Category Archives: college planning

Changing majors because of the recession

Our guest blog post today is by Susan Posluszny, the founder of OPTIONS for Career & Life Planning, specializing in unique programs and services to support students with college major and career planning. Susan is a Master Career Counselor with over 25 years of career counseling experience including 18 years as a college career center director. She is the author of In Search of a College Major & Career Direction, an interactive program designed to support teens and young adults with choosing a college major and career path.Her career counseling and coaching practice is located in New Boston, NH. Subscribe to Susan’s e-newsletter, Career Options, at

As I looked over an issue of a local town newspaper last June, I came upon an article covering the area high school’s 2009 class of graduates.  As you might expect, the article included comments from graduating students and proud parents along with other graduation event details.  While reading the article, I was struck by a comment made by one soon to be graduate who said that the current recession had led him to change his college major from political science to engineering.

Naturally, the career counselor in me kicked in and, if I had known this student, I would have asked him the following questions:

  • What was it that drew you to your original college major choice of political science?
  • What kind of work were you thinking of getting into related to political science and did you ever speak with anyone employed in this area of interest?
  • How do those who work in political science careers deal with the instability that comes with unpredictable voting outcomes and job market fluctuations?
  • If you can’t answer this last question, how might you get answers from those who are ‘in the know’?
  • How long have you considered engineering as a major?
  • What do you know about engineering career options?
  • Have you ever spoken with anyone who works in an engineering related career?
  • Have you ever job shadowed workers in either political science or engineering careers?

I would ask these questions not because I’m opposed to this graduate’s decision to shift from a major in political science to engineering.  Rather, my intention would be to see if this decision was made based on accurate career information and reflection about personal priorities or based on a knee jerk reaction to current economic conditions.  Job market fluctuations are a reality and, yes, the current job market is a challenging one.  Yet, that does not mean students need to ignore their career aspirations.

If I were coaching this student, my advice would depend on his answers to the questions above.  If he were not informed, I would guide him to make sure his assumptions are accurate.  I would also encourage him to consider scenarios that support exploration of these two interest areas over time.  For example, one option might be to major in engineering while taking as many political science courses as possible (maybe even leading to a minor in political science).  A major in engineering could also be combined with volunteer work related to his political science interests.

Bottom line…watch out for knee jerk fear based decisions based on an unusually tight job market. If employment security is a concern, do your homework and learn about things you can do to create your own sense of security while doing work that you enjoy.

Copyright, Susan B. Posluszny, OPTIONS for Career & Life Planning LLC

If you would like to contact Susan or find out more information about the services she provides, you can contact her at:

Her websites: and



10 Concepts Your Teen Should Learn BEFORE College


parenting teensToday’s post was inspired by a chat last night on Twitter hosted by @TheOnlineMom and led by @BetsyBBraun. The topic of the chat was parenting, and the plethora of parenting advice reminded me that part of being a successful parent college coach begins long before they enter high school.

Borrowing from the advice of these wise parents, and some tips of my own, I’ve compiled a list of concepts your teen should know BEFORE heading off to college.


Teach your college-bound teen that actions have consequences: both good and bad. Allowing them to suffer the negative consequences of not following through will help them understand the importance of completion. This also shows them that completing tasks will produce positive consequences.


When your college-bound teen respects their own body, they will take care of it and themselves. This respect will affect how they respond to others sexually and to themselves physically. When they respect themselves, they are less likely to seek that acceptance and approval from others.


Our children need to learn that life is filed with rules. These rules, if followed, are there to protect them. Rules provide structure and order. This concept helps them adapt and adjust to the world they will live in as adults.


Open communication is the key to good relationships. Yelling is NOT communicating. It only fosters more yelling. Listening is the most important aspect of communication. Allow your teen to participate in the conversations as you listen. This fosters communication because they will learn that you value their opinion.

