Category Archives: college planning

The First Day of College

Your senior is looking ahead. The last few months of high school. Major decisions to make. A huge to-do list. Then…it’s off to college. How will your student adapt? How will you adapt? Here’s a letter to your student (save it for later) and prepare yourself for their first day of college and the longest goodbye.

first day of college

This is it!

You have made the college applications, you have been to those (not for the faint of heart) college visits, you have been accepted for a place, and then, finally, your alarm clock wakes you from your slumber. The day has finally arrived.

The day you leave home and embark on your college education.

Oh, the joys, the excitement, the nerves, the cold dread of fear…

It’s time for some survival tips to help you get through your first day.

Tip #1: Operate an open day policy

If you have a roommate, then you will automatically have one candidate for your social circle (let’s hope you like them). But if you are in a room of your own, don’t shut the door when you arrive. Well, don’t shut it for long anyway, as your day will be a lot easier if you manage to say “hello” to somebody. An open door is an opening for other residents to come and introduce themselves to you, so while you might want to curl up in bed if you’re stricken with nerves, know that operating an open door policy on your first day will help you make contact with similar others.

Tip #2: Make your room your own

Homesickness is common for first-day students, and while you may be tempted to ring your parents every five minutes for comfort, you can also make any negative feelings disappear by decorating your room with your some homely touches. Photos of friends and family, posters from your old bedroom, and any knick-knack you might possess are all useful ways to transform your dorm room from something strange and unfamiliar to something comforting and reassuring.

Tip #3: Get out and meet people

Don’t stay in your room alone for long. Hopefully, you may have met people through the open door policy we advocated, but if not, you need to be proactive. Wander down the corridor and knock on other people’s doors. Introduce yourself, and let them know your room number. And go out into the wider campus and find out where people are hanging out. It takes courage to go up to groups of people, but try and do so, or if you see other people wandering about alone, go and say “hello.” They are probably in the same boat as you are, trying to make sense of their first day in a new place.

Tip #4: Explore the campus

You are going to get lost – a lot – in your first few days at college. Don’t worry, this is normal, and if you are late for a few classes here and there, then you have an excuse. Still, you can make life easier for yourself by exploring your surroundings. Especially as  you won’t have much to do on your first day, this is the perfect opportunity to spend time getting to know where things are. From the cafeteria to the library, make a mental note of how to get to places, or make notes on your phone. You might also meet people this way too, so remember to be polite and introduce yourself as you’re on your walk around the campus.


Don’t despair if you don’t meet anybody you like. Don’t worry if your first day threatens to overwhelm you. It will get easier, so try to stay calm and carry on, even when your nerves threaten to get the better of you. There is plenty more advice online on how to survive college life, including this excellent blog from Stephen Troese Jr, so gather as much info as you can to help you on your college journey.

Bringing Your Dog to College

dog to collegeCollege is a fun time for students, who are getting out into the world, trying new things, and figuring out who they are. But it’s true that many students can get homesick, too. While it’s just a fact of life that young people need to step out on their own, it’s possible that they don’t need to be completely by themselves. No, we’re not suggesting that the parents live nearby – we’re suggesting that the family pet goes with them. 

According to U.S. News, “Many colleges and universities have created housing policies that let students live with certain pets, though it’s important to consult your school’s policies before packing your pooch, as these regulations differ by campus.”

These 10 colleges and universities, listed in alphabetical order, are among those with pet-friendly policies on campus:

  1. Case Western Reserve University
  2. Eckerd College:
  3. Lehigh University
  4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
  5. Principia College
  6. Stephens College:
  7. Stetson University
  8. Sweet Briar College:
  9. University of Notre Dame
  10. Washington and Jefferson College

Does your student want or need to bring his or her dog to college?  If so, there are certainly some things to consider.

Would Your Dog Want This?

You’ll have your child’s happiness at the forefront of your mind, but don’t forget about your dog, too. They’ll be making a bigger sacrifice if they go with your child to college, since their routine will be turned upside down, and they won’t know why. So before you get too far down the planning route, think about whether this is something that your dog would like. If they cry every time your child leaves home, then it’s probably a yes. If they’re older and more settled in their routine, it’s probably a no.

