How to be a Helicopter Parent Without Being a Helicopter Parent


helicopter parent

That sounds crazy, doesn’t it? How can you be a helicopter parent without being a helicopter parent? Stay involved without taking over. Encourage without making decisions. Support without rescuing. Not all helicopter parenting is bad. Parent involvement is important to a successful college experience. However, too much involvement means you’re hindering your student’s independence and journey into adulthood.

recent article in the Washington Post discussed the helicopter parent problem explaining why it happens and how parents can let go without overparenting:

[This type of parenting is] the way things are now for many people. The kids who have been raised by parents who watched their every move, checked their grades online hourly, advocated for them endlessly and kept them busy from event to activity to play date are tucked away in college. But that doesn’t mean their parents have let go. They make themselves known to schools, professors, counselors and advisers. And yes, college presidents.

Studies have shown that there is a line to be drawn between parental involvement and over-parenting. Even though parental involvement can be a huge benefit to student success, students need to build confidence by doing things on their own–socially, academically and emotionally.

A student whose parent jumps in the car and races to the college to deal with a roommate issue, a homesickness problem, or problems with the professor will be a student who has trouble after graduation in the workplace. Learning how to solve these problems in college helps them learn how to deal with conflict and self-advocate when they land their first job. Parents who over-parent are actually hindering their student’s ability to survive after college.

How can parents parent without over-parenting? Listen. Encourage. Support. Give advice. But in the end, let your student solve the problem. It’s understandable when a child cries on the phone day after day about a roommate issue wanting to call the college and get involved. But the better scenario is to let your student speak with the resident assistant or resident director. This gives the student power over the situation and confidence they can solve their own problems.

An additional note: helicopter parenting is not just swooping in to solve problems. It is also calling, texting and emailing continuously to inquire about their day, their tests, their friends, their roommates and every single college experience. Let your child contact you. Assume that no news is good news and establish a regular communication schedule, giving your child the freedom to be independent without constant supervision. This might include a few texts a week and a Skype or Facetime call on the weekend. It’s important to understand that your child’s ability to adapt to college life means they need space and time to develop skills, friendships, and independence.

Sometimes College Isn’t the Right Choice


right choice

When our student graduates from high school we flaunt college names like a badge of honor. “My daughter is going to Harvard.” “My son will be attending college at Texas A&M.” You get the picture. Sometimes our desire to prove we raised a successful teenager clouds our judgment and causes us to push our children in the wrong direction. The simple truth is: college isn’t for everyone. And that’s ok. There are alternatives to college.

For some young adults, the thought of college terrifies them. They didn’t do well in school and they know college is academically more difficult. For others, they are simply burnt out—the prospect of another four years of school does not appeal to them. Others prefer to take a different path such as the military or trade school.

With all the talk about college during high school, other options are rarely discussed. My son never saw himself in college. He was an average student but from the time he entered high school he had military aspirations. He joined the Naval Junior ROTC program and as a senior, he enlisted in the U.S. Marines. It was a good decision for him at the time, even though I protested strongly because I wanted him to go to college.

If your student seems disinterested in college there are other options to consider. A gap year might be in order. During that time he can work at an internship, learn a trade, or find a volunteer opportunity abroad. He could always work for a year, take a few classes at the community college and test the waters. Another bold initiative would be to become an entrepreneur–start a business or invent a product to sell. All the college acceptances in the world make your child happy if he’s not invested in the process or willing to commit to study.

The bottom line: college is not always the right choice for every student. And, as I said, that’s ok. The important thing is that you know your child. Don’t push if you sense strong resistance.  Discuss options and make a plan. It’s perfectly acceptable to delay college, work to discover a career path, or concentrate on a trade. College isn’t for everyone.

Reflecting on Memorial Day


memorial day

While my daughter was studying abroad in Paris, my husband and I made a trip to visit her. Being a history buff, my husband wanted to visit Normandy. I remember staring at those cliffs along the beach in awe of the men who knew they were most likely going to die trying to scale them and take the enemy’s stronghold there. Standing in the enemy’s machine gun bunkers, I looked at the beach below and thought of all those brave men who simply would not give up. There was a price—and they paid it with their lives.

