Category Archives: Guest Posts

Financing College No Matter What Your Income Level

If you have kids, then chances are you’ve already thought about college affordability and how or if you’ll be able meet the expenses associated with higher education.

But you shouldn’t allow the worry of college costs to consume your life.  There are many practical and successful ways to pay for college (without drowning in debt) no matter what your income level may be.

Many families labor financially to make ends meet and they feel like it will be impossible for their children to attend a 4-year university.  This simply isn’t the case.  I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but there are ways to send your children to college on just about any level of income.

Saving For College – Reduce Your Debt

Anyone can save money for college; all you need is to remove the excuses from your life.  Starting with financial basics, the best way to begin saving for college is to pay off all your debt (or at least live within your means and be actively involved in a debt payoff plan).  Sound too difficult you say?  That sounds like an excuse to me.

Living with debilitating debt and allowing bills to circle your life like a vulture is a surefire way to live paycheck to paycheck and never have the available funds to save for college.  What I’m trying to say is this:  paying for college isn’t some magical happenstance that you uncover on some random day.  It’s going to take hard work, and in some cases, a change in your financial landscape.

Regardless of your current income level, you have the ability to save for your children’s college fund. You might have to trim your expenses, adjust your spending habits, and redirect your lifestyle in order to free up money for the college fund.  But if you want to send your kids to college without financing 100% of their education with borrowed money, then you’ll have to decide what’s more important.

Think of it like this; if you can scrounge up even $100 a month to save for your child’s college when they’re born, you’ll end up with $21,600 (and that’s without interest or anything).  Sure, that might not pay for 4 years of tuition, room, and board, but it’s definitely a great start.

Saving For College – 529 Plans and Educational Savings Accounts

A 529 Plan is a tax advantaged college savings account designed to encourage families of any income level to save for their children’s education.  529 Plans are “qualified tuition plans” sponsored by states, state agencies, and educational institutions and are authorized by section 529 of the IRS (hence the name 529 Plan).

The encouragement to save for college within a 529 Plan comes in two forms: the ability to save money free from Federal taxes and the ability to receive a deduction on State taxes.  One benefit to a 529 Plan is that anyone, upon creation of the account, can be named the account’s beneficiary, regardless of age.

The 529 Plan is a lot like a Roth IRA for your college savings fund. The savings will grow tax-deferred and any withdrawal is tax-free as long as you use the money withdrawn for qualifying educational expenses.

A Coverdell Educational Savings Account (ESA) is another tax advantaged college savings account which is meant to inspire families to save for future educational expenses.  The difference between an ESA and a 592 Plan is that an ESA’s beneficiary must be a student under the age of 18.

An ESA also has a maximum annual contribution limit of $2000 and the owner of the account has the freedom to choose what types of securities they would like to invest in (stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, etc.).

With both types of college savings accounts, you’ll incur a hefty 10% tax if you withdraw any amount of money from either account and use it for non-education related expenses.

Paying For College – Grants and Scholarships

No matter how much or how little you’re able to save for your child’s college education, you’ll always want to be aware of and informed about college grants and scholarships.  After all, this is free money we’re talking about.

Scholarships are offered by high schools, colleges, and other organizations usually recognizing some sort of educational, athletic, or humanitarian achievement.  Scholarships vary by amount and length. Some are one-time gifts and others are recurring payments made as long as grades and other collegiate performances are maintained.

Information about college scholarships is usually available from your high school, your hometown city hall, and the university you wish to attend.  You can also search for scholarships on the web.  Some of these scholarships may be smaller than a say a university’s alumni scholarship, but $500 here and $1000 there really starts to add up.

Grants are another “free money” option.  The government offers need-based grants to families with a low income.  Other organizations are free to offer grants to students that show academic promise or that meet other requirements.

Paying for College – Financial Aid Student Loans

There are numerous kinds of financial aid and student loan programs available, but these loans should be your last resort when it comes to financing college.  I’m not saying student loans are bad, but financially responsible parents won’t rely solely on borrowed money to fund their children’s college.  As I mentioned earlier, if you save even $100 a month, you can drastically cut the amount of money you need to borrow to send your child to college.

