Category Archives: financial aid

A Financial Aid Flowchart


Financial aid can be confusing for parents and students. From scholarships, to loans, to 529 funding, it can be an overwhelming process.

Student financial aid comes in all shapes and sizes – and one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to paying for college. With many different student loans to choose from, finding the optimal path to college funding can be tricky. eStudent Loans created this graphic to help those who need more than just scholarships and grants to fund their education and fund it in a way that will help save you money.

So, if you’re one of the thousands of students that are not sure where to start, relax. Simply use their financial aid flowchart to help you explore nearly every possible option available to help you cover the costs of earning your college degree. At the same time, they also show you the order in which you should pursue each funding source.

Financial Aid Flowchart: A Guide for Students Paying for College by eStudentLoan

Financial Aid Flowchart: A Guide for Students Paying for College from eStudentLoan

Download the interactive Financial Aid Flowchart

College Decisions To-Do List


college decisions
-photo courtesy of Zinch

For seniors, the New Year brings those long-awaited college decisions: deferred, accepted, rejected, and wait listed. One knowledgeable college counselor once told me, “I don’t like to call these letters of acceptance. I use the term—offers of admission.”

As a parent, I like that distinction. This alternative wording makes it easier to stomach those not-so-pleasant responses and help your college-bound teen work through the gamut of emotions that come when decisions arrive.

Your student may be the one receiving these communications from the colleges, but you feel every emotion they do from failure to excitement and everything in between. But unless you understand what each term means, it’s hard to know how to help your student (and yourself) with appropriate responses and proper action.

When the letters from the colleges (or online notifications) arrive, your student will receive one of four responses: deferred, wait-listed, rejected (declined admission) or accepted (offered admission). Once you understand these terms, you can determine what your response should be and how you need to take action.

Read more from Zinch: You’ve Heard from the Colleges–Now What?

Understanding Federal Student Loans


The FAFSA, based upon my 12 years of experience in working with college-bound high school students and their families, is a document that elicits terror and confusion. However, it really doesn’t have to be this way. I tell parents that the FAFSA really is simply an admission ticket to be considered for a wide range of college, state, and federal financial aid. In fact, parents can’t even qualify for any federal loans unless they fill out the FAFSA. If you don’t fill out the FAFSA, from a purely federal loan perspective, you don’t exist as a financial aid applicant to the federal government or the colleges.

The FAFSA website, surprisingly, is an excellent resource for most commonly-asked questions about how to complete the form. The form itself is remarkably user-friendly; if you fill it out electronically, which is how most families do it nowadays, the system will actually alert you to any potential errors when you’re entering information.

Rather than focus upon the mechanical aspects about the FAFSA, let me highlight two key general tips on the twin 500-pound gorillas of the federal loan world: subsidized and unsubsidized loans. These are the federal student loans that are frequently obtained via the FAFSA.

student loans

Subsidized student loans

Obviously a student would prefer a scholarship as opposed to a loan, but if you’re going to need a loan – and chances are you’re almost certainly going to have to borrow some money – then subsidized federal loans are the way to go. Interest rates are currently 3.86%, and the best part about these loans is that you don’t know owe any money or any interest until six months after you graduate (or fall below half-time status). And when I say graduate, I mean from your final degree program. Let’s say, for example, that you pursue a bachelors, Masters, and law degree without any breaks. You would only be responsible to repay the subsidized student loan six months after graduation from law school – even if you got your only subsidized student loan as a freshman in college. Even if you are able to fully pay for your college education, if you are offered a subsidized student loan why in the world would you not take it? It’s interest-free until your six-month grace period after graduation is over, in which case you can simply repay the loan in full, without penalty. In the meantime, your family would be able to invest that money in ways that (hopefully) generate income while the student is in college. If you truly do need the money, it’s nice to know that no interest is accumulating in the background while you are pursuing your studies.

In short, I can honestly think of no logical reason why a student wouldn’t accept the maximum in subsidized student loan funding for a given academic year.

Unsubsidized student loan

As the name implies, there are no taxpayer dollars going to pay off the interest while the student is in school. However, the student will not be expected to pay interest on the loan during his or her college, graduate, or professional education. Nonetheless, lurking in the background is the fact that unsubsidized loans are generating interest, and that they will have to be repaid six months after the student graduates (or falls below half-time status).

Why would someone take out these loans you might ask?

Well, unsubsidized student loans are still generally a better product than private sector loans. The interest rates are, like the subsidized student loans at the time of this writing, at 3.86% — clearly a better interest rate than what most private banks offer.

There’s another reason why I’m a fan of both the unsubsidized and subsidized loans from Uncle Sam. Let’s say a student gets into trouble and has a hard time repaying the lender. Although the federal government will expect full repayment – and forget about declaring bankruptcy to extinguish federal, state or private student loans because it’s virtually impossible to do so – in my experience the federal government will work more closely and more fairly with a delinquent applicant than will a private bank.

