All posts by Suzanne Shaffer

Tweet your way to College!

All that practice of stuffing a coherent message using 140 characters or less finally paid off—at $142 per character to be exact.

Louisville-based KFC announced a few weeks ago that it was offering a scholarship for the person who could state why they were deserving of the Colonel’s Scholars scholarship in just a single tweet—this includes explaining how the applicant plans to enrich their communities and how they exemplify Colonel Sanders’ commitment to education.

Kentucky Fried Chicken Foundation oversees the KFC Colonel’s Scholars program. While the foundation awards more than 75 college scholarships each year, this scholarship is the first to be awarded based on a single tweet.

In order to be considered all applicants had to follow KFC on Twitter (@KFC_Colonel) and then submit their tweet using the hashtag #KFCScholar.

All tweets were judged on creativity and quality. Only one entry per twitter account was accepted.

Some real example tweets from contestants included the following:

#KFCscholar. College is expensive. W/o help, I can’t afford more chicken! I want to make it big, rockin’ my dreams @ U of Kentucky! Help me! ”

“My mind is constantly creating things my body and knowledge aren’t capable of. I want to have the power to create and discover. #kfcscholar

“Im just 1 in a Million, bt can i be that 1 chicken leg in that bucket, plz #KFCScholar, Student loans r gona eat me, LiKE i eat ur chicken”

#KFCScholar. We’re molded throughout elementary and secondary schooling. College is where we learn to become exceptional & educated citizens”

On December 1st, KFC announced the winner! A California high school senior turned a single tweet into a college scholarship.

The Twitter entry from 17-year-old Amanda Russell was selected from more than 2,800 tweets that competed for the scholarship offered by a foundation for the Louisville-based KFC restaurant chain.

Russell reached the 140 character limit for the contest, so she’ll get $142 per character to pursue her college dreams.

The winning tweet refers to the chain’s late founder Colonel Harland Sanders and says:

Hey Colonel! Your scholarship’s the secret ingredient missing from my recipe for success! Got the grades, drive, just need cash!”

Russell has compiled a 3.9 grade point average at her Long Beach high school. She says she plans to major in biology and pursue a career as a doctor or medical researcher.

Look for these scholarship gems and you too could net some cold, hard college cash!


This guest post is contributed by Kate Willson, who writes on the topics of best online colleges.  She welcomes your comments at her email:

The Key to Financial Aid Success: Preparation!

In just under a month, it will be time to file your Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2011-12 school year. The FAFSA is the key to accessing your Federal Student Aid – including grants, work-study and Federal loans – and other valuable financial assistance. Whether or not you think your family will qualify, you should always apply for aid; you might be surprised at the results!

To help you make sure that you do everything necessary to get your college aid, below is a list of tips for preparing the FAFSA for submission. These are just the basics – there’s a much more detailed checklist at the bottom of this post.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reply in the comments and we will do our best to help you out!

Where to File

Starting January 1, 2011, the 2011-2012 FAFSA can filed online or downloaded at Some high schools may also have printed FAFSA forms available.

1. Determine Who Will File: You or Your Student?

The FAFSA is filed in the name of the student – the one who will be receiving the financial aid. You may submit the FAFSA on behalf of your student.

Regardless of who does the actual filing of the FAFSA, the student’s signature is always required, and if the student is considered a dependent, at least one parent must also sign.

2. Determine Dependency Status Ahead of Time

Every student who applies for financial aid with the FAFSA will either be considered a dependent or an independent student. There is a special worksheet created to determine dependency status.

To access the worksheet on the FAFSA website, click here.

NOTE: The current version is for the 2010-11 school year, but there are not likely to be major changes for 2011-12.

3. File Your Tax Returns Early

In order to complete the FAFSA fully, parents of dependent students and students who worked during the past year need to have their 2010 tax return information ready.

4. Gather Documents Before Starting

Filing the FAFSA will be much easier if you have everything together before starting. For the 2011-2012 school year, you’ll need the following documents:

  • Social security and driver’s license numbers
  • Student’s 2010 W-2s and tax returns
  • Parent’s 2010 W-2s and tax returns (if student is Dependent)
  • Bank statements
  • Business financial statements (if student or parents own a business)
  • Citizenship records – alien registration or permanent resident card (if you are not a U.S. Citizen)

5. Use the FAFSA on the Web Worksheet

The FAFSA on the Web Worksheet is a convenient way to organize all of the required information you’ll need to fill out the FAFSA. To access a PDF version of this worksheet, click here. (Note that the 2011-2012 worksheet isn’t available yet)

6. Apply for FAFSA PIN Now

In order to file your FAFSA form electronically online, you will need to sign it. This can be done electronically with a PIN, or you can print, sign, and mail in the signature page which will be provided to you when you complete the FAFSA. Both students and parents need to sign the FAFSA.

