Category Archives: admissions

The 3-year college degree

By Lauren Joffe for The Real College Guide

Heads up, traditionalists! A radical new idea promotes kissing the four-year academic program buh-bye and saying hello to a three-year system.

As accustomed as we are to its infrastructure, it would take some serious shaking up to rattle the U.S. education system. Yet Robert Zemsky, chairman of the Learning Alliance for Higher Education at the University of Pennsylvania and author of Making Reform Work: The Case for Transforming American Higher Education, is advocating for major changes on university campuses — most notably a three-year college program.

Zemsky argues that given today’s economic, political and technological climate, it’s time for Americans to minimize cost, unnecessary resources and wasted time repeating coursework. His proposed plan would cause a drastic uplifting of the current system, impacting high schools as well. But it is Zemsky’s hope that reform ultimately would spawn a more streamlined institution. While the government might not be ready to back such lofty plans, the real question is: Are you?

How will students benefit from such reform?
According to Professor Zemsky, shifting to a more sequenced, regimented three-year program will save students time and money — cutting tuition costs by a whopping 25 percent. This is less moolah out of your pocket, not to mention additional interest that builds up as you work to pay off hefty loans. At the very foundation, students would pay for 90 credits over the typical 120.

In a contemporary society where minimizing time and financial expenditures ranks high on to-do lists, it seems almost given that a new system should be put into place. Right? Not necessarily. For one, the program basically assumes all undergrads will go on for a post-grad or m3-year-degreeasters degree. “If you want college to help vocationally, you have to go beyond the undergrad,” says Zemsky. Under the new system, college would be a breeding ground whereby students learn the basics of a particular trade. It is then in graduate school that learning would become truly vocational.

So how would high schools be affected by this change?
High school seniors are infamously plagued by “senioritis” and finding ways to sidestep mundane assignments. Zemsky proposes doing away with wasteful course schedules during senior year and instead modeling it after the current freshman year of college. He suggests pre-college seniors take some of the basic humanities and sciences normally taken by college freshmen.

Zemsky tells us in a phone interview, “High schools would need to make assessments at a ninth-grade level as to whether a student is making progress to be ‘college-ready.’ Remediation would take place at this time rather than at the first year of college. The 10th and 11th grade levels would look the same, and the 12th grade would become equivalent to the first year of college. There would be an alignment so that senior year of high school sets students up for freshman year of college.”

What is the downside of a three-year college program?
Some students feel it’s unreasonable to be expected to choose a major and commit at age 18. And indeed, the pressure is really on if the typical college career were condensed. “I don’t know what I plan on majoring in,” says U Penn freshman Brett Levine. “In a three-year program, undecided people have less time to explore new subject areas.

“Even with people who know what they want to study, a three-year program would surely be more demanding if requirements for majors or graduate schools admissions stay the same. A lot of pre-meds and engineering students have difficulty satisfying graduation requirements as is. For undecided students like myself, the variety of course options is incredible. It allows me to explore new subject areas unavailable in high school.”

Says Zemsky: “Students are given endless choices, but it’s expensive. It confuses lots of people, and it takes longer to graduate because they get lost. Redesign the curriculum so it is not a smorgasbord of options.” Say goodbye to elective courses too, because in this system, there’s no room for classes that do not directly relate to your plan of study.

How would such lofty goals be implemented?
Zemsky doesn’t kid himself into thinking this would be a minor undertaking: “To really kick off reform, it would take an invitation from the president. I can’t imagine this happening without presidential leadership.” And, yes, he’s referring to the president of the United States.

In a recent Newsweek article, Zemsky argues his position by stating, “Everything around us — technology, medicine, politics — has changed … and [higher education] will too have to rethink what we are about.”

Still, Levine questions the practicality of Zemsky’s proposal. “A three-year program would essentially make college an even more stressful period. It would probably restrict options for traveling abroad, which many students value. It has many potential benefits for some students. People who know they want to major in economics, political science, Spanish or other relatively less intense majors may only need three years. However, others need four to prepare for graduate school or their desired career.”