Afterwards, we visited the graves of all those men who died during the Normandy invasion. There are no words to describe the feeling you get standing there gazing at the endless crosses above the graves of those military heroes.

About 30 years ago, my son came to me and said he wanted to join the Marines. You can imagine–as a mom my heart dropped. I felt pride and angst all at the same time.

My father was a World War II veteran and I always loved to hear his war stories. Of course, I’m sure he spared me the painful ones, but I know he had some.

Neither of them paid the ultimate sacrifice but were well aware of the risk they took when they volunteered to serve. They knew every day their lives were at risk, but they also knew that freedom has a price.

On this Memorial Day, I am sharing some past articles that are appropriate today as we celebrate Memorial Day and remember the true heroes who died protecting our freedom.

Veteran’s Day—Thanking Those Who Served

Scholarships for Military Dependents

Is Military College Right for Your Student?

Steps for Attending a Military Academy

Watch for Pre-College Anxiety This Summer


pre-college anxiety

High school graduation is here and parents are proudly snapping photos, bragging about which college their student will attend, and basking in the fact that they raised a successful high school graduate. Then comes the summer before college . . .

Right now, your student is probably looking forward to “gelling” during the summer: spending time with friends free from the worries and stresses of the past year. Some students will be looking forward with anticipation to the fall and becoming a college student. But others might be experiencing noticeable pre-college anxiety about this next big step.

It happened in my house. My daughter dreamed of going to college in Boston. She worked hard during high school and her dream became a reality. The campus was gorgeous, the academics were superb, and the student body was a perfect fit for her. The icing on the cake was the many Greek organizations on campus. Her grandmother was a Zeta and she always dreamed of following in her footsteps in college.

But as the summer dragged on, I began to notice measurable hesitancy on her part. She didn’t want to discuss the topic of college. She started voicing thoughts of transferring after the first semester to a college in her home state. She didn’t want to start discussing dorm specifics or communicate with her future roommate. What was happening?

If you start seeing any red flags like these, you should ask yourself, “What’s really going on?” Is it simply nervousness related to the change? Is there another person or persons influencing her sudden change in mood or direction? Is she truly changing her mind about college and you need to discuss other options with her?

Once you diagnose the problem, it should be easier to determine what action you need to take.

I’ve outlined the six red flags in this article I wrote for Teen Life Magazine: Watch for These 6 Red Flags the Summer Before College. If your student is exhibiting any of these symptoms, take action. Don’t assume they will pass. Start a non-judgmental conversation and listen to what he is feeling.

My daughter and I were able to find the cause of her problem and I was able to ease her concerns. Just because the decision was made in May to go to college, keep an eye out during the summer before college for any signs of pre-college anxiety.

10 Books for Parents of Soon-to-Be College Students


books for parentsIt’s graduation gift time. High school students are graduating with aspirations of college in the fall. Graduation gift guides are dominating the online world. But why not treat yourself to a few gifts that will help you with the transition from high school to college?

These books for parents should provide great summer reading and future reference as your teen heads to college in the fall:

Naked Roommate: For Parents Only

If your child is starting life in college, there’s a surprise around every corner…But that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared! This book is a witty and wise guide to everything you need to know about the college experience. Harlan Cohen, America’s most trusted college life expert, delivers the best advice, facts, stats, tips, and stories from parents, students, and experts across the country to ensure that you and your child will have an incredible and meaningful college experience.


Parents of College Students Survival Stories

Wendy David-Gaines, the author, is famous for exposing the cliches about college. After giving the cliche, she gives you the “POCS reality”. In her book, Wendy does this effectively by compiling actual parent stories. The stories (both from pre-POCS and POCS) are simple, light-hearted, often humorous and an easy read. But here’s the clincher–they provide parents with added insight into each individual situation.


University Parent Guide to Supporting Your Student’s Freshman Year

This guide is divided into time segments throughout your student’s first year of college: summer, early fall, late fall, and spring. Each division provides parents with all the information they need help their student through each segment of the first year of college.

