Category Archives: college guidance

The best tax breaks for college students

images-3As a parent, you have a lot of knowledge and experience that your kids in college still lack. And when it comes to taxes you are light years ahead of them. Even if you’re not a tax expert of some sort, chances are good that you know the basics, such as when taxes must be filed in order to avoid penalty, how to file an extension (or just that you CAN file an extension), and how to ensure that you get the most money back by maximizing deductions. However, the college students in your family likely have no way of knowing even these simple facts related to their annual income tax filings. So it may fall to you to do your research when it comes to tax breaks for college students so that you can inform them and ensure that they’re getting all the breaks they’re due.

So what are some of the best tax breaks for students? The vast majority won’t be able to take advantage of mortgage interest payments on their side, and many won’t enjoy the advantages that fall under the “married filing jointly” banner. And while some students work freelance during their time on campus to make ends meet, thus earning them the right to deduct business expenses, this situation might not apply to most students. However, there are a few write-offs related to education that could greatly benefit the college students in your family; but they may need to take advantage of some of them quickly in order to ensure that they aren’t over-taxed.

The Lifetime Learning Credit is a good place to begin because it allows students (and/or parents) to claim as much as $2,000 in expenses related to education (on the stipulation that eligible students earn less than $60,000 annually for singles or less than $120,000 for married couples). However, there are a couple of options that may serve them better. For example, the American Opportunity Credit allows students earning a single income of $80,000 or less per year (or $120,000 for married) to claim up to $2,500 a year for the first four years of an undergrad degree, with a maximum refund of $1,000. Qualifying expenses could include tuition, fees, books, and more. Students may also be eligible for tuition and fees deductions of up to $4,000 per year, although this particular credit is slated to expire at the end of 2013, so students should make sure to use it this year if possible.

Finally, students that begin paying off their loans can deduct any interest payments made throughout the course of the tax year. Since most students don’t start paying this bill until they graduate, it may not apply. But for those students willing to put a windfall towards their student loan debt, up to $2,500 in interest payments may be deducted. Students that take a gap year and work abroad may be able to claim a tax rebate when leaving the country. But if they travel abroad through a school-run program they will likely continue to pay tuition to their institution of higher learning stateside, making them eligible for the tax breaks that will give them the best chance to come out ahead financially.

How do college exams differ from high school exams?

When your kids get to college they’ll no doubt notice a few changes from high school. For one thing, they won’t have to spend seven straight hours a day in class. Depending on how many credits they’re taking they may have several hours in class on a given day, but generally they’ll have breaks in between classes and they can likely schedule their actual class attendance to just two or three days per week. In addition, they may notice a bump in homework. It is estimated that every hour spent in class equates to three hours of homework (including class work, study time, research, essays, and so on). But what can your students expect on the exam front? How will their tests and finals at the college level compare to those they took in high school?

In general, students can expect that college exams are going to be more difficult in general, and there are a couple of reasons why. The main reason is that college exams tend to demand more thought than the average true/false or multiple choice type of test that high school students are accustomed to. No doubt there will be some amount of multiple choice just to get through the rote learning portion of the testing process, but most college exams also include sections for short answers (usually expected to be anywhere from one sentence to a paragraph in length) as well as essays (which may be up to a page in length).

images-1Although the majority of high school students are familiar with the essay writing process, they may not be entirely prepared for the pressure of writing under a strict time limit. In some cases the final exam will be nothing but essay questions, or students will have to turn in a 5-10 page paper that they’ve been working on all semester. Either can come as a shock to the high school grad that is unprepared.

The other difference is a little more difficult to categorize. Professors at the college level not only expect students to portray a greater depth of knowledge, gathered from lectures (and labs, if applicable), reading, and supplemental materials, but they also want to see independent thought. This means that students can’t get away with simply regurgitating knowledge if they want any hope of getting a passing grade, much less an A. They must demonstrate their knowledge of the course materials in such a way that the professor sees that they understand what they have learned and that they can go beyond what has been taught in order to find some sort of insight, whether it relates to their own lives, to history, or life in general, for example.

Kids today tend to harbor an attitude of entitlement brought on by the instant gratification of a “click here and you shall receive” mentality. As a result, their experience in college may provide them with a rude awakening when they learn that they actually have to work for their grade. However, by preparing them for the changes that they’re bound to face when it comes to homework and especially testing, you can help to ensure that they head to campus with a strong work ethic so that they can buckle down and ace every exam.