And furthermore, Levine adds, “Socially, it obviously restricts the amount of time commonly dubbed ‘the best years of your life.’”

What do you think? Do you think our kids are growing up too fast? Do you think a 3-year degree is a wise educational choice?

In the News: Videos as part of admissions applications

With technology progressing faster than we can keep up with it, Tufts University is inviting prospective students to post one-minute videos on YouTube telling the university a little something about themselves.  According to an article in The New York Times: The Choice, one of the dean of admissions at Tufts came up with the idea:

Lee Coffin, the dean of undergraduate admissions, said the idea came to him last spring, when watching a YouTube video someone had sent him. “I thought, ‘If this kid applied to Tufts, I’d admit him in a minute, without anything else,’” Mr. Coffin said.

Some of the YouTube video submissions have garnered quite a following; opening an interesting debate about privacy online.

One new company, has come up with a solution to having the whole world view your admissions video: MyCollegei. They have partnered with colleges to allow your college-bound teen to post their video FREE of charge and create a video that will give colleges an insight into who they are and find that “perfect-fit” student for their college community, while maintaining the student’s privacy.

Here’s a GREAT video presentation of the service, describing what they offer and how they have created a user-friendly site for students who want to get that extra edge in the admissions process. (Just click the graphic!)


Admissions officers are always looking for that “perfect-fit” student and videos are an excellent way to see beyond the traditional application and essay. And after all, teens today have grown up using technology. As colleges strive to keep up with the times, this is just another way that prospective students can communicate their creativity and passion.

10 Things we learned from Videotaping 1200 College Tours


Today’s guest blog post is from Collegiate Choice,  a company that offers DVD’s of actual college tours filmed on location. Their DVD virtual college tours help in the narrowing down part of the selection process or when one parent cannot travel because of the additional cost or the need to stay home with the traveling teen’s siblings. These DVD’s will give you a feel for each college to help decide if the chemistry there will be right for you or your teen.

High school guidance counselors are forever urging their students to go out and visit prospective colleges. View books, short online videos, and guide books are all helpful, but actually walking the campus, listening to students while checking out the surrounding neighborhood is the best way to develop a feel for each school.