See the Department of Education’s FAFSA PIN website for more information.


If you start preparing now, filling out your FAFSA on January 1st will be a breeze! If you have any questions or need additional guidance, feel free to reply in the comments below. We look forward to helping you!


This guest post is contributed by Jeff Sheely, who blogs about financial aid and education financing at Overture Student Loan Marketplace, where students and parents can get information or compare private student loans to make more informed decisions about how to pay for college.

He’s happy to answer your questions in the comments, or you can connect with him on Twitter or Facebook.

Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship

When I come across a scholarship that doesn’t require an essay, I like to pass it along to my parent readers (who hopefully will pass it along to their college-bound teens!). If you have a teen (14 or older) interested in graphic arts, art, or even photography, this $10,000 scholarship could be a big help toward the cost of college.

Here are the rules:

  • Submit original artwork, computer graphic or photo for the front of a greeting card.
  • Submissions accepted from March 17, 2010-January 15, 2011
  • Monthly winners will receive a $75 Amazon gift card
  • Must be 14 years or older and enrolled in high school or college

Check out the past winners and applicants for a good idea of how the contest is judged.

Here’s the official Scholarship page link:

The 4th Annual Create-A-Greeting Card Scholarship

My Top 10 Posts–Helping Parents Parent


After reading Chris’ guest blog post on Character (The #1 Key to Success in College), I felt it might be prudent to bring back my “best of the best” posts specifically directed toward helping parents parent their college-bound teens. Feel free to pass the link along to other parents (pretty please????).

1. Is college just about ROI?

2. 10 concepts your teen should learn BEFORE college

3. Top 10 things every parents should know about “hooking up” in college

4. Motivating an under-achiever toward college

5. Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts of parenting a college-bound teen

6. Top 10 Questions parents ask about college

7. Being realistic about college debt

8. Being a parent college coach: the three C’s

9. Preparing your teen for college

10. Six Campus Safety talking points

College Access and Opportunity Guide—A Review

The Center for Student Opportunity created the College Access and Opportunity Guide to help low-income and first generation college-bound students make their college dreams become a reality. As a parent, I found this guide informative and helpful in providing direct information about the college admissions process.

There are helpful tips on how to stay involved in the college process without overstepping your boundaries. The guide clearly sets out the steps to take from beginning to end, along with insider advice from college students and other experts. There is clear discussion about loans, scholarships and how to find the perfect fit college. Also included is an excellent section specifically directed towards parents helping them to listen, encourage and how to let their college-bound teen handle the process by guiding them through the process.

But the real meat of this guide is the college specific information. The guide features 284 colleges and universities highlighted for their outreach efforts, financial aid opportunities and student support services. Instead of focusing solely on the numbers, this guide helps students locate and find important programs at each school that can help prepare for college (Access Programs), locate schools that provide financial incentives for admitted students (Opportunity Programs), and support services for college students to help them persist to graduation (Success Programs).

Each of these colleges is committed to supporting first-generation, low-income, and minority students on their campus and in their community. Profiled colleges are included in light of the programs and opportunities they present for this group of students.

If your college-bound teen falls into this group who want to make their college dreams a reality, you should pick up a copy of this simple-to-read and understand guide.

For more information about the Center for Student Opportunity you can visit them on their website at

The Number One Key To Success In College

What is the primary key for your kids to succeed in college?

grades – avoiding procrastination – passion – friends-scholarships – study time – lots of beer (just kidding…although some kids think that)

Here it is parents!  Get out your journal, grab a pen…you don’t want to miss this one!

CHARACTER definition of character: moral excellence and firmness <a man of sound character>

Chris Spradlin’s definition of character: “Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.”Jackson Browne actually said this!

As parents we can teach our kids to make great grades, to be on time, we can instill passion deep into their souls, encourage them to make great friends and study.  But the single greatest asset that we can deposit deep into our kids heart is Character.

