Category Archives: college planning

IvyAlly-Helping in the admissions process

We have talked to many parents, and have heard the same problem expressed repeatedly.  A father of four whose eldest daughter had just finished her freshman year in high school explained, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” 

For some, this sentiment came from an appreciation that the application process has evolved drastically, becoming more competitive and comprehensive.  Others had not gone to college themselves and had no intimate experience to draw upon.  Still others had gone to public universities with different criteria for acceptance and were unsure if their advice would be as applicable and helpful to more selective institutions.

IvyAlly was built around the idea that no one has the insight, experience, or recollection of how to get accepted into elite universities than those students who have just crossed the chasm and are now attending the school of their dreams.

We are a community of over 40 current Ivy League students looking to help others in the admissions process.  More importantly, we are 40 individuals that demonstrate how diverse and unique the path to acceptance can be.  

Our mission is to level the playing field in the college admissions process.  Before, high school students had to rely on their own networks to receive advice.  Worse, professional services priced many families out costing hundreds to thousands of dollars.  We want to change this reality by providing affordable resources.

We have created our resources by talking to current college students and asking them what they wished they had as resources during the college application process.  We have also met with high school students for advice and feedback.  For example, we will be launching a new series titled 500 Words.  Each week, one of our Mentors will upload one of their admissions essays and film a short segment, about 5 minutes long, talking about their individual writing process, how they chose the topic, and what they like and dislike about the essay.  For more information about all of our resources, check out our site:  

Feel free to contact me at with any questions regarding the college application and selection process. 


Use this code: PARENTSCOUNT and get a 20% discount

My Top Favs from the Top 100 recently posted a list of the Top 100 Education advice blogs, of which I am proud to say my Parents Countdown to College Coach blog was #5 on the list. If you’re a parent of a college-bound teen you should take some time to peruse the list and check out the valuable information provided on each of the blogs. Bookmark the page and keep it in your favorites folder for future reference. Some of MY FAVORITES were on the list as well:

9. The Word-Nerd – “I’ve been an SAT tutor off and on for over 10 years,” writes Jenn Cohen, President & Chief Word-Nerd. “My husband, Gary and I started Word-Nerd because I wasn’t happy with what was available to my students for vocabulary prep, so we did it ourselves!  We hit a range of topics from SAT prep tips to college admissions to general rambling about the state of education, all with the aim of not taking ourselves (or college prep) too seriously.” Recommended posts: “Practical advice for choosing a college” and “What does my SAT score mean?

23. My College Guide –  This entertaining-yet-still-educational blog advises college students on how to prepare for college. Categories include choosing a college and/or a major, college applications and interviews, or transferring to a different school. Recommended posts: “Choosing a College Major You Can Live With” and “The College Letter of Recommendation Is Not My Grandma Thinks I’m Wonderful

48. College Blogaversity -“I write my blog to take a different twist to what everyone else in my field is saying,” explains Paul Hemphill. “The fact that I have videos with my blog makes my point. Videos are easier to do and easier to receive from the perspective of the viewer. As a result, students will more likely view my message than someone else’s who doesn’t use video.” Recommended posts: “College Double Major: Waste of Effort, Money, and Time” and “Community College – The Vital Alternative.”

73. College Admissions –  Blogger Jeannie Borin, M.Ed, has an extensive educational background having served as counselor, school administrator, admissions director, teacher and curriculum supervisor for over twenty years in both the public and private sectors. Her affiliation with the National and Western Association of College Admissions Counselors as well as the Higher Educational Consultants Association keeps her on the forefront of innovative and current trends in college admissions and education.” She is also the Founder and President of the Los Angeles based independent college counseling firm College Connections, and writes for two other blogs: College Connections and Jeannie’s FYI College Admissions Blog. Recommended posts: “Tips For The College Fair” and “What to Do When Colleges ACCEPT You.”

56. Smart College Visit – The specific goal of this blog is to help college-bound students prepare for their future campus visit. Parents could also find some helpful advice from these articles, which range from academic programs, travel tips, and how to become a successful entrepreneur. Recommended posts: “Women Entrepreneurs on College Visits – 10 Questions to Ask,” “Student-to-Student: Questions to ask on a College Visit” and “Information Overload.”

Thanks for compiling such a great list!

10 Tips for College Survival

The students at Harvard will tell you that “getting in” is the hard part. But with so many freshmen, the first semester is even harder. Here are some tips that might help your college-bound teen survive and thrive.