The summer segment (Get Ready), deals with topics related to the changes you will face as your role changes, what to expect at orientation, roommates, budgeting, and campus culture. The fall segment (Settling In), discusses topics like move-in day, greek life, parent visits, and how to deal with struggling students. The late fall segment (Adjusting), deals with care packages, holidays, diet and exercise, studying abroad. The spring segment (Looking Forward), talks about sophomore topics like housing, student stress, transferring and student loans. The final chapter gives you areas to write down phone numbers, important dates and a typical 4-year checklist.


Secrets of a Financial Aid Pro

Jodi Okun’s book launched today and the presales put it on the Amazon #1 Best Seller list. This book is more than help for financial aid questions. In it you can find out how to give your student the financial skills they’ll need for life, with talking points and scripts to help you with important conversations you need to have before college. Jodi provides parents with expert advice and in this book shares her experiences of helping parents pay for college.


Letting Go: A Parents’ Guide to Understanding the College Years

This bestselling guide has already helped hundreds of thousands of parents over the past decade, and it remains one of the best guides for parents of new college students. Now in its fourth edition, this guide is based on the real-world experiences of students and parents. It’s filled with practical, compassionate, and timely college tips for parents going through the college experience.


Don’t Tell Me What to Do, Just Send Money: The Essential Parenting Guide to the College Years

This book offers a whimsical, humorous, but also practical guide for parents with college-bound children. Featuring real-life examples and dialogues, the author provides parents with need-to-know fundamentals as their student goes off to college.


You’re On Your Own (But I’m Here if You Need Me)

Many parents struggle with setting the appropriate boundaries for their college students and this book can be a big help. Marjorie Savage has some of the best college tips for parents on how to respect a student’s boundaries while still providing emotional support.


From Mom to Me Again

When her children left for college, Melissa Shultz was certain that she had prepared them well for their new lives-but her own life was a different matter entirely. Her house was empty, her purpose unclear. If her life was no longer dominated by the day-to-day demands of being “Mom,” then who exactly was she? And how would she ever move forward? Shultz’s struggle with the empty nest and the transformation of her marriage, friendships, career, and ultimately herself, is part memoir and part self-help guide.


How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success

In this book, Julie Lythcott-Haims draws on research, on conversations with admissions officers, educators, and employers, and on her own insights as a mother and as a student dean to highlight the ways in which overparenting harms children, their stressed-out parents, and society at large. While empathizing with the parental hopes and, especially, fears that lead to overhelping, Lythcott-Haims offers practical alternative strategies that underline the importance of allowing children to make their own mistakes and develop the resilience, resourcefulness, and inner determination necessary for success.


Debt Free U

Zac Bissonnette has seen the currently flawed system first hand. He’s a contrarian, and his book is packed with studies and statistics to back up his analysis. It’s a magical combination that college-bound students and their parents should read, even if there’s plenty of money set aside to pay the tuition tab. There’s no harm in learning ways to get the biggest bang for your buck and the best education available at the same time.

The Advantages of One-on-One Test Prep Tutoring


test prep tutoring

Standardized testing can be stressful at best, terrifying at worst. An experienced private tutor offers students a huge advantage with their preparation. By devising a blueprint to prepare for these exams, students can reduce anxiety and drastically improve their scores. Here are some advantages of one-on-one test prep tutoring:

Stress Reduction

As I mentioned previously, the amount of stress during college application time can be overwhelming. Your child not only has to deal with school, maybe a job, and also think about being accepted to college. A tutor will reduce the stress of having to figure out testing dates, scheduling, and will customize a study plan that is specific to your child’s needs. Your child will also feel more at ease knowing the material they will test on, which will ultimately increase their chances at a higher score.

Target Strengths & Weaknesses

No student learns the same. One one one tutoring is the most customizable way of learning. A tutor will assess the student’s strengths and weaknesses, and customize a study plan. Applying a customized plan, will help your child focus on areas that are challenging that they might have otherwise overlooked. Not all students gain the same knowledge in school.

Strategies That Work

A tutor will instill test taking tactics that will alleviate wasted time. Tutors not only teach vocabulary and math formulas but can also suggest new approaches and strategies for questions. This will in turn help with time management and better decisions during test time.

Quality in Teaching

You get to pick a tutor to best match your child’s learning style, schedule, and your budget. While your child might be in the ten percentile of their class, they are also competing with the rest of the students trying to get into the same college. Not all students get the same background knowledge needed to excel at standardized testing. A one on one tutor will focus on managing your child’s unique learning style.

