Parent Tip Week: Parenting for College

parenting for college

It’s hard. I know. I’ve been there. You want your student to have the BEST education available. You want them to want it as much as you do. You see them making some choices that you know they will regret. As hard as you try, you find yourself pressuring them to make the right choice and the battle lines are drawn. They dig their heels in. You dig your heels in. And the tug of war begins.

What’s a parent to do when you feel your college-bound teens are making the wrong choices related to college? Take a deep breath and read these examples (along with my suggestions). Parenting for college can and probably will be a struggle.

Your college-bound teen tells you he doesn’t want to go to the college that is hard to get into and is opting for what you consider to be sub par.

Don’t panic or overreact. It’s possible he is scared. Try and ascertain the reasoning behind the decision. Don’t do this by badgering him or constantly asking him why. The best way to figure out what is wrong is to LISTEN. Listen to him talk about his day, about college, about how he feels. If fear is not the reason, perhaps he feels the other college would be a better fit. If that’s the case, do yourself a favor and back off. The worst thing you can do with a teenager is force him into a decision he feels is wrong. Sometimes the best lessons we learn are the ones that come from making our own decisions (right or wrong).

Your college-bound teen tells you that he simply MUST go to Private College A, even though she knows it comes with a high price tag.

Don’t let her bully you into sending her to a college you can’t afford AND one that will require a tremendous amount of student loan debt. Sit her down and explain to her the dangers of graduating in debt. Use the college repayment calculators if you have to. If she truly wants to go to Private College A, she needs to do the work (good grades, good SAT/ACT scores, great essay) to be awarded scholarship/grant money from that college.

It’s also worth considering that a private college may be similar in cost to a public university. Since many private colleges have generous alumni that donate, they often award large merit scholarships. Public universities are not as generous with aid.

Your college-bound teen is not interested in college, deadlines, studying for the SAT or any other path that leads him toward higher education.

If there is one thing I learned with both of my kids (and clients), if they aren’t invested in the college process they won’t be invested in college. Save yourself some time, money and heartache and wait until they are. If not, they can learn from the college of hard knocks–minimum wage jobs are the BEST motivator!

It’s also important to note that not every student is meant for college. There are, indeed, other options. Many have taken those different paths and been perfectly successful and happy. It could be time to consider alternatives to college.

Your college-bound teen misses deadlines, panics and comes running to you at the last minute to fix it.

The simplest way I know to avoid missing deadlines, is to get yourself a huge wall calendar and a fat red marker. Put it in a place that they have to pass by every single day. In addition, with all the smartphones and calendar apps available today, missing a deadline should be a thing of the past. At some point (hopefully when they go to college), they will have to fix their own problems. Let them do it now, while they live at home, and it will be easier for them once they are gone. Rescuing your kids all time only makes them into dependent adults and colleges aren’t impressed with those type of students or the parents that come with them.

Your college-bound teen suddenly announces she is not ready for college and wants to take a year off.

First of all, wait. Don’t react. Just listen. Odds are the mood will change with the wind and once all her friends are making college plans, that desire that she once had will kick back in. If not, let her know that it won’t be a “free-ride” year.

With the pandemic, gap years are becoming prevalent. Your student can use the time to investigate career options, work at an internship, volunteer in the community, or simply work and save money toward college.

If you have any questions or personal experiences you would like to share, please leave a comment here and share it with other parents. We learn from each other and from our mistakes and successes!

Parent Tip Week: Parenting in Today’s World


The world we now live in is resoundingly different than the world we grew up in. Applying to college has become the norm and parents and students take it seriously. The competition to get into college can be overwhelming at times for both parents and students.

Parenting has changed

In the 50’s, our parents let us have the run of the neighborhood. We rode our bikes everywhere, walked home from school alone, and rode the bus to the movies alone. In the summer, we left the house early in the morning and returned home in time for dinner. Our teachers terrified us and we knew if we misbehaved, our parents would back them up. There were no car seats or safety belts. You would never find anti-bacterial soap or even consider using it. When we turned 18, we either went to college or got a full-time job and moved out of the house.

In the 80’s, parenting styles

began to change. Because of Adam Walsh, we watched our kids like a hawk. We weren’t quite ready to take away their freedom, but we worried. We worried about where they were, who they were with, and what dangers they might encounter when they were at school, outside, and at the mall. Parents began to question a teacher’s authority and loosened the grip on the discipline of their children. Spanking became taboo and “time out” emerged as a parenting technique.

