Roadmap Planner for College Bound Students


roadmap planner

If you are reading this, most likely you are somewhere between 15 and 18 years old (or have a child of this age), trying to comprehend a large, obscure and scary monster called College Admission. You’ve probably already been told many bitty pieces of advice regarding this topic and are confused by the amount of preparations you have to go through. On one hand, it is completely natural! Going to college is one of the most important steps towards building a successful career. It is a milestone that largely predetermines your whole life. It’s also a decision you certainly do not want to regret in the future! Moreover, it is a long-term investment and should be thoroughly planned.

However, on the other hand, studying should be fun, isn’t it? And there is little fun about going crazy with worries and uncertainty, that’s for sure! While there is nothing we at KeepSolid can do about your school attendance or exam results (you, the student, are the one responsible for this), we offer our top-notch solution, Roadmap Planner, to assist you with the planning process. Keep reading and you will learn a few weighty tips that will help you better understand the road you are about to take. After all, well begun is halfway done!

Tips for students

The list of steps you have to take can be split into long-term tasks (1-3 years before college) and short-term tasks (less than 1 year before college).


  • If you haven’t already, it is about time to consider which college you’d like to go to attend and start saving money for it.
  • Take classes in core academic subjects. In the US, for example, colleges generally require three years of science, math, social studies, four years of English, and, in most cases, two years of a second language. That’s the minimum you should focus on.
  • Get involved in school-based activities, or consider volunteering or working in areas related to your future career.


  • If you reside in the US, we suggest you submit your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) right after October 1st, as well as any other financial aid applications you are required to submit.
  • Take SATs (Standard Attainment Tests) or any other such exams. You’re often allowed to pass them multiple times (or to pass training tests). Use this to your advantage to make sure you get the best results possible!
  • Apply to the chosen colleges. It’s highly recommended to apply to multiple schools at once.

Tips for parents

If you are a parent of a college bound student, there is work for you as well. Consider the tips below and help your child reach the winning results.


  • The main thing you should do – the sooner the better – is to discuss with your children their college plans. You’re likely to find some sort of misunderstanding or lack of knowledge regarding this issue in them. And it’s extremely important that you help your child figure everything out and get rid of confusion.
  • Keep an eye on their grades and study habits. It’s a stressful period for high school students and you should be ready to involve and help them.
  • By this point, you should have already opened a college saving account for your child – make sure you add to it regularly.


  • Help your child fill out all documentation they have to in order to avoid any last-moment complications.
  • Understand terms of student loans and taxes and explain them to your child along with the responsibilities involved in accepting them.

Additional hint

Despite the fact we have only listed the most crucial and somewhat tricky tips, it might already feel quite overwhelming to keep track of such a long and various sets of tasks, isn’t it? Which is perfectly fine, a human brain normally can’t trace such information for a long time. However, our top-notch productivity solution, Roadmap Planner, will definitely remove part of this weight off your shoulders. With this app, you can easily set an arrange of tasks within a specified timeline and monitor their completion. This way you will never forget about a crucial milestone or lose track of an important assignment – a great aid to planning and visualizing future for both students and their parents.

As you can see, college admission is a big deal indeed, but Roadmap Planner will help you to better structure the final goal and make the road to it more clear. So give it a shot, download Roadmap Planner and try all its premium features for free with a 21 day trial version.

9-11 Scholarships


9-11 scholarshipsToday marks the 22nd anniversary of  September 11th. Twenty two years ago today our country was attacked by terrorists. The attacks resulted in the deaths of 2,977 victims. The victims included 246 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,606 in New York City in the towers and on the ground, and 125 at the Pentagon. All of these victims left behind families. In these families, there were children who would eventually be pursuing higher education.

Seeing the need to help these families of the victims, scholarships rose up across the country to help their dependents fund higher education. The Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund was established. According to the fund’s declaration, their purpose is:

“… to provide education assistance for postsecondary study to financially needy dependents of those people killed or permanently disabled as a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and during the rescue activities relating to those attacks.”

