Category Archives: college planning

7 Things to LOVE about the college prep process

imagesValentine’s Day always reminds us about love. But I doubt many parents, or students would associate love with the college prep process. Frustration, stress, angst would most likely come to mind.

I’m an eternal optimist and I can find at least 7 things to love about the college prep process. Hopefully reading these will ease your stress and help you see that there is much to love, even though you feel you are in the midst of a nightmare.

  1. Time with your student-The college process requires you to spend quality time with your teenager.
  2. Reaching another milestone-Applying to college signifies another milestone in your child’s life moving toward adulthood.
  3. College visits-Being trapped in a car for hours and days with your teenager is a godsend for most parents.
  4. Finding scholarship money-It goes without saying that scholarship monies help you feel the love.
  5. Celebrating life’s accomplishments-With every application students are required to list their accomplishments. This is a time for you to celebrate and be proud.
  6. Reading the recommendation letters-Feeling the love from the adults who have been involved with your student academically and personally should make every parent proud.
  7. Receiving acceptance letters-Feeling the love that colleges have for your student can be a proud moment in a parent’s life.

You would probably have a similar list of what NOT to love, but for today let’s “feel the love” and concentrate on the positive aspects of the college admissions process.


Is your student unprepared for college?

As parents, we want our students to excel in everything that they do; this desire for excellence culminates for most parents at high school graduation. Your student studies, works hard, completes all the graduation requirements and you anticipate that they are prepared for college. But is your student really unprepared for college?

Should we be assuming that high school prepares them for college? Does education need to change in this country to better prepare students for the rigorous course work and academics in a college setting? Are schools simply “teaching the test” to students and not encouraging them to learn?

Here’s an infographic created by showing that a large percentage of our students in this country are NOT prepared for college. Ask tough questions, get some answers, and be proactive BEFORE your student heads off to college. The time to ask is now–before they become overwhelmed and drop out.


FREE “Plan for College” Videos


When we see the word FREE, we automatically ask ourselves, “What’s the catch?” The promise of FREE usually includes statements like “pay shipping and handling” or “a small subscription cost”. This time FREE means FREE!

My good friend and colleague,Paul Hemphill, is offering to my parent and student readers the opportunity to get his time-honored and valuable video series for FREE. There’s no catch. He’s  doing it because he believes in them and he believes that parents and students need some help with the college process. Paul has sold these videos in the past, but he’s willing to GIVE THEM AWAY to anyone who subscribes to this email link.

He’s not going to sell your email or contact you about his coaching services. As hard as it is to believe (in this skeptical, not trust anyone culture) there is NO CATCH. Every week, you will receive two emails with video coaching related to the college admissions process. He has unique insight on how to “market” your student to the college and he knows how to get results with this tactic. While counseling clients over the last several years, he has developed this series to share with them during the coaching process. My readers get it FREE!

Here’s what you can look forward to over the next 52 weeks:

  1. Relevance: The videos are topical and address the immediate concerns of most parents and students. By contrast, you will never see a video on how to get into an Ivy League college since the great majority of students will never apply to the Ivys. “My approach”, says Paul, “is not to waste the viewer’s time.”
  2. Controversial: Some of these college admission tips on video are disturbing to colleges, but this isn’t the market for which the videos are designed. Colleges will repel at the suggestion in one video that parents make multiple deposits on the standard May 1 deadline. Another video suggests that a student should absolutely apply to at least 10 colleges.
  3. Short: These videos are no longer than 2 minutes in length; long enough to contain a lot of useful information and short enough to satisfy short attention spans in a fast-pace culture.
  4. Content: The focus is on what will work for both parents and students. For example, a video will suggest what topics must be avoided in writing the college application essay. Or, how a parent can save $11,000 by what a student does with free time.
  5. Humor: It may be in the form of a funny story that drives the point home, or a one-liner, maybe even a facial expression. Introductions to the video’s topic are intended to grab your attention. One video starts this way: “I’m going to show you how to be shallow and superficial in a college admissions office!”
  6. Approach: Each video presents a problem and then suggests a viable solution. Some  solutions are so simple that you’ll conclude you haven’t seen or read about this anywhere else. “My own clients,” says Paul, “are universal in their opinion that these videos are to-the-point and no-nonsense all the way.”
  7. Themes: The easier ways to pay less for college and the easier way to get in. Paul looks for every angle that will make it easier for you to pay for college, and he leaves no stone unturned on some original and creative ways to get into college without appearing brass or slick.

