Category Archives: parenting

Why College Students Cheat

Here’s an article written by David Replogle, a University of Virginia student, for The Real College Guide. It’s a topic you should discuss with your college-bound teens because the risks and the consequences of cheating far outweigh the perceived benefits.


On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this examination. This is the honor code of my college, University of Virginia, and what I’m required to scribble after every test. A student convicted of violating the code can be removed from the university, and say goodbye to paid tuition. Harsh. But…students still cheat. So what’s behind this risk-taking behavior?

A few instructors and professors have actually asked. Here’s your cheat sheet to their findings on why college students cheat:

WHY? Cheating Can Be Rationalized

After realizing that nearly three-fourths of his class had cheated on a take-home exam, one instructor and his colleagues at Iowa State University College of Business conducted a 2006 study examining how students bend the rules:

Researchers found an ego-based climate in which students justify their actions through rationalizing, minimizing and even blaming. “Factors that can be used to encourage ethical behavior can also be manipulated to encourage behavior that is unethical,” the researchers determined.

Respondents blamed the professor for assigning answers that could be found online and for not assuming students would collude on the assignment. They also focused on more serious offenses of cheating and questioned whether certain actions could even be constituted as cheating.

WHY? Everybody Else is Cheating

Indeed, “everyone cheats” was the rationale of some respondents in the Iowa study. And in a TED lecture from last year, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Dan Ariely describes several experiments in which he found not “a few people who cheated a lot” but instead “a lot of people who cheat a little bit.”

Interestingly, he also found what he dubs “endemic” cheating. “If somebody from our ‘in’ group cheats, we feel it is more appropriate to behave this way,” Ariely explains. “But if it’s somebody we don’t want to associate ourselves with — from another university or another group — people cheat less.”

WHY? Cheating’s Getting a Lot Easier

Between smartphones, online courses and hundreds of Web outlets where students can download or custom-order essays, technology makes cheating more accessible than ever. One UVA English professor, who wishes to remain anonymous, says she no longer leaves the room when administering tests: “The number of students who have Internet on their cell phones makes me downright paranoid, and I just can’t trust that they won’t feel tempted to use them.”

School administrators are looking for ways to combat this trend. In a recent study published in the MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, researchers note that Troy University is exploring moves to ensure academic integrity, including subjecting students to fingerprint analysis, video surveillance and audio recording when taking online courses.

WHY? There’s So Much Pressure

As college stresses mount, it certainly can be tempting to search for an answer key online, copy a worksheet from a friend or even plagiarize a few sentences for that six-page paper that’s due. “It’s always a struggle to keep up the GPA, not just for yourself but for your parents too,” says Tiffany Morris, an Auburn University junior. “Your GPA follows you after you’re done, and I think that’s one of the greatest motivators behind kids cheating.”

The demands of college can be daunting, to say the least. “It’s always a balance. I’m living in my sorority house this year, chairing a committee and trying to cope with a double major,” says Chelsea Bradley, a junior at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. “I guess one of the biggest detractors to cheating for me is knowing that it’s not a good thing to do.”

As it turns out, moral prompts can trump the urge to cheat even under pressure. In one of Ariely’s MIT experiments, he asked participants to recall 10 books they had read in high school and others to recall the Ten Commandments. Says Ariely, “The people given the opportunity to recall the Ten Commandments did not cheat at all.”

WHY NOT? Cheating Totally Isn’t Worth It

Whatever your moral code, you stand to lose a lot by cheating. One of the most controversial decisions in the history of the UVA Honor Committee came last spring, when fourth-year student Jason Smith was found guilty of lying about an assignment in a pass/fail one-credit course. It resulted in his expulsion.

“The Jason Smith case was sobering,” says Sam Beaver, a UVA junior and former Honor Committee support officer. “It just goes to remind you that any little thing can come back to haunt you.”

