Category Archives: scholarships

5 College-Bound Tasks to Fight Summer Boredom

summer boredom

If you haven’t heard it yet, your student is most likely going to say those hated words, “I’m bored. What can I do?” If you need a laugh, check out this short Instagram post from my favorite “mom” comedienne, Heather Land:

Who knew we were all of those things she mentioned in her short video?

If your teen is looking for something to do over the summer, put them to work on college-related tasks to fight summer boredom. It’s never too early to start.

Here are five activities for the college bound to fight summer boredom:

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5 Tips for a Focused Scholarship Search

scholarship search

With the myriad of tasks in a student’s life, it’s difficult to find the time to devote to a scholarship search. Not only is it difficult to find the time, but it’s even more difficult to stay focused. If scholarship money is the largest part of your college budget, then staying focused with your eye on the prize should be a priority, especially during junior and senior year.

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100+ College Prep Resources

college prep resources

It’s exhausting searching and scouring the internet for the right information when it comes to helping your student prepare for college. But what if you could use ONLY ONE RESOURCE and find everything you ever wanted to know about college prep? Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Here it is. I’ve done the research, examined the links and their resources, and compiled a list of 100+ college prep resources for you. (If you know of others, please leave them in the comments and I will add them to the list!)

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6 Ways to Search for College Scholarships

college scholarships

For college-bound students, scholarships can fill in the gap between what you can afford and the cost of the school. Most students believe college scholarships are a pipe dream if they aren’t athletes or 4.0 students. But nothing could be further from the truth. There are thousands of scholarships available for the taking. You just need to find them.

There are six key places to look. But remember: Finding them is half the battle. You have to put in the effort to apply and be vigilant in paying attention to requirements and deadlines.

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The Truth About Athletic Sholarships

athletic scholarships

Most of us have seen the movie Blind Side. The young man achieves his dream of a college education by receiving a full-ride athletic scholarship to the University of Mississippi. While this was indeed a true story, it is apparently a rare occurrence.

Karen Weaver, an Ivy League-educated consultant shared her expertise on the athletic recruiting process.  Karen’s experience includes positions as a Director of Athletics, adjunct professor, and head coach for schools at the NCAA Division I, III, and small college levels.

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STEM Scholarships

STEM scholarships

STEM careers have become a national priority and students who aspire to careers in science, technology, engineering, and math will be happy to know that STEM scholarships abound.

Often, when you apply for scholarships in a specific area of interest, the competition is much less than if you apply for national scholarships with thousands of applicants. The fact there are fewer applicants improves your odds of being offered the scholarship.

STEM scholarships may be plentiful but how do you find them?

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Scholarships for Women

scholarships for women

In honor of International Women’s Day, here’s an extensive list of scholarships for women and girls. Once you check these out, do your own Google search and go past the 1st and 2nd pages of Google. You’ll find specific scholarsihps that might not be listed on these sites that have compiled a list.

And don’t forget to celebrate the women and girls in your life–while teaching your sons to value and treasure them!

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10 Instagram Accounts For Scholarships


Looking for scholarships? There’s the usual scholarship search sites and scholarship books. You can find them at your student’s counselor’s office and locally. But what about social media–specifically Instagram? It’s a great place to find out about current and future scholarship opportunities.

Sometimes there are scholarships posted on these accounts that you might not easily find in a typical search. They post lesser known scholarships, often with fewer applicants. This increases your student’s chances of winning!

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Frame My Future Scholarship

Is your student tired of writing essays for scholarships? Are they creative and willing to share their vision for the future? This scholarship is a great one to work on over the winter break. Check it out!



Any legal U.S. resident who will be a full-time student at a U.S. college or university in the 2022–2023 academic year is eligible. See Official Rules

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$5000 Journalism Scholarship

journalism scholarship



WHAT:    Pocket and Her Campus present The Future Connection, a writing competition which will ask entrants to answer: “What does it mean for you to come of age in a hyper-online, always connected world?” 

The prize includes:

  • $5,000 cash prize
  • Having their final essay featured on Pocket to the millions of people who use the app every day
  • A mentorship call with a Mozilla exec

The winner will be selected by a panel of judges that includes Lindsey Shepard, Mozilla CMO; and Stephanie Kaplan Lewis, Her Campus Media co-founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief

  • The deadline to enter the competition is Tuesday, July 15, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. PT
  • The competition winner will be announced on Wednesday, July 30, 2021

WHERE:    To learn more about the terms and conditions, as well as to enter into the Pocket and Her Campus’s The Future Connection writing competition, please visit

ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be between the ages of 18-25.