1. Read the requirements

Graduation might be years away, but credit catastrophes begin early on. Check in with your advisor at the start of each semester to make sure you’re on track to meet the minimum.

2. Read the syllabus

Especially the part where profs break down your grade. Knowing that attendance equals 20 percent may motivate you to actually make it to class. Final exam worth 40 percent? Better crack down for that test.

3. Dress code

Wear real clothes instead of sloppy pj’s to your 8 a.m. class to let your prof know you’re serious about your studies. Bonus: It gives your brain a wake-up boost.

4. Secure your stuff

Protect your privacy, from personal IM convos to term papers, with tricky passwords that lock out access to your computer when you’re gone. And set verbal boundaries to keep your roommate away from your keys.

5. Yearn to intern?

For a fall internship, search and apply long before the leaves start changing. Do it now! For spring, apply by December. For summer, apply by March.

6. Strategize for studying abroad

Plan your schedule around a semester away, saving electives and nonmajor classes for then. Some programs even offer location-specific courses. You don’t want to miss out!

7. Network now

Professors and friends you’re meeting now could help you land your dream job later. Start a personal address book, on paper or online — it may come in handy even after graduation.

8. Stay safe after dark

When walking on or off campus at night, use the buddy system. Avoid distractions, like wearing iPods or talking on the phone, and be constantly aware of your surroundings.

9. Be your own study buddy

Test different methods of studying — from reading out loud to rewriting or even highlighting notes. Find the perfect fit and make it stick.

10. Pad your resume

Just like college admission officers, employers like well-rounded new hires. Being a fellow member on Greek row doesn’t hurt, but be sure to sign up for a variety of extracurrix.


These Tips are from the editors at The Real College Guide. This article is made available to Parents Countdown to College Coach through a partnership with The Real College Guide.

A CollegeParent Partnership

With all the recent talk of helicopter parents, I’ve picked up on some slight disdain from academia when it comes to parent involvement. Granted, there are some parents that would make any admissions representative pull their hair out. But I would like to think that there are so many more parents who view their role more as a coach in the process and would like to have colleges value their input. After all, when it comes right down to it, parents are generally the ones paying the bill for the student’s education.

During a recent #CampusChat on Twitter, Gil Rogers, Associate Director of Admissions and Enrollment Technology for the University of New Haven shed some light on how his college views the parent/college relationship:

We like to be a partner in a family’s college search, not just an option. We simply encourage parents to allow students to have their space and make the choice. Let the kid drive the car. We have, however, developed a number of communication tools with parents in mind. Charger Connection and the monthly eblasts that admissions sends are to prospective student’s parents. The monthly e-mail that goes to all parents we have e-mail addresses for is separate from the student’s with tips. Social Media (and any communication tool for that matter) is about building relationships.

That’s the view that parents like to hear: a partner in the family’s college search. With this view, both parent and student feel valuable; and this translates into the college providing a positive environment for making the right college choice.

University of New Haven has created an extremely helpful parent’s guide: Parents Guide to College and Financial Planning. They cover every topic that a parent needs to know about college choices and financial planning; also giving advice on how to help your student survive the first year of college. This guide communicates that partnership that Gil talked about and emanates through his social media persona.

I hope you will take a look at the University of New Haven and even view their parent’s guide. Here are the links to connect with them online:

University of New Haven

UNewHaven Facebook Page

UNewHaven Twitter Account

Substance abuse in college

One of my sidelines every year is preparing Red Ribbon Week support materials for the public schools. While it’s rewarding knowing that I can do a small part to contribute to drug awareness education, it’s also a bit depressing to read the statistics related to drug and alcohol abuse.

Each year, the NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) conducts a “Monitoring the Future” study. This study queries high school students and even follows them into college to see if the patterns change. This year’s study added a new facet: the abuse of prescription and non-prescription drugs.  It’s hard to believe that so many teens are abusing prescription drugs (Adderall has become quite prevalent–a drug used for ADHD) and non-prescription drugs (Robotussin leads the list).

Of course, alcohol weighs heavily in the study:

Alcohol use remains extremely widespread among today’s teenagers. Nearly three quarters of students (72%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school, and more than one third (37%) have done so by 8th grade. In fact, more than half (57%) of 12th graders and one sixth (17%) of 8th graders in 2009 report having been drunk at least once in their life.