"Helicopter" Parents

helicopter-parentWe’ve all heard the term: helicopter parents. There isn’t one of us alive that wants to have that title attached to our behavior. But a recent study shows that a high level of parental involvement correlates with a positive college experience. A new student poll, conducted by the College Board and The Art and Science Group, LLC stated:

College-bound high school seniors are generally satisfied with the current level of their parents’ involvement in the college search process. But nearly 30 percent want more, not less, parental involvement, a figure that jumps to over 40 percent among students with lower SAT scores and household incomes.


To some degree, these findings appear to defy recent media reporting and other anecdotal evidence about “helicopter parents,” in particular the perception of a rising level of intrusive and alarming behavior.

There is evidence that indicates that parents should take more, rather than less interest in their children’s education. The Harvard Family Research Project found that teens whose parents play an active role do better in school and are more likely to enroll in college. Many parents tend to be less active during middle and high school, however.

Should there be a healthy balance? Of course. Parents should respect the fact that their teens are maturing and growing toward independence. Teens need practice making their own decisions, the freedom to make mistakes, and the chance to learn about consequences.

As I’ve mentioned previously, a parent’s role should be that of a coach. You are there to provide structure, advice and encouragement. Work with your teen as a team and help them stay organized. But let them take the lead and own the process.

Read the complete study:

Student Poll

Take the “Helicopter Parents” quiz:


Career planning tips for parents of teens

options-susan-pOur guest blog post today is by Susan Posluszny, the founder of OPTIONS for Career & Life Planning, specializing in unique programs and services to support students with college major and career planning. Susan is a Master Career Counselor with over 25 years of career counseling experience including 18 years as a college career center director. She is the author of In Search of a College Major & Career Direction, an interactive program designed to support teens and young adults with choosing a college major and career path.Her career counseling and coaching practice is located in New Boston, NH. Subscribe to Susan’s e-newsletter, Career Options, at

Think Big Picture

It’s common to overly focus on the details:  Which ‘one’ major should I pick?  Which ‘one’ career should I pursue?  Yet, research studies show that it’s common for students (and adults) to shift direction over time as they explore, grow, and change.  What to do?  Get your student to identify their top 2 – 3 academic and career interests and then explore ways to simultaneously prepare for and reality test more than one interest.  Sound impossible?  Not at all.  Careful selection of academic courses and career exploration strategies (job shadowing, internships, career related employment or volunteer experience) will do it.  Be sure to spread these efforts out over time so as not to overload.

Discard Outdated Notions of ‘Job Security’

Job security in the form of long term employment with one employer in exchange for dedication and hard work is long gone.  Instead, shifts in the work world have been moving towards project based work and ways to match individual interests and skills to marketplace needs.  Don’t expect selection of the ‘right school’, the ‘right degree’, or the ‘right career’ to provide guarantees of post graduation employment or career success.  Today’s students will need to take charge of their own career development in order to ensure a sense of ’employment security’ for themselves.

Consider Career Interests Relative to College Loan Debt

According to the College Board, the average debt for a Bachelor’s degree was $23,200 in 2007-2008.  an individual student’s loan debt can vary significantly from this figure but the bottom line is that many students are feeling pressured to pursue academic and career choices that will allow them to pay off their loans…even if these choices don’t particularly interest or excite them.  So, how about your student?  Will college loan debt drive your student’s college major and career decisions?  If so, it’s as if your student is working for the financial institution.  Help your student to identify their top career interests and to explore creative options for pursuing career preferences while owning one’s financial reality.  Do all that you can to help your student avoid limiting future options by taking on too much debt.

Explore Career Preferences Prior to Choosing a College Major

Many students choose a college major first and then determine their career choice based on their chosen major.  This is a no brainer when a major is directly linked to a career field (nursing, education, engineering, etc.) but this approach has its limits.  First, it doesn’t work so well with majors that cover broad interest areas like English or Business Administration.  Second, many students end up pursuing career interests totally unrelated to their majors.  While it can be helpful for students to consider academic subjects that interest them when choosing a college major/career, it’s also valuable to explore your career interests  Once key career interest themes are identified, research to see if these interests have specific college major requirements.  Chances are that there’s quite a bit of flexibility with academic choices relative to career pursuits.