  1. Don’t visit during the summer
    Although summer might be the most convenient time to make such excursions, it is the worst time to experience a college; most smaller schools are not in session, so students and classes are absent. Dorm rooms are empty and devoid of all personal touches, making it difficult to envision oneself there. Bulletin boards, usually so revealing of the cultural and social opportunities of the college, are bare.
  2. When planning a visit, call ahead
    Schedule a student guided campus tour. Walking around unescorted permits only seeing a group of buildings. The tour fills in the details that give each school its humanity. Many smaller schools will record your name when you schedule a tour. The benefit is that they will often hold up a tour for a few minutes if you are running late.
  3. Schedule a meeting with an admissions officer and financial aid officer
    A number of colleges provide an information session by an admissions officer either before or after a tour. If you are seeking financial aid, meet with a financial aid officer as well. Inquire about this when you first contact the Admissions Office. Try to schedule it after the tour and information session, so you can speak knowledgeably about their school with relevant observations and questions.
  4. If you have a special request, ask before going
    The colleges are anxious to accommodate prospective students. If the student has a special request such as meeting a department chairperson, conferring with a coach, sitting in on classes, or staying overnight on campus, the Admissions Office will make the necessary arrangements provided they have sufficient advance notice.
  5. Give yourself plenty of time
    Assume it is going to take longer to find the campus and park than a map suggests. Make sure to drive around the outskirts of the campus before starting back. This could be the student’s home for the next four years; the surrounding neighborhood can make a difference. If the school is in a small town, is there a major city within a convenient drive? If not, does that really matter to the student?
  6. Dress appropriately
    The whole family should wear comfortable shoes. You will probably be doing a lot of walking both up hills and up stairs. Dress neatly. If the student is scheduled for an interview, he/she should dress for the interviewer, not for oneself. It is human nature to judge people by their appearance, so an opinion is forming about the applicant before a word is said.
  7. Be observant
    A college tour gives you a chance to see what is on the campus, what condition it is in, and what is missing. Is there an attractive and functional student center? Are there enough computer terminals scattered around campus? Is the campus wireless, so you can work online outside? How are the dorms kept up? Is the library adequate? Check out the physical education facilities. Are the playing fields a part of the campus or a distance away? Where are the dorms in relation to the main academic buildings?
  8. Ask questions
    The tour is also the best time to ask questions of someone who is both knowledgeable and candid. Guides will entreat families to do so, as they do not enjoy providing a one hour monologue. They are obviously pleased with the school (or they would not be giving the tour), but they are invariably honest about the drawbacks along with the positives. And remember that you are there to evaluate the school, not the tour guide. Make sure you ask relevant questions that apply to your experience: Greek life, study abroad, athletics, tutoring, faculty advising, campus life on the weekends, course recommendations, etc.
  9. Visit a diverse sampling
    Lastly, if you are beginning your search, try to visit a large state university, a smaller university, and some liberal arts colleges with 1,000 to 3,000 students. Applicants frequently alter their preferences after visiting a range of sizes.
  10. Don’t let distance inhibit your choices
    If the family finances allow it, don’t let distance from home inhibit your choices. The United States has an extraordinary diversity of schools, and the college experience can be the best four years of your life. After you have made new friends, you will be amazed how the desire to come home diminishes.

That’s why we began our video series. We’re college counselors from New Jersey, and we videotaped those student guided campus tours and put them on DVDs available at They average one hour per college.

Cliff Kramon
Collegiate Choice

50 College Info Websites


1.–You will find the MOST information here on our blog: college guidance, college planning, college coaching, and college news. Come here first to find the latest and best tools to help you navigate the college maze.

2.–A site where parents can ask questions, gather information, and download and view college guides and campus newsletters.

3.–An extensive scholarship search website with a massive database of scholarships, along with articles and helps designed specifically for parents.

4.–A free service for students and parents where students can showcase themselves, connect with colleges, and search for scholarships.

5.–A site created for students to help them simplify their college search, create a profile and search for scholarships.

6.–The place to go to find merit scholarships and academic scholarships from colleges across the country.

7.–Created to provide information about college visits, help parents and students plan, and view personal accounts from both parents and students.

8.–Interactive college admissions counseling program designed for both high school students and their parents.

9.–An extensive scholarship search engine that helps you search and schedule alerts for deadlines.

10.–An excellent blog with tips for parents and students about college; also provides college matching and scholarship searches.

11.–Help finding money to pay for college, along with articles related to college financing.

12.–This is an excellent resource for students who are interested in colleges who offer entrepreneurial programs.

13.–An SAT expert and coach offering tips to help your college-bound teen improve their SAT/ACT scores.

14.–Rent college textbooks and save up to 75% over purchasing them new.

15.–An excellent resource for college-bound teens and their parents: admissions, testing, and financial aid.

16.–Great blog articles about everything related to college admissions geared toward students.

17.–A virtual college fair that sponsors free LIVE events with archived presentations, student chats, and college booths.

18.–A network of college student peer advisers and a resource filled website presenting honest accounts of the college experience geared toward high school students.

19.–Learn about colleges by watching video tours, chat with students on campus forums, post questions and get answers.

20. NYTimes-TheChoiceBlog–Demystifying college admissions and financial aid by providing articles and Q&A by experts in the field.

21.–An excellent resource about the college admissions process providing expert advice helping students map their college journey.

22.–The education channel of U.S. News and World Reports providing the latest news and information related to college.

23.–The official government website for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

24.–The common application site used by 400 colleges and universities across the country.