The study shows that teens start early abusing substances and carry the trend on into college. I can’t stress enough the importance of talking with your kids early about the dangers of this type of behavior. If you don’t believe your child will drink in college, you’re fooling yourself. Just read the last blog post by a Virginia Tech student and learn how he got sucked into the party scene on campus.

I encourage every parent to read the overview of the study: Monitoring the Future. A knowledgeable parent is a prepared parent.

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Lessons learned: a college student's perspective

If I had the option to press the “reset” button that would send me back to freshman year with the knowledge that I have now about college, I would go back in a heartbeat. Needless to say, there are plenty of things I wish I knew before my freshman year of college commenced. Here are a few key ones:

I wish I knew what “time management” meant.

When I was a senior in high school, all the teachers and recent graduates would tell us that it was imperative that we understood how to manage our time; as in how to balance our social lives with our academics. I didn’t understand what they meant. It was easy enough to hang out with friends and get A’s and B’s in high school, How hard could it be in college? Hard.

Hard if you don’t find some sort of balance. It’s easy to get caught up in the social aspect of college. There are a ton of people to meet, tons of places to go, a whole bunch of activities that you can do every single day. Best thing of all is no parents. So what tends to happen is that a lot of college kids experience full “freedom” and forget that they have classes. I know I did my freshman year. I chose to go out and hang with my new friends instead of studying for an exam that week or I waited till the day before an assignment was due to start it.

Finding a balance takes time and depends on the person. It took me till the end of my sophomore year to finally figure out some sort of balance. I found that using iCal on my Mac and planning out when every single exam, project and assignment was due really helped me know when important things were coming up so I could focus on my work and hang out later. My GPA also helped motivate me because I didn’t want to be put on academic probation. Sometimes an academic kick in the butt can motivate a student to focus on their schoolwork. But you don’t want to slide that far down before changing your ways because if your GPA is low after the first year, it’s hard to bring it back up.

I wish I sampled different classes in the beginning.

I wish I had taken more random classes my first year instead of taking four science classes, one math class, and one English class. I entered Virginia Tech as a biology major and dove right into the science classes, only to find out that I hated labs halfway through the semester. Unfortunately I was caught in a bind because it was too late to drop the classes and I didn’t want to waste my withdrawal credits in the first semester. I was miserable that semester.

What I should have done was taken one science class and branched out and tried out different classes to see what I liked. I know a friend of mine was a journalism major and took an Intro to Film class during her sophomore year. She loved it so much, she changed her major to Film; based on that one single class. That happened to me as well! After my first semester, I ended up dropping my biology major, switching to undecided, then changing to Communications after taking an Intro to Communication Theory class at the end of my freshman year. Pretty big switch, but sometimes one class can do that. I encourage more college students to sample out different classes when they can. You never know what other passions you may have.

I wish I knew that there are plenty of ways to have fun without drinking.

I partied a lot during my first two years of college. Not only did it hurt my grades, but it also got me in trouble. I wish when I entered college I understood the hazards of drinking and that I could have plenty of fun without drinking. Besides the fact that underage drinking is illegal, another problem with drinking in college is that a lot of students don’t understand their limit. They’ll just keep drinking and drinking and go overboard. Some may find it funny to tell their friends how wasted they were or laugh about blacking out, but in all seriousness it’s no laughing matter. I went overboard during the start of my sophomore year and paid the consequences by being put on deferred suspension. Since that ordeal, I’ve pushed myself to limit my drinking and a lot of times I’ll opt not to drink at all. Ironically, some of the best times I had were the ones where I chose to remain sober and remember all the crazy things that happened when other people were drunk.

Some students may think that the only way to have fun is to go out, party and drink, which is not true at all. For one thing, you can always go out to a party and not drink and still have a fun time. You can also check out some of the facilities that your college provides for other forms of entertainment. Here at Tech there are plenty of ways to have fun without the need of alcohol. There’s a place on campus called the BreakZone that offers a variety of games like pool, bowling and darts. Instead of going out and drinking, sometimes I’d gather a group of friends and we’d play a couple games at the BreakZone. If bowling or pool isn’t your thing, why not organize a video game session or watch movies? There are plenty of chances to go out and party; sometimes staying in and enjoying your surroundings can be a refreshing experience.

I wish I got out of the room more.

