Obtaining a college degree can be essential for certain top end careers. However, not all well-paid and respectable jobs require a degree. Instead, it may be possible to get your foot in the door through other forms of training or by working your way up from an entry level job. Below are just some of the most surprising jobs that you do not need a college degree to break into.
Continue reading Careers Outside the Traditional College PathCategory Archives: online learning
The Future of Learning is Here
Traditional learning and teaching methods are no longer sufficient to meet the ever-increasing demands and challenges. As a result, the future of learning has been reshaped, ushering in a new era of educational practices, capabilities, and possibilities. From virtual reality and artificial intelligence to personalised learning and collaborative platforms, the future of education is here, and it promises to revolutionise the way we acquire knowledge, develop skills, and prepare for the challenges of tomorrow. Join us on this exhilarating exploration of the educational frontiers, where students become active participants in their learning journeys and traditional classroom boundaries are transcended. The future of learning has arrived, brimming with opportunities and transformative potential.
Continue reading The Future of Learning is HereTechnology Tips When Attending Online Classes

If your student is attending school online or pursuing an online degree, the challenges of doing coursework online can be daunting. First there’s a learning curve to adapt to not being in the classroom. Then you have to deal with technology and all the problems that often arise.
Your computer equipment may be outdated and not up to the standards required for zoom classes and accessing online material. Your Wi-Fi connection moves at the pace of a snail. Not to mention the new software tools you are utilizing are complicated and tough to comprehend. In the absence of an information technology department, you are left to solve any technological issues.
When attending class online, some of the most common technology-related challenges that we encounter include unreliable internet connections, poor-quality video calls, software applications that are structured in such a way that they are excessively restrictive, and uncomfortable workstations. Our overall productivity is lowered as a result of all of these impediments.
Continue reading Technology Tips When Attending Online ClassesSelf-Care Habits During Online Learning

For many parents, online learning is a blessing as it gives their teens a chance to keep their academic work on track when stuck at home. However, experts also agree that online learning can impact a teen’s mental health by increasing stress and heightened anxiety about keeping up to date with school work. So, is your teen resorting to online studies? Encourage them to adopt the following self-care habits to keep them healthy mentally and physically.
Continue reading Self-Care Habits During Online LearningIs Online Learning the Right Choice

Online and distance learning have long been popular ways to improve your education. People across the world are relying on these methods to enable themselves to better their qualifications, offering ways to learn and build a career that doesn’t involve going to school. While popular, though, options like this can also come with some challenges. You need to think about yourself and your goals before you embark on something like this, and it will make sense to explore whether or not online learning is right for you before you get started.
Independent Learning
Going to university or college means that you have to be a good independent learner, as you won’t have teachers pushing you to do your work all the time. Of course, though, this will be even more important if you decide to study online. With very few deadlines to meet, it can be all too easy to allow your online education to drag on for a very long time. You have to make sure that you will be able to push yourself to work and learn, especially if you have a lot of other things in life to think about.
Continue reading Is Online Learning the Right ChoiceHomeschooling During the Pandemic

At a time when home-based learning is becoming increasingly common thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is wise to think about other ways of learning at home. Traditionally, we think of homeschooling as textbooks and pens and paper, but it can be so much more than that.
Some parents opt for unschooling, which allows children to follow their own interests and talents at their own speed. Other parents look at things like forest schools or online schools. There are so many ways to do it these days – there really is an option for everyone.
Here, we look at how you can use everyday life to teach your children at home while making it fun for everyone.
Some homeschoolers love to use the theatre as their inspiration and creative starting point for a homeschooling topic, and that is because it encompasses so many things – drama, art, music, language, history – the possibilities are endless.
Use the arts
Some theatres even use curriculum tools that go right along with the shows they have. Theatre as a means of teaching helps to engage in learning in so many dimensions. Music opens up a high degree of brain creativity. When coupled with the visual elements of the set and the storytelling that is made to come to life by the performers, the elements of the production are distinct from any other method of teaching.
You can also use pieces of music, inspirational pieces of art or even your favorite movie as a starting point. Sit down with your children, and make a mindmap with all the things that they could do connected to that particular piece of art. Pinterest is a great resource for this.
Go outdoors
Forest schools have exploded in popularity in recent years and that is because more educators and parents are discovering the benefits that learning outdoors has on children. At it’s most basic, you can pick up your work and take it to a spot in the garden or the beach, but why not try actually using the natural environment as inspiration? Geocaching can teach geography skills, photography can be mathematical, building dens can be maths and engineering, looking for animal tracks can be science.
Let them lead the way
This takes us back to the point we made further up about unschooling, but it is one of the best ways to really engage children and give them ownership over their learning. If they show a particular interest in something – space, dinosaurs, cars, even toys, roll with it. Look at how you can incorporate that into learning and what they can get from it. Sure, they might bit be learning how to do deep algebraic formulations, but if they have their heart set on becoming a museum curator, they might not need it.
Many parents opt to homeschool because their children are under too much pressure at school. However you decide to educate your child at home, stay relaxed – otherwise you could end up defeating the object!
Using Online Learning to Supplement Education