Copyright, Susan B. Posluszny, OPTIONS for Career & Life Planning LLC

If you would like to contact Susan or find out more information about the services she provides, you can contact her at:

Her websites: and



The Happiest Kid on Campus…

…A Parents Guide to the Very Best College Experience (for you and your child!)

by Harlan Cohen, a bestselling author (The Naked Roommate), nationally syndicated advice columnist and professional speaker who has visited over 300 college campuses.

This is an advance review of Harlan’s new book scheduled to come out in May 2010.

I just finished reading an advance copy of The Happiest Kid on Campus: A Parent’s Guide to the Very Best College Experience (for you and your child!). It was like taking a trip down memory lane with both my kids and their college experiences. If only this book had been written eight years ago when I sent my daughter off to college, I might have avoided many sleepless nights, worried moments, and confusing dilemmas during those tumultuous four years. My favorite quote from the book: “Life (and college) is 90 percent amazing and 10 percent difficult.” It’s the 10 percent difficult that Harlan Cohen addresses in his book. And it’s that 10 percent difficult that ALL parents need to be prepared to deal with.

This book answers those nagging parental questions:

  • Will my child be safe?
  • How much should I be involved and where should I draw the line?
  • How do I help my child adapt to living away from home and getting along with others?
  • Is it OK to ask questions?
  • How much contact from home  is too much and how do I set boundaries?
  • What do I do when they call home with a crisis?
  • How do I talk to my child about sex, drugs, alcohol, academics, Greek life, roommates and getting involved?

Harlan uses tips and stories from students and parents to show us real-life college experiences. While doing that, he covers all the topics from the summer before college, to moving day, to the first few months, to parents weekends. He discusses controversial topics like drinking, sex, eating disorders, and even campus safety, offering parents direction and advice on how to discuss and handle them if and when they arise. He gets you up to speed on texting, Facebook and Twitter and discusses how to use them to stay informed and involved in your college student’s life without being intrusive.

On a personal note, while I was reading this book I was transported back to the early days of college when my daughter and I experienced so many of the college dilemmas Harlan discussed: overpacking for freshman year; dealing with a disagreeable and annoying roommate; living with her friends and regretting it; hazing during sorority rush; the freshman 15; struggling with certain classes and surviving; wanting to transfer because of a boyfriend; getting involved and finding her place. He addresses EVERY college dilemma with advice from his own experiences, other parents, students and college professionals.

If you’re a parent of a college-bound teen, you should pick up a copy of this book BEFORE your teen heads off to college. It will prepare you for their years in college and give you that peace of mind knowing that everything you are faced with is all part of the college experience. You’ll worry less, sleep more, and ensure that you and your child have an amazing college experience.

Top 5 Test Prep Sites

Your college-bound teen MUST do some sort of test prep. It will improve their scores and give them confidence when they take the test. Preparation and familiarization with the test and its formulas will give them an edge over the students who choose not to prepare.

Here are my recommendations for test prep sites:


1. TutorsForTestPrep–Elizabeth writes a blog that gives some great tips and discusses the nuances of the tests. She takes the test herself every year and is familiar with its content and knows how to help your teen improve their scores. Read what Elizabeth said about her services:

Outsmarting the SAT


2. WordNerd–Sheldon walks your teen through practice tests, smart sets (words that go together), study roots (prefixes and suffixes) and gives a “nerd” word of the day. This is a good practice site to improve vocabulary. Read Sheldon’s advice on SAT prep:

Creating an SAT Study Plan


3. MindFishYour teen can play an SAT test game to help them master skills and you can dialogue with test prep and admissions professionals and other interested parents.


4. CollegeBoard SAT Test Prep–The College Boards FREE test prep site for the SAT with practice tests, question of the day and sample practice questions.


5. AllenPrep–Get an Ipod/Itouch/Iphone App here for just $9.99 and your teen can use it to improve their SAT vocabulary. They also provide testing software and offer a 2-day FREE trial to check it out.