5-Self reliance

Children can’t learn without being given responsibility. Teens learn self-reliance when we give them the opportunity to make choices. Even though they might make the wrong choices, they learn from their mistakes. They also learn how to make the right choices. Give them responsibility and allow them to struggle.


When we give our kids everything they don’t appreciate what they do have. Teaching them to work for what they want goes a long way to helping them become productive adults. Sometimes we have to say no, knowing that giving in will produce a spoiled child–an attitude of ingratitude.


Children want boundaries. They need to know what is expected of them. This gives them stability and a feeling of safety. While they may question these boundaries, they will also respond positively to them in the long run.


Children learn behavior from their parents. Acting out, anger and yelling are learned behaviors. When they see us lose control, they mirror our behavior. This behavior will manifest itself when they are away at college and cause them a tremendous amount of grief.


Threatening your teen with consequences and not following through establishes inconsistency and creates confusion. When you set rules and boundaries and they are broken you must be consistent with the consequences. Let your child know what is expected of them and then follow through when you tell them no: be consistent.


Every teen should feel that their accomplishments are worthy of praise. Give praise liberally; less frequently than criticism. Positive affirmation is always more effective than negative recognition.

Being a successful parent college coach requires time, patience, and a willingness to sometimes be the bad guy. We are NOT to be our kids friends; we are their parents. Parenting is a huge responsibility that requires a commitment to firmness when it’s often easier to be lenient. Make sure your college-bound teen learns these concepts BEFORE they head off to college and face the world as an adult. They will be happier, you will be happier, and the people they come in contact with will recognize the positive affects of your parenting.


Betsy Brown Braun has written a book called You’re Not the Boss of Me, offering parenting advice on “brat-proofing” your child.

You can also read ALL the responses in last night’s Twitter chat by entering #theonlinemom on Twitter.

Hitting the "summer job" pavement

Summer is approaching and your college-bound teen might be looking for a job to supplement that college fund and gain experience in the workplace.  Here’s a Q & A by Liz Cruger for The Real College Guide providing some tips on how to snag a job.


I really want to get a summer job. Do I need to be thinking about that so soon?


If you’re looking to be employed this summer, start the job search in early March. Everyone is tired of hearing it, but a lot of employers aren’t hiring new workers in this economy, so finding jobs is tough … and competition is fierce. Here are some tips for upping your odds.

To land a summer gig:

* Start at your school’s career center. Staffers there are trained in job search and making resumes look great, so take advantage of the opportunity.

* Check out job Web sites like, which can help you in your search. Post your resume early and see what comes up.

* Touch base with former supervisors — especially if you want to go back to somewhere you’ve worked in the past. Send an email to let him or her know that you’re willing and eager to return to your former post, and be sure to include your updated resume (highlighting recent accomplishments) and dates of availability.

* Ask friends and relatives about open positions. Often, getting a job is about who you know. A recommendation from the right person could put you over the top.

* Capitalize on a talent or skill. Make jewelry to sell at craft fairs, or start a lawn care business. I’ve heard that the best jobs are the ones people create for themselves!

Knewton SAT Prep

Recently I received a tour of Knewton’s SAT Prep portal online. I have to admit, I was skeptical. Based on personal SAT prep courses with my daughter, I always felt those type courses were too expensive and didn’t significantly improve her SAT scores like they promised.

However, I was pleasantly surprised with Knewton’s services. Here’s why I liked them:

  • The parents have access to the student’s progress and receive a weekly email report outlining what the student has done
  • It’s a 1-year membership allowing 24/7 access to all their resources
  • It’s flexible as far as addressing everyone’s time constraints–live and on demand
  • It evaluates the student’s progress and analyzes their strengths and weaknesses
  • Affordability

A student can take the practice tests from the College Board’s blue book and input their answers online at Knewton. The tests are then graded allowing the system to recommend a study regimen after evaluating the student’s strengths and weaknesses. They read and grade the essays and give the student feedback.

The student will attend 10 sessions with 2 lessons per session. They can review the material ahead of time if needed and they can watch the class session on demand while stopping, fast forwarding and rewinding. If they can’t make a specific class, they can chose a more convenient time and attend another session.