Motivational Boost

The tutor – tutee relationship can give your child that motivational push by encouraging a higher level of thinking. A good tutor not only provides your child with test taking information and different approaches, but can also help as motivation in this sometimes overwhelming undertaking. Tutors have been in their shoes, and they know what it is to feel overwhelmed during this time.

College Scholarships

Let’s face it, college is expensive! However, some colleges and universities offer awards based on test scores. It is no secret that the higher a student scores the higher the chances of receiving scholarship awards. It is important to note that some colleges give automatic scholarships for SAT/ACT scores. Good test preparation will return more than its cost in scholarship awards.

Ultimately, a good one on one tutor will help your child target strengths and weaknesses, alleviate stress, promote motivation and provide test taking and study abilities they can utilize later in life. A good tutor will strengthen the pathway to your child’s college career.


Today’s guest post is from Idalia Gastelum, a private SAT tutor for Parliament Tutors. She offers tutoring in Miami, FL.

How to Excel in College


excel in college

It takes years of hard work to get into college and on the path to your dream career. If you’ve made it to college, congratulations are in order – you’ve passed high school and got onto the course you need to be on. Of course, once you’re in college there’s a lot of pressure to do well. Most of the pressure comes from the worry of not getting high enough grades, as college classes are a lot harder than high school ones. The difference in the level of learning can be a shock to the system when you first start college.

A lot of college students struggle to get the grades that they need, so if you’re finding it hard, you’re not alone. The good news is that in most cases, there are plenty of ways you can help to improve your grades. You’ll be amazed at how making a few small changes can have a big impact on how well you excel in college. Take the below tips on board and you can give your grades the boost that they need.

Go to class

This might be an obvious one, but it needs to be said. Lots of students skip classes and then wonder why they struggle to achieve good grades. If you want to do well at college, you need to attend all of your classes. Unless you’re sick, you have no excuse for not being there. If you’re serious about getting high grades, you need to make an effort to attend every class.

Copying your friend’s notes won’t let you catch up properly, as there will always be little things that you miss. The slides from the lecture might be uploaded onto the college internet, but that still won’t allow you to catch up completely. In class, there will be discussion, examples, and so on, that if you’re not there, you will miss. It’s simple, if you want to do well, you need to attend each and every class.

Understand each lecturer

Every lecturer or professor has a different method of teaching. If you’re going to do well, you need to make an effort to understand each lecturer’s way of teaching. Each professor wants something different from their students, so finding out what this is early, is a must. You’ll find that by understanding what your lecturers want from you, you’ll do better in their classes.

Your grades aren’t just down to assignments but also your in-class contribution. So it’s essential that you know what your professors want from you. Else, you could get marked down because you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be. Don’t be afraid to tell your professor that you’re struggling to keep up – they’re there to help you.

Get organized

Being a successful college student is all about learning to multi-task, and the key to this is organization. The chances are that at any one time, you’ll have various assignments to work on. That’s why it’s so important that you’re organized about your studies. Else, you’ll end up being overwhelmed with due dates and work that needs to be done; you might even forget something. If you’re organized about your studies, you can ensure that you spend adequate time working on each task. You won’t need to stress about forgetting anything, as you’ll have everything under control.

The best tools for staying organized while at college have to be planners. Day planners are fantastic as they allow you to schedule your classes, assignments dates, and any other tasks you need to do. There’s also room to jot down when you’re working. This allows you to ensure that you’re on top of everything and that nothing important gets missed out.

Use your time wisely

This links to organization. If you want to ensure that your grades are good, you need to use your time wisely. Of course, having a planner to schedule your time helps with this, but that’s not all it takes. In periods of free time, if you have a task to do, complete it. Don’t waste your time, use every minute wisely.

Of course, you need time to chill out and see your friends, but that shouldn’t take up a large part of your day. You need to prioritize your time, so that your studies always come first. It’s also important to break big projects into smaller parts, and schedule time to focus on each part. This makes getting the work done easier, as it won’t be too overwhelming.