There are Federal Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, Plus Loans, and numerous other student loans available from private institutions.  If you qualify, you can apply for subsidized student loans that are basically interest free until you graduate and begin loan repayment.  FAFSA is your Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Final Comments

Jamie Scott from CreditDonkey also reminds you that while “student credit cards are a convenient option to help students pay for short-term small expenses such as groceries,” there are other options available for long-term larger expenses such as tuition.

The bottom line is that you’ll probably use two or three different sources to fund your child’s college expenses.  Don’t give up just because of your low income and don’t think that your high salary will always be there for you.  No matter where your income level is at, research, preparation, and responsibility will go a long way when it comes to saving and paying for college.


Today’s guest post is from Jamie Scott, social media advocate with CreditDonkey. Jamie helps parents and students prepare for college by evaluating student credit offers. As a parent herself, she knows all too well the concerns most families have about responsible credit usage.

Prepping students for life as a college student

Parents, you have spent nights up with your kids when they were sick, read over homework assignments, and been a listening ear to their rough days at school. Fast forward to their senior year of high school and now your child is an adult. While no one can turn back the clock, there are several actions you can take now to ensure your child is prepared to smoothly transition to a college student.

  • Encourage responsibility–While you are still the parent and have an important role in your future college student’s life, promote independence. For example, set boundaries with your child if you will be sending money regularly. Also, determine consequences if your child abuses money that you send such as by not sending additional funds until the next semester. Let your child know that you will be available to listen and offer suggestions, but the ultimate responsibility lies with them. There has to be a balance between being a parent and treating your child as an adult.
  • Encourage your child to avoid getting into debt, when possible–Many students and their families receive financial aid packages that include grants and loans. With this in mind, encourage your child not to incur further debt such as credit card charges or overdraft bank fees. Offer suggestions for your child to save money and establish a budget to cover the expenses that come with the college life. Examples of suggestions would be to work part-time on campus, purchase food at the grocery store, and limiting entertainment expenses.
  • Encourage your child to use the resources available on campus–The college experience is more than attending classes, but will hopefully allow your child to learn new things and meet new people. So, when your child needs help with talking to a professor, dealing with a rude roommate, or finding an internship, advise him or her to seek out the appropriate organizations and individuals for assistance. While you maybe tempted to speak to someone to help your child, keep in mind that ultimate responsibility remains with your child.
  • Encourage your child to maintain balance–Don’t be surprised if your child calls you from college and mentions his or her increased stress levels from classes. Remind your child to seek out attending counseling, participating in fitness courses, eating properly, or taking a brisk walk around campus with friends. Certainly, preparing your child for college will be a time of anxiety for you because you ponder over whether you taught your child and equipped them with the tools necessary for survival in the world. Now is the time to trust yourself that your child is ready to attend college and be available to encourage him or her along the way!


Today’s guest post is from Ashley Hill, founder of CollegePrep Ready. Ashley brings her knowledge, expertise, and compassion to helping junior and high school students and their families to successfully prepare for college. She founded CollegePrep Ready in July 2010 in response to her personal journey to achieving success in her undergraduate program. She is dedicated to developing an individualized plan of action for every student and family because no two students are alike.


Mom and Dad’s Guide to Greek Life

Dropping your son or daughter off at college is one of the hardest days in a parent’s life. You know they’ll have all kinds of great experiences, but oh, wouldn’t it be nice to share in them, too! Rushing a fraternity or sorority and being accepted into that organization is just another excellent experience for your student, but you don’t have to be kept in the dark – we’re parents and Greek alums ourselves, and we’re here to help prep you for your college student’s emergence into Greek life.