Knewton also offers a money-back GUARANTEE if your student does not receive a 150 point jump in their overall SAT score after completing their online classes.

Knewton is offering a $200 price reduction off their $490 fee, making the 1-year membership only $290. Just enter the code: SUMMER200 at checkout. This code expires on June 30th so don’t delay! Plus, anyone can have a 14-day FREE TRIAL which includes jumping in on live classes. Based on other SAT prep courses, that’s a bargain in my book!

Here are some screen shots of the program:

Email Update

Student’s My Work Page

Parent Progress Report

U Chic: A must-read for college-bound girls

Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s what little girls are made of! And now your little girl is headed off to college armed with her favorite pair of shoes, her newly purchased collegiate sweatshirt and a heart full to dreams. U Chic: The College Girl’s Guide to Everything, by Christie Garton, should accompany her as well.

Christie Garton says, “I wanted to create a place where college women could ocme together to find support and advice during one of the most important times of a girl’s life…contributors with a diverse range of experience.” Tracy Won Briggs, former coordinator of USA Today’s All-USA Acacemic and Teacher Teams says, “From the sisterhood of girlfriends who’ve been there, U Chic answers everything a college girl really wants to know.”

I found this book more than helpful: it was inspiring. The women who contributed (from different colleges throughout the country) did so to exhort, encourage, instruct and inspire those who would come after them; thus leaving a legacy for future generations. It is a collection of advice from women about college life and the struggles and victories along the way.

Your college-bound daughter will find information related to arriving on campus, dealing with her fashionista wardrobe, Greek life, surviving temptation, love life, getting involved, budgeting, taking advantage of the college perks, and what to do after graduation. I especially enjoyed the chapter on healthy and happy living because I felt it addressed some sensitive issues related to eating disorders and weight. The contributors also adequately addressed questions regarding Greek life as it relates to girls and temptations they will face while in college. On a lighter note, there is a chapter entitled Blirting 101: socializing via Blackberry.

After reading this book (and happily reminiscing about my daughter’s college experiences), I wished she would have had this to read the summer before she headed off to college. If your daughter is in this category, get her a copy to read and take with her next fall. If you know a girl who is graduating next month, this would make an excellent graduation gift.

After reading this book, I would have to agree with Christie when she says, “there has not been a generation of college women hungrier for success, yet also more generous with their time and energy to assist those less fortunate. They are not just students at their respective schools, but students of the world–open-minded, openhearted, and open to what the future holds for them.”

$2000 "No Essay" College Scholarship

As I stated last week, I love to find scholarships that DON’T require an essay. This week’s scholarship is sponsored by College and it’s a NO ESSAY scholarship. That’s right! All you have to do to be entered in the MONTHLY drawing is complete a short survey on their website and be a current college student or planning to enroll in college within the next 12 months.

The monthly contest begins on the first day of the month, and ends on the last day of every month. You may have one entry per month. It’s SUPER EASY and ANYONE CAN WIN!

Send your college-bound teen to each month for a chance to win a $2000 scholarship. You might as well leverage ALL your opportunities for that FREE money!

Staying Organized: Taming the Monster

Organization. It’s the word that evokes terror in every parent when our college-bound teen begins the college application process. As a parent college coach, it’s our job to help our teens stay organized and on top of all the paperwork that goes along with the college application process. According to Paul Hemphill, a college admissions coach and founder of, organization is the key to an error-free application.

Paul is quoted on as an admissions expert. You can read the entire article “The Error-Free College Application” by clicking here.

You can contact Paul online at:

His blog: College Blogaversity

Twitter: VideoCoach

Facebook: PreCollegePrep

The Naked Roommate

And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College (Updated 3rd edition)

This week I’m reviewing another of Harlan Cohen’s books and can I just say one word: WOW! This book addresses everything you always wanted to know about college roommates but were afraid to ask…and so much more.