Scholarship America played a major role in the creation of the September 11 Scholarship Alliance, formed by leading scholarship providers and associated organizations to coordinate the various scholarship funds for postsecondary education created in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy. Although the Scholarship Alliance officially concluded its activities, there are still a number of scholarship funds in addition to the Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund that provide assistance for postsecondary education for 9/11 families. Start your search here, in any of the following categories:

Memorial Funds and Other Funds
Scholarship America manages and administers Memorial and Other Funds. These Funds are managed and administered separately from the Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund and have separate eligibility criteria. Generally speaking, Memorial Funds are provided for a group of families associated with a specific funder, while Other Funds are open to all 9/11 families.

College Funds
There are scholarship funds managed by individual colleges and universities, for use on their campuses only. Many of the colleges and universities provide matching scholarships to students who receive Families of Freedom Scholarship Fund education assistance.

Outside Organization Funds
Citizens throughout America stepped forward and donated funds to many relief efforts in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America. The establishment of scholarship funds was one means of providing such relief and assistance.

The fund this year will recognize an exciting milestone – this summer they awarded over $100 million to financially needy families since the inception of the Fund in 2001. The great news is that the Fund has been invested well and there remains over $96.5 million for the thousands of students who are yet to apply for awards.

Huntley Wealth Care Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who have lost one or both parents who either had no life insurance or were underinsured. Students can either submit an essay or a video essay

UWorld SAT Prep Product Review-Affordable and Effective Test Prep



As a parent, and a parent college coach, any program that offers affordable test prep for students deserves a “look see”. When I was approached by UWorld to help get the word out about their free 30-day SAT prep program I was definitely interested; and when I heard about the cost of the program after the 30-day trial, they had me at “affordable”.

UWorld is a leading provider of question bank materials for professional licensing exams. They have now expanded into SAT prep and are hoping for the same success in this area that they have had in all their other ventures. The new SAT site includes over 1400 questions. They have experienced educators on staff who provide them with questions similar to what students will find on the real SAT.

It’s easy to get started with the FREE trial—all you do is provide your email address and a login password. Once that’s done, you are taken directly to the registration page that asks for simple information such as name and address. No credit card information is required to start with the full program. Once the 30 days are up, your student can decide whether or not to continue with the tutoring, which can be purchased for 90 days, 180 days, or 360 days—all at affordable prices for budget conscious families.

There are several features of this tutoring program that appeals to me as a parent and a college coach:

  • You can setup and customize your tests and your tutoring options
  • You can choose the level of difficulty on many of the questions-low, medium or hard
  • You can create flashcards from the questions for quick review by simply selecting a word or formula in the math section
  • You can get hints to help you before you choose the answer
  • You can choose tutor mode to explain the answers after you submit them
  • You can save the test to continue later or pause it while taking it
  • You can define difficult words from the read
  • You can track your time while taking the test
  • You can flag questions that you want to go back and review later

Once the test is completed and scored, you can:

  • Monitor your progress with graphs and reports
  • Track your performance and compare it with others
  • Identify your weaknesses to choose problems in that area to practice
  • Identify your strengths to eliminate those type of questions

The tutoring feature is impressive. It clearly explains each choice from the multiple choices, why the correct answer is correct, and gives tips on how to choose the correct answer next time. Not only do you have a chance to practice the test with these sample questions, you are able to improve your test-taking strategies with the explanations and the tips given in the tutoring function.

Since this is an online test prep program, students can access it by using their computers at home, their laptops, their tablets and even their smartphones using an app. This essentially puts test prep in your student’s hands to use at any time during the day when they have a few extra minutes of free time. Additionally, once the difficult questions are flagged, your student can use these as a study guide before the test.

For most middle-class parents, it’s inconceivable to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars for SAT prep, college consulting and essay prep. When I find a program that offers an affordable option for parents I’m always excited to promote it. And when the program is such high quality as UWorld, it’s a win-win!

Sample math page in UWorld SAT prep program as viewed on tablet.