25.–The best value colleges list for public and private institutions across the country.

26.–The college recruiting site for athletes.

27.–The site for the National Center for fair and open testing providing information about colleges who do not use the SAT/ACT for admissions decisions.

28.–A FREE education investment planner that will help determine college costs, compare college costs, and provides information about student loan repayments.

29.–UPromise partners return a portion of eligible purchase money back to you. Those earnings accumulate in your Upromise account until you decide to use it to invest in a 529 plan, help pay down eligible student loans or assist with college expenses—all tax-free!

30.–Everything you need to know about financing a college education.

31.–It’s here you’ll find the CSS Profile application (required by many private colleges), register for the SAT, and read articles about planning for college.

32.–An excellent resource for information about college essays, college applications and high school resumes.

33.–Several different blogs related to higher education.

34.–A search site that groups colleges in categories and provides college “hot” lists (i.e. top college for late bloomers, colleges for students needing a second chance)

35.–Find textbooks, sell textbooks, search for college supplies and college apparel all on this one site.

36.–Four blogs about college life: the dorm, lifestyle, academics and heath and fitness.

37.–A free online, interactive resource for designing and organizing your college-bound teen’s dorm room.

38.–An expert blog dedicated to helping students find the right college.

39. GradeFund.comStudents invite their friends and family to sponsor their drive for good grades. Sponsors choose grade levels and sponsorship amounts for each grade (as low as $5) to help students raise money for their college education.

40.–A blog created to give parents useful information about college and the college admissions process.

41.–Free online test prep (SAT/ACT) with vocabulary exercises and help.

42.–Find local volunteer opportunities for your college-bound teen and teach them about the importance of giving back to their community with the added bonus of adding that service to their high school resume.

43.–A college planning site for college-bound students providing helps and aids from middle school to senior year: interactive and fun!

44.–If you have a teen that’s a student athlete, they can create an online profile here and help colleges and coaches find them and be recruited.

45.–An excellent resource for the answers to all your questions regarding college financial aid.

46.–An online clearinghouse for national college news; find all the college news in one place!

47.–A planning tool to help parents and students get ready for college.

48.–A virtual clearinghouse of blogs related to college life, parenting, college searches, etc.

49.–An PSAT/SAT vocabulary prep tool.

50.–A site with parent forums and other college prep tools.

How to raise $15,000 for college


A few weeks ago I attended a virtual college event at CollegeWeekLive. I was impressed with the simplicity of the information and wanted to pass it along to all my readers who might not have had the opportunity to attend. This particular session was conducted by Kim Clark, staff writer for U.S. News and World Reports. She outlined some simple steps to raise $15,000 for college:

  1. Up to $2500 from Uncle Sam–via tax credits (Hope and Lifetime Learning Credit)
  2. Child labor–put your teen to work at a summer job ($8 an hour x 40 hours a week for 9 weeks=$2880)
  3. Student loans–Stafford Loan ($5500 max per year at 7%); after student leaves college can sign up for payments based on their income (less than 15%)
  4. Family savings–cut teen to occassional driver and save $; food bills will decline; stop subsidizing entertainment (food and insurance can =$300-$400 a month)
  5. Scholarships and grants–leverage grades, test scores, athletics, arts for merit-based grants; apply for local scholarships
  6. Friends and relatives–ask for college fund contributions instead of presents
  7. Corporate sponsorship–some employers subsidize education for employees and families; UPromise
  8. Reduce college expenses–reduce dorm costs (share with other students); watch meal plans; buy used textbooks or rent; earn cheaper credits at community college, AP classes or dual credit classes; sell student’s car (won’t need one at college)

The bottom line: $15,000 or MORE! Here’s how it all adds up:

  1. Tax break-$2500 per year
  2. Student loan-$5500 per year
  3. Student job-$3000 per year
  4. Parent savings-$4000 per year
  5. Relatives-_____ (fill in blank)
  6. Scholarships-____(fill in blank)
  7. Corporate sponsorship-____(fill in blank)
  8. Reduction in college expenses-_____(fill in blank)

By piecing together all these separate components, there is no limit on how much you can raise for college costs. At the very least you can raise $15,000, at the very most, the sky is the limit!