Information overload

Here’s a great article for your college-bound teen about STAYING ORGANIZED in college. This is one of my favorite topics for parent college coaches as well. It’s the only way to avoid feeling overwhelmed!

By Corey Bobco for The Real College Guide

Getting to school means … being slapped in the face with a semester’s worth of work. Stacks of syllabi have you overwhelmed? Breathe. We show you how to manage.

overloadYou’ve been on the college scene for a few weeks, having the time of your life and wondering what all the university hype is about. So far, all you’ve had to do for your grades’ sake is skim some course readings and listen to a few professors babble in the lecture hall. But then … BAM! After an enlightening series of classes one fine Monday, you realize you’ve got a biology exam and two 1,000-word essays on Homer and Joyce due — all by the end of the week.

Uh-huh. This scenario is all too common, even among seasoned students.
Sure, you can survive it, even if it means pulling a few all-nighters. But if you always let everything pile up until crunch time, your grades will eventually suffer. And so will you.

So how can you avoid epic battles with tests and deadlines so you don’t become a scholastic casualty? Stop stressing. Now. You can tackle time management and stay organized so your course work doesn’t get the better of you. Here’s how:

•    Stay on top of things! May sound like a no-brainer, but no kidding: If you don’t want schoolwork to pile up, you need to actively be aware of when it’s due. Pick up a portable planner — or if you’re computer-oriented, try an app like Google Calendar, which also conveniently syncs with your Gmail account — and copy the entire semester’s worth of assignments, exams and due dates into it from each class’s syllabus. And while we’re on the subject, be sure to carefully read all your syllabi. You may find sneaky stuff hidden in there, like “one full letter-grade drop for every unexcused absence” (true story). It’s better to know sooner rather than later.

•    Got notes? When you’re trying to figure out what’s crucial to know for a test or how to arrange course content into a viable essay, having good notes can be a real lifesaver, so pick up a few loose-leaf notebooks for jotting down info. We don’t recommend taking notes on your laptop — you risk getting distracted by the Internet and missing most of what’s said. Besides, paper provides a much more harmless way of keeping you entertained during idle moments (i.e., doodling).

•    Beating writer’s block When it comes to writing essays, getting those first couple of sentences down — or even just making an outline — can be a challenge, especially if it’s your first assignment. David Uskovich, a writing consultant at the University of Texas-Austin’s writing center stresses the importance of research: “It can put you in conversation with the material you’re trying to cover, which will help you make some connections so you’ll have something to start from when you actually sit down to write the paper.”

Freelance writer Lauren Brown, whose first young-adult novel is due out in the fall of 2010, offers this useful tip: “When I was in college at University of South Florida and had a paper due, there was nothing worse than staring at a blank computer screen and feeling like I had no thoughts in my head. The secret is to slowly condition your brain to start flowing by simply taking a few minutes to write via stream of consciousness. Just write down anything that comes to mind, even if you literally keep writing over and over, ‘Nothing is coming to mind.’ Eventually, your brain will warm up and more fluid sentences will emerge. After maybe 15 minutes or so of doing this, try again to start your paper. You’ll notice that you feel a bit more focused, way more relaxed, a little more creative and a lot less overwhelmed. Anytime you get stuck, just take a break and repeat this exercise.”

•    Outwit exams College tests come in many shapes and sizes, but as a general rule, liberal arts classes usually stick to short-answer and essay-oriented exams, while math and sciences often lean toward a multiple-choice format. For essay exams, it helps to find out beforehand from your professor or T.A. what the test will cover. It never hurts to ask them point-blank a couple of days before the test.

Third-year UT-Austin biology major Ben Cox points out that you can sometimes find many multiple-choice test questions from homework of previous years: “Math and science professors often take the basic idea of homework questions, even optional homework, and tweak only a few figures, leaving the concepts tested by the question intact.”