Eating disorders as students enter college



When your kids leave home to head off to the ivory tower of learning, you probably have many fears about what may befall them now that you’re not around on a daily basis to keep them safe and ensure that they’re taking care of themselves. You might worry that they’ll party too much with their new friends at the expense of attending classes and doing their homework. And for that matter, they could fall in with the wrong element on the friend front. Then there are all of the stresses that will be heaped upon them with the responsibility of managing their own schedule and the anxieties that come with a new living situation and new social groups.

Of course, you’ll probably also wonder if they’re eating right. But amongst all these fears, you may never even consider the potential for your kids to develop an eating disorder. And yet, it’s not entirely uncommon for new college students to fall into bad habits where their diets are concerned, and this can easily lead to eating disorders.

It is estimated that many students suffer from disordered eating–they fail to eat on a regular schedule or that they do not consume a balanced diet, or often, both. But eating disorders are a much more severe permutation of this basic concept. Even still, approximately 10-20% of female college students are thought to suffer from clinical eating disorders while somewhere in the neighborhood of 4-10% of males go down the same path. This is a rather alarming statistic when you consider that the percentages of people with eating disorders amongst the general public are much lower (according to statistics from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication). So what makes entering college a trigger for eating disorders for such a large number of students?

What you need to understand about serious eating disorders is that they are rarely linked to some kind of digestive issue. Rather they are psychological in nature. What motivates people to binge, purge, or starve themselves is often a psychological stressor (or several). When people feel that their lives are out of control and that there is little they can do to relieve their stress, they may turn to the one thing they can control, their diet, as a way to regain some measure of authority in their own lives. Even if that means they are skipping meals or vomiting up nearly everything they consume. In rare cases, body dysmorphia of some kind may be at the root of the problem. But since college represents a hugely stressful time in the lives of most young people, chances are good that the environment and the situation play a major role in the onset of eating disorders.

As a parent, you may have bigger fears concerning your student than whether or not you should send them off with a years’ supply of granola bars, vitamin supplements, and proteinex. But don’t overlook the signs and symptoms of an eating disorders (significant weight loss or gain, obsession with food, exercise, isolation, unwillingness to eat in front of others, and so on). This type of condition can be even more harmful than the partying you’re probably worried about – it can even be deadly.

Since you never stop parenting, pay close attention to any of these signs and prevent your student from going down a path that will ultimately affect their health.

5 Ways for college-bound students to relieve stress

imagesFeeling stressed in those hectic teen years is the most natural thing in the world, but that doesn’t make it any less disheartening. College-bound students are preparing to make many significant life changes, and that can make this a frightening time of life. There are many ways to deal with this kind of stress, some more healthy than others. Consider these five ways to relieve stress and prepare yourself for the future in the best possible ways.

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet
    Eating healthy is more important than you’d imagine. Good life begins with good food because you are, after all, what you eat. If you’re eating healthy, your body will be well nourished and you’ll have the energy you need to deal with all of life’s obstacles. A diet of junk food will leave you feeling sluggish and sap your motivation, causing problems to pile up. Many students try to offset this lack of energy with lots of sugar and caffeine, which can disrupt their sleep cycles and lead them to become even more exhausted. Start relieving your stress naturally by eating healthy.
  2. Exercise Regularly
    Sometimes the best way to deal with stress in your life is to find an outlet for your pent up energy, and exercise is the best way to let off steam. Exercising regularly will help you stay fit, work negative energy out of your body, and release endorphins to promote a natural sense of well-being. When stress seems to be piling up to impossibly high levels, sometimes the best thing to do is hit the gym or go for a jog to clear your head.
  3. Manage Time Effectively
    One of the biggest stress-related problems for college bound students is time management. If you don’t know how to manage your time effectively, you won’t be able to deal with the challenges that come up in your life in a timely fashion. Start using a daily planner to keep track of important assignments. Prioritize your activities to make the best use of the limited time you have every day. Soon you’ll realize that there are enough hours in the day–you just need to learn how to use them.
  4. Cultivate a Hobby
    We all know what happens when life is all work and no play. Take a break from your studies and worries every once in a while to cultivate a hobby. If you don’t have something in your life that makes you happy, your life is going to be infinitely more stressful. Read your favorite books, paint, participate in a sport, listen to your favorite Conor Maynard songs–whatever it is that makes you happy. Find a hobby that you enjoy and try to make time for it every day.
  5. Be Positive About the Future
    Worrying about the future is natural, but it doesn’t do you any good. The future is always going to be there, and it will always be uncertain. The best thing you can do is pursue something that brings out your passion, and do so positively. Be confident in your choices and chase your dreams. You’ll find that life has a way of working itself out when you apply yourself; so work hard, be positive, and try not to worry about the future.

Always remember my motto–preparation prevents panic.