Finding a Place to Live

It can be difficult enough finding a place to live at college, but it gets even more difficult when you have a dog with you. This is because many colleges and/or landlords won’t accept pets, and those that do may have limits on the breeds of dog that they allow. To give yourself the best chance of being accepted, get some certification that shows what type of dog you have – you can learn how Even if a landlord allows dogs, your son or daughter will have to speak to the other people in the house to make sure they’re OK with having a pooch living with them.

Look Up Groups and Organizations

Your dog will have a whole network of friends and professionals in their hometown, just like a regular human! When they’re moving, suddenly that network will be gone. To make it easier for your dog to adjust, look up any dog groups – it’ll allow him or her the chance to make new friends. You’ll also want to look up a local vet, so you know exactly where to go should something go wrong.

Get Organized

Student life can be pretty chaotic. There’s work, there are parties, and everything else. It’s not always the best environment for an animal! If your son or daughter is taking the family dog, you’ll need to emphasize the need for organization. That means ensuring the space is always kept clean, there’s a schedule for walks, and they have their own space to unwind on the property.

Where to Cut Corners

College life is expensive, we all know! And so are dogs. There are ways to cut corners, financially wise. Tell your child to groom the dog themselves, for instance, and find the right food – it’s very rarely the most expensive option.

Apps to Make College Prep Easier

appsMost parents feel their student’s smartphone is an extra appendage. Your student’s entire life is on their phone. They use it to stay in touch with friends (and you if you’re lucky), they use it for homework, for research, for gaming and just about every other task in their lives.

Why not add some beneficial tasks that can help with college prep and even safety? Here are some of my picks for apps that can help your student be more productive and even ease your mind a bit.

Apps to help with writing and research

What high school student doesn’t need to know how to properly annotate a reference source, find a synonym for simple words to spice up their essays, or do some research for term papers?

Apps to help your student with history

Whether you need to reference an article of the Constitution, find out what happened today 100 years ago, or look up some famous speeches, here are some apps that have got you covered.

Apps to help with math questions

Does math homework make you quake in your shoes? It did me. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the widespread availability of apps that today’s high school students have.  These apps should help both you and your student tackle those complicated math problems.

Apps to help your student improve their GPA

Instead of study apps, let’s call these “10 apps to help you get merit-aid scholarships”. Improving your GPA is the best way to qualify for merit aid, and the best way to improve your GPA is to study.

Apps to help with the college essay

One of the most dreaded tasks of the college prep process is writing the essay. Students have problems with essay prompts, being creative, and using proper grammar. As luck would have it, however, there are even essay apps to help with this task.

Apps to help with test prep

A good SAT or ACT score can translate into good merit aid. Your student should take studying seriously. These apps can help make it easier and they are FREE!

Apps to help teach your student about budgeting

A good budgeting app can help college students keep track of their finances and help them find areas where they can cut back. Most budgeting apps can cover the basics—this article will provide you with five budgeting apps that stand out from the crowd and explain how they can help keep a college student’s budget in order.

Apps to help students in critical situations

These apps can help students act during critical situations to go along with the conversations you should have with your soon-to-be college students. These apps won’t solve the problem, but they can help save a life.

For more information on apps that can help you and your student, follow this link for all the articles I’ve written in the past about apps.

Getting In to Your First Choice College

first choiceWhile many students are busy packing their bags and getting ready to leave for their first year at college, still others are working on their applications for the next round of admissions. Of course, if your child fits the latter category, it’s likely that they already have a college in mind that they wish to attend. Happily, by reading the post below you can find out about the tactics that will help them get into their first choice. Keep reading to discover more.

Address any study or subject issues

Number one of the list tactics is dealing with grades, as this is the base level that a college application will address. Happily, this is something that you can definitely help your child with, without micromanaging them as well. Firstly, it’s vital that you take a keen interest in their progress with their studies, without being overbearing and demanding.

Then, if they or their teachers flag up an issue on a particular topic, it will be much easier to address this constructively. It may be that your child is struggling with a specific subject, or that something is going on in their life that creating a distraction for them. However, as long as you are able to have an honest two-way conversation, you will ultimately be able to get them the support or help they need to ensure that their grades remain on target to get into the college of their choice.

Help your child to present a rounded application

Please do remember though that while grades are essential for college, they are not the only thing that the application board with be looking at. In fact, lately, there has been a definite move towards reviewing the whole person and looking at their extracurricular activities as well as their academic ones.