If you can get your hands on exams from previous semesters, these can also be helpful. Just ask around to find out who’s taken the class before you, or find out if your professor posts old exams on the course Web site. (Note: As long as you’re not memorizing answers, we don’t count this as cheating, but check out your school’s policy to avoid things like, duh, expulsion.)

“While the questions and even content might vary some from year to year, knowing the way your professors format their tests will do wonders for your preparedness,” says Cox.

So there you have it. Just by being organized and putting forth the effort to adequately prep for tests and assignments, you’ll be able to get more z’s … and more A’s — which is sure to put you on good terms with the parentals. And that always comes in handy, of course, whenever you want an “extra something.”

Scholarships for Homeschoolers


homeschoolMore than 2 million students per year are home schooled in the United States and the numbers increase every year. While there’s a lot of sacrifice going into providing that first rate education one thing homeschoolers don’t have to sacrifice is a college education.

While most scholarships don’t specifically exclude homeschoolers from applying, more and more are specifically including and even encouraging homeschoolers to apply. This may have something to do with the widely publicized studies revealing that homeschoolers have consistently scored higher on college entrance exams than their public school counterparts for the last eight years.

Homeschoolers should follow the same guidelines as other students when preparing for college. This means taking the SAT/ACT in your junior year as well as being active in your community. Many scholarship selection criteria lists extracurricular activities and/or community service as part of the decision process when awarding scholarships. That’s because scholarship committees recognize that while homeschoolers may not have the opportunity to be active in school-sponsored events, anyone can be involved in their community.

Every community has volunteer opportunities available for high school and college age young men and women that would not only benefit your community but would look great on a scholarship and/or college admissions application. Homeschoolers really have an advantage when it comes to preparing for college because of the flexibility to plan community and volunteer activities.

Don’t be put off by scholarships that require a specific GPA either because there are many such scholarships awarded to homeschoolers each year. True, you’re going to need high test scores to compete but the fact is anyone applying for scholarships needs to have high test scores and this is exactly what homeschoolers have become famous for. Some colleges and universities even openly recruit homeschoolers and set aside a homeschool day for just this purpose.

Here are just a few examples:

State Scholarships-Wyoming

Check out all scholarships pertaining to your state of residence. Chances are, state scholarships won’t be specific to homeschoolers but will either specifically include homeschoolers or won’t exclude them. This is just one example of a state scholarship that gives specific instructions for homeschoolers.

Hathaway Scholarship awards need and merit based scholarships to eligible students. Although GPA is a selection criterion for non-homeschooled students, students who are homeschooled can bypass this requirement and submit a list of classes completed and ACT or WorkKeys score. Homeschoolers must meet all other eligibility criteria and apply for admission to a post-secondary institution before the age of 21.

Applicants must meet the Hathaway scholarship specific requirements as set forth by the four different scholarships: Hathaway Career, Opportunity, Performance or Honor. Hathaway scholarships are for study at accredited Wyoming community colleges as well as the University of Wyoming.

For more information about the Wyoming Hathaway Scholarship and to view scholarship specific eligibility requirements, visit the Hathaway Scholarship Portal at the Wyoming Department of Education website.

Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) – Patrick Henry College – Purcellville, VA

PHC Scholarship awards scholarships to eligible HSLDA members ranging from $1,000 to $1,500. This is a Christian college appealing primarily to Christian homeschoolers. Applicants must have financial need, outstanding academic achievement and be involved in community service. Applicant must be PHC Freshman who was homeschooled through high school and applicant’s family must have been member of HSLDA for 4 years.

Applicant must also submit two letters of recommendation and a personal testimony. For precise requirements and to access online application, read this pdf document.

Oral Roberts University – Homeschool Grant

Award amount is $2000. Applicant must have been homeschooled for 4 years and graduated from a homeschool. Must have already been accepted to ORU to apply. For more information and/or to apply for this scholarship, go here.

Michigan State University

Like many other colleges and universities across the United States, MSU not only welcomes homeschoolers but they also welcome scholarship applications from homeschoolers and require the same information from homeschoolers as they do traditional students, although it is understood that homeschool transcripts may be slightly different than those from traditional high schools.