Most schools have been closed over the past few months, and continue to be closed, but this does not mean that learning has to stop. Online lessons have proven to be a great help.
You can find all types of resources online to help your student continue the learning process. Beginning in the early grades like third grade writing worksheets, and continuing as your student moves into junior high and high school.
Online learning websites are widely available. With so many to choose from, there are many factors to consider when looking for the best. One of the main decisions you need to make is whether to pay for access to a learning website or whether to only use free resources.
There is no right or wrong when determining whether to pay for lessons online. It is all about deciding what is right for you. If you are currently not in a position whereby you can afford to spend money on such lessons comfortably, then, of course, start with free resources until you can.
Aside from this, you need to consider how motivated you are. If you are not a self-starter, you may struggle to stick with a free program. However, if you are paying for a service, it will certainly give you the extra push you need to study regularly. Moreover, if it means gaining access to a much better pool of online lessons, it may be worth paying for a learning website, especially if your time is precious. You could get to the same skill level, in the end, no matter what website you use, but with free resources, it may take a little bit longer, unless you find one that ticks all of the boxes, of course. If that is the case, then great! Also, if you need personalized help, you can get access to a live teacher and so on with some paid websites.
Supplementing learning with online music education
Online music lesson websites are widely available for those who want to learn from the comfort of their own home and have the freedom to practice as and when suits them. There are many benefits associated with this approach to learning an instrument or how to sing, as you will discover below.
One of the main reasons why so many people choose online music lessons is because they are much more cost-effective. Rather than paying a fee every time you have a lesson, you are more likely to pay a one-off cost for access to the website in question, or in some cases, you may need to pay monthly or annual fees. There are also free resources on the web for you to make the most of, meaning you are bound to find the right solution for your budget.
Another benefit is that you have more control over your learning experience. You will be able to find resources suited to areas you feel you need more practice, and you can decide when you take the lessons, and how long for. You also have a much wider scope of music lessons online to choose from, including variation in the way these lessons are presented, from the written format to demonstration videos. You can also continue your lessons no matter where you go, which is ideal for those that travel a lot with work. Finally, you will be more inclined to experiment and take risks when you only have yourself to answer to.
Why We Need Private High Schools
There was a time when the United States was at the head of the class when it came to the quality of education in this country. As of January 2015, the United States ranked in 14th place out of 40 countries scored, and that is not saying much for the state of education in this country as it now stands. This was one of the major issues during our current president’s campaign and something he has vowed to ‘fix’ during his administration. Can anyone blame him?
Why the United States Scored So Low on the Scale
The debate continues on what we have come to know as “The Core Curriculum” and how this is holding our youth back from attaining the education they deserve. However, this is specific to public schools, for the most part, because private schools have much more leeway in how they teach, if not what they teach, per state requirements.
What Private Schools Can Offer that Public Schools Can’t
Private schools can offer a more open approach to education because they are not bound by the exact same laws as public schools are. While many may receive funding from government sources, private schools are not accountable to a county school board as are public schools. So, while all students must meet minimum requirements, private schools have the freedom to reach far beyond those minimums. They may even be able to do away with the Core altogether as long as their students can master the concepts contained in the Core.
A Misguided Mindset
With a national mindset of “No Child Left Behind” and minimum requirements in the curriculum, is it any wonder why our educational system is falling through the basement? Instead of setting minimum goals for students to attain, why not set those goals higher? Why not set up classrooms where every child has the opportunity to grow at his or her own pace? That’s something to consider and why a greater number of private schools are keeping their classroom sizes small enough to accomplish this.
With more one-on-one time with students, teachers can help them work at their own level of competency, and that is the way forward. Keeping a broken Core Curriculum is holding our future leaders back and why so many parents are thankful to have the wherewithal to send their kids to private schools. Wouldn’t it be nice if every child had that opportunity?
Raising up a New Generation of Educators and Administrators
The guiding light, the ray of hope, in all this is that there are forward thinking universities that are raising up a new generation of educators and administrators. Check out https://peabodyonline.vanderbilt.edu/ to see how we can change our future and why private schools may be one of the best ways to meet the challenges ahead. Sometimes it’s not about what we are required to teach our students but how we teach them that makes a difference. Whether or not the Core can be done away with isn’t quite as important as training teachers to bring out the best in their classrooms.
4 Alternatives to College
Most parents want their children to get a good education and grow into mature adults. They save from an early age to ensure they can afford to send them to college. However, that path isn’t right for everyone, and some children would do better if they selected an alternative. The issue is that most parents have no idea about the other options on the table. Research shows that a traditional university education doesn’t guarantee success in life. With that in mind, we wanted to highlight some of the other things you might like to consider. All of the options below could help your children to become successful without following the standard process. As with anything in this world, sometimes you have to think outside of the box to get the best outcomes.