What this means is that you can quickly help your child by encouraging them to engage in activities outside of the home. These may include sports such as basketball, football, and athletics, as well as getting them involved in community projects like food banks, reading programs, and soup kitchens. Even having a part-time job, or getting some work experience in a firm that is related to their studies can go a long way to helping them stand out amounts all the other candidates. Something that can help them secure that much-needed place in their first choice school.

Seek additional help

It’s also wise to remember as a parent that there is plenty of help out there both for you and your child when it comes to making a successful college application. First off there is lots of advice online that can take you through the process step by step, and also help you hone your child’s particular application documents.

Although, if your child is aiming at one of the top schools in the country it can be helpful to approach specialists like Ivy Select admission consulting for some additional help. After all, as they have been through the process of being accepted to an ivy league college, they are the best people to know all the little tips and tweaks to make to your child’s application for the best chance of them getting into their first choice.

Explore financial aid and scholarship options

Lastly, it is important to remember that it may be finance and scholarship issues that are standing in the way of your child getting into their first choice college. In fact, as university fees have risen so sharply in recent times, it is widespread for students to pick the more economically viable options, rather than where they genuinely want to go.

Luckily you can assist your child in dealing with this, by going through the costs of their course with them, and showing them what sort of budget they will be working on. You can even help them by demonstrating how this will affect their income when they are qualified and have to pay any loans back.

It’s obviously also important to openly discuss how much, if any financial help you will be providing to them, and not leave them guessing. After all, this may have a significant impact on whether they end up applying for the genuine first choice or not.

Lastly, it’s crucial that you also go over the options for scholarships with your child as well, and make sure that they understand these entirely before they make their applications. After all, the can be complicated and confusing and they may even need to start working on things like their grades or other requirements before it gets to application time. Something that you can support them with and that can ultimately help them get into their first choice college.

How to Choose the Right College Courses

college coursesIf you are thinking about choosing your next college courses, you will need to make sure that you are not making a mistake that will cost you time and money. While online education is generally cheaper and more flexible than campus-based programs, you will have to be diligent and check out the accreditation level and quality of the degree before you sign up and part with your money. Below you will find a few tips on how to find the right course for your career goals.

Read Online Reviews

If you are interested in a course, you might want to read online reviews. There are plenty of college students blogging about their experience with the teachers and the course material, you just have to find their publications. Alternatively, you can read feedback on popular review sites and social media pages to find out whether or not the course curriculum is for you.

Test Drive Courses

In case you are still undecided which course to sign up for, you can test drive university courses. You might sign up for a free trial online and check out the quality of support provided for clients and find out whether or not you will be able to cope. You can find out how much coursework you will get each term and how complicated the exams are before you commit to completing a course.

Check Out Industry Growth

In case you are looking for further education to improve your employability, you will need to do your research and find out the rate your chosen industry is predicted to grow in the next few years. If your future role is going to be replaced by artificial intelligence, you might be better off choosing another route now instead of trying to change your career further down the line.

Build On Your Current Skills

It might also be a good idea to save time and money, choosing a future course that gives you credit for your previous courses. This will allow you to complete the course faster and gain a qualification so you can start your career. You might have a hospitality business and want to get a masters in hotel management degree  so you can secure a management position and improve your chances of advancing your career.

Know Your Limitations

It is crucial that you consider the time and energy you have to complete your course. If you are working part or full time, you will need to improve your time management skills. You might now think that you can study during the night, but if you don’t get enough sleep, your work and your college assignments will suffer, not to mention your health and wellbeing.

Making an informed decision about your college course is important to get a good job and a secure career. Consider your existing qualifications, your free time, your other commitments, and the industry growth predictions, so you can avoid spending time and money on courses you will not benefit from.


Why Apply for Financial Aid?

financial aidFinancial aid can be a confusing part of the college application process. Even if you can afford to pay for college, it’s a good idea to learn what aid is available and apply for it. You aren’t obligated to accept it, but most students qualify for some form of aid and, if it’s available, why not use it?

What is financial aid?

Financial aid is intended to make up the difference between what your family can afford to pay and what college actually costs. With college tuition rising rapidly, more than half of the students currently enrolled in college receive some sort of financial aid to help pay for college. The system is based on the premise that anyone should be able to attend college, regardless of financial circumstances. However, students and their families are expected to contribute to the extent that they are able.