4 Questions to Ask Your Child Before They Decide to Study Medicine


study medicine

There is many a student out there with grand ideas of entering the medical profession, with all the prestige, salary, and pride that goes along with doing a job connected with helping others. However, while you’ll understandably be excited that your child is showing an interest to study medicine and join such a worthwhile profession, it’s important to remember that the cost of putting a child through medical school is expensive. As such you’ll need to make sure your child is fully determined to see the course through if you’re going to part with your cash. Below, we take a look at five questions you should be asking your child before they decide to study medicine; it might make them think twice, or give you all the encouragement you need to fund their education.

1. Why?

It’s easy to fall for the image of being a doctor or other medical professional, but the image and the reality are worlds apart. Your child might have a solid understanding of what is driving them towards the medical industry, but you won’t know until you’ve asked them. If they’re especially interested in helping people, understanding how the body works, and working hard, then it might be the right career choice for them. If they have only a vague desire, then try to draw out of them what they want to do – it might not be becoming a doctor, and you’ll be setting them on the right path.

2. Do They Know the Commitment?

Nothing worth having comes overnight, and this is true for becoming a medical professional. It requires a lot of schooling, right through from the time at college, to postgraduate studies, to getting experience in the hospitals. All in all, it’ll be well over a decade until they’re finished with their studies and bringing home a good income. Are they willing to play the long game to get their dream job?

3. Will they be Happy with the Work/Life Balance?

Working in the medical industry isn’t so much about having a job as it is adopting a lifestyle. For instance, asking “how much does a Radiologist make?” is a good question to ask, but it’s important to weigh he potential income (which is high) against the number of hours worked. The good news is that doctors do tend to get more free time as they get more experienced, but the early years can be particularly draining.

4. What Branch of Medicine?

Obviously, the medical field is massive, and as such there are many jobs that a person going down the medical route could end up doing. They could become a surgeon, general hospital doctor, a cardiologist, radiologist, or a whole host of other options. It’s not so important that they pick which discipline they’re most interested in before they start, but it’s good to keep an eye on which jobs will be safe for the future; doctors will always be in demand, but some surgeons might see their procedures automated.

If they can answer all these confidently and positively, then you might have a future doctor on your hands!

The Pros and Cons of a Digital Career


digital career

With the Millennials and Generation Z becoming more and more tech-savvy, there’s no doubt that a digital career is something most young people could consider. After all, in a world where people buy, talk, and organize their appointments through the simple principle of clicking their way through the web from their smartphone, now is the best possible time to embrace a digital career – or to study towards one. However, before encouraging your kids down to the path of digital technology, it’s probably a good idea to consider the advantages and inconveniences of studying for a digital career. Given the current costs of studies – including tuition fees and the cost of living – it’s important that you know whether this is the right decision for your child.

#1. Digital careers are trendy

With most things living in the digital sphere nowadays, you don’t need to think for long to understand how trendy digital careers are. While some digital careers seem to have fallen into oblivion, there are still career paths that continue to thrive despite the constant changes in the digital technology. For instance, careers that relate to security, and especially the analysis of potential risks and identification of targets for hackers, are a staple of the digital industry. As long as the information exists online, there will be cybercriminals. Additionally, careers in data management continue to attract newcomers, because it’s a never-ending path. Indeed. With the growth of the Internet of Things, companies collect more and more data, which needs to be interpreted and organized in a meaningful way for business intelligence processes. Data is only valuable if it can be read and understood for future decisions. Additionally, careers that specialize in the design of technology, either from a product’s perspective or in the nano branch will impact on the evolution of our economy and health system in future years.

#2. High-end skills are expensive

However high the demand is for specific digital skills, it seems that the study costs are following the same pattern. In fact, it’s not uncommon for students to struggle with credit debts as they try to manage their tuition fees, the cost of living and the cost of studies equipment. As notes, the most effective way to tackle your finances is to accept the debt and consider debt consolidation to manage repayments. So debt is unavoidable unless you come from a wealthy family. But, according to a digital career such as digital analyst can be extremely lucrative so that it can help to repay your student debts faster. With an average entry-level salary of $50,000 to $75,000, data analysts are paid well above the median household salary in the U.S. The same argument applies to a variety of technical digital careers, excluding digital marketing.