Arizona Homeschool Scholarship Fund

In the summer of 2000, Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE) formed the Arizona Homeschool Scholarship Committee (AHSC). Comprised of Valley business professionals, the AHSC established criteria and an administrative process to operate the Fund. Under the oversight of the AFHE Board of Directors, the AHSC reviews applications and recommends scholarship awards for qualified students.

From 2001 to 2009 the AHSC has awarded more than $50,000 to 39 outstanding homeschool applicants. To further expand the program AHSC has now added designated scholarships. The designated scholarship program allows donations in the name of an individual, family, business, or other entity. This approach allows donors to personalize the scholarships by specifying such things as amount, conditions, title, and purpose.

Those applying for scholarships should review the Arizona Homeschool Scholarship Fund Application Information and all designated offered scholarships before filling out the Scholarship Fund Application. These can be found on this Scholarship Opportunities link.

Homeschoolers should conduct their scholarship search just like other students. Most scholarships listed online provide an email address or a phone number of someone who is available to answer any questions about the scholarship or the application process.

You can also find scholarships by following this link:

Top 5 College Visit Sites

With the widespread use of online videos, previewing college campuses has become a “must do” for parents and their college-bound teens. I like to call it “test driving” before you actually set foot on your narrowed down choices.

Here are my TOP 5 picks for those “test driving” sites.


1. Smart College Visit-The educated way to visit a college campus and your one-stop site to find everything you need to know before the visit. With parent-to-parent stories, Smart-See-Smart-Do campus evaluations, travel tips and a place to search for the perfect hotel accommodations, Smart College Visit is committed to providing you with all the information you need to prepare for that all-important college visit.


2. YoUniversityTV–Make a stop here to preview campuses, get a campus map, and view user submitted videos of campus life. The videos are more than campus tours; giving you a picture of life in and around the college.

3. University Parent–Connect with the college campuses and download a college specific brochure with information about the surrounding area: hotels, off-campus housing, and storage facilities. Read what Sarah Schupp, the founder, said about her site:

University Parent-Your Parent Resource


4. College Week Live–This site is actually a “virtual” college fair site which is great for chatting with students, admissions officers and faculty. You can also direct-link to college websites through the college fair hall. Their spring college fair is coming up on March 24-25 and campus reps will be in attendance to answer your questions.


5. Collegiate Choice–These DVD tours are videotaped college tours. Each tour is over an hour long and gives you an excellent idea of what a campus tour is like. Use this resource to narrow down your college tour choices. They are especially helpful when you are looking at campuses that require travel and enable you to see all types of campuses throughout the country. This is what Cliff Kamron had to say in a recent guest blog post:

10 Things we learned from videotaping 1200 college tours

Weathering the weather

With winter hanging around for longer than usual and everyone wishing for spring, I thought it might be great to share this post with parents about packing for college (as it applies to the weather). And remember our motto: Preparation Prevents Panic!

By Sarah Hubbs for The Real College Guide

If starting school means a move across the map, you’re in for a major change — in mercury. We’ll give you tips on how to bundle up or get your tan on in a new climate.

If your hometown is on one side of the map and your college on the other, you’re not just looking at a change of scenery: It may also mean a climate change. (No, we’re not referring to global warming.)

Hot, Hot, Hot?
Flying south? Going west? For those heading toward a warmer environment, first and foremost, one word: sunscreen! One in six Americans eventually develops skin cancer, so you do not want to fry yourself, OK? Yes, we know you love the sun, and it loves you. (Small amounts of exposure are essential for your body to produce vitamin D.) But if you really feel you must get some color, go for a fake ‘n’ bake. Self-tanning lotions do not create the orange streaks they once did, and tanning salons offer plenty of decent spray-booth options (Mystic Tan, VersaSpa, Magic Tan). Just for the record, UV tanning beds are just as bad for your skin as the real thing — don’t be fooled.