  • Busy Bees! Your son or daughter will be participating in all their usual extracurricular activities – combined with attending Greek chapter meetings, participating in fundraisers, holding leadership positions, and spending time with their brothers and sisters. Greeks today do a great job of preparing students for the hustle and bustle of Greek life, but be sure to keep an eye on your son and daughter’s stress level.
  • Better Grades. Most fraternities and sororities require their members to maintain a certain GPA. It’s no surprise that your student may get higher grades – on average, the GPA of Greeks tend to exceed that of overall collegiate GPA. Greeks of today know how to have fun and are smart cookies, so don’t confuse them with the media’s portrayal of Greek life!
  • Participation Wanted! Many Greek chapters hold at least one parents’ night each semester, so your presence will be wanted. Greeks also conduct fundraisers for their own chapter as well as for non-profit organizations each semester, so your Greek student may be asking for your help in supporting their fundraising efforts.
  • Mentor? Check. Greeks today also do a wonderful job of connecting brothers and sisters with mentors in their field of study, so if you hear your student mention a local businessperson or community leader they’re meeting with, you’ll likely know why! 85% of Fortune 500 executives are Greek alums, and they do typically enjoy meeting and mentoring with current Greek students.
  • Greek Pride. Greeks also take a great deal of pride in being part of a Greek chapter and national Greek organization. Expect to hear quite a bit about what their fraternity or sorority is doing, as well as drinking from that Greek “Mom” mug your daughter got you for Christmas, and a Greek “Dad” keychain on your key ring!

Modern day Greek life has been revamped from the media’s negative portrayal of Greek life, and there are plenty of benefits to your son or daughter going Greek. Sure, the parties still exist, so educate your student on enjoying responsibly. Hazing is illegal and no longer tolerated by Greek organizations, so your student should not be hazed. It may sound poetic, but your son or daughter will really meet the friends they’ll have for life and be part of an instant support network. We have a feeling you just might want to go back to college and be a Greek, too!


Today’s guest post was provided by Here at, we’re parents ourselves and were Greeks in college, so we know all too well the concerns most parents have about Greek life. We’re happy to shed light on the real deal of Greek life and get parents excited for their son or daughter. Embrace that Greek spirit and support your college student with Greek Hoodies and Greek Blankets!

Top 5 Social Media Tips for Students

Students who effectively use social media create an advantage for themselves with colleges and in the future job market. They can digitally network with professors, alumni, and fellow students before, during, and after college. Every student should invest some time in building their online presence. The days of MySpace are over, though, and your social profiles speak volumes to anyone who finds them. You never know if a college admissions rep, recruiter or employer will Google you before offering you an opportunity. For this reason, a professional filter should always be applied.

Here are my top five tips for college-bound teens and college students jumping into the social media river.

  1. Try new things. Facebook and Twitter are the basics. Consider expanding your reach by signing up for accounts on LinkedIn, Tumblr, or any other platform that intrigues you. And if you get your hands on a Google+ invitation, give it a test drive.
  2. Mind your audience. If you are using your social media for professional networking, then remember that anyone (uncle, co-worker, teacher, etc.) can find what you are saying. (Everyone from my grandmother to my boss can see my tweets.) Even if you “protect your tweets” or have really tight Facebook privacy settings, nothing is private. Anyone can take a screenshot of anything they see on Facebook, or retweet you into the twittersphere for all to see. There have been countless examples of people losing their jobs or even being denied admission because of inappropriate posts on social networks. Make sure you’re not one of them.
  3. Don’t be afraid to say “hello!” Social media has created the world’s largest networking event. Feel free to offer comments, ask questions, and challenge opinions. Never lurk in the corner.
  4. Speak clearly and carefully. Avoid spelling and grammar errors; watch out for foul language. If you want to be taken seriously, make your posts reader-friendly.
  5. Leverage your presence. If you’ve invested time in building your online influence, then make sure people know it. Put links to your social profiles on your resume, or consider building a personal website. Whatever your major or intended major, be it Dance, Sociology, or Marketing, your digital presence will set you apart.


Adam Britten is a recent graduate of Syracuse University, where he worked as a member of the school’s social media team. In the fall, he’ll be pursuing a Master of Digital Marketing. He maintains the blog

Parent Orientation-One Parent’s Perspective


Today’s guest post is written by Lori Domingo, whose son in scheduled to start college in the fall. I’m glad to provide you with her “birdseye view” of college orientation in the hopes it will help other parents know what to expect and gain some insight into this part of the college admissions process.