There are two types of aid: need-based, and non need-based. Need-based aid includes grants and scholarships that are issued based on the family’s ability to contribute to education costs. Non-need-based aid is allocated solely based on availability, not need.

There are three main types of financial aid: grants and scholarships, loans and work study.

What is “free” money?

Not all aid is equal and the best aid is the aid you don’t have to pay back. It’s like getting a huge coupon of savings to use for your college education.

What types of education loans are available?

Not all college loans are equal.

There are two types of government-based loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. Subsidized loans have lower interest rates and are awarded based on the student’s financial need with interest deferred until after graduation. Unsubsidized loans are awarded without regard to financial need with interest payments beginning immediately and regular payments due after graduation.

What is work study?

The Federal Work-Study Program provides a method for college students to earn funds to be used toward their education. The program is based on financial need and students must be accepted into the program to qualify which is determined by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA.

What is the FAFSA and do I need to file it?

The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and you should apply if you want any chance to receive federal and state student grants, work study, loans or merit-based aid. If you don’t complete the FAFSA, you can’t apply for student loans. Colleges also use these figures when determining financial aid eligibility for grants and scholarships. Plus, many states use your FAFSA data to determine your eligibility for their aid.

The FAFSA is available on Oct. 1 of every year and you should complete it as close to that date as possible in the fall of your senior year. Aid is dispersed on a first-come, first-served basis. The sooner you apply, the more likely you will receive a portion of the financial aid pie.

What is the EFC?

The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is how much money your family is expected to contribute to your college education for one year. Typically, the lower your EFC, the more financial aid you will receive. Factors such as family size, number of family members in college, family savings, and current earnings (information you provide on the FAFSA) are used to calculate this figure. Once your FAFSA is processed, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) with your official EFC figure.

You can calculate your EFC by visiting

What is an award letter and how do you use it?

As the offers of admission arrive from colleges, the financial aid award letters will follow. They can be confusing and vague. Added to the confusion is that every award letter is different, making it hard to easily compare them side by side.

Thankfully, there are tools available and information to help you look at these letters for what they are: the college’s pitch for you to accept their offer of admission. You are in control of this process and you hold the cards. It’s your decision to accept or reject their offer based on the amount of aid they are willing to give you. Money, in this situation, is everything.

If a college wants you to attend, they will back it up with money. No money means their offer is probably based on filling a quota and expecting you will decline to attend. And you should. Who wants to attend a college that doesn’t value you as a student?

For details on the types of free money, educational loans, how colleges use the financial award letter to hide their agenda, read the original full article I wrote at TeenLife Media:  A Beginner’s Guide to Financial Aid and How to Get It.

Are Your Pressuring Your Child Too Much to Study?

studyCollege is a very important decision. It could affect your child for the rest of their lives and it could even mean the difference between them getting the job of their dreams and not. Of course, as a parent you may feel pressure here as well because you only want the best for your child and you also want them to do well. The last thing that you want however is to put additional pressure on them because if you do then you may end up doing more harm than good and this is something that you will want to avoid.

You Criticize Too Much

If you find that you criticize more than you praise then this is a clear sign that you are putting too much pressure on them. A lot of parents tend to ignore a lot of positive behavior because they don’t think that their kids need praise for being good because they need to be pressured so that they can be great. This is not the case at all, so if you know that your child is putting in the work, don’t be afraid to reward them. Take them out shopping, or even grab a coffee and catch up on news that revolves around something other than college. When you do this, you can give them a break and you can also show them that you support them regardless. After all, the last thing that you want is for your child to feel as though if they fail, that your love for them will disappear.


If you are a high-pressure parent then you may find that you micromanage your child when they are trying to study. You may ensure that they are doing everything right and you may even go above and beyond when it comes to getting them study resources. Although at times, there may be nothing wrong with this, you do need to make sure that you are letting them study by themselves. If you don’t then they may find it hard to study alone when they go to university and when they are away from home, this is the last thing that you need.