Getting qualifications online
If your children aren’t suited to university, that doesn’t mean they can’t get the skills they require. Maybe it’s the social aspect of learning with others at college that causes the issues? Well, thankfully, there is an alternative that would allow them to get the education and recognition they deserve. Whether they want an online BA in organizational studies or anything else, there are many companies offering that service. As a parent, you just need to research the top organizations to ensure your child has the best opportunities. Look for an internet-based educational firm that has a good track record. In most instances, you will find lots of reviews from people who’ve used the service in the past. If they haven’t experienced any significant problems, you’re on the right track.
Applying for an apprenticeship
Governments around the world have pledged to put more money into creating apprenticeships than ever before. That means there are many more opportunities than most parents and children realize. Apprenticeships as a fantastic idea because they allow your child to learn as they earn. In most situations, the company will have your child working in-house for most of the week. They will then send them off to college on day release. All the costs are covered by the business, and so your child doesn’t have to pay anything for their education. It’s an excellent solution if your kids want to become tradespeople. Those schemes work well in the construction and service industries. So, if you want to create the world’s next best plumber or something like that, consider an apprenticeship.
Getting a job and working their way up
If your child can’t find a suitable apprenticeship, they might like the idea of finding a job when they leave school. That’s an incredible idea if they select something with lots of promotion opportunities. Nothing is wrong with starting at the bottom and working their way up. So, they just need to find companies and industries that offer those benefits. Of course, your kids are never going to become brain surgeons following that method. However, they could become managers or consultants once they’ve gained enough experience. Best of all? You won’t have to pay for their education, and they won’t end up with lots of debt from tuition fees. At the end of the day, it all comes down to what they hope to achieve from their working lives.
Avoiding Traditional College Doesn’t Have to Halt Your Teen’s Education
If your teen thinks that going straight to college from high school is not for them then they’ve probably been questioned ‘now what?’ countless times. They’ve probably been inundated with people voicing their opinions and telling them where they should and should not go from here. They’ve probably had everyone, from you to their teachers, asking them what the plan is. If that plan is to neither go to college or jump into the world of work then fear not. There are many viable and fruitful educational options out there that involve neither traditional college or work routes but do lead to success. A few examples of such can be found below.
Community college
Just because your child doesn’t want to take the traditional college approach, it might not mean that they don’t want to carry on studying. Just because they don’t want to live in a dorm and move away from home, it might not mean that they don’t wish to get a degree. One way for your teen to get a degree without going down the traditional college route is for them to attend community college. If your teen doesn’t want to do the full four-year stretch at college then they need only do two at community college. In doing so they would earn themselves an associate’s degree.
If your teen is afraid of moving out then they can easily stay at home when attending community college. In doing so they can take this next step in their life at their own pace. If they don’t want to have to waste time continuing in general ed classes then they don’t have to if they attend community college. In doing so they can spend more time exploring their interests and refining the skills they want to refine. Community college is an incredibly viable option if college is not the route for your teen. Because of this you should do all you can to help them see past the misconceptions and stigmas attached to this route.
College online courses
Another educational option that doesn’t follow the traditional college route is the online course. The rise of online technologies in the digital age has improved education by offering learning beyond the traditional brick and mortar. Colleges use platforms such as Moodle to teach their classes online. And those who don’t go to college can use their own education platforms to get a degree. Maryville University offers online courses in all sorts of subjects, as evidenced here: http://online.maryville.edu/. These courses offer the same opportunities for students to ascend in their education and following careers as traditional classroom courses do. The only difference is, a student who takes an online course need not sit in a classroom all day. They can do the work assigned to them and meet their deadlines from the comfort of their home.
Free online courses
Another way to continue education is with other online offerings that cost a student nothing. Khan Academy has a full array of courses for students to whet their educational appetite without the pressure of grades. Colleges like Harvard also offer free university level courses to students who are interested in learning but haven’t yet decided what to study or if they want to attend a traditional four-year university. Both of these options will help students explore interests that will help them decide which career to pursue.
If your teen doesn’t want to go to college or take a step on the career ladder, yet they cannot afford a gap year, then there are other ways. There are many ways to carry on with education even when college is forgone, and these options should not be forgone themselves. Long gone are the days when it was either college or work. The world is not as black and white as it was in the past. It is no longer as cut throat. There are many options out there to facilitate education, just not in the traditional sense. So, if your child wants to avoid a ‘traditional’ college setting then you need not fear. There are still ways for them to learn and grow in other places.