If asked what’s the first thing I noticed about NGCSU when I came down the hill and into Dahlonega, GA it would be that everything is uphill!  Seriously, I would have to say that the beauty of the campus strikes you immediately as you gaze at the dorms perched high up on the hilltops or the gold steeple that adorns the admissions building.  A close second would be that it’s very obviously a military school.  The grounds are maintained to perfection and it just looks like a military installation.

North Georgia College is one of 6 senior military colleges, not to be confused with the academies such as West Point, in the US and to quote the commandant, Col (RET) Palmer: “We don’t want to be the largest senior military program in the United States, just the best.”  The college is open to civilian students as well as those who come up to be cadets in the Corp.  They offer a wide variety of majors to cover any incoming freshman’s career goals but they are known for commissioning officers into the US Army upon their graduation.

While my son was attending his three day intro program, I attended a parent intro session as well.  Ours was only half a day and was run in a military fashion, where each speaker was given an allotted amount of time and was expected to adhere to it.  First up was the financial aid director, someone most of us really wanted to hear from.  As a parent of an incoming cadet from out of state, much of what she covered did not apply to me but I listened intently as she went over her presentation to make certain I didn’t miss anything that might be pertinent to my son.  Very few questions were asked at this session.

Following the introductory/financial aid presentation, we were offered several “breakout” sessions from which we were allowed to choose what we felt we needed to learn about the most.  I, of course, opted for the session pertaining to military students and was treated to a very professional, yet animated, 30 minute presentation from the Commandant of the program, Col. Palmer.  He got right down to business and gave us a complete list of do’s and don’t as well as an overview of what our sons and daughters could expect from their lives as a cadet.  The session moved right along and then we were rushed off to another session presented by one of the professors who explained to us the methods used in the classrooms here.  She was entertaining and likable and I left hoping all of my son’s instructors would be just like her.  Another breakout session followed, this time covering student services.  This was followed by a question/answer segment with some actual students.  Out of all the sessions of the day, this seemed to be where most of the parent questions were asked.  If I had to sum most of the questions up, I’d say they were all concerned about what each student on stage found to be the hardest part of adjusting to college life.  Answers ranged from eating too much to lack of time management skills to arriving thinking that academics was the only reason the student was here.  Every student sang their praises for the professors and others who helped them adjust to living on their own.  There were also several cadets there to answer any questions that were unique to the military students.

Dinner was a quick 45 minutes where we had the chance to see our kids for a few minutes and then we went our separate ways.  Our last parent session was a talk given by the school’s new president.  Her speech was uplifting and moving as she assured us that we were not letting go of our children but only leading them into a new chapter and that they would be taken very good care of…something that has been reiterated to me numerous times in all the various offices I’ve been to these last few days.

Do I think that this parent orientation was helpful?  Most definitely.  I have 2 other children in college but have never been faced with all that preparing my son for NGCSU has entailed so I am very glad I took the time to attend the parent intro.  I will leave Saturday feeling more informed and much better about leaving my “baby” here on August 9th.  I can’t say enough about the school itself or any of the staff I’ve dealt with.  Everyone here has been more than helpful and very understanding about the fact that this is all new for me…and for my son.  If you have the chance to attend such an orientation, I would highly recommend doing so.  Now…here’s to a wonderful 4 years (and lots of hiking visits for mom) for my son at North Georgia College and State University!

Ship2School makes move in day bearable

I’m always looking for services that parents and students will find helpful throughout the college admissions process. When my daughter moved from south Texas to Boston for college, it was a nightmare as you can imagine. I wish I had known about these type of services. It would have made our move half way across the country bearable!


Arriving at college on move-in day is an experience that is filled with strong emotions. Incoming freshman and their families want the college experience to be great, and can also appreciate that it is going to be the start to a new phase of their life – one full of challenges, discoveries, and wonderful achievements. At Ship2School, we want to get everyone off to a great start to this new path in life by making the actual process of moving in as easy and hassle-free as possible. We do this by simplifying the way your college-bound freshman gets their stuff from their room at home to their room at school. With our service, you will receive a box-kit that come in packs of 6 or 12 sturdy boxes, packing tape, and box labels to print out. How much you want to bring is entirely up to you! After all the boxes are packed, we will come by and pick them up and then have them sent straight to the dorm – from nearly anywhere to just about everywhere!

