While you may be happy that your child has chosen to attend college, you might also be having a lot of mixed feelings about them moving out and away. You must be prepared for their departure the best you can so that it is a smooth transition for you and them.
The good news is that once you know they’ve been accepted into a college and will be attending a particular school, you’ll have some time together before they head out. Below are some things you should do before your child leaves for college that will help you two grow a stronger bond before this major life change takes place.
Melbourne is Australia’s second-largest city and home to many of the country’s most famous attractions. Its location in southeastern Australia means that it has a subtropical climate, which provides perfect conditions for exploring the city’s expansive network of parks and beaches.
Melbourne is a cosmopolitan city with diverse cultures, lifestyles, and people. The city is also home to more than 300,000 international students at many universities. This article will teach you various factors to consider while choosing accommodation in Melbourne.
College is a magical time in any youngster’s life. Despite the excitement, though, the prospect of leaving everything behind for the next 1-5 years can be quite daunting too. A smooth settling-in period can make a world of difference, thus enabling your son or daughter to enjoy the full college experience. As a parent, then, supporting them through the planning stage is vital as they transition to college.
You will probably need to let your child find their feet once they arrive at college. Still, there are several ways to support them before this time arrives. Here are five of the most effective ways to help them transition to college.
Picking a new school or college can be a long and arduous experience. Not only does it seem like there are so many schools to choose from, but it can also be tricky to determine what’s best for your child. Although many schools offer something unique, it can be hard to find one that ticks all the boxes. So, how can you know if a school is right for your child no matter how old they are? Here are four vital factors to consider.
Going to college is about much more than just learning an academic subject. In today’s society, it’s just about the closest thing we have to a rite of passage. Young people attend universities to become adults and survive in the real world. It’s a sort of half-way house between school and the world of work.
As such, college isn’t just for learning. And while remote courses might be convenient, they’re not as fulfilling. Students need a university experience to set them on the right track in life and get them to where they want to be.
Studying hard for college courses during the week is okay. But students should really focus on dedicating time to other things on campus. It can’t all just be about work.
Any parent who is looking at college applications knows how important getting involved in extracurriculars can be. Your teen might not have the involvement in school activities that are going to impress the kinds of colleges they are looking for, but it’s not too late. However, there’s no denying that children who aren’t sporty can find it tougher to find the activities that they like. Here are some of the options you might want to nudge them towards instead.
You probably don’t need a survey to tell you what you already know: parents are more involved in the college process than ever before. They want to participate in the decision and communicate with the colleges. They want to help and guide their students in the decision-making process.
Insight #1-Parents want direct communication from colleges.
Parents want to be more involved. Parents are increasingly anxious and hands-on. Parents want communication from the college and want to participate in the college decision. They want to be involved at the same time as their students in the college search.
It’s a new era for college kids. They are no longer just the traditional 18-22-year-olds who are fresh out of high school and venturing off to live on their own for the first time. Instead, college students today come from all walks of life and have diverse experiences that range well beyond the classroom.
This is why parents need to be even more intentional about what they teach their kids while they’re away at school. Here are four important life skills that every parent should make sure their college kid knows how to do!
I read a post from a parent on one of the Facebook groups I follow. Her son was applying to 40 colleges and she asked how he was going to do it using the Common App since there is a maximum of 20 allowed in the application.
Parents chimed in with suggestions on how to supplement the Common App by applying via college websites and choosing alternate college applications. I read all the suggestions, which were logical and helpful. I kept wondering if anyone would respond by encouraging her to help her son narrow down his list.
Finally, someone spoke up with that suggestion. I’m hoping the mother took their advice because it was the most logical of all.
If you’re a parent of a college-bound teen, you know the stress this adds to your family. If you are like most parents, the money you saved for college has not kept up with the increase in tuition. If your son or daughter isn’t one of the ones who snag a full ride, you are going to be looking for ways to cut those college costs.
Here are just a few tips that might help you pay less for college: