Your Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your Teen for College Success
Comprehensive Strategies for a Smooth Transition and Academic Achievement
Are you a parent of a college-bound teen? Worried about their transition to higher education? Do you need a roadmap to navigate the college process? Do you have unanswered questions and concerns about how and where to start?
Our eBook with clickable links is the ultimate guide to ensure your teen's success in college and beyond.
Key Benefits:
Here's what some parents and a college expert have to say about the eBook.
"This eBook was a lifesaver! It provided us with all the information we needed to help our daughter choose the right college and prepare for the next big step in her life."
— Sue J.
"As a first-time college parent, I felt overwhelmed. This guide broke everything down into manageable steps and made the whole process less stressful." "
— Mike S.
“I was completely overwhelmed with the whole process and this eBook helped me break it down into steps and eased the stress and pressure I was feeling.”
— Dawn B.
“Suzanne is the Home Depot of college admissions…Her book will walk you through the blizzard of details that you will find helpful, a book I have started to give to all of my new clients.” ”
— Paul Hemphill, College author/coach