At the beginning of the 21st century helicopter parenting emerged. It’s not like we planned for it to happen. It just did. We sheltered our children from any disappointment. Everyone on the team got a trophy. There were no winners or losers. We questioned all school authority. We would never consider letting them walk home alone or play outside without supervision. If they forgot their lunch, we took it to them. If they left their homework at home, we took it to school. We began to make every decision for them and protect them from every consequence. We began to feel the “parent peer pressure” for our children to be the best and the greatest. If they graduated from college and couldn’t find a job, they came home to live and thus the term “boomerang” generation was born.

How do you walk the tightrope of helicopter parenting?

How do we raise our children in this frightening world without overprotecting them from the disappointments and trials of life? What are the long-term risks of helicopter parenting?

Combine a little of the 50’s parenting, some of the 80’s style of parenting, and a very small amount of the 21st century parenting for the perfect parenting balance. There’s a fine line between cautious parenting and being a helicopter mom.

Ask yourself this question–Do you want your children to be independent successful adults or do you want them living in your basement for years and years depending on you to pay their bills and take care of them? Is it conceivable they will be going off to college and surviving alone, or calling you every day crying for help, or needing assistance with every life task? Will they be running home because they simply can’t survive without you?

My guess–your answers to every one of these questions would be a resounding NO! 

FAFSA Week: Changes to the 2021-22 FAFSA

changes to the 2021-22 FAFSA

For many parents, this will be the first year you will complete the FAFSA. Since you have never completed it before, you won’t notice the changes. However, it’s important to note the functionality of the form and the functions of the mobile app.

The Department of Education (ED) released a document this month summarizing the changes to the 2021-22 FAFSA. The most notable changes are the increase of the income threshold for the automatic-zero expected family contribution (EFC) and questions asked about the Schedule 1 tax form. 

The 2021–22 FAFSA changes include the following:

  • The income threshold for an automatic zero Expected Family Contribution (EFC) increased from $26,000 to $27,000 for the 2021–22 award year.
  • When students and parents use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (DRT), the IRS DRT will now transfer information about whether they filed a Schedule 1. The answer will be based on all current exceptions for filing a Schedule 1. The transferred data for the Schedule 1 fields will be masked.
  • For students and parents who don’t use the IRS DRT, the Schedule 1 help topics will be updated to include all current exceptions for filing a Schedule 1. “Capital Gains” has been removed as an exception and “Virtual Currency” has been added as an exception.
  • Many FAFSA help topics referencing financial forms now feature images of those forms with relevant line numbers highlighted.

In early June, ED published the federal need analysis methodology for the 2021-22 award year in the Federal Register. Per Section 479(c) of the Higher Education Act (HEA), ED is required to annually adjust the income level necessary to qualify an applicant for the zero expected family contribution. This adjustment is made according to increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). 

New functionalities in the MyStudentAid mobile app will include:

  • Dashboard – Access various types of popular tasks and a personalized page to help you determine what actions to take.
  • Settings – Edit/manage your account, using your username and password (FSA ID).
  • Aid Summary – View your federal student loan and grant history.
  • Notification Center – View and manage notifications regarding your student aid; household member and enrolled in college calculation assistance.

The paper FAFSA PDF will become available in October, and the color rotation for the paper form is green for 2021-22. FAFSA worksheets in English and Spanish will also be available.

When completing the FAFSA, even though it’s available October 1, it’s generally good to wait a week or two before filing because there will most certainly be kinks in the system–it happens. Don’t wait too long, however. With financial aid, the sooner you apply the better chances you have of snagging some of that free money!

Don’t forget to read the other articles related to FAFSA Week:

FAFSA Week: Debunking 5 FAFSA Myths

FAFSA Week: Financial Aid Q&A

FAFSA Week: 10 Reasons to File

FAFSA Week: A Step-by-Step Guide to the 2021-22 FAFSA

FAFSA Week: A Step-By-Step Guide to the 2021-22 FAFSA

2021-22 FAFSA

If you break it down, the 2021-22 FAFSA isn’t that complicated. Because it’s a federal form (like income taxes), many parents and students are hesitant to tackle it. If you take it step-by-step, it’s much easier. Here’s a synopsis of the requirements and the sections of the 2021-22 FAFSA.