Take notes in class

Another important reason for ensuring that you’re in every class is taking notes. If you want to ensure that you remember everything from the lecture, you need to note the important things down. This will mean that when you come to write an assignment, you can look back at the notes you’ve taken in class about the topic.

After class, it’s worth typing up your notes. For each class, write the notes up on your computer and save them in a file with the module name. That way, should you lose your notebook, you’ll have all your notes safely stored. You could opt to print them out for revision and use them to make mind maps and memory cards.

Improve your essay writing

A large chunk of your overall grade is down to your essays and assignments. This means that if you want to do well, you need to ensure that your writing is at a high standard. It’s not just about improving your writing style and tone; you also need to think about your punctuation and grammar. To improve your punctuation and grammar, Grammarly is a fantastic tool for checking your work. It points out any errors and makes suggestions of what you should change them to.

If you struggle when it comes to finding essay topics, you can find help online. (A lot of professors only give an outline of what they want, and ask students to choose the topic themselves.) There are examples of good argumentative essay topics online, as well as examples of various assignments. These can be incredibly helpful when it comes to improving your essay writing.

Buy the suggested books

Last but not least, buy the recommended books. Your professors will give you a reading list for a reason, so make sure to take advantage of it. The books on the list might be expensive, but they’re worth investing in, especially if you want to do well. They’re a great source of research and are ideal for looking up anything from your classes that you’re unsure about.

If you can’t afford to buy them, most of the recommended books will be available in your campus library. Or you could consider getting them second hand from older students or online. Don’t let the cost hold you back, get the books that you need to be successful.

Hopefully, this advice will help to improve your grades and get you the degree that you need.


Scholarship Friday: Savor Summer College Scholarship

“Apply to scholarships with the least number of applicants to increase your odds of winning.”

savor summer college scholarship

This advice applies not only to local scholarships, but also non-nationally known scholarships as well. Today’s scholarship is awarded by How to Win College Scholarships’ founder Monica Matthews.

The Savor Summer College Scholarship (sponsored by is a $500 scholarship award.

To be eligible, students must meet the following guidelines:

  • Have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or above
  • Be a U.S. Citizen
  • Be a high school sophomore, junior, or senior (2015/2016 school year)
  • Submit one letter of recommendation from a current high school administrator, teacher, employer, or community leader
  • Submit a copy of most current high school transcripts
  • Submit an essay of 500 words or less answering the question, “How are you planning on using your summer vacation?”

This is a non-renewable, one-time award of $500 to be used exclusively to offset costs and fees related directly to the student’s first year of higher post-secondary education at an accredited institution of the student’s choosing within the United States.  The winner will be chosen on or before July 14, 2016.

ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS WITH REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION WILL BE CONSIDERED.  Questions about the Savor Summer College Scholarship may be directed to

Deadline:  Applications must be postmarked by July 1, 2016.  No fax or email applications will be accepted.

Your SAT Score Can Help Win Scholarships


sat score

Working hard in school can help you land great scholarships that will help you with the cost of going to school. Scholarships are a much better alternative to student loans because you don’t have to pay them back. How well you do in school can have an impact on the amount of scholarship money you will receive. Scoring high on your SAT exam is one way to ensure you have a good chance at receiving a scholarship.

Preparing for your SAT Exam

Since most colleges in the United States require students to take the SAT exam, it’s important to be prepared on testing day to get a good score. The current 2016 SAT exam takes approximately three hours to complete, with an additional 50 minutes given for the essay portion. Scores can range anywhere from 400 to 1600 and is usually taken by high school juniors or seniors. Being prepared for the exam is the best way to ensure you’ll receive a good score. Read Kranse SAT reviews to learn about a great course that will ensure you’re prepared and confident on testing day.

Merit-Based Scholarships

If you’ve done exceptionally well in school and if you received a good score on your SAT exam, you may be eligible to receive a merit-based scholarship. Merit-based scholarships are granted to individuals who have great academic records, high GPAs, good standardized test scores and other types of achievements. Many merit-based scholarships are sponsored by colleges and universities, so if you think you may qualify for one, be sure to find out more about them.