So when in doubt, take the federal loans as opposed to a private loan. They are both great loan programs and are the two loans most undergraduates will be offered if they and their parents complete the FAFSA.


About the Author

Today’s guest post is  from Jason Lum, the founder of ScholarEdge College Consulting.  Jason has won over $250,000 scholarships and graduated debt free.  Jason has helped students gain admission to some of the top universities in the country including Harvard, Yale and Stanford.  Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

An In-Depth Look at the FAFSA


fafsa filing
Photo courtesy of

Yes. It’s that time in the college prep process–FAFSA time! If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that you can’t ignore the FAFSA, there are good reasons to file, and who fills out the FAFSA. As far as I’m concerned, your application is not complete without this financial aid form.

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) became publicly available January 1st. For those new to the process, it is an annual form that is completed by current and prospective college students to determine eligibility for federal financial aid.

While filing your FAFSA is considered the Step #1 for those in need of financial aid, it can often seem like an intimidating task to undertake.  One of the biggest hurdles to approaching this form is understanding what materials are needed beforehand to prepare for filing.

Taking a deeper look, Zinch gives a list of the absolute must-haves to file the FAFSA.

Mom-Approved Tips: Don’t Ignore the FAFSA


FAFSAThe most important advice I can give parents is: don’t ignore the FAFSA! Many parents are misinformed when it comes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). They believe that they make too much money to qualify for any kind of financial aid—and they decide not to file. That is the worst mistake you can make. I encourage every family of a college-bound senior complete the FAFSA (and complete it before February 1).

Why should you complete the FAFSA?

College is expensive and it’s a chance for you to grab yourself a piece of the financial aid pie.

Why should you complete it early?

The early bird gets the worm when it comes to financial aid. If you want your piece of the pie, you have to be the first in line. Once financial aid packages are disbursed, the money is gone and that means your student’s financial aid package will be composed of student loans only. If your form is filed and completed once the decision for admission is made it puts your student in a good position to receive some of those funds.

What can the FAFSA do for you and your college-bound teen?

There could be federal, state and college funds available. If you don’t complete the FAFSA, you won’t be able to get any of them. Even if your family income is high and you might not qualify for federal aid in the form of grants, your student might be eligible for state scholarships and merit-aid awards from the college. Additionally, any federally subsidized loans, including parent loans, require you to complete the FAFSA.

Why do some people tell you that you won’t qualify for financial aid?

The easy answer is they are misinformed. Remember there are all kinds of financial aid. While not everyone will qualify for federal grants, most students receive some form of financial aid. If you don’t apply your student will not be one of them.

Top 5 posts about financing college


financing collegeWith all the content on my blog, it’s easy to miss the posts that you want to see the most. In today’s post I’ve compiled a short list of my top five posts about financing college.

Mom-Approved Tips: Talking to your teens about financing college

As their parent, it’s up to you to make sure they don’t fall prey to debt that they cannot repay after graduation. Before they ever accept an offer of admission, you need to talk to them about financing college. In my Parents Countdown to College Crash Course I call it “the money talk”.

Financing college no matter what your income level

If you have kids, then chances are you’ve already thought about college affordability and how or if you’ll be able meet the expenses associated with higher education. But you shouldn’t allow the worry of college costs to consume your life.  There are many practical and successful ways to pay for college (without drowning in debt) no matter what your income level may be.

10 Ways to attend college for free (or almost free)

As students begin applying to colleges, and juniors begin narrowing down their college choices, consider that there are many options available that allow your student to attend college for free (or almost free), excluding expenses like books, fees, and possibly room and board. But free tuition is nothing to scoff at. Many of these colleges cost upwards of $100,000 for four years.

College savings plans

No matter where you are in the college prep process, saving, and knowing how and what to save can be difficult to understand. Depending on your situation and the amount of time you have to save, here are some excellent resources that will help you understand college savings plans.

Making college affordable

It’s a confusing process–figuring out how to pay for college. Not only is it stressful, but it’s overwhelming trying to understand all the ins and outs of everything to do with financing a college education. In two separate projects, two women are doing their part in making college affordable while graduating without debt or minimal debt.

10 Ways to attend college for free (or almost free)


attend college for freeAs students begin applying to colleges, and juniors begin narrowing down their college choices, consider that there are many options available that allow your student to attend college for free (or almost free), excluding expenses like books, fees, and possibly room and board. But free tuition is nothing to scoff at. Many of these colleges cost upwards of $100,000 for four years.