Information you will need to complete the FAFSA

Use this list to gather all the information necessary before you begin:

  • Your FSA ID, which you can create on Note that students and parents will need to create their own FSA ID and keep it private.
  • Your social security number and driver’s license, and/or alien registration number if you are not a U.S. citizen.
  • Your federal income tax returnsW-2s, and other records of money earned.
  • Your parents income tax returnsW-2 forms and 1040 forms if you’re a dependent.
  • Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable).
  • Records of untaxed income (if applicable).
  • Title IV Institution Codes for each school you’re applying to, which you can find from the FAFSA federal school code search.

Sections of the FAFSA

At each online step, a “help and hints” box pops up at the side, in case you need guidance. Here’s a short synopsis of each section from CollegeXpress.

Student eligibility

This is pretty basic: the name of your high school, what year in college you’ll be entering, and your parents’ level of education. This is also your chance to opt into federal work-study. Consider saying yes if you aren’t sure; you can always decline later if you change your mind.  

You will also be asked if you have registered with Selective Service (the military draft). Nearly all men age 18–26, including undocumented immigrants and people with disabilities, are required by law to register—and if you aren’t registered, you will be denied federal financial aid. You can register via the FAFSA form by checking a box.

School selection

Here’s where you enter the names of the colleges you plan to apply to. You can add as many as 10, but don’t worry if you haven’t finalized your list. If you want to add another or make changes, you can do it later.

For each school you include, you will be asked if you plan to live on campus, off campus, or with your parents (because you won’t need funds for room and board if you will live at home). For state aid, some states require that colleges are listed in a specific order; check the federal aid website to see if your own state is fussy about this.

Dependency determination

Colleges want to know if your parents support you or if you are an independent adult. The vast majority of high school students are considered dependent for college financial aid/FAFSA purposes. However, you’re generally considered an independent student if you are:

  • 24 years old by December 31 of the award year
  • A graduate or professional student during the award year
  • Married (or separated)
  • A parent or have other dependents who currently receive more than half their support from you
  • An orphan or a ward of the court
  • A veteran of the US Armed Forces

Otherwise, you are most likely a dependent student.

If your family situation is complex (for example, you are a minor but don’t live with your parents or don’t have access to their financial information), you can find some guidance on the federal student aid website.

Parent demographics

You fill this FAFSA section out if you are a dependent. Aid decisions will consider your parents’ age (because older parents may need to conserve more for retirement), how many children they support, and, most important, if they will have additional children in college that year. Each of these elements affects the calculation for your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), so answer the questions carefully. For example:

  • Older parents are expected to contribute less since they are closer to retirement.
  • Parental contribution is divided by the number of students in college.
  • If the parents are divorced or separated, include only the financial data of the parent with whom the student lives for the greater part of the 12 months preceding the date of the application. If that parent has remarried, the student must include that stepparent’s income and asset data as well. Note: some colleges request information on the “other” natural parent and may expect a contribution from that parent as well.

Financial information

You will need to fill in your parents’ adjusted gross income from the 1040 form, or whichever form they file. (Or your income, if you are independent.)

The IRS Data Retrieval Tool really shines with this part of the FAFSA, because it transfers your tax information directly to the form, saving time and eliminating the chance of a mistake.

You’ll also be asked about assets—both your parents’ and yours. That’s right: the money you’ve saved from summer jobs, birthdays, or bat mitzvah gifts—all of it is fair game. And your colleges will expect you to contribute a percentage of your savings to your college tuition.

Of course, your parents will need to report their savings and investments too, including money market accounts, mutual funds, 529 college savings accounts (yours and any siblings’), and investment real estate (not your family’s primary home).

Qualified retirement accounts—IRAs, 401(k), 403(b), or pension plans—aren’t counted as assets. As always, you can find guidance in the pop-up help boxes at the right side of the page.

Sign and submit

After you’ve finished the FAFSA’s financial section, you add your electronic signature with your FSA ID and hit submit. That’s it.

For a visual step-by-step guide to completing the FAFSA, follow this link:

Don’t forget to read the other articles related to FAFSA Week:

FAFSA Week: Debunking 5 FAFSA Myths

FAFSA Week: Financial Aid Q&A

FAFSA Week: 10 Reasons to File

FAFSA Week: Debunking 5 FAFSA Myths

fafsa myths

This week is FAFSA week. An entire week devoted to the FAFSA. Today, I am debunking some FAFSA myths.