If you still aren’t convinced, listen to all of Paul’s testimonials from current and past clients.


What’s the best part? For you, it’s absolutely FREE. And if you aren’t interested or don’t find these videos helpful, you can unsubscribe at any time. I know, however, that you will be so impressed that you will contact Paul to help you and your student personally with the process.

What have you got to lose? The thousands of dollars you will save by watching these videos and FREE help with the college admissions process!


Compare Colleges side-by-side with

Whether you are eagerly awaiting those acceptance letters or are still applying (or both), the fact remains that you need to pick the best school you can go to, and you need to find out which particular college that is.

FindTheBest is an unbiased, data driven comparison engine that allows students and parents to look at schools. Researching colleges and universities becomes so much simpler with filtered options such as location, tuition, average SAT score, size, religious affiliation and other important factors. And once those acceptance letters start rolling in, students can create custom comparison lists to see the differences between each school side-by-side.

Parents should also look into college scholarships, fellowships, and grants to mitigate the financial burden that arrives when a child is sent off to college, and students should look into them to shorten the years that it will take to repay student loans.  FindTheBest also has a comprehensive list and information including enrollment level, minimum GPA, gender and background specificity, and scholarships to particular schools.

If your student is still a junior in high school, then the SAT and ACT test prep class comparison tool will help you get that high composite score that colleges love to see. Test prep classes run all year-round, but the best times to take the tests are in the spring.

The college application process is fundamentally imperative to the success of a student’s academic career.  These tools were developed with that in mind, and all of them are completely at your disposal to use in navigating the college maze.


University of savings: financial aid tips

mini college graduation cap on cashBig college dreams have a big price tag. Most students use some form of aid to pay for college. According to CollegeBoard, more than $207 billion in aid is available. From federal loans to scholarship contests, opportunities to knock down college costs appear to those who search. Leave no stone unturned and look into these college aid resources to cover the costs.


With the potential for grants, loans and work-study incentives, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is square one when it comes to paying for college. The FAFSA analyzes family financial information through the federal-need formula. Among other things, FAFSA takes tax information into account, so recommends filing tax returns before starting the application. However, if your taxes aren’t ready, file with estimated amounts from last year and update with correct amounts after filing.

Aimed at providing a path to college for any student, the FAFSA is particularly advantageous for disadvantaged students, who have a better chance to receive free grants and scholarships.

Students can fill out this lengthy application at

Scholarship Contests

Students with 4.0 GPAs and high SAT scores aren’t the only ones who can take advantage of scholarship money. Scholarship contests offer students an equal playing field to show their stuff. Whether it’s an essay, video or presentation, these performance-based contests highlight talent in any field. lists news opportunities in various categories, including minority scholarships, corporate scholarships and even non-academic scholarships. A quick Google News search for “scholarship contests” will return the latest contents and deadlines.

Ask your guidance counselor for additional local opportunities, and explore the internet for the latest scholarship offers.

Student Loans

Free money is preferable, but loans enable students to have a classic college experience even if they can’t pay for it up front. This growing trend in financial aid is putting thousands of students through college and collecting payments from millions. In early January, student loan debt in the U.S. surpassed $1 trillion, according to, and that number is expected to grow even more.

The FAFSA provides opportunities for federal student loans. Sallie Mae bank offers a private option to compete with these government offerings.

Loans can provide a worry-free college experience, but don’t over-borrow and saddle yourself with too much debt. Once graduation comes, failing to make payments can compromise your financial stability. The rule of thumb with student loans–borrow wisely.

Unconventional Aid

Some scholarship opportunities don’t fit into traditional molds. Unique scholarships give students that may not otherwise stand out a chance at college aid. The vertically-challenged student, for example, can take advantage of the Little People of America Association’s scholarship for students 4’10” or shorter. Left-handed students that have had to deal with awkward desks and sloppy writing are in luck, too. The Frederick and Mary F. Beckley Scholarship Program offers money for southpaws who demonstrate leadership skills.

Every student has something unique about him or her. Search for the scholarships that separate you from the crowd.

Work and pay as you go

Many students are choosing to work and pay as they go. High school students work during the summers and save for textbooks and other essentials not covered in tuition. Some students choose the community college route, attending classes as they can afford to pay for them. Other students opt to use the work study program at their college to supplement tuition expenses.

Colleges are recognizing that tuition costs are rising the average family cannot afford to chunk down tens of thousands of dollars at the beginning of the school term. They offer payment plans which spread the tuition out over the school year to help parents budget and pay as they go.

College is in reach if you take the time to research the many opportunities available and use that information to make a college choice that best fits into your available budget. Don’t let financial barriers keep you from achieving your dreams; and don’t let financial barriers lure you into overwhelming debt just to pay for a high-priced college.


It’s FAFSA time!

Here’s a great post from the College Board in honor of Financial Aid Awareness month for parents, reminding all of us of the importance of the FAFSA and how to get ready for submission.

It’s time.


The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is how millions of students apply for federal, state and most college-based financial aid. And because government grants compose 74 percent of this $185 billion pool, it’s understandable for families to feel anxious when filling out the FAFSA.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Susan McCrackin, Senior Director Financial Aid Methodology at the College Board, offers this eight-step map to help parents and students work through the FAFSA as efficiently and effectively as possible.

1. Gather Your Documents 

It is much easier to fill out the FAFSA if you have all the needed forms in hand before you start. Here’s a list of documents to get you going. You should also get a U.S. Department of Education personal identification number (PIN.) Here’s the PIN application link.

2. Think About Taxes

Parents’ taxes are an important part in the FAFSA process. Getting taxes done by February 1st may be unrealistic, so last year’s taxes and this year’s paystubs can help create estimates. After February 3rd, the IRS Data Retrieval Tool becomes available, allowing students and parents to access the IRS tax return information needed to complete the FAFSA and transfer the data directly into their FAFSA from the IRS website. And if you owe the government money, take note: you can complete your taxes without actually filing and cutting a check to Uncle Sam.

3. Find Quiet Time  

The FAFSA has a lot of sections. Breaking them into smaller pieces makes the FAFSA easier to navigate. Consider these do’s and don’ts.

  1. Don’t sprint. Take questions one at a time and give yourself time to properly answer each question.
  2. Do read each question carefully and out loud. It will help you understand the question better.
  3. Don’t multi-task. Put your mobile phone away, and turn off the television.
  4. Do find a quiet place where the FAFSA will have your full attention.

4. Stay Student Focused

Parents often forget that the student always provides information. Parents are required to provide their information if the student is dependent.

So when parents see a question that refers to “I,” remember that “I” is the student. “You” is also the student. When questions address parents, you will see questions that refer to “your parents.”  This is where parental information goes.

5. Avoid Parent Traps

As families evolve, so do questions about who needs to provide information for the FAFSA. When you see “parents,” FAFSA is referring to the student’s biological or adoptive parents. When the parents are married, then the student and both parents complete the FAFSA.

If the parents are not together, things can get confusing.  BigFuture by the College Board created a corresponding infographic to help address some commonly asked questions. That infographic will appear on this site tomorrow.

6. Keep Track of Deadlines

Every college has a different set of deadlines based on priority, merit, early decisions etc. BigFuture by the College Board helps families sort through these deadlines with detailed college profiles and a free, customized action plan. And, should you have specific questions about specific colleges or universities, don’t be afraid to call the college’s financial aid office and ask questions.