You can check out U.S. News and World Reports education section: Paying For College for more information and tips.

Top 3 things to do when planning a college visit

Today’s guest blog post is from University Language Services (@CampusCommons) who specializes in helping students make the most of their college expericampus-commonsence with step-by-step guides on how to choose a school, apply to college, and succeed on campus. ULS also offers college scholarships and information for students who want to study abroad. In addition, ULS has provided the translation of academic transcripts, diplomas and personal documents in more than 150 languages since 1983.

Visiting a college campus allows you and your prospective student to get an insider’s perspective of what it’s like to attend that particular school. What are the students like? Do they like the dorms? Where’s the best coffee shop in town?

If the colleges your child is considering are far away, a college visit is even more important. You’ll likely only visit a college once before making the decision about whether to apply.

It’s important to plan for a college visit long before you first step foot on campus. That way you’ll both be able to make an informed decision about where to apply. University Language Services has compiled a list of three most important things to do:

1. Do Your Research

Before getting in that airplane or car, do plenty of research about the college you’re going to visit. You want to be as prepared as possible when arriving on campus so that you and your child can get the most of your experience there.

What academic departments is he or she interested in? Where are they located on campus? What are some places in the neighborhood that you want to check out? Are there walking tours on campus? If so, find out when they are and how to join.

Make a list of things you’d like to accomplish with your child. For example:

* Sit down to talk with an admissions officer.

* Get financial aid forms.

* Encourage your child to sit in on a class.

* Pick up a copy of the student newspaper.

* Eat in the cafeteria.

* Ask students what they love and hate about the college.

* Walk or drive around the area surrounding the college.

2. Plan in Advance

If there are several colleges you and your child would like to visit, it’s important to schedule your visits in advance. Set a date (or even a weekend!) in advance and rest assured knowing you’ve got plenty of time to decide.

If the college is in a major city, don’t limit yourself to the campus. Spend some time exploring! Are there Broadway shows you can go to? Landmarks you’d like to see? In addition to getting to know your child’s (possible!) future school, you’ll get to spend some quality time together.

3. Pack Smart

When visiting a college, make sure you come prepared!

Get a map of the campus and the surrounding area, pack a camera and bring a notebook. Although the experience might seem unforgettable right now, the details might get a little foggy after seeing a few more schools.

A college visit is essential for your child to decide whether or not he or she will be happy attending a particular school. And since you’re probably just as concerned about where your child will be sleeping, eating and studying for the next four years, you’ll want to be a part of that experience.

You can contact us any number of ways:



Our blog: http://www.universitylanguage/com/blog/

Why do you love Parents Countdown to College Coach?

Intuit is giving away several grants each month to local businesses. The businesses they find most deserving and “loved” will be chosen to receive $5000 and up to $35,000 for the grand prize winner.

So…in the true spirit of entrepreneurship and “self-promotion” I’m asking my loyal readers to vote for me. It’s simple and won’t take five minutes of your time, but it will help me expand my business if I win and help more parents and college-bound teens in the process.

Below is a screenshot of what the nomination site looks like. Just click here and type in my business name and zip code. Once my business pops up, just type in why you love my business and your email address. It’s that simple. Thank you in advance!


The Common Application-Demystified


Last night I sat down for an hour and watched a web presentation at College Week Live about the the Common Application. It was basically a question/answer session where the Director of Outreach for the Common Application gave a brief synopsis of what the Common Application was and then fielded questions that were posted online.