As the week progresses, I’m going to scour the my blog, the web, and social media to find you the best information, tips and advice related to the FAFSA. If you’re not sure it’s worth your time, this advice should answer that question. If you want to be informed before you complete the form, this information will most definitely help.

Myth 1: If you can’t qualify for federal aid, there’s no point in filing out the FAFSA.

Reality: There’s more to the FAFSA than federal aid. Colleges use this form to disburse merit aid and grants. Also, if your student is considering a student loan or you are considering a Parent PLUS loan, you must complete the FAFSA. In addition, many states use your FAFSA data to determine your eligibility for their aid and many scholarships ask if you have completed the FAFSA.

Myth 2: I make too much money to qualify for financial aid.

Reality: There is no income cut-off to qualify for federal student aid. Many factors—such as the size of your family and your year in school—are taken into account. Your eligibility for financial aid is based on a number of factors and not just your income.

Myth 3: I have too many assets to qualify for aid.

Reality: Most colleges won’t care if you own a house and won’t count home equity against you if you do. The majority of schools rely on the federal aid application, FAFSA, which doesn’t ask parents if they own a home. If the college requires the CSS Profile, home equity is required, but because of the equity cap, has little impact on the award decision. In addition, money in qualified retirement plans, such as a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, pension, SEP, SIMPLE, Keogh and certain annuities, is not reported as an asset on the FAFSA.

Myth 4: I didn’t qualify for financial aid last year, so filling out the FAFSA form again is just a waste of time.

Reality: It’s super important to fill out a FAFSA form every year you’re in college. Why? Because things can change. For instance, your school or state might create a new grant or scholarship, or the factors used to calculate your aid could change from one year to the next. Either way, if you don’t submit a new FAFSA form, you’re out of luck.

Myth 5: The form is too complicated and since I’m sure I won’t qualify, it’s a waste of my time.

Reality: The FAFSA is actually pretty straightforward and can be completed in one sitting; and filing out the FAFSA is never a waste of your time. Colleges and states use this information when awarding grants and scholarships. (See Myth 1)

The bottom line: there is no excuse to not complete the FAFSA. It’s free and is well worth your time. Even if you can afford to pay for the entire cost of college, you should complete the FAFSA. Colleges use this data when dispersing merit aid as well.

Don’t forget to read these posts too:

FAFSA Week: Financial Aid Q&A

FAFSA Week: 10 Reasons to File

Homeschooling During the Pandemic


At a time when home-based learning is becoming increasingly common thanks to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is wise to think about other ways of learning at home. Traditionally, we think of homeschooling as textbooks and pens and paper, but it can be so much more than that.

Some parents opt for unschooling, which allows children to follow their own interests and talents at their own speed. Other parents look at things like forest schools or online schools. There are so many ways to do it these days – there really is an option for everyone. 

Here, we look at how you can use everyday life to teach your children at home while making it fun for everyone.

Some homeschoolers love to use the theatre as their inspiration and creative starting point for a homeschooling topic, and that is because it encompasses so many things – drama, art, music, language, history – the possibilities are endless. 

Use the arts

Some theatres even use curriculum tools that go right along with the shows they have. Theatre as a means of teaching helps to engage in learning in so many dimensions. Music opens up a high degree of brain creativity. When coupled with the visual elements of the set and the storytelling that is made to come to life by the performers, the elements of the production are distinct from any other method of teaching. 

You can also use pieces of music, inspirational pieces of art or even your favorite movie as a starting point. Sit down with your children, and make a mindmap with all the things that they could do connected to that particular piece of art. Pinterest is a great resource for this. 

Go outdoors

Forest schools have exploded in popularity in recent years and that is because more educators and parents are discovering the benefits that learning outdoors has on children. At it’s most basic, you can pick up your work and take it to a spot in the garden or the beach, but why not try actually using the natural environment as inspiration? Geocaching can teach geography skills, photography can be mathematical, building dens can be maths and engineering, looking for animal tracks can be science.

Let them lead the way

This takes us back to the point we made further up about unschooling, but it is one of the best ways to really engage children and give them ownership over their learning. If they show a particular interest in something – space, dinosaurs, cars, even toys, roll with it. Look at how you can incorporate that into learning and what they can get from it. Sure, they might bit be learning how to do deep algebraic formulations, but if they have their heart set on becoming a museum curator, they might not need it. 

