Category Archives: scholarships

Scholarship Friday: Scholarships


scholarshipexpertsEach year, funds several unique scholarship programs for high school students, college students, grad students and non-traditional adult learners. To make it easy, they have listed their scholarships and the application links on for each of them.



Here’s a list of available scholarships:

Scholarship Friday: Scholarship Search Timeline


scholarshipMost parents believe that the scholarship search begins at the beginning of senior year. But if you wait until then, your student is going to be overwhelmed and frustrated. Senior year is so busy, they have little time to search for scholarships, let alone apply.

Here’s a simple scholarship search timeline for each grade of high school that should help you plan ahead to avoid last minute panic:

Freshman Year

Start the search. Begin to look at scholarships that you could qualify for and apply to. Make a list and review the past winners to determine what made them a winner. If there are any scholarships that have no age or school grade requirements, apply now.

Sophomore Year

Continue the search, digging deeper and unearthing local scholarship opportunities. Talk to the organizations and ask them what types of scholarships they offer and if you need a member to sponsor you. Sign up for scholarship search engines to receive weekly emails matching you to scholarships.

Junior Year

Narrow down the scholarships you’re going to apply to and make a calendar of all the deadlines. Review the essay requirements, if any, and begin thinking about how you would write about them. Summer is a good time to begin writing any essays.

Senior Year

Hit the ground running. Apply, apply, apply. Most college scholarships have deadlines for seniors. Don’t let them creep up on you and use a calendar reminder to stay on track. Pay attention to local news for scholarship announcements and deadlines. Gather all your necessary information: transcripts, recommendation letters, and any honors and awards that might help.

Don’t make the mistake of waiting until senior year to start the scholarship process. In order to win the most money, you have to put in the most effort. Stay focused and keep your eye on the prize.



Scholarships Demystified


Everyone knows that students in America love scholarships. Each year, millions of students apply for financial aid as they prepare for college in the hopes of easing the financial pain of rising tuition costs. But did you know just how much money was being dished out every year? Or where that money came from?

FluidReview, a company that specializes in scholarship management systems, has put together this infographic that demystifies the topic of scholarships in America. Some of this information might surprise you. Click on the excerpt below and it will take you to the complete infographic.

scholarships demystified

Scholarship Friday: “You Like Me…You Really Like Me” Facebook Scholarship


facebook’s “You Like Me…You Really Like Me” Facebook Scholarship is awarding a $1000 scholarship or a Kindle Fire for college. It’s easy (and everyone likes this kind of scholarship) to enter and the deadline is March 31st.

According to, here’s what you need to do:

Love our scholarship search? Tell us why. Is our financial aid section really helping you out? Send us an example. Think our college prep section is the bee’s knees? Give us a shout out. Awards will go to the users that are making the best use of’s many resources as determined by our team – impress us!

Step 1: “Like” on Facebook.

Step 2: Post on our wall how is helping you with your scholarship search. Once you do this, you are automatically entered to win a $1,000 scholarship or a Kindle Fire for college.

Step 3: You may enter as many times as you want over the course of the contest but please limit your comments to one per day. You must also have a valid account and adjust your Facebook privacy preferences to allow to message you should you win. The Team will then determine which comment best exemplifies what our site is all about and which applicant is using our resources most effectively.

    Ends: March 31st

   Number Available: 3

   Amount: $1,000 for one first-place winner; one Kindle Fire each for second- and third-place winners

This scholarship competition is offered by and is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook.

Scholarship Friday: 5 Video Scholarships for the Budding Filmmaker


video scholarshipsBelieve it or not, your student’s GPA isn’t the only qualification to apply for scholarships. Not all scholarships are looking for stellar students. Many of them are geared toward a student’s talents and interests. There are scholarships for artists, writers and even filmmakers.

Many colleges are now accepting video essays, so it stands to reason that there would be opportunities for students to show their skills in video creation and win scholarships. Today’s scholarships offer money to students who have a talent for making videos.

You don’t have to have professional equipment or have specific training to create a video. In today’s world of handheld technology, you can use just about any device that captures and creates videos. Once that’s done, the student can edit it and submit it to the scholarship committees. But don’t forget to follow the rules and guidelines when submitting the video.

For a complete list of all 5 video scholarships, check out USA Today’s article with all the links to the scholarship application information.

Scholarship Friday: Scholarships You Will Love


scholarships you love
photo courtesy of Zinch

Roses are red,

Violets are blue

Check out these scholarships

And snag some college funds too!

Zinch gathered together a short list of scholarships with deadlines in February and March. Sign up for an account and you can access all the pertinent scholarship information and apply through their site. And here’s a plus–if you win the scholarship Zinch will match your award up to $1000. I can’t think of a better reason to use their scholarship match and application service.

Check out Zinch’s list of Scholarships You’re Sure to Love

Scholarship Friday: is another resource available for parents and students to find scholarships. What makes them unique is they have created guides that have scholarships separated into categories.