#3. Digital technology moves faster than studies

Unfortunately, digital technology moves extremely fast, so that it’s likely that your digital degree may be outdated by the time you come out of university. In 28% of graduates feel that their digital study courses were outdated and didn’t prepare them adequately to the expectations of the modern world. Across the world, similar complaints can be heard in the USA, in Europe and Asia. In fact, while studying digital technology opens the path to an exciting career, it is pointless without proper work experience.

In a word, a digital career offers the promise of high-paid jobs, but it comes at the risk of encountering debts and coming across outdated knowledge. Tread carefully on the digital path!

Is Nursing Right for Your Student?



One of the most important things that everyone should do before choosing a career is to look into their chosen field in great detail. This should include the bad and the downright ugly bits as well as just the good stuff. Why? Well, it’s because only by knowing the challenges you will come up against will students be able to determine whether it is truly something that they want to dedicate their life to, or whether their talents are better used elsewhere. With this in mind get your students to check out all three parts of this post introducing nursing,  to see whether it is a good match for them.

The Good

Helping people

Of course, at the top of many students’ lists is finding a career that enables them to help others. Nursing is great for this because not only do they get to provide physical care and aid with people recovery, there is also the aspect of bedside manner. The emotional care that can help people feel better when they are in difficult situations. In fact, this element is often cited as a reason why people chose nursing over being a doctor because they have more one to one time with patients to be able to establish this.

Doing an essential job

Nursing is also a great role, for those that are concerned with doing a job that is essential to society. Nurses are vital and will remain so. Meaning anyone studying in this area can be confident in the fact that they will be doing a useful and meaningful role once they are qualified.


Another appealing facet of going into nursing is that their air many areas that individual can specialize in. From things like wound care, gerontology, and intensive care work, to outpatient rehabilitation and new baby checks. It’s likely that there will be something in this field that is the perfect match for most students.

Flexible training life long learning

Nursing is also a profession where you are expected to never give up learning. Always being on the ball with new research in your area as well as being able to do additional training to help you move up the career ladder. In fact, you can even do an Online RN to BSN Degree now. Meaning that you can continue working in your RN position and study for your BSc in a flexible way. Something that can save on cost, and also is much more convenient as you can work on your assignments at home around your shifts.

Lots of jobs

Something else that is most definitely in favor of choosing a nursing career is that it’s a role where there is nearly always a demand for employees. This is great news for students going into the profession because they can be fairly sure that they will have job security. Something that is very important to many, especially when they have bills to pay and a family to support.

Can travel the world

Lastly, in the good section, it’s worth mentioning that nursing is one of those careers that provide you with the opportunity of traveling while you work. This is because nurses are often categorized as essential workers. Meaning that getting a temporary work VISA in another country, and well as emigrating permanently is often a lot easier than it would be if you have another profession.

The Bad

Shift work

Of course, nursing isn’t all roses, and there are some things that student need to know about this profession before they take the leap. In particular, that shift work that can be at night as well as in the day can be a challenge for many. Either because it can mess with their own sleep routine, or it can create problems with relationships and even childcare.

On feet all the time

Nursing is also one of those professions where it’s all go a lot of the time. That means nurses are often always on their feet, with little chance for breaks or rests in between tasks. This can be incredibly exhausting, especially when done over a long period of time. As the body never gets to rest and rejuvenate probably. This can lead to issues with things like plantar fasciitis, back pain, and strains that can be painful, and impede a nurse’s ability to work.

Understaffed and low budgets

Lastly, in the bad section, it is worth noting that depending on the area you work in as a nurse you may come up against issues such as there not being enough staff for the work that there is. This is often a budgetary issue and is more likely in facilities that provide care for those that cannot pay for it themselves.  