The dorm is a great place to meet people from all sorts of places, and it’s possibly the first place where you develop some of your closets friends throughout your college career.  While meeting people in your dorm and hanging out in the dorm is nice and all, don’t forget that there exists a world outside of your dorm! I spent way too much time in my dorm, whether it was in my room or in my friend’s room. I chose to stay indoors on nice days rather than go outside and enjoy my surroundings. The one thing I love about Tech is that its campus is pretty big and there are tons of areas to explore. I remember one of my architecture friends gave me a tour of the architecture studio that was located underground. It was an eye opening experience to say the least and I knew that there was a studio somewhere on campus, but never took the time to go out and look for it on my own. After that trip I started to go out more and walk around campus the weather was nice. I figured I might as well enjoy campus while I’m still here.

I encourage students to get out of their dorms during a beautiful day and walk around their campus; after all, college only lasts for so long and who knows when your next visit will be once you graduate. Enjoy your environment and surroundings, and don’t be afraid to go out and explore!  Who knows what you’ll discover!


This is a guest blog post by Tauhid Chappell, a junior at Virginia Tech majoring in Electronic/Print Journalism. He is the executive editor of Planet Blacksburg; a student-run, online, media organization at Tech. He aspires to be a multimedia journalist and is addicted to social media!

Packing for College

Here’s a great help for parents from Sarah Schupp of University Parent–print these lists and keep them handy for that day that your college-bound teen heads off to college.

As students prepare to begin or return to college, making sure they have everything they need to be successful can be challenging.

But now as you wipe the sweat from your brow and pat yourself on the back — your child is going to college! Then it dawns on you. What should they bring with them? Where should you shop? What do they need? What don’t they need?

Relax. While packing your student for college may feel like an overwhelming task, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you might even have some fun with it.

We’ve compiled the ultimate packing lists for residence hall life, classroom and studying needs and personal items they should bring along  — so that you can get your student off to school and ready to learn! Each list offers tips and tricks to ease the headache of the big move.

Plan and prepare
before you run out to your local stores and buy everything they’ll need, first wait for more information from their college — or visit the college’s web site for further information about what they’ll need for school.

Common sense tells you to begin by making a list of everything they will need. Combine your own list with that of the college, as well as the list of things others may have advised you that they’ll need.

Then, survey your house for these items. Save money by making sure you don’t already own something similar.

Lastly, if they’ve gotten their roommate information, they should discuss what each has to bring –- no need for multiple mini-fridges or TVs when space is already limited.

If they’ve lucked out with a huge dorm room, you both have much more liberty in deciding what goes with them. One piece of advice: Don’t overpack! They’ll end up being stuck with stuff they won’t use, and it will take up precious space that can help keep them organized.


Regardless of their room size, here are some must-haves, in no particular order:

  • Computer/Laptop. If it’s at all possible to buy one or borrow one, do it. Most colleges have pretty good computer facilities that students can use for free, but they’re often crowded and noisy, and not in their own room. If you have a choice, opt for a laptop. They can bring it to class, the library or outside, and can have more options of where to work.
  • Extra socks and underwear. Doing laundry is expensive and a pain. Students can always rewear jeans and sweaters more than once, but clean underwear and socks are a must!
  • Flip-flops. Using communal showers equals foot fungus, an unattractive yet common problem in dorms.
  • Climate-appropriate clothes. If possible, try to pack only what they’ll need for the season and climate they’ll be living in. There is usually not a lot of room for extra clothes, especially bulky sweaters or excessive shoes. They can always trade clothes at home during winter or spring break.
  • Storage bins. Stacking things is the way to go in their dorm room. A variety of storage bins are available at most stores.
  • Group games. Board games, cards and video games are a great way to make new friends and are perfect for breaks and downtime at school.
  • Home reminders. Bring things that remind them of home, such as a few pictures or posters. These things will make homesickness –during those first few days or weeks — that much easier to bear. With photos and personal touches, their dorm room will feel more like a home and less like just a dorm room.
  • Dictionary and thesaurus. Although most computer programs have a thesaurus built in, the paper versions still have many more options.
  • Lamps. Get a cheap halogen or desk lamp — most grads still can’t part with theirs. But before you go out and buy one, make sure their college doesn’t consider certain types a fire hazard.
  • Clothes hamper. They will need something roomy and something they can easily carry when it is time to do laundry.
  • First-aid kit. Just in case.