Here are 10 ways your student might be able to attend college for free;

1. Get good grades and score well on the SAT

Many colleges offer free rides to valedictorians, top 10 percent, and other academic distinctions. High SAT scores help as well—where many colleges offer merit-based free tuition.

Students at Macaulay Honors College, part of the City University of New York system, don’t stress about the high price of tuition. That’s because theirs is free. At Macaulay and a handful of other service academies, work colleges, single-subject schools and conservatories, every student receives a full merit-based tuition scholarship for all four years. Macaulay students also receive a laptop and $7,500 in “opportunities funds” to pursue research, service experiences, study abroad programs and internships.

2. Be a PSAT Merit finalist

Scoring high enough on the PSAT to become a Scholar, a Finalist or a Semi-Finalist can equal big money at some schools-public and private. That means your student may only need to score high enough to make it to the last round; he or she doesn’t even have to be the last one standing.

Here’s a list of automatic (and full-ride) scholarships for National Merit finalists and semi-finalists:

3. Win Scholarships

With work and a tested method (How 2 Win Scholarships) your student can cruise into college with multiple scholarships. Start early with the research, register on scholarship search sites, and look locally.

4. Work while you attend

There are several colleges that let you work while you attend and pay your tuition. In exchange for free tuition, students at the College of the Ozarks work on campus 15 hours a week. Possible jobs at this Missouri college include dairy farming and custodial work.

5. Pursue a specific career path

Colleges offer free tuition to students who pursue specific career paths or areas of interest. For instance, prospective students must audition for enrollment into Philadelphia’s Curtis Institute of Music. Those accepted receive full-tuition scholarships.

6. Use your location

A number of cities, counties, and states offer free tuition to students who either excel in their studies, or demonstrate a serious need.

7. Go overseas

Believe it or not, there are colleges overseas that offer free tuition to international students. For instance, students at KTH Royal Institute of Technology can get a free technological education at the Royal Institute of Technology. At Lund University in Sweden, you will not have to pay tuition fees.

8. Attend college online

Get free tuition from these online colleges and you’ll truly get a good deal. You won’t even need to pay for room and board! Andrew Jackson University,  Trinity College of Biblical Studies and The Diulus Institute allow you to attend college online for free.

9. Demonstrate need

Students who come from low income families can get free admission from numerous colleges and universities. Surprisingly, many colleges consider low income to be above the poverty level, so don’t think you won’t qualify. Check out each college’s income levels.

10. Serve your country

With a commitment to serve after graduation and acceptance to one of the nation’s military academies and some military colleges, you can attend college for free (and even get paid while you attend). And if you join the military before college, you can attend using the GI Bill after you are honorably discharged.

Following is an additional resource:

The College Solution listed colleges that provide 100 percent of need:


How to apply for scholarships


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scholarship application
Photo courtesy of FastWeb

There are many scholarship opportunities that anyone can apply for. Some are merit based, meaning you need to meet particular standards, some are based on financial need, and there are many for having a certain background. They can be awards of a few hundred dollars or can cover all of your tuition costs, but whatever the amount, they will decrease the price of your education. How do you apply for scholarships?

Search for scholarship information

Scholarship information can be found many ways. You can contact your college, your high school counselor, the U.S. Department of Labor’s website, state agencies, or nonprofit or private organizations. When searching for scholarships, be sure that everything is legitimate; you will never have to pay to find any financial aid opportunities. Moreover, be sure to only apply for awards you meet the requirements for; the last thing you want to do is waste your time on scholarships you don’t meet the criteria for.

Make note of the deadlines

The deadline for each scholarship can vary. Some may have deadlines as early as a year before you start college so you will need to start searching for scholarships during the summer before your senior year of high school. However, even if you have missed out on a few scholarships with early deadlines, there are still plenty with later dates. Once you have compiled a list of scholarships you meet the requirements for, prioritize those with the earliest deadlines and those you are most confident about getting.

Start the application process

Start the application process as early as possible and follow all of the directions. Most scholarships require high school transcripts, standardized test scores, your parents’ financial information, financial aid forms like the FAFSA or CSS, essays, and letters of recommendation.

If the scholarship is because you are part of a certain group, you will also have to prove your eligibility. Only submit what is mandatory, do not submit extra supporting materials or go over the word limit on the essays. Some applications might be similar and you may be able to submit the same work, or slightly edit your work for other scholarships. Keep the essay directions in mind, however, as the judges will use them to narrow the applicant pool. Once you have finished any essays or portfolio materials, have a teacher, parent, or anyone you trust for advice go over them for honest feedback; you really want to put your best foot forward here.

Applying for a scholarship is not difficult; it can be a pretty easy process! Once you have finished one application, it gets easier to complete the rest. Prevent getting overwhelmed by being organized and recording all the application deadlines and by starting early. You may feel unprepared, but after a little research, you will be on your way to completing scholarships and earning financial aid.