Here are the basic highlights:

  1. The Common Application service is COMPLETELY FREE and has a membership of 391 colleges.
  2. The busiest day of the year for the service is December 31st because students are trying to get in under the wire for the January 1 application deadlines.
  3. There is 24/7 online support, but NO telephone support. The average response time is 47 minutes via email.
  4. Your teachers and counselors can submit their recommendations and forms online if they choose.
  5. There are videos to help you with any questions you might have and an extensive knowledge base of articles.

Some Questions and Answers:

Q. Do colleges prefer their own application over the common application?

No. The common application and the college application are treated as equals. If a college is part of the Common Application membership, they receive it just as they receive their own college application.

Q. When can you start completing the application?

Each year the applications are purged (in the summer) to make room for new applications in the fall. You can get in and play with the applications, practice, familiarize yourself with it, whenever you choose. If you want to look at it as a freshman in high school, it’s perfectly acceptable because it will get purged in the summer. Once you are ready to apply to the colleges, you will want to do begin the process in the fall of the year you apply to prepare for submission.

Q. Why do some colleges add supplements and other do not?

The supplements give colleges the ability to gather information that they might consider unique to their institution. Some colleges need additional information, others find the application itself sufficient.

Q. Do you have to complete the common application AND the college’s application?

A. No. Once you complete the common application and submit it to the colleges you choose, you are finished.

Q. Do colleges prefer the online application or the paper one?

Colleges PREFER online applications over paper because it saves them time inputting data and enables them to share the information easily with others and read online. NOTE: DO NOT complete the online application and send a paper version. Do one or the other. It will complicate the situation and cause all sorts of problems with your application.

If you would like to view the hour long session, you can go to College Week Live, sign in and look for it in archived presentations.

Weighing Your Options and Gaining Your Career

logo_westwoodToday’s guest blog post is from Westwood College, a college that designs its programs around the needs of its unique student population (both online and on campus). If your teen is considering any of the career paths that Westwood offers, you might want to add them to the mix of college possibilities.

When making a final decision on your education, it is important to research your options carefully. Whether you are looking to obtain an online degree or are looking to attend campus classes, every school has something different to offer. Westwood College is one of those schools that truly design their programs for the students rather than making the students bend their educational needs into a one size fits all education models.

Campuses include:

  • Texas- Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston South
  • Illinois- DuPage, Chicago Loop, O’Hare Airport, River Oaks
  • Virginia- Annandale Satelite, Arlington Ballston
  • California- Anaheim, Inland Empire, Los Angeles, South Bay
  • Georgia- Atlanta Midtown, Atlanta Northlake
  • Colorado- Denver North, Denver South

With 17 campuses in six states and top notch online degree and online MBA programs, Westwood College offers the flexibility that students need to succeed. Program availability varies from campus to campus with an on-site or online Bachelor Degree within three years, an on-site or online Associate Degree in just two years or an MBA in one year.

Programs offered are in-depth, engaging, and offer professional instruction and continued support before, during and after graduation. From theadmissions_virtual_tour “Quick Start” program which helps new students transition to a college schedule to the “Westwood Success Team” which matches advisers to students to assist with financial options and answer any questions regarding your enrollment.

Westwood also offers a program that is rare in the college scene today. If eligible, students can return after they have graduated to retrain in their field in order to keep current with the latest training. That in itself is an important resource that few colleges can or will compete with. Offering these types of extended support to students is just one reason Westwood stands above the rest and possesses such a great rate of graduates finding work after their program completion.

Since 1952 Westwood has continued raising the bar for education standards. Several financing options are available for those who qualify and prospective students are encouraged to contact your closest campus to book a tour, meet with faculty, or even sit in on a class to get an idea of the caliber of education offered by Westwood College.

After deciding which educational institution is right for you, your next step is to figure out which program is going to get you to where you want to be in your future career. Follow the link below for a comprehensive list of programs available either online, on-site, or both.