Sarah Schupp is the founder and CEO of University Parent Media in Boulder, Colo. UPM publishes print and online guides for parents of students at universities and colleges in 38 states. Online at

Off-Campus Housing 101

I recently did a guest post for, a website dedicated to helping renters establish credit, pay off their student loans early, and manage their debt. The post was titled, “Your college student wants to move off campus–now what?” Take some time and head over to WilliamPaid’s site and read it. You might not need it now, but there will come a day that you will use the tips.

That post has spurred some additional thoughts that I felt would be helpful to parents of college-bound teens. Here are some things you might need to consider and/or know about off-campus housing.

Most colleges encourage freshmen to live on campus. It helps your teen bond with other students and get involved in campus life. Living off campus during freshman year can cause the student to feel out of touch with the goings on on campus and contribute to instability during an already emotion packed change.

Some colleges (due to size and location) can’t house all the students. If this is the case, get your housing form in ASAP. It’s first come, first serve and if you don’t act quickly, your child could lose a spot in the dorms. If you’re too late, try and connect with other incoming freshmen and find an apartment or house off  campus to share. Check with the campus housing office for information regarding off-campus housing and contact information. Being around other students from the same college will help with adjustment issues.

If you have more than one child headed to the same college, consider buying a house as an investment and let them live there (with other students). This happens often at Texas A&M and University of Texas. Once they have graduated, you can sell the house or keep it and make a hefty profit on rent each year. These rentals are in demand by college students and their families. (Here’s a new site I discovered that will help your search

If your child chooses to live at home during college, encourage them to get involved in campus activities. My daughter had a close friend that lived with family during her first semester at the University of Texas. She was a smart girl that worked hard to get accepted. But living off campus with family caused her to struggle in such a huge campus environment. She never felt involved or accepted among the students. She ended up dropping out after just one semester.

Upperclassmen are often encouraged to move off campus to make room for incoming freshmen. Know the policies and campus housing guidelines of the colleges your teen applies to. If this situation is not acceptable to them, don’t apply to a college that can’t provide housing all four years. Don’t get caught by surprise and have to scramble for senior housing (along with thousands of other college students).

Part of being a parent college coach is being prepared for all scenarios, including off-campus housing. If you’re prepared, you won’t have to panic when/if the day arrives that your college student approaches you with the “best plan ever” for living off campus.

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Sleeping with strangers

The Common Application

On August 1st, the NEW and IMPROVED online version of the Common Application goes live! Here’s a sneak peak for you and your college-bound teen:

2010-2011 Common Application

If you’re on Twitter and would like to get some more information, you can attend a chat TODAY at 3PM PST for “Everything Common App”. Just use the  #collegejoin twitter chat hashtag and follow along. If you can’t make it, you can always review the tweets at a later time.

The Common Application is used by 391 member institutions. The benefits? You can fill out ONE application and submit it to any participating college. The same is true of the School Report, Midyear Report, Final Report and Teacher Evaluation forms. This saves your college-bound teen time and that translates into more time available for the other important college admissions tasks.

That all-important college deal-breaker

college student
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been having conversations on Twitter about the emotional aspect of choosing a college.

As a parent of two teens who headed off to college, this is no surprise. My daughter’s college deal-breaker had nothing to do with academics or college rankings. From the time she was small, she wanted to go to college in Boston. Coming from Texas, that was a bit of a surprise–especially since she had never visited Boston. But when college decision time came around, Bentley College beat out SMU because of location. My son’s college deal-breaker came when a buddy of his in the Marine Corps told him a college in Texas had “hot chicks”.

I also heard a college student say she transferred freshman year because another school had a sink in the freshmen dorm rooms. That has to be the first time I’ve ever heard that described as a college deal-breaker!

While parents are thinking academics and cost, their college-bound teens have that deal-breaker in mind. It might be Greek life, or the fact that it’s the #1 party school. But trust me, there’s a deal-breaker in the back of their head. And you might be surprised to find out what it is. All this time you thought they were looking for a college with an excellent engineering program, they really wanted a college where the girls outnumbered the boys!

What does this mean for you as a parent? Talk to your college-bound teen. Find out what their deal-breaker is and help them choose a perfect-fit college that addresses it. There’s nothing wrong with having a deal-breaker, but it’s your job to guide them to find the college that makes them happy and provides them with an education that benefits them in the future. If the college with the sink in the dorm rooms also values your teen and offers an excellent program in her chosen field of finance, you’ve found that “perfect fit” college!