5 Ways to help a student who is struggling academically

imagesWhen your child is in their junior and senior year of high school, one of the most exciting things about that time in their life is knowing that they are just several months away from going away to college. But sometimes, even amidst all of the planning and excitement, it can be challenging to maintain the kind of grades that are needed to be accepted into the school of their choice.

If you have a college bound kid who appears to be struggling academically and you’re looking for some tips on how to help them, we have five proven ones that will have them ready to receive their college acceptance letter sooner than you might think:

Encourage them. Whether it’s been while we were in school or on our jobs, we all have experienced moments when we were simply burned out. That’s why, even in the midst of all of the hustle and bustle that comes with the everyday demands of life, it’s important check in with your child and keep them encouraged. Oftentimes a little pep talk can go a long way toward getting them back on track.

Suggest that they to get into study groups. In college, it’s nothing out of the ordinary for students to get together and have study sessions. So, in preparation for campus life, why not encourage your child to either become a part of a study session or to start one in high school? Having the support of their peers can also be a very effective tool.

Be willing to assist them. Yes, for many of us, it’s been years since we were in high school or college, but you might be surprised by the amount of information that you’ve retained. It doesn’t hurt to at least sit down with your child and ask them about the areas where they are having trouble and then offering your assistance where you can. If that doesn’t work, then there’s also the next suggestion.

Get them a tutor. There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting your child a tutor. As a matter of fact, it could prove to be one of the best things that you could do for them if their grades are truly suffering. A wonderful thing about this particular option is that there are private tutors who can come to your home, or you can enroll them in something like a Sylvan’s Learning Center program, or there are even free online tutoring options available. Some of them include Khan Academy, Free-Tutoring-Online and If your child is comfortable with a tutor now, they will be less hesitant to get one later should they need something like a GMAT tutor to prepare them for an MBA or law school entrance exams down the road.

Don’t rule out getting them tested. Sometimes, you can find yourself doing all of the “right things” and your child is still not excelling. If you sense that they are doing their best and you’re still not getting the kind of results that you would like, don’t be closed to the idea of having them professionally tested. If they do have some kind of learning disability, it’s better to know as soon as possible so that you can get them the appropriate help that they need before they get to college.


Are you concerned about campus security?

UnknownAlthough the thought of your child attending college brings forth feelings of pride and anticipation, if they are going to be living on campus, it’s understandable why it may also evoke a certain amount of concern. We all have read the news stories of unfortunate crimes that have happened at various colleges and universities across the country prompting you to investigate the security and safety of your child’s prospective colleges.

As matter of fact, just this past January, the Huffington Post published an article that featured the “Top 10 safest colleges within the United States”. Some of the schools on that list included Southern University at New Orleans, Virginia Western Community College and Erkskin College and Seminary in Due West, South Carolina. However, if your child is planning to attend another school, thanks to the Office of Postsecondary Education of the U.S. Department of Education, there is something called the Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Cutting Tool that provides up-to-date information on alleged criminal offenses that have been reported to campus security offices across the country (you can read more about this at Ope.Ed.Gov/security).

But, if you would like a checklist of things to inquire about as it relates to your child’s college campus and its level of security, we have provided you with five things that can help to put your mind at ease below:

Ask if there is 24-hour campus security. Every college campus has security officers and most of them have patrol cars, but not all of them necessarily have 24-hour security that is available should your child need to be escorted to their car or dorm room very late at night. Therefore, it’s important to not assume that there is this kind of assistance available. Make sure to ask.

Look to see if the campus is well-lit (at all times). Something as simple as a broken light in a parking lot or in an alley in between builds can lead to a criminal act. That’s why it’s vital that you tell your child to make sure that the campus is well-lit at night and if they see any broken lights to immediately report it to campus security or the administration.

Inquire about self-defense classes. One wonderful thing about college is that there tends to be classes for just about anything that your student can think of. So, encourage them to see if there are self-defense classes that are offered on campus and if so, let them know how smart it would be of them to take a few.

Mention Safe Place USA. There is a a great deal of petty theft that tends to happen on college campuses. While paying the cost of a home security system for a dorm room doesn’t make the most logical sense, there is an alternative. If your child needs a place to store expensive jewelry and other really valuable items, one option to consider is Safe Place USA. It’s a company that specializes in providing in-room safes for universities. (

Ask if it is mandatory to wear student/staff IDs. Another thing that sometimes leads to criminal activity is when people who are not students or staff are hanging out, constantly, on campus. One way to determine who is supposed to be on the grounds and who is not is for students and staff to have their ID on their person at all times. It might seem a bit tedious to do, but if it can help to keep people safe by making everyone aware of who is entitled to be on campus and who is not.

