Why Social Studies Matters

social studies

Social studies is concerned with a wide array of disciplines that impact and affect human society on different levels. At the school level, social studies is a commonly taught subject and can include geography, history, anthropology, sociology, political science, and so on. Social studies is inherently important to any school curriculum because it teaches children the value of good behavior, ethic, and civics and molds them into better more productive citizens. Not to mention it is invaluable for any democratic society with global values. 

When your child goes to school and then grows up further, they will undoubtedly need to interact with other children from other cultures or will read about them. Social studies provides a kind of map that can be followed for children to know how to live and behave in society and understand its underlying mechanisms. 

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Involved Parenting Paves the Way for College

involved parenting

Getting the best out of your teen is easier than you think. A lot of the time, there are solutions that we don’t think of because they are too simple. Instead, we try to complicate things when there really is no need. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some involved parenting to get the best out of your teen and help them grow towards independence before college.

Show Up

The first, and arguably most important thing that you are going to need to do is to show up. Kids and teens live by example, so if you are not showing up, why would they? Your kids need you to show up, be there, support them and do everything that you say you will. You don’t realize it at the time, but your teens are constantly watching you and learning from you. When people talk about having a mini me, this is literal. Your kids are either going to follow what you do, or go in the complete opposite direction, depending on a number of factors, though the former is the more likely of the two options.

If you show up, your kids will know that you care. It really is as simple as that. Showing up is the most important part to your teens, so make sure that you do this. 

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Saving Money While Living Off campus

saving money

Have you been thinking about some of the things that you can do when it comes to saving money while living off campus? There are plenty of options here that you can consider. In this article, we’re going to be looking at a few tips that will always help you to save money when it comes to your off campus home, so keep reading down below if you would like to find out more. 

Grocery Shopping

The first thing that you are going to save money on is your grocery shopping. If you are only ever buying named brands, why? Have you tried the cheaper alternatives? A lot of them taste just as good as the larger brands as they are made from the same things. We’re of course, not saying that this is always true, but even if there is a little taste variation, there is a huge price variation. The last thing that we want is for you to be spending money unnecessarily when there are cheaper options that you do actually like. If you try the alternatives and decide you don’t like them, that’s completely fair enough, but you have got to try them first. 

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How Do You Impress a College?


The impression a college gets of your student will affect their admission decision. Dressing for success is so much more than the clothes your student wears to a college interview. It’s how your student presents himself to the colleges and what image they see of him as they look at the overall picture.

How do you impress a college? It’s a combination of showing interest, marketing yourself and making a positive impression on social media.

Show interest

Colleges want to know you are interested in attending. They don’t want to be just another name on your college list. They want to know that if you apply, and are offered admission, there is a good chance you will accept and attend. You can show interest by taking an official campus tour, connecting on social media, and meeting with an admissions officer for an interview. Colleges keep track of how many times you have showed interest.

Want to know how much emphasis a colleges places on your demonstrated interest? Check out this list from College Curators: https://thecollegecurators.com/list-of-colleges-that-consider-demonstrated-interest/

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5 Resources to Help Your Student Learn to Code


A recent study found that 76% of parents want their children to end up in STEM-related careers. And with an ever-growing number of jobs requiring knowledge of new technologies, it isn’t very hard to see why. From manufacturing to marketing, most jobs today are dependent on computers for their success. And computers are dependent upon code. That’s probably why so many parents are hoping to get their kids into coding.

As many as 85% of parents are encouraging their children to learn to code, according to one study. But despite wanting their kids to learn, many parents are at a loss about the best resources available to help kids to code. Where can a parent start when they want to help their child dive into this new field, especially if they don’t know much about coding themselves? We’re here to help!  We’ll help you narrow down the options by explaining the different categories of resources out there. Then, you can decide which resources best meet your needs. 

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Admissions Expert Sheds Light on What it Takes to Get Into College


From Ivy League admissions expert Dr. Aviva Legatt comes an insider’s college admissions guide that teaches students to identify and harness their authentic passions, stand out from the crowd, and achieve their dreams in college and beyond, “Get Real and Get In”

Get Real and Get In” teaches readers to think outside of the box and focus on what admissions officers are really looking for—young people who dare to be their most authentic selves. Through engaging, accessible, and empathetic prose, this book forms an inspirational roadmap for readers to uncover their true passions and leverage them to create applications that truly stand out from the crowd. Aviva encourages students to look beyond just getting into a “good” college and focus more actively on identifying and attaining their long-term goals.

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Quick Tips for the College Essay


The 2021-22 Common Application launched yesterday, August 1. Your student can now begin their application for the fall semester of college and part of that application includes a college essay.

According to Chad Hemmelgarn, an English teacher at Bexley High School, in Columbus Ohio, the college essay should be looked at like “a first date”. You’re telling us the stuff that makes you special.” He was speaking as part of a panel at an annual forum in New York sponsored by The College Board.

When you think about it, that’s a great analogy. The college essay is a way for your teen to let the admissions committee get to know them and an opportunity for them to focus on their strengths.

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Teach Your Teen Financial Literacy

financial literacy

With all the talk of having student loan debt erased, I wonder what are we teaching our children? For students to think it’s perfectly fine to refuse to pay a debt, a debt that paid for their education, something has gone horribly wrong.

I agree. Student debt is crippling this generation of students. But instead of forgiving the debt, wouldn’t it be better to teach these students some basic financial literacy? Where is the disconnect? Did the parents not explain the ramifications of debt? Did the colleges not take the time to discuss repayment amounts and the consequences of borrowing too much to pay for college? I think both are at fault.

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Dealing with Teenage Drama About College

teenage drama

Are you dealing with teenage drama about college? If you were expecting an easy ride you’ve probably realized that you were delusional. Even the best of daughters has her moments; and even the model son makes you want to pull your hair out. A friend of mine once told me (when I was potty training my daughter and was totally frustrated), “Honey, potty training ain’t nothing compared to raising teenagers.” She was right!

Navigating college roadblocks, based on my experience and the experiences of other parents, can be difficult and frustrating. There are three tactics parents can use when dealing with these unexpected twists and turns along the road to college.

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Summer Boredom Crushers

summer boredom

School’s out for the summer and it won’t be long before you hear those dreaded words, “I’m bored.” My grandsons have already uttered them!

Personally, I never liked those words. I don’t use them myself and I taught my kids not to use them. They knew if they used them, I would find them something to occupy their time and they wouldn’t like it.

While you can’t jam college prep down your teen’s throat this summer, you can prepare for those “I’m bored” moments and take advantage of the opportunity to help them find something to occupy their time.

Here are some suggestions to crush the summer boredom:

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Helping parents navigate the college maze