We start the process of simplifying your lives before the acceptance letters even start rolling in. As soon as you and your child start to discuss college preparation, we are ready to help you take one huge thing off your mind – getting all of your college-bound freshman’s things to their school, even before you know where they’re headed to in fall! You can go to the Ship2School website, fill out an order, and then let us know when the final decision has been made!

After the order has been placed, the college or university has been decided upon, and you’ve received your box-kit from us, you can tackle what’s next for you and your college-bound young adult – packing! The best advice we have for the sometimes overwhelming process of college packing is to make lists for 1) essentials, 2) maybes, 3) don’t needs, and 4) we’ll get laters. On our blog, we’ve written a lot about the process of packing for college, and you and your daughter or son can also do some searching and asking around for extra tips. For more information on packing, including our suggestions check here!

Once packing is finished and you’ve arranged for pick up and drop off with Ship2School, the real payoff comes on move-in day. There’s no loading the car or sitting in a cramped car for sometimes many hours while you try not to think about much stuff there is! You can enjoy all the free time and space you would otherwise be missing and have a more pleasant ride to campus. Once you’ve arrived, there’s no unloading of the car, so you and your family can just stroll into your freshman’s dorm relaxed and comfortable knowing that they will have more time to get themselves settled into their new situation.

Our Ship2School service delivers right to their dorm building and is very affordable, with highly competitive rates by locale and destination. For an extra $199 you can even upgrade and get the white-glove treatment and we’ll put their stuff right in their dorm room! Right now you can get $25 off any order. As well, we’re having a contest where one lucky student can ride like rockstar and show up move-in day with their friends in a limo!

Our best wishes to all those heading off to college and their families!

Check out us on, follow us on Twitter, and Like us on Facebook!

Prepping your College-Bound Student in College Safety…

…without them tuning you out!

It’s a proud feeling to have your son or daughter go off to college, but it’s a little scary for us parents at the same time, isn’t it? We go from making the rules and having them live under our roof to our kids being out on their own and making their own decisions, in the blink of an eye. Sure, we trust them and know they’ll do the right thing, but what happens if they find themselves in an unsafe situation, or with a person who doesn’t have their best interests in mind? It’s tempting to let our fear manifest itself into a lecture on college safety, but that’s probably going to fall on deaf ears – we don’t even like being lectured! Read up on prepping your college-bound kids on personal safety in college, without them saying “Ugh, Mom!”

Want to “Sit Them Down”? Resist!

How many times did your parents “sit you down” as a kid to discuss a weighty topic? More often than not, you tuned them out or felt they were making a bigger deal out of a situation. Prevent this from happening by mentioning personal safety casually in the months leading up to college – if you’re doing the dishes, mention to your daughter that you know after a long night class, it might be tempting to take the unlit shortcut path, but rapists really do exist on college campuses. While you’re grilling dinner, talk about how pepper spray is the perfect size for your pocket and purse, so it never hurts to have it on hand. Casually adding safety tips and advice into your normal conversation presents them in a non-threatening manner, helping your soon-to-be college freshman absorb these tips and heed them.

Provide The Information, and Let Them Lead

Your future college student is a young adult, and although they will always be your child, it’s time to let them take the lead. Email your son or daughter a few links once a month or so to college safety blogs and personal safety tips. Keep it minimal – just three or so links here and there. If email isn’t your thing, simply print out the articles and leave them on your son or daughter’s bed. Then, leave it up to your son or daughter to read the information. You won’t be prodding, so they are much more likely to actually read the articles.

Give Them The Essentials

Your son or daughter may want to buy pepper spray and personal safety alarms, but the summer is going to go by fast. Instead, consider personal safety items just another college essential. If pepper spray is legal in your state, pick it up for your son and daughter. Same with a small flashlight and a keychain personal safety alarm so they can quickly sound a piercing alarm if they’re in a threatening situation.