Should your college student live on or off campus?

imagesThe time has finally come for your son or daughter to enter into the next phase of their educational careers. In just a few short months, they will be enrolled into college as they prepare to earn their degree so that they can be successful in the career of their choosing.

Although all of this time they have been living with you, and as we all know, one of the major transitions that come with going to college is that students are able to live on campus (or even in an apartment). If you’ve been trying to figure out if that is an option that is most suitable for your son or daughter, we have a few things for you to consider before making a final decision whether to live on or off campus.

The Pros of Living on Campus

One of the main benefits of living on campus is that it’s convenient for your child to get to their classes. There’s no traffic or weather conditions that could make it challenging for them to either get to class, or to get to class on time. Another bonus is that great memories are made from living among other students who are also learning in a college environment. There are college roommates (and suite mates) who end up being friends for a lifetime. Still, another benefit is that it gives college students a sense of independence. While they may have relied on you to wake them up to class or to help them budget their own money, living on campus helps them to learn how to make many decisions on their own on a daily basis.

The Pros of Living Off Campus

If they live with you, an immediate benefit is that it saves you money on either room and board or assisting with their rent and other living expenses. Plus, you have the peace of mind of them coming home every day. If they live in an apartment, this even further prepares them for “the real world”, plus it provides them with the privacy that they may need in order to study. One thing to consider with this particular option, however, is if they do live in an apartment or even if they are looking into house rentals in order to rent with a few friends, they are going to need some reliable transportation in order to get back and forth to school.

So when it comes to making the ultimate decision on what is best for your college student, there are three main questions that you should ask yourself: “Would my child thrive more living on campus or off?”, “Is my child emotionally mature enough to live outside of the home?” and “What makes the most financial sense?” Once you have taken these various pros into consideration and then answered those questions, undoubtedly, you will come to the resolve that is best for your son or daughter (and for you).

Getting involved in campus life

Unknown-2Most parents, if asked, would cite academics as the priority when it comes to the focus for their college-age kids. After all, you are paying for an education that will eventually lead to a job and an independent life (or so you hope). And yet, the time your students spend on campus will offer many more opportunities for education than those that can be found in a book. Without your help and guidance, they will have to navigate the waters of social interaction on their own, learning how to form lasting relationships (both personal and professional). And the best way to do this is to get involved in campus life. So if you want your kids to get the most out of their college experience, it’s important that you encourage them to come out of their shell and participate in something other than their chosen curriculum.

Of course you’re not going to tell them to get out and party, but there are certainly merits to joining fraternities and sororities. Greek life has developed a bad reputation for beer-guzzling shindigs, so you might not think it’s right for the college-bound kids in your family. But the truth is that there’s a lot to recommend life in these houses. For one thing, the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood that exist in the Greek system will give your students instant substitute families, allowing them a place to belong throughout their collegiate experience, not to mention a network of contacts to call upon after graduation. In addition, houses are often required to participate in both campus events and charitable activities, which can only help your student to get involved, and perhaps learn something about the value of compassion and philanthropy. They also require a minimum GPA.

Then again, fraternities and sororities don’t comprise the only means for students to get involved, although they may be one of the most valuable. You could also encourage your kids to join campus clubs, and there are many avenues to choose from. Sports are one great way for students to be thrust into the college experience, since they not only provide an instant group of friends by way of teammates, but they also ensure attendance at a number of campus events. Even traditionally solo sports like running or cycling can be done with friends or campus groups.

There are also clubs that cater to academic pursuits (math club, AV, creative writing, etc.), hobbies, religious groups, or even political affiliations or agendas. The point is that no matter what your kids are interested in, there are probably like-minded students on campus, and if a specific group isn’t available, your student could start one. How about a weekly movie club to screen the classics, or a club that tests new video games and then blogs their reviews?

While keeping your “nose in the books” is admirable (you can compare textbooks here to find the best prices) and studying is important, having a social life is also important. You should pause for a moment and think about how they stand to benefit from a more rounded campus experience. Students that get involved and make friends will gain, in addition to an education, a support network that can help them get jobs and get by in life once they leave college. A well-rounded student is a happy and successful student.

Top 5 college safety tips for students

Unknown-1By the time you’re prepared to head off to college you are likely certain that your parents are merely overprotective. But they have experience, much of which they have probably declined to share with you, that makes them cautious. In many ways they may understand the world and its ills better than you can imagine. But you are young and eager, and you have many lessons to learn on your own. The unfortunate truth is that some will be unpleasant. However, there are precautions you can take on behalf of your own safety. After all, a failure to look out for your own best interest really only stands to hurt one person (that would be you).