With graduation approaching, this book should be your #1 graduation gift for every college-bound teen. They should read it before heading off to college and carry it with them to campus. Harlan describes his book in the introduction:

It’s based on what today’s college students are honestly thinking, feeling, and doing on today’s college campuses. High schools do a great job of getting students into college, but once on campus, few students know what to expect. That’s what this book is all about–to help you expect the unexpected so that when the unexpected shows up, it won’t be so hard to handle.

The book is published in an easy to read, reference and remember format:

  • The Tip–Simple tips to address each specific subject: arriving on campus, residence halls,  roommates, finding friends, getting involved, Greek life, life inside the classroom, dating and relationships, sex, drinking, drugs, money, things not mentioned in the college brochure, and finally saying goodbye when you graduate.
  • The story behind the tip–These are actual college stories from actual students worded in such a way that your college-bound teen can relate to and understand.
  • The advice–After the tip and the story, comes the advice. This consists of experience (from Harlan and others) and often from college professionals weighing in on the problem.
  • The Bottom Line–Harlan summarizes what your college-bound teen needs to learn from the tip and puts it into simple, easy to remember language.
  • Harlan’s Tip Sheet–This appears at the end of each chapter offering resources, websites, summary tips and additional information.

This book is easy to read and packed with tips and information for the soon-to-be college student. Invest in this book if you’re a parent of a college-bound teen because college is all about Tip#1-Expect the Unexpected!

Parents–Can you handle the truth?

We all know that famous line from A Few Good Men, “You want the truth? You can’t handle the truth!” It’s hard sometimes to face the facts about the college environment and what your son or daughter will be exposed to while living on campus. Sometimes we would rather remain ignorant.

When my daughter and son were teenagers we used the term TMI (too much information). As they went off to college and the Marine Corps, I found myself using that term more often when they wanted to inform me of risks they had taken or went into detailed descriptions of their friend’s sex escapades (ewww…TMI!)

Too much information can be a bit overwhelming at times. But having the RIGHT information can and will ease your mind as your college-bound teen prepares for college and leaving home. In that vein, I’d like to share some helpful sites that I gathered while reading The Happiest Kid on Campus by Harlan Cohen. (Check out my review of the book and pick yourself up a copy).

Students with Disabilities

If your college-bound teen has a learning disability, you will want to know the procedures and programs on campus that give them the proper academic support. You can follow the link below from the Department of Education to learn about the programs and services that are provided in post-secondary education.


Every parent worries about their child’s safety when they go away to college. When you begin to consider specific colleges, it’s helpful to know about the crime statistics on campus. The link below will provide you with specific campus crime data regarding residence halls, disciplinary action, criminal offenses, and drug and liquor violations.


I was confronted with hazing when my daughter pledged a sorority in college. It angered me and I didn’t know where to turn for help. If your teen is considering Greek life while in college, familiarize yourself with It will provide you with links to state laws, resources and vital information.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

This is every parent’s nightmare but having this information will help your help your teen know the facts before they head off to college and a world where “hooking up” is commonplace among students. Follow the link below to learn about what Harlan Cohen calls “common college sex souvenirs”.

Alcohol Abuse

Binge drinking is as common on college campuses as eating and sleeping. The unfortunate fact is that even though your college-bound teen will enter campus as an underage adult, alcohol will be readily available. Take some time before they leave to talk to them about the dangers of alcohol. Here are some links that might help:

Sexual Assault and Harassment

Since we’ve established that sex on campus will happen, it stands to reason that assaults and harassment will also occur. Your teen needs to know BEFORE they move into the dorm what to do and how to respond if/when these situations arise. Follow the links below to gather information and talking points for your child and make them aware of the resources that are available to them.

College websites

Spend some time on college websites. Read the student forums. Read the student newspaper. Check out the college pages on Facebook and follow them on Twitter. Learn all you can about the colleges your teen is considering so that you can help them make an informed decision when the time comes. In this instance, TMI does not apply!