About the author: Priya Sudendra is a junior at the University of Colorado and a staff writer for CollegeFocus, a website dedicated to helping students deal with the challenges of college, including housing, finance, style, health, relationships, and transferring from a community college to a four-year university.

You can follow CollegeFocus on Twitter and Facebook.

College Savings Plans


Sign up for my FREE parent tips email and get my FREE Ebook on college financing! Or subscribe to my blog via email on the left.

college savingsNo matter where you are in the college prep process, saving, and knowing how and what to save can be difficult to understand. Depending on your situation and the amount of time you have to save, here are some excellent resources that will help you understand college savings plans. offers a free Family Guide to College Savings available in either Kindle, Nook, or PDF format. The guide advises parents on when to start saving, how to start saving, and college savings alternatives. It also gives a brief explanation of the tax savings you can expect and how to maximize savings. There are also numerous links on the site itself related to 529 savings plans, college expenses, and a tool to use to view the list of state specific plans. There is also a college cost calculator that helps you determine the cost of college based on your child’s age and the amount you wish to contribute along with a monthly savings estimate. has created a 529 Savings Plan Guidebook which can be easily printed from your browser. In the guidebook you will gain a better understanding of:

By using this guide, you will gain a better understanding of:

  • How 529 savings plans work and how to establish one
  • Who is eligible to establish and contribute to a 529 savings plan
  • The pros and cons of other types of college savings vehicles
  • How much may be contributed to a 529 plan
  • The tax advantages associated with 529 plans
  • The best time to set up a plan
  • How to take the next step in obtaining some – or all – of the funds that are needed to fulfill the dream of a higher education.

U.S. News Education

On U.S. News Education: Saving for College you can read articles like:

  • 4 Steps to Choosing Age-Based 529 Plans
  • 5 Steps for Utilizing 529 College Savings Plan Funds
  • 12 Questions to Ask Before Investing in a Prepaid College Savings Plan
  • 4 Costly Mistakes Parents Make When Saving Money for College offers a free downloadable Financial Literacy toolkit that helps parents and students through the process of deciding how to pay for college, deciding who will pay for what, and some good pointers on establishing good financial habits.

Fidelity offers information you will need to plan your child’s educational future. On this site you can compare your savings options, find a 529 savings plan that meets your needs, learn about financial aid, and how much you will need to save.


Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Morningstar provides data on approximately 433,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on nearly 10 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets.

In a recent article, MorningStar rated the nation’s Best 529 Savings Plans for 2013 and also lists the negative rated 529 plans.

University Parent

University Parent, an online resource for parents of college students and college bound teens, recently published an article:  What is a 529 Savings Plan? How it Helps. The article gives an overview of the plans and what you need to know once you have one and how to use it.

If your college-bound teen is young, you have plenty of time to start saving. If you have a student in high school, you should read the information about aggressive portfolios and how to maximize your investment. The above resources should help you decide how much and where to invest your savings.


Scholarships Friday: Merit Aid


Sign up for my FREE parent tips email and get my FREE Ebook on college financing! Or subscribe to my blog via email on the left.

merit aidFinancial aid is always on the minds of parents and students, especially when they begin to research college costs and their financial aid statistics. The terms can be a bit confusing and today I want to discuss merit aid and answer a few questions about what it is, how do you find it, and how do you apply for it.

What is merit aid?

“Merit Aid” is the general term for grants, scholarships and discounts that a college awards in the financial aid package without considering financial need. Merit aid is based on several factors: academics, athletics, special talents such as music, where the student lives or other demographic characteristics. Merit aid is different from need-based aid which is awarded based on the student’s economic situation.

How do you find merit aid?

There is more than $13 billion of merit aid available to undergraduate students. Most of that, about $11 billion, comes directly from colleges. The other $2 billion is provided by state governments. lists more than 23,000 individual merit aid scholarship programs offered by more than 1,800 colleges across the country. is the largest single source of information about merit-based scholarships.

You can also search on the college’s website. Colleges with merit aid may offer anywhere from a few dozen opportunities to hundreds of individual programs. Some merit awards are well known and heavily advertised while others are harder to find.

How do you apply for merit aid?

In many cases, applying to a school is enough to be considered for the many merit aid opportunities available, assuming you get in, of course. However, some colleges or scholarship programs may have special application requirements, so always check with the college if you’re not sure.

When will I know if I receive merit aid?

Once the college offers you admission, they will follow the offer with a financial aid package. The merit aid they award will be listed in the package. This offer typically comes after the acceptance letter arrives.

Almost everyone qualifies for some form of financial aid, but don’t assume you won’t qualify for merit aid. Check out for a list of 5 myths about merit aid. Visit their website for the best database on merit aid scholarships.