Many parents opt to homeschool because their children are under too much pressure at school. However you decide to educate your child at home, stay relaxed – otherwise you could end up defeating the object!

FAFSA Week: Financial Aid Q &A

financial aid

Financial aid can be a confusing part of the college application process. Even if you can afford to pay for college, it’s a good idea to learn what aid is available and apply for it. You aren’t obligated to accept it, but most students qualify for some form of aid and, if it’s available, why not use it?

What is financial aid?

Financial aid is intended to make up the difference between what your family can afford to pay and what college actually costs. With college tuition rising rapidly, more than half of the students currently enrolled in college receive some sort of financial aid to help pay for college. The system is based on the premise that anyone should be able to attend college, regardless of financial circumstances. However, students and their families are expected to contribute to the extent that they are able.

There are two types of aid: need-based, and non need-based. Need-based aid includes grants and scholarships that are issued based on the family’s ability to contribute to education costs. Non-need-based aid is allocated solely based on availability, not need.

There are three main types of financial aid: grants and scholarships, loans and work study.

What is “free” money?

Not all aid is equal and the best aid is the aid you don’t have to pay back. It’s like getting a huge coupon of savings to use for your college education.

What types of education loans are available?

Not all college loans are equal.

There are two types of government-based loans: subsidized and unsubsidized. Subsidized loans have lower interest rates and are awarded based on the student’s financial need with interest deferred until after graduation. Unsubsidized loans are awarded without regard to financial need with interest payments beginning immediately and regular payments due after graduation.

What is work study?

The Federal Work-Study Program provides a method for college students to earn funds to be used toward their education. The program is based on financial need and students must be accepted into the program to qualify which is determined by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA.

What is the FAFSA and do I need to file it?

The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and you should apply if you want any chance to receive federal and state student grants, work study, loans or merit-based aid. If you don’t complete the FAFSA, you can’t apply for student loans. Colleges also use these figures when determining financial aid eligibility for grants and scholarships. Plus, many states use your FAFSA data to determine your eligibility for their aid.

The FAFSA is available on Oct. 1 of every year and you should complete it as close to that date as possible in the fall of your senior year. Aid is dispersed on a first-come, first-served basis. The sooner you apply, the more likely you will receive a portion of the financial aid pie.

What is the EFC?

The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is how much money your family is expected to contribute to your college education for one year. Typically, the lower your EFC, the more financial aid you will receive. Factors such as family size, number of family members in college, family savings, and current earnings (information you provide on the FAFSA) are used to calculate this figure. Once your FAFSA is processed, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) with your official EFC figure.

You can calculate your EFC by visiting

What is an award letter and how do you use it?

As the offers of admission arrive from colleges, the financial aid award letters will follow. They can be confusing and vague. Added to the confusion is that every award letter is different, making it hard to easily compare them side by side.

Thankfully, there are tools available and information to help you look at these letters for what they are: the college’s pitch for you to accept their offer of admission. You are in control of this process and you hold the cards. It’s your decision to accept or reject their offer based on the amount of aid they are willing to give you. Money, in this situation, is everything.

If a college wants you to attend, they will back it up with money. No money means their offer is probably based on filling a quota and expecting you will decline to attend. And you should. Who wants to attend a college that doesn’t value you as a student?



The FAFSA for the 2021 school year will be available on October 1. The earlier you file, the better your chances of getting some of the money colleges allocate for financial aid. In order to help parents understand the FAFSA and answer some of your questions, this week is FAFSA week.

Surprisingly, many families don’t even take the time to complete the FAFSA. The most common reason is they believe they won’t qualify for financial aid; but nothing could be further from the truth. Most students receive some form of financial aid. If you don’t file, you could be missing out on some of that aid.

Here are 10 reasons to file the FAFSA:

1. College is expensive

Even if you can afford to pay for your child’s education, it’s expensive. Why would you pass up an opportunity to help with some of the cost?

2. It’s FREE

That’s right. It’s completely free to complete the FAFSA. You’ll spend some of your time completing the FAFSA and you could get thousands of dollars of financial aid in return. So one could say, it’s BEYOND free–they pay you!