By casually talking about personal safety to your college-bound student, providing them with the info and tips they need, and giving them the safety essentials for college effectively arms your son or daughter with the safety tips to ensure their college experience is filled with only happy memories! Share your own college safety tips and advice by leaving a comment below.


Today’s guest post was provided by We have kids of our own here at, and we know a thing or two about sending our kids off to college and helping them stay safe and secure. From Pen Cameras to help them record info in class to Home Security Cameras for their apartment to deter theft, we’re your experts for security equipment and college safety advice!

Getting a Leg Up by Socializing Admissions

To many students and parents the college search, application, and decision process can be very overwhelming.  Students work with their high school counselors, siblings, and friends to figure out which school is the right “fit” for them … all the while not truly understanding what happens on the “other side of the table” at the colleges they looking at.

For admissions representatives it is getting harder and harder to truly get to understand what motivates a student as well.  With the advent of the Common App and easy to complete online applications, schools are seeing a surge in application numbers while still trying to figure out the best way to personalize the admissions process for the students that are truly interested in their school.

Enter Zinch. is a social communication platform that enables students to better manage their college search, while allowing college admissions representatives to connect with students that are interested in their school.  Using Zinch a student can create their first professional profile to “showcase themselves” during their college search.

Traditionally colleges have recruited students with partnerships with the College Board and ACT to segment students by their standardized test scores, get a list of student names, and send recruitment messages.  This practice fuels the misconception that the most important thing schools look at is a student’s SAT or ACT score during their admissions decisions.  On Zinch, students are more than a test score. Colleges on Zinch (close to 1,000 of them) reach out to students based on their interests, the type of school(s) they are most interested in, extra-curricular activities, and more … making a student with a complete profile attractive to colleges!

Zinch makes admissions social as well. College Admissions Officers have profiles that they use to respond to student questions on their school’s page, reach out to students from their geographic area, and be “on call” to answer questions a student has about their application process, financial aid, or anything else they can think of while they are looking at schools.  This breaks down the barriers of a traditional “one way” college search.  All of this in addition to close to $2 Billion in scholarships to apply for, study abroad and test prep opportunities to explore, and educational discounts on computers and books exclusive to Zinch members.

Zinch is free to join, and searching for schools or scholarships does not require a registration.  Students only register when they are ready to apply for scholarships and reach out to specific schools.

See you on Zinch!


Today’s guest post was submitted by Gil Rogers, Director of Marketing and Outreach for  Gil recently joined Zinch after nearly 5 years at the University of New Haven in West Haven, CT where he served as Associate Director of Admissions and Enrollment Technology.  While at UNH Gil supervised the undergraduate admissions recruitment staff, as well as reviewed application for admission to the university.



Three tell tale signs that your student needs a tutor

When is the right time to hire a tutor? Initially, the answer to this question seems relatively straightforward. Many would give the obvious answer: “It is time to find a tutor as soon as my student starts to struggle.” What does that mean? The word “struggle” is relative and carriers many different meanings. A lot of self-discovery comes in the “struggling” moments of academia, but there is a fine line that parents need to be aware of. Parents, you know your child best, and you need to ensure that your child doesn’t struggle to the point where they will give up on academics. If a student reaches this low point, it is easy for them to get discouraged. If a student has experienced enough moments of failure, it is not uncommon for the student to label himself or herself as a failure. Many students have a difficult time compartmentalizing the moments of failure and their entire academic ability.

There are three important scenarios where parents should start thinking about hiring a tutor for their child. It is important to act relatively quickly, and make sure your student has all of the necessary support.

Poor Grades

As mentioned above it is important for parents to respond quickly if their student’s grades are dropping. There are many contributing factors that could lead to poor academic performance, and hiring a tutor is a great way to assess any underlying issues. Tutors have a different vantage point than teachers, and it may difficult for a teacher to assess the situation when they have 25+ students in front of them. Many teachers will work in collaboration with the tutor, but it is the responsibility of the parents to facilitate that discussion. Even though, tutoring is a great tool to use if your student is struggling, it may not be the best thing for your student. Start a dialogue with the tutor, and work towards identifying why your student is struggling. If a student struggles from time management or executive functioning, academic tutoring alone may not help the student long term. It is difficult to define a specific plan of action that all parents can use because all students are different. Each student needs an individualized plan, don’t be afraid to try trial and error in the development process. Eventually you will create a comprehensive plan that is best for your student.