Of course m if you do find yourself working in such a situation, it can be stressful as well as rewarding because you will be asked to do so much more, as there isn’t anyone else there that is qualified to do it.

The Ugly

Have to deal with the public when they are their worst

It’s also worth mentioning that while the chance to make an emotional difference in someone’s life is a vital aspect of nursing. It’s not all about mopping fevered brows and offering words of wisdom. Nurses also have to deal with the public, usually, when they are hurt, ill, or in pain. Meaning that they are not always at their best. This can be something that is truly stressful and difficult and is definitely an issue to be aware of before embarking on the profession.  

Strong constitutions

Lastly, being a nurse definitely not a career for students that are faint of  heart. As they have to deal with extreme situations, injuries, bodily fluids and even the fragility of life each and every day. This is something that can be particularly tough to get to grips with, and as nurses are really on the front line with regard to these issues, it should be something that is factored into any career decisions before they are made.


Get the Most of College by Sampling College Courses


college courses

Going to a college is one the biggest decisions anyone can make in their lives, especially as a young person. College can open so many doors into careers that we couldn’t get otherwise, even if it takes time. If your teen is having trouble finding their way into the major program, but absolutely don’t want to miss out on the university experience, help them consider some of the options below as secure routes that will keep them interested.

Take a Physics Course

If a young person is academically minded and likes the thought of maths or statistics, considering a career in the sciences is probably the best route for them. STEM courses are extremely popular and always looking to take on new applicants, but looking a little further afield to topics on developing new technologies and studying the universe will always have something more to give. It’s also a slightly underdeveloped field in comparison, and you know you’ll be among the cleverest people in the room.

A lot of people are turned away from the sciences at a young age due to their difficulty and the concept of being challenged isn’t considered right for some, particularly affecting young woman. Learn about the natural world around you and how it works in the most in depth way possible? It’s a win win notion when it comes to a physics course as whilst it can be challenging, it’ll set you up for life.

Jobs that take physics degrees and expertise are some of those lucky ones that don’t get hit by the recession. The world is always going to need scientists and engineers to fix its problems, so you’re guaranteed a position that’ll keep on paying. Physics is also incredibly important in medical.

Take a Philosophy Course

Philosophy isn’t just for old fogies, outdated ideas, and cigar smokers. Philosophy contains some of the most interesting concepts known to man. The research opportunities alone are endless, and having a PhD in philosophy looks incredible on a resume. You’ll come across as a thinker and problem solver due to the general belief of philosophy alone: that you can take complex issues and solve them in simple ways.

Philosophy is a science into thinking, and if you’re the type of person to get lost in thought a lot, you might as well get paid to do it. You can also learn to spot common mistakes con men make in their sales, and have a better basis on telling when people are lying. It can also answer your religious questions and help you find faith or put the whole thing aside entirely.

Philosophy is also a gateway into politics. It allows you to better understand party stances and what a leftist or rightist leaning means. You can even prepare yourself against the common mind tricks used on the voting population by governments since time immemorial!  

Take a Law Course

Out of the other options on this list, taking a law course can come in the biggest of forms due to its sheer versatility. For those of you with a social conscience, it will be one of the best decisions you could make if you love the idea of justice and bringing it into people’s hands.

Additionally, if you’re interested in criminal law, and want to be able to take a practical field approach to it,  looking at posts such as What Is Required to Earn a Bachelor of Criminal Justice? can help you find the course you need. Similarly, they give you a comprehensive list of what you need to do to be considered for such a degree.

People who have a criminal justice degree, or even higher, can really reach for the stars with their education. It will help them better with learning real world skills, such as communication in both oral and written form, and how to keep healthy relationships. You’ll also learn temperance more than you would in any other course, so it’s a good suit for restless people with a thirst for knowledge!