Outside Scholarships

Merit-based scholarships aren’t the only scholarships available. Many also require a high SAT score to apply. There are hundreds of different types of scholarships available. The first place you should look for scholarships is local. Browse the websites of the high school in your area because they might have scholarship information on them. Social media and scholarship search engines are also great resources. If you’re really good at something, such as art, you can use that to find specific scholarships based that interest and expertise.

College is stressful enough for most people, but with scholarships you will worry less about the cost of going to school and focus more on your studies. Do well in school now and prepare for standardized tests so you can ensure you have a better chance at receiving some great scholarships to help you out. 


There’s an AP For That: 3 Burning Questions About the Right Prep Classes for College… Answered!


prep classes

Sometimes between all the test prep and soccer games and essay-writing, it’s easy to forget that, at the core of it all, the most important factor on a college application is the high school transcript. While test scores, essays and extracurricular achievements are all taken very seriously, the transcript is still the basis for all decision making by admissions officers. Here’s how to ensure that your child is making the most of their time in the classroom:

Is it better to take higher level courses or to ace lower level ones?  

One question that continues to loom for well-meaning parents is whether to push their children into higher level courses, with the possibility that an accelerated class will mean a lower grade. Obviously, the first thing a parent has to do is take into account the real achievement level of their student—but the answer to this conundrum may not be exactly what you might think.

Admissions officers definitely take into account the idea that a student is stretching his or her boundaries when it comes to academics. Therefore, when matching two applicants side by side, if one received all A grades but in lower level classes while the other had A and B grades in advanced classes, the student with advanced classes would always have the advantage. That being said, if your child is taking advanced level classes and getting a C, the supposed advantage is no longer viable. You need to be realistic when it comes to course load and what a student can handle. Ultimately, it’s always best to take classes that stretch the mind (but don’t break it!).

Broad spectrum or laser-like focus?

Another aspect of the application process that is misunderstood is whether there is a need to demonstrate widespread learning or to show talent in one area.

My father used to say that there are only two ways a person can learn:
“Either you can learn more and more about less and less, until you know everything about nothing, or you can learn less and less about more and more until you know nothing about everything.”

In the case of college admissions, it’s much better to know more about less. It’s a little counterintuitive, because many feel that presenting a broad cross-section of talents is good for a transcript. While that’s true, it is only the case if a student can prove he or she is actually adept at these things, and not just dabbling for the sake of a diversified portfolio.

It is not clever to suddenly have your teen filled with seemingly disparate classes and extracurriculars in his or her junior year, with the hope of “fooling” an admissions officer into thinking that they have a larger base of knowledge or experiences. No one is fooled. Ever. A sudden interest in clarinet, Judo, Mandarin and Habitat for Humanity is a dead giveaway.

Instead, have your student focus in one area where he or she has real skill and can build up expertise. If your child is into history, allow that interest to blossom and deepen and perhaps turn into independent study by serving as a History Club officer, or taking AP American History, AP European History and AP World History. A student with a clear focus like that is attractive to a university—it is a narrative about a particular aspect of an applicant’s personality that gives him or her a specific appeal. On the other hand, someone who looks like a dilettante will be difficult to pin down by an admissions officer looking for a reason to accept.

What if the “right” classes aren’t being offered?

Get creative—often, it’s hard to have your teen take the right classes because of scheduling conflicts or the fact that they are not offered at their high school. Fear not! Look around at summer programs as well as toward local community colleges. It is easier than you might think for your student to start earning college credit. Ask academic advisors at your child’s high school to see if it makes sense to (for example) take pre-calc over the summer in order to be able to take calculus senior year.  

The rule of thumb:

Working hard in one discipline is the best representation of a student’s skill and college preparedness. Yes, tests are important, and it’s crucial to have a base of knowledge, but never try to twist the system, and your child will always be on the right path. That means have them take the highest level prep classes they can and learn as much as possible in them, working toward their actual strengths. Your child will be happier, admissions will take notice, and he or she will be able to achieve more in college, too.


About the Author

Ryan Hickey is the Managing Editor of Peterson’s & EssayEdge and is an expert in many aspects of college, graduate and professional admissions. A graduate of Yale University, Ryan has worked in various admissions capacities for nearly a decade, including writing test-prep material for the SAT, AP exams, and TOEFL; editing essays and personal statements; and consulting directly with applicants.

Helping parents navigate the college maze