Here are a few college safety tips that you should at least consider:

  1. Speak softly and carry a big stick. Teddy Roosevelt surely knew how to turn a phrase (although he attributed this one to a proverb). These days it has come to signify being prepared for any turn of events, having soft options (like negotiating) at your disposal, but being prepared to use harder ones (such as pepper spray) should the situation call for it. As a student on campus you need to be able to protect yourself from all manner of threats, from peer pressure or from a would-be attacker. So having a variety of tools at your disposal is essential, whether that means finding the words to stand up for yourself and what you know is right or whipping out some pepper spray to stave off an attack.
  2. Avoid open containers. Parties are part of the college experience, and since there’s little chance that you’re going to spend the next four years avoiding social interaction, you can at least set some safety ground rules for yourself. For one thing, you should always arrange for backup, meaning someone sober to drive you home and watch your back. Take turns with your friends being the designated driver. But even if you walk to and from parties to avoid the driving issue altogether, consider a hard and fast rule that entails shunning open containers. This protects you from having drugs unknowingly placed in your drink during a party.
  3. Use protection. Pepper spray is great to have on hand if you find yourself walking on campus alone at night (although you’re better off walking with a buddy). In addition, especially for young women, it’s important to know some simple defensive steps that will also help if confronted with an unexpected assailant.
  4. Get vaccinated. In some cases you don’t even have to come into direct contact with another student in order to contract a dangerous disease. Take the measles, pertussis (whooping cough), meningitis, or even the flu, for example. All of these illnesses are airborne, but there are also vaccines available that protect against them. So if you want to keep harmful germs at bay, make sure that you get all relevant vaccines before and during your time on campus.
  5. Don’t be a target. You no doubt want to be the life of the party, having at your disposal cool sayings, impressing everyone with your wit  and wisdom. But when you act foolish you could turn yourself into a target. Drinking too much at parties, walking alone at night, and posting your whereabouts and plans on Facebook for anyone to see could make you a target for all kinds of criminal activity, from personal harm to dorm room robbery. Exercise a little common sense and some self-preservation so that you don’t paint a target on yourself during your time in college.

Remember to use caution, restraint, and common sense while in college. During this time of independence it’s even more critical. Take care of yourself while you’re away and come home safely during breaks and after graduation.


Should you encourage your child to have a job in college?

The parenting community seems to be strongly divided on the issue of whether or not kids should work during their time in college. In many cases, students have no choice but to take on part-time or full-time work as a way to make ends meet, even if that means they have to cut back on their studies in the process. The first priority is a roof overhead and food on the table, after all. Attending college is a privilege that some students take for granted, but others must work a lot harder during their college years. For students that don’t necessarily have to work, the question becomes whether or not they should, and as a parent you likely have some thoughts on the issue. There are pros and cons to both positions.


Following are a few pros and cons you might want to consider before you urge your kids to take on a job in college and add the additional burden of employment during their time in school.

There are many reasons why parents might prefer that their children avoid working while they’re in college. For one thing, the main point of attending college is to earn a degree (hopefully increasing job prospects), and it requires students to focus on their studies. Carrying a full course load is not only a time-consuming undertaking, what with class time and studying, but it can also take a lot of energy and concentration. A job can be disruptive on all fronts. So if students are able to cover their expenses with funds provided by scholarships, student loans, and of course, the help of their parents, there’s no reason why they should be distracted by the demands and stress of a job. In truth, attending college is like having a full-time job to begin with, and while many young adults enjoy the stamina required to take on additional work, it doesn’t make sense to tax them needlessly. Or does it?

If it’s purely a matter of money and there’s no other option, then students may have no choice but to work in order to support themselves and pay their way through college. But why would parents that can afford to help their kids financially encourage them to take on a job anyway? There are a couple of compelling reasons for parents to take this position, as well. For one thing, having a job builds confidence and character. When kids contribute financially to their own education, they are likely to place a higher value on it, thus making their performance in school more important (since they have more invested).

In addition, working a dead end, part-time job will no doubt help them to realize what their future job prospects look like if they fail to finish their degree, providing ample motivation to succeed. Of course, they might also nab an entry-level position in their field of interest, helping to build a resume and get a leg up on their peers when it comes to getting hired after graduation.

Whether your kids angle for a medical degree from Johns Hopkins or NEU’s online MST degree, you may not know if you should encourage them to take on a job during their time in school. Focusing on studies without the added stress of a job is definitely a consideration. However, encouraging your student to contribute to the cost of their education certainly builds character and communicates that hard work and perseverance pay off in the end.

The bottom line–only you know your student and can help them decide whether or not to work during college.