You Believe Every Situation Is Going to Alter their Life

If you find that you are constantly telling your child that nearly every situation is do-or-die then this can cause you major issues. You don’t need to tell your child that this is their one-shot and you don’t need to put them under any more pressure than they are already under. This is especially the case for gifted and talented students and the main reason for this is because they already understand the consequences of their actions. They are also already aware of their potential and what they could go on to achieve, so you don’t need to keep reminding them that every time they get a lower score on a test, that they are compromising their own chances. After all, this may not even be true, because there are so many resources out there designed to help those who do score badly on tests, to re-try or even take an alternative route.

Missed Opportunities: How My College Mistakes Impacted My Adult Life

  1. Today’s guest post is from Kyle Grappone, a youth motivational speaker and book author. His aim is to inspire High School and College students to think differently about their futures, take advantage of their opportunities, and answer the question: “What type of person do you want to become?”.  


collegeAttending college is an amazing opportunity that not everyone gets a chance to experience. It’s an opportunity to learn more about the world around you, make new friends, and create a career path that will lead to success and fulfillment. It indeed is a chance at a better life. It’s customary for successful alumni to give speeches or write articles about everything they did right in college and how to emulate the success they had. High School students often have guidance counselors and family members dispensing well-intentioned but typically routine advice on how to be successful. Tips such as go to class, study in the library, and get plenty of sleep usually top this list. The issue is that the part that gets left out is the long-term impact there college choices will have on the rest of their lives. Furthermore, the well-intentioned adults giving this advice are usually the same voices this student has listened to for years and has begun to tune out. It’s time someone who wouldn’t be considered an “ideal success story” talks about these topics and the long-term impact they can have on your life.

I slept through most of my time in High School. Okay, I didn’t actually sleep, but I wasn’t fully present either. I coasted through High School and was accepted to a small school in upstate New York. When I was getting ready for college, I had plenty of people telling me all sorts of advice. I can’t recall what they were saying, because I really wasn’t listening. I was focused on being on my own, partying, and doing all the fun college stuff I saw in movies. The next four years flew by. I had a lot of fun and made a lot of friends but, just like high school, I didn’t try as hard as I could. I didn’t try because I wasn’t aware of what was coming next in life. I was unaware and unprepared for that next step called “The Real World,” and I had no idea how my poor choices were impacting my future. Without knowing what was waiting for me after graduation, I had no idea what opportunities I should have been taking advantage of.

So, while I graduated on-time as a double major, I did so with no idea how to write a resume, interview for a job or figure out what I actually wanted to do with this degree I had just paid a lot of money to obtain. I also did not realize how much left I had to pay or how those pesky interest rates on my loans actually worked. I was 22 years old and lost. I was entirely unprepared for this world I found myself in. My first job out of college was working part-time at Bed Bath and Beyond. This position was followed by a minimum wage warehouse job and a low-paying educational position. Eventually, I recovered and found my passions and better-paying positions. However, my poor choices and lack of understanding and caring regarding my future left an impact that I still feel to this day. Here are a few pieces of advice from a college graduate who knows what happens when you don’t take advantage of what’s right in front of you. 

Make A Plan

When you are older, and preparing to make a life-impacting decision, you make a plan. You decide what it’s going to entail and what you want the result to be. College is a series of life-impacting decisions, so there should be a plan regarding why you are going and what you want to get out of it. Why should an 18-year old sit down and make a plan the summer before college instead of going to the beach? They should make a plan because it will help them choose the right major, pass there classes and ultimately set them up for success in the real world. The better prepared you are, the happy you are going to be. Decide what you want the outcome of your college experience to be and right down specific actions you are going to take to make sure you will achieve the outcome you desire.

Going To Class Is Your Job

It may sound boring, but learning is the reason you are at college. If you are not interested in learning more and challenging yourself, then you should stay at home and save yourself a ton of money. Attending class is not always fun. It’s work, and that’s the way you should treat it. It’s essential that you are not only attending class but participating and learning. The more you learn now, the less you will have to catch up on when you are trying to apply for jobs after graduation. Also, developing habits such as waking up early for class, adding value by participating, and studying on a regular basis are the building blocks for a strong work ethic. A strong work ethic will be noted and rewarded with better-paying positions and opportunities. A well-paying career can often lead to a happier life and less financial stress.

