My Story

As a parent of two grown children (a son and daughter) I’ve learned a few lessons along the way. The most important lesson is that I didn’t have all the answers. And I had tons of questions.

I utilized whatever tools I had available that were collected from my own parents, books, and some very wise, experienced other parents who had walked the path of parenthood before me. Sometimes I did it right and sometimes I failed miserably. But one thing is for certain, the better the tools, the more likely your successes will outweigh your failures. And, preparation goes a long way toward anticipating the next hurdle or roadblock.

One of the biggest roadblocks I encountered was what I like to call “the college maze.” I had no idea how involved the preparation would be and how much preparation played into success. I searched and searched for help and found nothing that was geared toward parents. I found a few books on scholarships, but they were as thick as a phone book and overwhelming.

My daughter’s college graduation from a top-tiered business university after winning numerous scholarships

I don’t know about you, but I’m a do-it-yourselfer. I would much rather someone show me or teach me how to do something than have it done for me. And that’s what led me to begin this “outside of the box” college coaching for parents. Hopefully, along the way, I’ll provide you with some tools that make your job easier. Why? Because I wish someone had done the same for me.

I’m looking forward to getting to know other parents and being the online coach for their “countdown to college”.


In the left hand column you will find my links on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram. Just click them and β€œmessage” me there.


If you prefer, you may contact me the old fashioned way:


Phone: 361-765-0204

14 thoughts on “My Story”

  1. Extremely interesting blog post thanks for writing it I just added your website to my bookmarks and will be back πŸ™‚ By the way this is off topic but I really like your sites layout.

  2. Great site and source of information Suzanne – parents just don’t know how lucky they are if they come in contact with you during the college admission journey with their student!

  3. Your site is really a gold mine of good information. you really did your homework and it’s a blessing that you are now sharing what you learned with those who are smart enough to find you or this site.

  4. Excellent source of information! One to add to the bookmark folder. Thank you for your research. College is a tough field to navigate and plenty of parents will be grateful for this.

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Helping parents navigate the college maze