Westwood Degree Programs

img_home_ban_virtualDue to the number of campuses and the online school availability, students have a plethora of professional options to earn their degree. Online colleges are an excellent option for those unable to attend regular classes. Students wishing to attend the Los Angeles College, the Denver College, the college in Dallas, or Virginia colleges have multiple choices for both location and training. Earn your Interior Design degree, a Construction Management Degree, your Computer Network Degree or IT training because your options are near limitless. It’s imperative for today’s youth to carefully consider their educational options as your on-campus or online degree is the best way that you can ensure a lucrative and productive future in a profession that you love.

What are you waiting for?

What the Liberal Arts are NOT

Today’s guest blogger is from Maryville College: Dr. Jeffery Fager, Vice-President and Dean of the College. Maryville College is ideally situated in Maryville, Tenn., between the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Knoxville, the state’s third largest city. Known for its academic rigor and its focus on the liberal arts, Maryville is where students come to stretch their minds, stretch themselves and learn how to make a difference in the world. Dr. Fager offers some interesting insight into a liberal arts education and debunks the myths surrounding liberal arts.

Those of us committed to liberal arts education seem to be fighting an uphill battle in communicating the true nature of the liberal arts. Perhaps the first task is to dispel some common misconceptions.

1 – The Liberal Arts are not related to the Democratic or Republican (or Libertarian) political parties

2 – The liberal Arts are not highly specific fields of knowledge that are limited to only certain areas of life.

3 – The Liberal Arts are not lofty musings disconnected from the “real world” where people must get jobs and live their lives.

Those myths now cast aside, what exactly are the Liberal Arts?

Originally there were seven liberal arts, divided into two sections known by their Latin names, the quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music) and the trivium (logic, grammar, and rhetoric). These areas of inquiry were considered appropriate for a free person (Latin: liber) in contrast to manual skills that were appropriate for slaves.

Obviously, things have changed over the centuries. Other disciplines were added to the list, and some of the traditional ones slipped away or were subsumed in the newer areas. During this century, many referred to the liberal arts as certain disciplines that were considered “traditional” as opposed to those areas that are associated with particular careers. In addition, colleges that referred to themselves as “liberal arts colleges” developed general education programs that consisted of a menu of courses in those traditional disciplines. We are familiar with them: English, History, Philosophy, Economics, Mathematics, Science, etc.

It is interesting to note that at the beginning of the twentieth century Harvard did not recognize Chemistry as a proper discipline for a true university; it was considered a “trade” skill. In recent decades scholars have recognized that to limit “the liberal arts” to a list of specific disciplines would not be adequate. Knowledge was changing too quickly, and disciplines did not separate into neat, mutually exclusive “silos.” Therefore, the language in higher education is shifting from “the liberal arts” to “liberal education.” We no longer speak of a static collection of knowledge to be memorized but a way of approaching the world–or, more accurately, several ways of approaching the world.

Liberal education involves different ways of analyzing questions or problems and developing answers or solutions. Each question or problem may lend itself to a particular method of analysis: scientific (natural and social), humanistic, artistic, empirical, philosophical. We must learn these different methods and gain the ability to discern their appropriate applications. In complex cases, several methods must be applied in order to achieve the best possible solution or answer. The liberally educated individual will have the tools to perform such a complex analysis.

In the case of Maryville College, where I enjoy the role of academic dean, our Maryville Curriculum is intentionally interdisciplinary and developmental, in that students take core courses in every year of their college experience, constantly reinforcing and extending their analytical skills. Even in the discipline-specific courses, while content is important, critical analysis of the content is crucial. All students bring their education to culmination in a senior research project, in which they apply all of these skills in creating a product appropriate to their respective major.

And isn’t that what the world demands today…multiple skill sets, complex analysis, the ability to think critically about an issue or situation and provide an ethical, effective idea or solution? The liberally educated individual—one who has experienced the depth and breadth of a liberal arts education—is able to engage with this world successfully, adapting with the changes and complexities it presents.

Those, my friends, are the Liberal Arts.

You can follow Maryville College on Twitter @stretchyourmind