A Higher Higher Education

Today’s guest post by Corey Bobco of The Real College Guide addresses the topic of taking honors classes in college–the pros and cons. If your college-bound teen is considering this option, this article should be of some help in making the decision to jump into the honors curriculum in higher education.


Are you registered for an honors class or teetering on the edge of “I’m too freakin’ lazy to challenge myself”? Before you “yay” or “nay” the big league, you need the inside info to decide if the honors track or an honors course is worth the extra work — and whether you can take the heat.Back in the Day

In high school, what generally distinguished honors (or advanced placement) courses from their standard-level counterparts was that honors classes issued more homework, required more studying and demanded more self-initiative. (But, hey, they looked damn good on your college apps!)

Some high schools require a recommendation or certain GPA to get into a higher-level course. Some offer rewards for taking honors, such as a weighed GPA (on a scale of 0 to 5.0, rather than 0 to 4.0), which explains why those studious, overachievers put themselves through the pain of it all. Other high schools offer no tangible benefits besides a challenge and the risk of ruining a near-perfect GPA.

In the Big League

Your college will have its own unique requirements and policies regarding eligibility and grading scales, so you should definitely check that out sooner than later. One consistency: Like in high school, honors classes in college can be a hell of a lot harder than basic-level courses. So why bother? Not to sound like Mom, but you’re in college to challenge yourself. And you have little to lose, since your college grades often carry less weight than your high school grades. (That is, unless your GPA is securing financial aid, maintaining your parents’ financial support or going on your med, law or grad school applications. In such a case, take extra caution in assessing your capabilities, since risking damage to your GPA can mess up your chances of staying in school and moving on up to bigger and better.)

Clearly, honors courses differ at every school. Here are general details, pros, cons and tips:

Class Size

Pro: Typically, honors classes are smaller seminars with only 10 to 25 students. A small class size means you can develop a relationship with your instructor — and that he or she may actually know your name! This could prove handy when you need extra help, guidance on a big paper or project, a deadline extension, a letter of recommendation or even a lead on a summer internship.

Con: Smaller, niche classes mean extra attention is paid to attendance so your instructor will notice if you’re a frequent no-show. Plus, it will become painfully obvious if you come to class unprepared.


Pro: Honors classes often focus on a highly specific niche topic, like Caribbean literature and film since 1920. If you are super interested in that — or whatever topic is being offered — then don’t think twice about signing up for a semester’s worth of it, since classes that excite you make extra work worth the effort.

Con: Papers, texts and readings will probably be more challenging than a vanilla English Lit 101.


Pro: Class time in an honors course has great potential to be interesting, since the format of smaller classes tends to be open discussion rather than basic lecture. Plus, part of your grade may be determined by your level of participation, an objective measure you can use to up a not-so-hot score. Don’t be shy!

Con: You may have to participate … and think critically. In order to do either, you will have to complete the course requirements — that is, every page of every reading assignment.

Insider Tips

  • Don’t be scared of the big “H” Some honors program courses are actually easier in comparison to the gut-wrenching AP biology and calculus you might have taken in high school.
  • Ensure your enrollment One tried-and-true trick is to sign up for a few extra credits than you need to take in one semester — especially when you’re thinking about trying out an honors-level course. In the first week of the semester, swing by the class, assess the syllabus and size up the instructor. If it no longer interests you or seems like the workload would take time away from your other classes’ work (aka your social life), then you can drop it without worrying about having enough credits to graduate on time or finding another class to replace it.
  • Avoid large lecture honors classes These cover topics at an introductory level with a broader focus, but they might have as many as 80 students and lack the perks of an intimate class setting. And lecture series — honors or otherwise — can seriously bore you to death.
  • Seek smart company Honors courses do more than fine-tune your interests and work your brain into a sweat. As a reward for taking on the challenge, they’ll place you among the brightest of your peers and introduce you to faculty members who can offer new perspectives and solid career advice.