Take A Latin Course

Learning Latin can be considered a bit of a wildcard, and it may seem like it won’t do you any good, but is always a talking point whether it’s a casual conversation or a job interview. Similarly, Latin may be thought of as a dead language by some, but learning it is very much possible. Furthermore, if you know how to read Latin, you have a surefire path to walk into the Ancient History and Classics world. A history degree is one of the most interesting and enriched study areas you can choose, and learning about ancient civilizations can teach you a lot about our own roots and society.

A lot of the most common languages in the world have their roots in Latin, so learning more about its functioning and where it came from is the next step in phonics and working on your own language. It cuts your work in half when trying to learn new languages as you’ll already know where to start with pronunciation and meaning. Plus it’s very intelligent to know how to read ancient inscriptions or tombstones when you find yourself abroad on research trips or indulgent holidays. Yes, those will still be possible with a Latin degree!

Latin also goes hand in hand with the sciences, as their terms come from Latin roots. Because of this it can be a gateway into medical degrees or further learning in medical school. By understanding the fundamentals you place yourself in the best position to succeeding in the health sector.

Sampling these courses can help you determine areas of interest and might lead you on a different career path than you had originally imagined.

Is Your Student Interested in a Digital Career?


digital career


Let’s face it; the world is changing at a rapid rate. One of the things this has a big impact on is jobs and the labour market. If you choose the wrong career, it could all go horribly wrong if new technologies make your redundant in a decade or so. That’s clearly not something anyone wants to go through. So, you should start looking for a digital career that has legs. That way, you won’t be left behind by the tides of change.

Security Analysts

These days, every company out there is in need of people who understand security matters. It’s a huge issue, and it’s one that is not going to go away anytime soon. When companies have money and information, they are immediately targets for hackers and cybercriminals. This is something that all companies are worried about and thinking about. As a result, security companies are more successful than ever, and security analysts are the one that are most in demand. So, this career path definitely has legs.

Data Management Specialists

Data is a big deal right now, and that’s only going to increase in the years ahead. People who can read and interpret data and make it useful to companies and organisations are increasingly in demand. And that makes data management and data analysis great things to get into if you’re looking for a career path that offers something that is a little different. Access training for Microsoft might be a good place to start if you want to understand more about data and databases. See if it’s something that interests you at all.

Product Designers

This is one career that is not going anywhere. It requires very strong digital skills, and it’s something that companies require as they look for ways to get their products notice in a competitive market. And the great thing about creative careers like this one is that they are not going to be taken away by computers or robots in the future. That’s something that is simply not going to happen, so you won’t need to worry about it at all. Product design might be the ideal future-proof job for you.

Nanotechnology Specialists

The name might sound cool, but this career path has much more going for it than that. Many people believe it to be the future of everything from engineering to medicine. It’s a very complex field with lots of different strands. It’s thought that nanotechnology will make our lives safer, and could even be used to detect early signs of serious illnesses in the future. So, it’s a great time to start learning more about this and making it your career path of choice. Read more about it and learn what it all means before you decide whether or not it’s something you should consider getting involved with.

As you can see, there are plenty of options out there if you want a modern and digital job that is going to be in demand for a long time to come.

Improving Your Student’s SAT Reading Score: Becoming an MVP!



Can you imagine a young James Harden, dreaming of a future NBA career, saying “I’m just going to wait until I get to college to start playing basketball”?  What about a 16-year-old Tom Brady saying “Coach, these drills aren’t important.  Besides, throwing passes in practice is boring.  I’ll throw touchdown passes when I need to in the championship game”?  It’s crazy to think that anyone becomes skilled without putting in the practice.

Yet, that’s exactly what happens every year as students start applying to colleges and taking the SAT.  They figure they will wait until the “big game” to put their skills to use, arguing that practicing those skills is boring and unnecessary.  Unfortunately, a lot of students end up on the bench as a result.

One of the most important skills that students need is critical reading.  Nearly all courses in most college majors require hours of reading each week, meaning that becoming a capable reader has the greatest impact on college and career success.  But the U.S. Department of Education reports that, in 2015, only 37% of the nation’s high school seniors were proficient in this skill.  Similarly, many students report difficulty answering critical reading questions on the SAT, a test used by colleges for admissions and scholarship consideration.  Clearly, the time to get in the game is before it starts.