3. Getting help is easy

If you get stumped, help is available. You can use the online help tool, submit a question on social media, or call the help number. You can even access the Help Center where you will find answers to their most-asked questions. Many schools even host a FAFSA day where they offer help to parents and students on how to complete the free form.

4. FREE money could be waiting for you

According to a recent Reuters article, about 1.8 million lower income undergraduates who might have qualified for aid neglected to file the FAFSA and missed out on financial aid. No matter what your income level, you should file the FAFSA because there is more money out there to be awarded than just need-based aid.

5. Federal aid

The federal government provides over $80 billion dollars in grants, loans and work-study programs every year. The only way to get Pell grants, , Stafford loans, Parent PLUS loans and other federal aid is by submitting the FAFSA. Federal loans offer the best interest rates and repayment terms for student borrowers and are superior to private student loans.

6. State aid

FAFSA is the gatekeeper for state financial aid programs. Each state’s programs are different but they all require the FAFSA to distribute the funds. Check with your state’s higher education agency for deadlines and requirements. In some states the financial eligibility ceilings are much higher.

7. Institutional aid

Colleges and private scholarship sponsors offer billions of dollars in financial aid. Even if you don’t have financial need, you may be eligible for these awards. Some school and private scholarship programs are specifically designed for students who were rejected by federal financial aid. Some schools will not award merit aid unless you complete the FAFSA.

8. Scholarship applications ask if you’ve applied

In addition to the aid that a student may receive from federal and state agencies, many scholarship applications include a box to check asking whether the student has submitted a FAFSA. According to Monica Matthews of How to Win College Scholarships, “Scholarship providers want to know that the student is doing everything possible to get financial help in paying for college and submitting the FAFSA is a very important step in the process.”

9. You have two or more children in college

With two in college, your expected family contribution (what the parents can afford to pay) drops by 50%. Even if you didn’t get financial aid with the first, file the FAFSA because having a second child in college can net you some financial aid.

10. You want to claim a “piece of the pie”

Look at it this way: FAFSA is the ONLY way to be considered for federal, state and college financial aid. Even if you don’t NEED the aid you still want to get it. Who doesn’t want FREE money?

7 College Statistics to Use When Choosing a School

college statistics

I’m not really a math geek, but I do like to look at the statistics. Statistics are more than just numbers on a page; they tell a story. College statistics can tell you a story about the college your son or daughter is applying to.

Even though applying to college is an emotional decision, it’s important for parents to help students look beyond the emotions. Students use factors like sports teams, campus appeal, Greek life and more. While these factors should help your student choose the right college, it’s also a good idea to factor in the numbers.

Two good sources for college statistics are College Navigator and College Data. These two resources will help you make an informed college choice. Numbers aren’t everything, but consider these seven important stats when you and your student are looking at schools:

1. Financial aid percentages

If your student needs financial aid to attend college, these statistics are important. How much aid a college awards to its students is reported and tabulated each year. If your student needs financial aid, a college with a low percentage of merit aid might be eliminated from your list. Use the figures to help you refine your list.

2. Acceptance rates

There are many fine colleges that give credence to hard work and commitment. College truly is for everyone. If your student is an average student, don’t despair. Look for the colleges that will recognize potential and see your child as a viable applicant. Look for colleges with high acceptance rates. Better yet, look for the colleges where your child would be a top applicant in the applicant pool. This translates into more merit aid in the financial aid package.

3. Student-to-professor ratio

If your student has trouble focusing in class, is intimidated by large crowds, and needs more personal instruction to be academically successful, a large state university might not be a good fit. There are plenty of small liberal arts colleges with great academic records and majors. When my daughter was choosing a college, our decision was highly dependent on this factor alone. Once we found colleges that had low professor-to-student ratios, we were able to look at other key factors in making the decision.

4. Freshman retention rate

As many as one in three first-year students don’t make it back for sophomore year. The reasons run the gamut from family problems and loneliness to academic struggles and a lack of money. If schools you’re considering have a low freshman retention rate, there’s a reason. Some colleges do a great job of taking care of their freshmen; some don’t.

5. Graduation rate

Did you know that graduation rates differ wildly? About 400,000 students drop out of college each year. When you research the college, look up their graduation rates. Low rates could be a red flag. Graduation rates don’t necessarily determine the quality of a degree. Yet students who start college but don’t finish are typically no better off professionally and financially than those who never even started, and in some cases, if they took on debt, might be worse off.