7. Profile CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE® 

The FAFSA opens the doors to federal aid. There’s also almost $50 billion in non-federal aid available – from colleges, states and private institutions. Some colleges and programs use the College Board’s CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE to help award these monies.

CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE is an online application that collects information used by almost 400 colleges and scholarship programs to award financial aid outside sources from the federal government. Families must complete the application and the College Board sends it to the colleges and scholarship programs they have chosen.

Here’s a list of colleges that use CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE® and where you go to complete the  CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE®.  Sending your CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE® report to one college or scholarship program costs $25. Additional reports are $16 each. There are fee waivers available for low-income families.

8. Gain Experience

The more you experience something, the better you do. This free FAFSA webinar walks you section by section through an actual application with the College Board’s Senior Director for Financial Aid Methodology, Susan McCrackin. Families can access the free FAFSA webinar 24/7.

It’s time. Go after your piece of the more than $185 billion in financial aid to help make college possible. Use BigFuture for advice and to help create a customized plan for your child. Then follow the map. Chances are it will lead to an investment that provides returns for the rest of your child’s life.

10 Facebook pages every parent should “like”

If you’re a parent of a college-bound teen and you’re on Facebook (shame on you if you’re not), check out these great resources for parents (and students). Consider this list an “early” Christmas present!

10 Facebook pages every parent should “like”:

  1. Parents Countdown to College Coach
  2. College Bound and Gagged
  3. The College Solution
  4. Video College Advisor
  5. Zinch
  6. The Happiest Kid on Campus
  7. University Parent
  8. How to Win College Scholarships
  9. Smart College Visit
  10. The College-Bound Chronicles\

Use social media to stay informed about the college application process. It’s just another way parents can help gather information, give guidance and stay informed.

You might also check out:

25 Twitter accounts every parent of a college-bound teen should follow

Online college parent resources

Your parent arsenal-strength for the journey

Six Simple Steps to Prepare for College

The competition for college acceptance has never been tougher, which is why preparing early for your college education can help you position yourself to get into the college you want.  High school graduation may seem like it is ages away, but now is the time to start preparing for college.   Getting ready for college means planning for the future and making some very important decisions early—we advise following these six steps below to maximize your chances of getting into the best college possible.

1) Visit a College Counselor as Early as 9th Grade

Students should begin visiting a college counselor as early as 9th grade. Visit your school’s college counselor early and often to assist with SAT prep, college choices, college applications and letters of reference at no additional cost.

2) Do Your Research to Find a Great Match

Finding a college that compliments your educational goals, personality and learning style takes time and effort. Start by making a list of what criteria your perfect school would have. From that list, focus on the schools that meet your needs with regard to location, size, character and degree programs.  I highly recommend the various college searching tools available at

3) Visit at Least 6 College Campuses

It is recommended that you visit at least six campuses before senior year begins and applications start going out.  Once you have edited down your list of potential schools, schedule an appointment to visit each campus. Also, make sure to check out the schools’ social media sites to get the inside scoop before you visit.

4) Explore Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Total School Costs

Many students find it helpful to prepare an excel spreadsheet to manage information on colleges’ costs, financial aid program and scholarship offerings.

Review national lists of scholarships, awards and grants for college. is one of many great resources for finding scholarships and awards.

5) Line up Your References Before Junior Year Ends

Get to know teachers and administrators, who can provide valuable letters of reference to accompany your college applications.  Get involved in extracurricular activities, such as leadership and service opportunities, to build strong relationships.

Allow enough time to show them why you are worthy of their endorsement and provide ample notice, at least four weeks, for them to write the letter. Send a thank you note after you receive your letter to show your appreciation.

6) Take the SAT Exam Seriously

Preparing for the SAT should start well before you even book the date of the exam.  The test draws on information learned during the school year, so make sure you do well in class, working with a tutor as necessary.