Another essential? A good pair of sunglasses with UV protection. Protecting the eyes from sun damage is important and often overlooked. Shades also make a superslick fashion statement (can I have your autograph, please?) and are priceless on a walk of shame.

Speaking of fashion, if most of your closet consists of corduroy pants, alpaca sweaters and down jackets, we suggest you hit the mall for a shopping spree. Even if your college is in an area that has all four seasons, the beginning and end of the school year can get pretty hot and humid. Here are some warm-weather wardrobe must-haves:

  • Swimsuits (for lying out on the quad)
  • Shorts
  • Cotton T-shirts
  • Tank tops
  • Flip-flops
  • A few sundresses (for the ladies)

Oh, and a few more things:

  1. Get some allergy medicine just in case the warm weather has you feeling a little stuffy.
  2. Invest in some bug repellent.
  3. Buy a refillable water bottle, especially if you’re athletic or otherwise physically active.

And if you’re still sweating it out, invest in a portable fan for those really sweltering days.

Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Brrr … if your college town is in a climate much chillier than what you’re accustomed to, get ready for the shock of your life. Some prep work is in order to be sure walking to and from class doesn’t result in freezing your buns off — or worse, frostbite. Just like the kids who are going to sunnier spots, you need to shop! Be sure to create a warmer wardrobe before the big move. Your cold-weather closet staples are as follows:winter

  • Winter coat (think: warm and waterproof)
  • Snow boots
  • Waterproof shoes
  • Heavy socks
  • Thermal underwear or leggings for layering
  • Sweaters
  • Knit scarves
  • Wool cap
  • Ear warmers
  • Gloves
  • Heavy pants of all kinds

The key to dressing in freezing temps is layering clothes. If it happens to be a warmer-than-usual day, you can shed a layer or two. On the flip side, if temperatures plummet, you can throw on an extra layer to hold in the body heat. Keep this concept in mind when shopping. Be sure your coat is big enough to go over a bulky sweater, for example.

And don’t forget:

  1. Bring plenty of warm blankets, since you may not have control over your dorm thermostat.
  2. Don’t let the weather get you down — or barricade you in. Bundle up and be social, or you’ll miss a season’s worth of outings.
  3. Stock up on hot chocolate, coffee, tea and other warm beverages to help defrost you when you get back to your dorm.
  4. Have cold medicine and tissues on hand, because few make it through the winter weather without ever feeling under it.

Friday Q&A-Dropping a high school course

question-and-answer1Each week I will be posting a question that parents ask, along with the answer. If you have a question you would like for me to address, please email me or direct message me on Twitter (@SuzanneShaffer) and I’ll be happy to feature it.

Q. Is it ok for my teen to drop a high school course mid year?

A. Even if your college-bound teen comes to you and says that colleges won’t see their grades and it doesn’t matter, don’t cave. Colleges will make the admissions decision before final grades but they will also request an end of the year transcript. If your teen drops a course it will show there and may raise concerns.

Guidance counselors, with good reason, are vehemently against dropping courses. Some schools even require parents and students to sign a letter acknowledging the risk they are taking related to college admission.

According to Lee Bierer, an independent college adviser in Charlotte, North Carolina, “some students try to get creative and suggest substituting an online course instead of the one offered at their high school and this too is not looked upon favorably.” According to Brown University, “The very fact that they want to take it online instead will raise eyebrows. If they are taking it anyway, why don’t they just stay in class? If there is a scheduling conflict with another advanced course and the school endorses the change for that reason, then we’ll accept that, but if they are simply substituting an online option for an in-class option, we will be less understanding.”

Colleges review the final transcript and use it to gauge future performance based on the strength of the courses your teen takes. If colleges find out that they have dropped courses after they were admitted, it could be seen as grounds for revoking an offer of admission. And honestly, it’s not worth the risk.

Encourage your teen to stick it out. It’s a good lesson in perseverance and it will set a pattern for their college courses when they are tempted to drop them as well. And it will save the disappointment of admission being revoked at the last minute!