for you to be ready for these auditions, it requires you to put in an adequate amount of time, energy and passion into your preparation.

Sound stressful? Don’t let it be! If you are truly passionate about getting an education that will begin your professional career in the arts, then allow the process and preparation to be fun and exciting.

Step 1

First things first: Where do you want to pursue this dream education? Just as important as choosing the right monologue or song for the audition, is choosing the right program to match your needs as a performer.

Before you begin looking at different programs within Colleges and Universities, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What will my main focus be? Straight Theatre or Musical Theatre?
  • Will I do better within a conservatory or university program?
  • What do I hope to accomplish after graduating college?
  • Do I have other interests that I want to pursue alongside Theatre?

Once you are able to come up with these answers, your search will be much easier. Take a look at the differences between Conservatory programs and University programs. Inquire as to what recent graduates of the program are up to after graduation. Decide whether a BFA or BA program suits your needs and your other possible interests besides theatre.

Step 2

Okay, you’ve found a couple dream schools and programs…now what?

Time to focus! You are now ready to begin visiting these schools, setting up interviews, and most importantly, setting up a date for an audition. An easy way to set up a schedule for yourself and your parents is to make a “College Calendar Checklist” spreadsheet. Post this on your fridge or any other important area to make sure all of your requirements are being met. Use the following categories for each college when creating the list:


Step 3

Alright, so now all of your schools are chosen, your dates are set, and you’ve started your applications. Now the real fun begins! It’s time to choose your audition material.

This is definitely the most daunting task of the College Audition Process. What type of Monologues are “they” looking for? What type of song suits my personality? If you are amongst the many who are confused as to what pieces are right for you, don’t worry.

First, make sure to check out the website of the programs in which you are auditioning so you know what their requirements are.

It is important for you to do your own research and really take an initiative on finding your material. Check out Pulitzer Prize winning plays, look at Musicals that won Tony awards. While some of the material from these works may be “overdone” pieces, they are good places to start. Hiring an audition coach is always a good idea to oversee the process with you. They are able to help you properly prepare and choose powerful pieces while not over-rehearsing your choices.

For inspiration on your college hunt, my favorite quote is:

 “If you’re not afraid, if you take everything you are, everything worthwhile in you and direct it at one goal, one ultimate mark, you’ve got to get there”. – James Dean


Today’s guest post was written by Chelsea Cipolla, a professional Actress and Audition Coach. For College Coaching Services check out: or send an email to