The Scholarship Guides

According to their site, the “Scholarship Opportunities” series features scholarships available for all students as well as those specifically for minority and under-represented students. They have sorted out the scams and tracked down the legitimate scholarships, internships, and fellowships, saving you months of research. Their books will help you find the scholarships you’re eligible for, so you can get your college degree without drowning in student-loan debt. Their series includes:

  • How to Find Scholarship Opportunities Online
  • Scholarship Opportunities for Non-Traditional Students
  • Scholarship Opportunities for STEM Majors
  • Scholarship Opportunities for Students with Disabilities
  • Scholarship Opportunities for First Generation Students
  • Scholarship Opportunities for Minority Students
  • Scholarship Opportunities for LGBTQ Students
  • Scholarship Opportunities for Veterans and Their Families
  • Scholarship Opportunities for Women
  • Scholarship Opportunities for Everyone

Each guide is available for undergraduates, graduates, and internships and fellowships.

Their publications are available for you to download in a variety of formats (Amazon Kindle, mobile devices, and computers). The Scholarship Opportunity series of books are interactive, filled with links to hundreds of scholarships and their online applications.

The Blog

They also have a blog that helps take the guesswork out of applying for scholarships by giving you tips and tricks to help you find and land scholarship opportunities that can save you money and cut student loan debt.

Each Tuesday they review scholarship sites to help you navigate effectively to find the real scholarships without joining the military. They discuss great sites and sites they think are a waste of your precious time.

On Thursday, they feature specific scholarships, highlighting detailed information on eligibility criteria, award amounts, required documents, contact information, and a link to the online application. These blog posts will give you a glimpse of the rich resources that their books offer.

Scholarship Friday: Tips from the Scholarship Mom


scholarship mom

A few years ago I was introduced to Monica Matthews, the Scholarship Mom. Her story is unique and she created a short book, How to Win College Scholarships, to introduce parents to the method she used to win scholarships for her kids. If you don’t have the book, get it.

Today, however, I want to introduce you to her Scholarship Mom Tips on Smart College Visit. Every week she shares a short tip to help parents with the scholarship process. They are easy to read and easily applicable to the scholarship search.

Follow Smart College Visit on Twitter (@collegevisit) and Monica Matthews (@AidScholarship) for weekly links and tips.

Scholarship Friday: Scholarships for C Students


A few days ago I listened to a How to Pay for College HQ podcast (you can listen to it yourself by following this link: hosted by Celest Horton with guest Felicia Hatcher.

scholarships for c studentsCan you imagine being told by your High School Guidance Counselor that you will never make it to college and to just give up and look into vocational schools? That is what happened to Felecia Hatcher, but she didn’t let it stop her.

Felecia Hatcher was recently named one of the Top 10 Superstar Entrepreneurs under 30 by and honored at the White House for the Empact 100′s Top 100 Entrepreneurs under 30. In her book, The C Students Guide to Scholarships, she talks about how she found scholarships to pay for her entire college education.


Taking excerpts from the transcript about scholarships for C students, read below:

Slow Start in High School?

Are you student that was not focused for the first few years of school and your GPA is under a 3.0? Don’t fret as there are ways to differentiate yourself so that you can find college scholarships.

  • There are college scholarships that don’t require your GPA in order to apply or the GPA requirement is low.
  • Focus on being a well rounded student who is active in community service, clubs or activities that you are passionate about.
  • What are your strengths (writing, math, speaking, etc.)? Use those strengths to your advantage to separate yourself from the potential pool of applicants.
  • Key aspect is to concentrate on LOCAL SCHOLARSHIPS because the pool of applicants is much smaller.

Go Local, Go Local, Go Local

Where to look?

  • High School Counselor or College Financial Aid Officer,
  • Student Clubs and Organizations,
  • Businesses (Local, Your Employer or Your Parents Employer),
  • Military Service (You, Your Parents’ or Grandparents’ Service),
  • Community Organizations  (American Legion, Association of Junior Leagues, Elks Lodge, Lions Club, Kiwanis International, Knights of Colmbus, Optimist International Club, Rotary Club, YMCA, etc.) You might be able to think of more than I did off the top of my head so keep brain storming.
  • Church
  • Unions
  • Local Professional Sports Teams
  • Local Newspaper

If you haven’t subscribed to Celest’s podcasts, you are missing out on some great college financing information. Her guests are knowledgeable and eagerly share their expertise to help parents pay for college and stay out of debt.

Scholarship Friday: Scholarships with January deadlines


scholarships with january deadlinesThe New Year has begun and what better way to kick it off to a good start than applying to scholarships. Here are just a few sites listing scholarships with January deadlines: list of scholarships with January deadlines

Cappex list of scholarships with January deadlines

Top 10 scholarships for African American Students

Extensive list of scholarships for individual colleges (starting with January deadlines)

Scholarships with January deadlines from[0]=high-school-students-2&wpas=1

Zinch scholarships with January deadlines (login to see all 173 matches)

Scholarships with application deadlines in January from

Don’t forget to check out the colleges you’re applying to (or have already applied to) for any scholarships with January deadlines. And while you’re at it, investigate spring deadlines as well. It’s never too early to start applying!