6. Average indebtedness

Even if students graduate, it’s no guarantee they will secure jobs; at least not one that will pay enough to cover too much student loan debt. If the average student indebtedness is high, and your student needs financial aid, this college might not make the final list.

7. Percentage of students employed after graduation

If your student graduates and can’t find a job, it’s going to be a tough road ahead. Colleges with a strong alumni network and active career centers will have a high percentage of employment after graduation. Colleges with a high percentage of unemployed graduates should be avoided by students who need to incur high student loan debt.

*Portions of this article were written for

A New Platform to Help Plan Your Student’s High School Journey

new platform

Being an involved parent is crucial to your child’s success, especially as they explore the world of possibilities in high school. Not surprisingly, many kids don’t understand this; they want to do everything on their own.

A new platform, spikeview, helps parents prompt meaningful conversations about interests and potential career tracks, in part by showing the big picture with the various explorations and steps in their journey so far. By making kids be a key stakeholder in navigating their journey through high school and into their dream college, spikeview helps with planning early and often to avoid unnecessary panic. Beyond just a well organized, secure,  portfolio, teens are encouraged to build a network with others, take on leadership opportunities in interest-based online groups, and find opportunities (like internships, jobs, and high quality classes, tutors, career counselors, and summer programs) to strengthen their college application. 

 Here are 3 unique ways you can support your teens’ journey!

Drive Interest Aligned Discussions

Nothing is more off putting to a budding independent high-schooler then pushing all those amazing activities and experiences that YOU believe are so good for them.  While you may be right, you might need to consider how those opportunities fit into the overall interests of the student. Looking at a snapshot view of their experience and interests and discussing why those are so valuable or exciting for them will establish trust and open them up  to the possibility of considering other opportunities.  This enables a “data-driven” conversation which tends to  be more objective and palatable to a teens. We love the “My Story” visualizing tool that does the job and is a fun way to acknowledge your teens efforts. 

Finding a supportive online community, and tapping new opportunities

new platform

Let’s face it, it is hard to be the parent of a teenager. Whether you have one or multiple kids, each is different and each has unique interests and hobbies. While we are always bombarded with camps, classes, online programs, it is not easy to find good quality opportunities that will interest your teen and will be worth the expense. It takes a lot of time to find the right fit opportunities and maybe requires you to ask other community parents. But, what if based on your kids’ past experiences and interests, you could see specific opportunities that helped magnify their impact, explore other  avenues they may not have considered previously, or strengthen their college application?  What if you could create and participate in discussions with other parents in the same situation as you, or those with older kids who have learned some of the harder lessons. What if you could get access to good quality content and opportunities that actually align to their interest. What if you could see students and parent reviews to help you decide? Think of how much time you would save, and discover something that will truly resonate. Easily create your teens profile and let the auto-discovery save you some time. 

Preparation prevents panic and panic prevents progress

For this generation of teens, technology and media play a large role. Kids enjoy using media, digital content socializing through online platforms. They are not as interested in boxes full of photos , certificates or badges sitting in the garage that make up their experiences. So why not become a part of their world as a parent, and even better, use a medium that is fun, ubiquitous, and permanent. Help kids digitally organize their assets, and give them control of who gets to see what aspect of their data.  Once uploaded into the secure spikeview cloud, you can decide what to share using custom views tailored to each opportunity or interaction. It can be polished and professional for applying for an internship, or casual and  fun when reaching out to an online club. It can cover all your achievements, or showcase just one of them. The profile can be built over time with all types of experiences, achievements, thighs they are proud of.  This can serve as a digital journey book across all phases of life and an invaluable shared asset between you and your teens. Best of all, parents can rest easy knowing that the default setting on spikeview is privacy. 

With all the blood, sweat, and tears we put into them, it is almost criminal that all the planning for camps, internships, and classes, all the effort in polling other parents for the best coach or tutor, all the time invested in weekend games, and all the endless drives to and from activities – is forgotten within a few weeks, with nothing at all to show for it. What’s more, in most cases, the kids themselves don’t remember these critical building blocks of their life within a few years, losing the key formative steps, friendships, and memories that could make for an engaging, compelling life story. Rather than panicking looking at a last-minute sparse “brag sheet” to prepare for college admissions essays, these small nuggets instill confidence and make all the difference between getting into your dream college and opening a thin envelope. 

Helping parents navigate the college maze