Lastly, strong consideration should be given to the type of high school you attend, for not all high schools are created equal.  Many colleges will take into account the academic structure and relative rigor of your high school, so attending a respected boarding school or private high school could provide several advantages as well.  But, regardless of what high school you attend, the single most important advice I can give you is to start early—getting into the college of your dreams will make all this preparation worth the hard work.


Today’s guest post was contributed by Amanda Green, a freelance writer who normally writes on the topics of education, business, and personal finance. Amanda has been writing for multiple years on the web and enjoys writing on less serious topics like pets and crafting in her spare time! You can read more writing by Amanda at

10 Tips to write more competitive college application essays


With college admissions season in full swing, students nationwide are beginning to prepare their applications. While many of the academic elements like GPA, class rank and SAT score are set, one part of the application that students still exercise control over are the essays. To help students write competitive essays that will help get them noticed by admissions officers, Veritas Prep, the largest global provider of test prep and admissions consulting services, teamed up with Application Boot Camp®, America’s top college consulting firm, to offer ten tips students should follow as they draft their college application essays:

  1. DO think of your essays as a collection – use each to explore a different layer of who you are and how you would enhance the student body.
  2. DON’T discuss politics or religion, unless you’re coming from an academic perspective – the essays are not the place to take a stand on a personal issue.
  3. DO show, DON’T tell – think hard before you overuse adjectives and adverbs; clearly communicate your strengths without using extraneous language.
  4. DON’T focus on what you want to do, but rather on what you have already done – how have you gone above and beyond? What is your scholarly niche?
  5. DO use an opening hook – start your college essay with something that will capture the admission officer’s attention and show why you stand out.
  6. DON’T be a generalist, be a specialist – colleges and universities aren’t looking for well rounded students, they are looking for a well rounded student body. Show them where you stand out and how you complement the mix they are going for.
  7. DO use details – unsubstantiated statements are quickly dismissed, so be sure to use supporting details to illustrate and elaborate on what you are saying.
  8. DON’T use “SAT words” – admissions officers are unimpressed by those trying to show off their vocabulary, they much prefer clear, concise essays.
  9. DO write “Why Paragraphs” – while they are not required, they are an excellent opportunity to show what you’ll bring and why you belong at a given school.
  10. DON’T use clichés – clichés are the quickest way to come across as inauthentic and unexceptional.

“Each year admission at the top colleges and universities becomes more and more competitive and students need to maximize their applications to highlight the qualities and characteristics that admissions officers are looking for,” said Dr. Michele Hernández, former assistant director of admissions at Dartmouth College and one of the nation’s most sought after private admissions counselors. “Essays are the best way to become a 3D applicant, adding another dimension to what otherwise would be a profile made up of grades, activities and test scores, which are only part of the story. In their essays, students have an opportunity to jump off the page and showcase who they are as an applicant and a person.”


Nearly a decade ago, Dr. Hernández and award winning author and parenting expert Mimi Doe co-founded Application Boot Camp®, a four-day workshop that provides students with step-by-step advice on their college applications. Recently they partnered with Veritas Prep to launch Application Boot Camp® On Demand, which captures the same guidance and advice from the $14,000 in-person workshop and makes it available as an interactive, online program for only $750.

In addition to twelve self-paced sessions led by Dr. Hernández and Ms. Doe, the program features a library of quizzes and interactive exercises. To learn more about Application Boot Camp® On Demand and Veritas Prep, visit

About Veritas Prep
Veritas Prep is the world’s largest provider of test prep and admissions consulting services. It offers industry-leading programs to help applicants improve standardized test scores and gain admission to the world’s most selective universities. Founded in 2002 by graduates of the Yale School of Management, Veritas Prep offers its live classroom GMAT prep course in more than 90 cities worldwide and as an interactive online course available to students everywhere. Its Veritas Prep SAT 2400 course is available as a classroom course, live online, on demand or in private tutoring sessions and features the only zero risk, money back guarantee in the industry. In addition, Veritas Prep offers admissions consulting services for applicants seeking entry into competitive business schools, law schools, medical schools and other graduate programs. For more information, visit