In 2015, only 37% of the nation’s high school seniors were proficient in critical reading.

Becoming an MVP takes practice and time.  Becoming a skilled reader requires the same.  There are several things your student can do to improve:


Sometimes, the most obvious advice is the best.  Students get better not only at understanding what they read, but also at maintaining their focus for longer periods of time, which is a common problem.

Read hard things.

Unless a player’s little brother is Michael Jordan, he won’t become a better basketball player by always going against him on the court.  Players progress by pitting themselves against worthy opponents.  The same is true about becoming a better reader.  Help your student choose material that challenges her, whether it’s Charles Dickens or The New York Times.  She’ll begin to have a larger vocabulary and increased reading speed.

Read things that belong on the SAT.

Most of the reading done in English classrooms is literature.  Although each SAT has one passage that comes from a novel, the majority of readings are nonfiction.  Your student should read interesting articles on websites such as Scientific American and NPR to broaden his knowledge.  He’ll feel more confident about the reading selections he encounters on the test.

Putting in the practice now has the potential to pay off with more college options and financial aid.  Plan like the pros and your student can become his or her own most valuable player.Playing in as many games as they can also increases players’ chances of scoring big.  It’s expensive to take multiple SAT tests, but your student can simulate test day as many times as he likes by using UWorld’s test-preparation materials.  The online program provides practice answering questions over the kinds of reading passages found on the test.  It also lets students time their responses to determine how fast or slow to take each set of questions.

Click the ad on the right and get a FREE 30-day trial of UWorld‘s SAT prep 


This post is sponsored by UWorld and written by Suzanne Dilday. Suzanne is a college prep content specialist with UWorld. She was a high school English instructor for 27 years with a BA in English from Baylor University.

How to Handle College Rejections



college rejections

College preparation can be stressful. A student can have his or her future all planned out, with standardized test dates scheduled, a study plan in place, college tours planned, college applications ready to send out, etc. 

It will soon be time to send out the college applications to the student’s pick of colleges and universities. One day, when the mail arrives, the student receives a letter. Excited, she tears it open, waiting for the best news of her day — and life in general. To her dismay, the letter says she wasn’t accepted to the school of her choice. In tears, she doesn’t know how to handle the news.

Sometimes, the best laid plans do not work out. As a student, you could feel like your world is ending because you didn’t get in your dream college. As a parent, you want to help your child feel better and realize that even this situation has a reason behind it and its own silver lining.

If your student is rejected from her first choice college or any other college on her list, here are some tips to keep in mind when dealing with those college rejections.

Realize that you have other options.

One rejection letter or email is not the end of your college career before it has even begun. Make sure you apply to other schools and to other programs that suit your career aspirations. Look at the pros and cons of each. You may not have gotten into the school you wanted, but you could end up being where you need to be — somewhere that is a better fit for you. Focus on your other “yes” and “maybe” letters and aim for those universities. Realize that your self worth does not come from the college you attend (although it may seem like it right now).

Let yourself get angry — and then get over it.

Get mad for a little bit. Work through all of the stages of rejection. Don’t suppress your anger and associated depression after the anger subsides. Get it all out. Talk with friends and family. Manage your stress. If it gets to be too much, talk with a mental health professional near you or on BetterHelp. They will help you work though your college-preparation and rejection stress. Letting the feelings come to you naturally will help you get past the situation more quickly.

Don’t give up.

While it could be easier to just give up, if you have a dream school in mind, and you feel like the representatives didn’t make an adequate choice, then you have the right to appeal. While some schools do not have appeal processes, see if your school of choice does, and then go through the process. If you have received a better SAT or ACT score or submitted something in error, you could be eligible for a second review of your application. You can also decide to try again next year if you didn’t make the cut this time around. You could always transfer after you have a year at another university under your belt.


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