Learn What Networking Is

Networking is a word that you will hear a lot when you are in school and beyond. What does it actually mean? Educators will give you an educated and sophisticated explanation, but I will provide you with a blunt one. Networking means meeting people who can help your career. It means finding people who are currently doing what you want to be doing and asking a lot of questions. It means learning from those who have come before you. It also means creating relationships with people you can count on to give you advice or recommend you for a position you are applying for. The more help you have in your job search the better your odds of landing a better position, creating a  better career, and a living a better life.

Forget The Money, Take The Internship

My last regret turned pearl of wisdom is about internships. Almost every major requires one, but most students don’t know how this seemingly menial work will help them in the future. Most students get caught up on the fact that they have to work for free. I can’t say that I blame them because no one wants to work for free. However, it’s crucial someone points out that money is only one form of payment. If you approach an internship correctly, it can pay you in ways that are more valuable than cash. It can pay you in experience. You’ll need that experience on your resume when you and dozens of other fresh college graduates are applying for the same job. It can also pay you in references. Actual people who can vouch for the type of employee you will be and the value you can bring to a company. Working for free while you can lead to a lot more money when you need it the most.

College can be a fantastic time in a student’s life, but there are plenty of people and content who can cover all that stuff. The goal today was to show the importance of taking advantage of your time in college because it will have a lasting impact on your future happiness and life. If you are a parent, I invite you to share this piece with your high school student so they may be better prepared than I was.

About Kyle

His book, To The Next Step, is an instruction manual for High School and College students to achieve the goals I listed above. You can learn more about my book here:




Twitter: @KyleGSpeaks

Instagram: KyleGSpeaks

The Perfect College List

college list

Did you know there are more than 4,000 four-year colleges and universities in the United States? That can make choosing a college overwhelming. But there is a college to fit your dreams – and finding it starts with the right list of schools where you plan to apply.

Your college list is the basis for every decision regarding college. Without a good list, it’s impossible to make a clearly logical and well-informed college choice. You should begin your college list during your junior year of high school. By the beginning of your senior year, you should have a final list for college applications.

The “Fit” Questions

How do you start a dream list? A good college list should have three “fit” criteria: financial fit, academic fit and emotional fit. Consider each school by asking these “fit” questions:

  • Financial Fit-Does the college fit into your family’s budget?
  • Academic Fit-Does the college fit into your academic aspirations?
  • Emotional Fit-Can you see yourself attending college there?

Seven More Questions to Use as a Reality Check

Once you’ve answered the “fit” questions, dig deep and ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you choosing a college to follow a boyfriend or girlfriend?
  • Are you choosing a college to follow a best friend?
  • Are you choosing a college because you follow the sports team?
  • Are you choosing a college because it’s “fun”?
  • Are you choosing a college because of location?
  • Are you choosing a college because of its reputation?
  • Are you choosing a college based on someone else’s opinion?

Divide Your College List Into These Categories

Once you’ve answered all those questions, you’re ready to begin your list, which should always include the Dream Team, the Best Bets and some Sure Things (also known as reach schools, best fit schools and safety schools).

The Dream Team

Your dream colleges should be a reach but not impossible. Those colleges have very low acceptance rates. I’m all for dreaming, but when it comes to a college list, practicality and logic reign.

The Best Bets

The colleges on this part of the list are colleges that would put you at the top of the applicant pool.  It’s not all about the money, but money sure does make the final decision easier.

The Sure Things

Carefully consider the choices and make sure that these colleges are colleges you really want to attend. It will relieve pressure and stress if they offer you admission.

Consider This Important College Data

Now that you know which colleges to put on your college list, how do you choose the right ones? What criteria do you use to populate your list? Where do you find the best information, or statistics, to help you make your list?

Two good sources for college statistics are College Navigator and College Data. These two resources will help you make an informed college choice. Numbers aren’t everything, but consider these important stats when you are looking at schools


Never rely solely on one set of rankings. Use the comparison tools to make a wise college choice.

Financial aid percentages

If you need financial aid, a college with a low percentage of merit aid should be eliminated from your list.

Acceptance rates

Look for colleges with high acceptance rates. Better yet, look for the colleges where you would be a top applicant in the applicant pool. This translates into more merit aid in the financial aid package.

Faculty-student ratio

If you’re looking at a big school, consider the size of the program that interests you. You may get more personalized attention in a major with fewer students.

Freshman retention rate

If schools you’re considering have a low freshman retention rate, there’s a reason. Some colleges do a great job of taking care of their freshmen; some don’t.