Not Being Challenged

When students are not challenged academically their grades could suffer. Students can become disconnected with what is happening in class because they are bored. If that is the case, parents should communicate with the teacher to develop an enrichment plan for the student. Provide your child with several opportunities to participate in learning outside of the classroom. An expert tutor can take the material covered in class, and adapt it to make it interesting for the student. Adaptations should include facets of information that is not being covered in class.

It’s Summer Time

It’s summer time, and our brains get shut off! Provide your student with something interesting to do over the summer that will help retain the information learned during the school year. Summer tutoring is my favorite because you don’t have to worry about aligning the instruction with the goals and objectives of the classroom teacher.

Below you can find two great resources for summer enrichment:

Summer Math Camps for High School Students

Summer Discovery


Thanks to Eric Clark, CEO of Quincy Tutoring, an online tutor network based on the South Shore of Boston, for today’s guest post.  Parents can go to, and search the Quincy Tutoring database for free.  Tutors can also create/manage their own profile for free.  If you enjoyed reading this post, and have questions about how much you should pay for tutoring, click HERE.  If you would like a tutor network for your area please contact Eric today.  You can also follow Eric on Facebook and Twitter.



Top 5 Forgotten Dorm Room Supplies

In the frenzy to get your child ready for college, it is easy to forget about some pretty important dorm room staples either because things are hectic, or because they just slip your mind. Here is DormCo’s list of the Top 5 Forgotten Dorm Room Supplies that are a must-have for any incoming college freshman.

#5 – Alarm Clock

It seems silly to say, but when purchasing the furnishings for your child’s dorm room, alarm clocks are often forgotten amongst the “bigger” items such as bedding and storage options. I had multiple friends who had to run out and buy alarm clocks when they arrived on campus in the fall, so be sure not to forget this dorm necessity. Going for an alarm clock that has an MP3/iPod player included will eliminate the need to buy an expensive iPod dock, and your child can wake up every morning to their favorite tunes as well!

#4 – Area Rug

Although a rug is not exactly necessary, it adds a nice touch to your child’s dorm room and makes the space more comfortable and inviting. What better way to afford them with a sense of home than with a plush rug complete with a trendy design? Have your child pick out a rug they like, and if they already know their roommate, see if they’d like to ask them his or her thoughts on a rug choice. Getting your roommate’s opinion on communal items from the get-go will start your child’s living environment off on the right foot.

#3 – Wall Art

There is nothing more mundane and unwelcoming than bare, white walls. Many students accumulate posters, pictures, and wall art as the year progresses, but starting out with one or two will ensure that your child’s little slice of home away from home is personalized. Recently, Peel N Stick wall art has been the new “thing” for college students since it’s so versatile and fun, and it’s worth checking out if you haven’t already.

#2 – An Iron

This was the least owned item out of all the dorm supplies my friends and I had, yet one of the most useful – multiple times. While people claim that irons are unnecessary, or that you only need them if you’re a business major, in fact there are many circumstances where being able to iron a blouse or pair of slacks will prove to be very useful.

#1 – Bed Toppers

Unless you’re familiar with the ins and outs of dorm shopping, you may not know about bed toppers. Whether you choose a feather bed topper, memory foam, or an egg crate, you can easily provide your college-bound kid with a good night’s sleep. When classes get stressful and sports become overwhelming, your child will be grateful that you got them this bed necessity – it will help them sleep restfully, night after night.


Snag these 5 dorm necessities, on top of the obvious staples, and your child will be set for school come August! For an amazing selection of dorm supplies at stellar prices, be sure to check us out at!


Today’s guest post is from Alexis McKenzie, Customer Service, Marketing, and Social Media for DormCo.Com