As our kids enter college we must encourage them to exhibit character in the following areas…

  • Study Ethics: I remember that my toughest subject my freshman in College was Algebra.  To be honest, I am just not that bright when it comes to math.  How did I make it through?  I cheated my entire way through the class.  I never built a math foundation for my remaining years; therefore I struggled through all four years of College.  Parents, we must teach our kids to walk in character when it comes to study ethics.  We must teach them to work hard, study hard, ask questions, join study groups; but at the end of the day, we must teach our kids that it is much better to take a low grade than to cheat.
  • Honoring The Gift: Many students today expect that they will attend college.  I believe that is a good expectation but that parents should help them understand that attending college is a gift!  In the world we live in today many students can’t afford college, don’t have the grades to get into college or don’t have their families help to make it into college.  I believe that parents should teach their kids to walk through the college doors with thankfulness and humility!  That each time they enter a class or extracurricular activity that they should recognize that attending college is a gift other kids don’t have and to honor it.
  • Contributing Financially: I know that this can be a controversial subject for some, but I strongly believe that by asking a student to contribute financially in some form or fashion…this creates ownership in the college experience.
  • Free Time: One of the biggest lessons that I have learned in my life is when a mentor of mine sat me down, looked me in the eyes and said, “Chris, I want you to know that life is not all about you”!  The reality is that most kids enter college and they are the star of their own show, life is about them…their grades, their friends, their fraternity and their social life.  I believe that parents should teach their kids that, “life is not all about them”.  Parents should teach their kids to use their free time to serve others.  Encourage them to serve in a soup kitchen, serve in a local religious organization, mentor a struggling student or befriend someone who is having a tough time with the college transition.

I believe the number one key to success in college is character. Parents, we must take the time to live this out and deposit character deep into the heart, soul and mind of our kids and then they will be truly successful.


This guest post was contribured by Chris Spradlin, the founder of  According to Chris: “I didn’t launch epicparent to showcase my parenting skills, but rather be honest about my failures, wounds, wins and my journey as a parent.  I absolutely love honest, authentic, on-the-edge, innovative, entrepreneurial, get-your-hands-dirty parenting. I believe that if parents would step into their God-given role, the world would be changed!”

Is college just about ROI?

This week on #CampusChat there was a guest that informed us that college is a bad investment for a large percentage of teens. Granted, I could see her point (You can read the transcript here). Many teens aren’t ready for college. I agree it is important to counsel our teens on finding out what they love and guiding them along a career path. But is college truly all about ROI? Do we encourage our kids to go to college solely based on the fact that they will give us a good return on our investment?

It’s not that I don’t agree that college, for some, is a bad decision (Should everyone go to college?). Not because it’s a bad investment, but because they aren’t suited for it and would be happier pursuing other options. Should you go into massive debt for a liberal arts degree that leaves you unemployable? Absolutely not (Being realistic about college debt). But, could you get a liberal arts degree and in the process discover your passion? Absolutely.

If you ask both of my children if they thought college was about ROI, they would have different answers. My daughter would say that college for her was so much more than getting that degree and finding a job. She would say that it gave her life experiences. She would say that she found lifelong friends in college. She would say that her study abroad experience was invaluable. She would tell you that she learned about the business world doing internships related to her major. It was at college that she learned independence, budgeting, developed a strong work ethic, got an education, and basically grew up. And she would say that you can’t put a dollar amount on those four years.

My son, on the other hand, had a very different experience. He was not a good student in high school and didn’t show much interest in college, opting for a 4-year term of service in the Marines. After the Marines, he decided to go to college. For him, it was more about pushing himself to attain the degree and proving to himself that he was capable of that level of education. He attended community college for two years and transferred to a 4-year college to finish his degree among the top graduates in his major. And while he did incur some debt acquiring that degree, he would never say it was a waste of time and money or a poor return on investment even though he’s not working in a career related to his liberal arts major.

I’ve known smart kids who knew their career paths at an early age and got to college and failed. I’ve known average students without a clue of what they wanted to be, attend college, find their passion and excel. College opens up your mind, introduces you to experiences and submerges you in academia. Should you be wise about which college you choose and how much you pay for that education and life experience? Of course you should!

I admit. I’m a proponent of college. Perhaps it’s because I never had the opportunity to go. Perhaps it’s because my parents never encouraged me to go. Perhaps it’s because both my kids found value in two different educational paths. For me it’s so much more than ROI. Maybe I’m burying my head in the sand. But I still believe that a college education is something that has great value beyond its cost.