Graduation rate

When you research the college, look up their graduation rates. Low rates could be a red flag.

Average indebtedness

If the average student indebtedness is high, and you need financial aid, this college might not make the final list.

Percentage of students employed after graduation

Colleges with a high percentage of unemployed graduates should be avoided by students who need to incur high student loan debt.

Other Important Stuff to Think About

  • Study styles: Are you more comfortable in a structured class or doing independent study?
  • Money: Your budget plays a huge factor in the decision process.
  • SizeDo you want small class sizes, or does it matter?
  • Location: Do you want to go away to college or stay close by or even live at home?
  • Extracurriculars: Are there activities that are crucial to having a positive college experience (for example, working on a campus newspaper, participating in intramural sports, studying abroad)?
  • Academics: Is there a specific major you are interested in, or will a liberal arts degree do?
  • Career focus:  Do you need to consider a school that offers specialized degrees like culinary arts or fashion design?
  • Sports: Does the school have a huge sports program, or do sports have little impact on your decision?
  • Competitive or noncompetitive: Do you have the resume that will ensure acceptance to a competitive college like Stanford or Princeton?
  • Specialized programs: Do you want to work in a specific field?

As you can easily see, there’s more to refining a college list than picking a college with Greek life or college sports rankings. It’s a place you will call home, and you need to feel comfortable there. Once you’ve determined that a college meets all your criteria, add it to the list. It’s a keeper!

For details on each category and more information on how to populate your college list, read the original article written for TeenLife Magazine: How to Put Together a College List that Finds the Perfect Fit.

Could Private School Prepare Your Child for College?

private schoolFrom the time your child enters preschool, all you ever want is to provide them with the best educational experience. The more your children are able to learn in their formative years, the better equipped they are for the real world. As your child grows up in a world that is ever-changing, it is vital that you’re able to provide them with a competitive foundation to succeed. A solid education is an essential part of that foundation, which is why many parents send their children to private schools.

Though there are undoubtedly great public school systems that have produced some of the world’s most well-renowned people, many parents find that affording their children a private education, particularly in middle and high school, provides an advantage for their teens. Many of the best schools in Orange county and across the US use moral and ethical values along with teaching practices and student expectations, to help make transitioning into the college environment a lot easier.

If you’re thinking of enrolling your child in a private school, but wonder how it might best prepare them for college, you’ll find these points to be interesting.

More Resources for Broader Learning Opportunities

Unfortunately, many public schools have had to cut funding for many of their educational and extracurricular programs once available to students. From foreign languages to sports and music, there are a lot of great opportunities students don’t have access to. Private schools, however, have the available resources to educate students in those areas. As they are able to explore new cultures, various art forms, and even athletics, it provides them with a diverse education and skills they wouldn’t otherwise be able to.

High Student Expectations

Parents are, without a doubt, an intricate part of their teen’s educational experience. When cooperating with teachers, parents are able to help their children to be better learners. Yet, as students get older, it is necessary for them to take a larger responsibility in their education. When they graduate high school and go on to college, professors will require a lot of them. If they don’t hold up to said expectations, they run the risk of ruining their educational careers. Private schools stand to prepare students for that. Requiring students to put their best foot forward in their studies and also expecting them to participate in extracurricular activities gives students a sense of responsibility they’ll need to master college life.

A Diverse Environment

Public schools are available to students who live in a particular town. This can limit your child’s exposure to other cultures, backgrounds, and personality types. Private schools recruit from all over and create a climate where children from all walks of life can feel at home. Your teen gets to learn how unique they are while also learning about the unique qualities of others. They learn how to get along, work together, and in some cases, cohabitat with individuals who are representations of the very makeup of college campuses across the country.

College Resources

Another bonus to enrolling your teen in private middle or high school are the various resources most facilities tend to have. Many schools have college assistance programs in which they help students and their parents through the college application process. By their sophomore year, most students are paired with a college counselor who helps them look into various universities, research financial aid, and scholarship opportunities, and work on the essays giving them a better chance at getting noticed.

Your children are the future leaders, creative minds, and motivators of their generation. In order for them to effectively make their mark on the world, it is imperative that they have a solid foundation from which to draw from. Private schooling has the resources, curriculum, and experience to help each of our students master the exciting new chapter of college life and beyond.