And that, my loyal readers, is one parent’s opinion!

Parents–Upcoming #CampusChat Topics

I just received the agenda for the upcoming #CampusChat discussions. If you’re a parent of a college-bound teen (or even a parent of a college student), mark your calendars for some great information and some eye-opening realizations about college preparation.

#CampusChat is hosted by Kelly @collegevisit who is the founder of She works hard to find guests that are timely and helpful in the college search process, and especially helpful for parents.

Here is a list of upcoming guests and topics (Wednesdays at 9PM EST):

11/3 – Carol Christen – “What Color is Your Parachute for Teens”

11/10 – Jeannie Borin –

11/17 – Harlan Cohen – The Happiest Kid on Campus: A Parent’s Guide to the Very Best College Experience (for You and Your Child)

11/24 -Thanksgiving break-Happy Turkey Day!

12/01 – Tim Gasper, social media guru for Marquette University

12/08 – Maureen Tillman – (also writes for a regional NY Times news outlet)

3 Reasons You Can't Miss CollegeWeekLive FALL

I just received an email from College Week Live that I wanted to share with my readers:

CollegeWeekLive FALL, the largest college fair, is your one stop shop for all things college admissions. Here are 3 reasons you need to take advantage of this free resource:

  1. Discover Schools: Over 300 colleges are participating in CollegeWeekLive FALL with virtual booths and online presentations. Research schools that interest you and discover schools that you may not have heard of. CollegeWeekLive FALL has it all.
  2. Find Scholarships: CollegeWeekLive FALL features a database of scholarships worth more than $2.5 Million. One lucky attendee will also be eligible for the CollegeWeekLive $10,000 scholarship just for logging in!
  3. Strengthen Your Application: Let our admissions experts guide you through the application process, including financial aid applications, college essays, test prep, and more. Attend live presentations to ask questions. Anything you miss you can catch on demand!

Login to CollegeWeekLive FALL on November 3rd and 4th for all this and more!

Should everyone go to college?


I read an article recently in The Atlantic: “In the Basement of the Ivory Tower“, that gave me some food for thought. It’s been on my mind for quite awhile, especially since I have a close friend who is a financial aid counselor at one of those infamous “for profit” colleges.

She would answer my leading question with a loud and emphatic, “NO”, based on her experience dealing with those who are not prepared to attend college and don’t understand the consequences of borrowing money that they can’t pay back. They have been convinced that without a college education, they can’t get a job or pursue a career. They’ve been told by someone that it doesn’t matter how much money you borrow as long as you get that degree. Once you get that degree you can earn enough money to pay back what you’ve borrowed. But we all know that’s not often the case.

In the above mentioned article, the English professor makes an interesting point:

America, ever-idealistic, seems wary of the vocational-education track. We are not comfortable limiting anyone’s options. Telling someone that college is not for him seems harsh and classist and British, as though we were sentencing him to a life in the coal mines. I sympathize with this stance; I subscribe to the American ideal.

Sending everyone under the sun to college is a noble initiative. Academia is all for it, naturally. Industry is all for it; some companies even help with tuition costs. Government is all for it; the truly needy have lots of opportunities for financial aid. The media applauds it—try to imagine someone speaking out against the idea. To oppose such a scheme of inclusion would be positively churlish.

I’ve come to realize that Americans truly are snobs. We brag about what we have and what we have obtained. Like it or not, we are a classist society. We snub our noses at those who haven’t been to college and brag heavily about our numerous degrees as if they are badges of honor. And while graduating from college is an accomplishment, so is learning a trade.

Often, we push our kids to attend college when we know it’s not for them. Why? Because we are a society that measures success by the number of degrees hanging on a wall or the dollar signs that can be found on our bank accounts. It is noble to dream big and education is always a noble goal. But so is being a plumber, a carpenter, a cosmetologist or a civil servant like a police officer or fireman.

What’s my point? My point is that you need to know your child. If they want to go to college and have the skills and knowledge they need to be successful there, then encourage them to go. But if they aren’t interested or motivated, save yourself some heartache, disappointment and money by letting them pursue a trade. There are so many fabulous careers out there that they can do without higher education. You will be happier, they will be happier and they will fill an important role in society. College really isn’t for everyone.