Are Scholarships a Scam?


Wait. Did I just ask that question? I did. I asked it because many parents believe they are a scam. Their students work hard, apply, and never win anything. They are frustrated, discouraged and feel the promise of scholarships is a pipe-dream. You may have been there yourself, asking the same question: are scholarships a scam?

The truth? Scholarships are not scams. Students every day win thousands of dollars in scholarship money to pay for college. But you must roll the dice with the odds in your favor.

If your student isn’t winning, they could be making these mistakes:

You apply to the wrong scholarships

Many students apply to scholarships that simply aren’t fit for them. If you’re applying for a scholarship that requires the student to exhibit community service and there is not a record to back it up, you’re not going to win. If you apply for a scholarship that asks for exemplary leadership and you don’t serve in multiple leadership capacities, you won’t win.

Before you apply, read the criteria carefully. If you feel you are a poor representation of who the scholarship committee is looking for, don’t apply. Be honest with yourself and save the time and the frustration.

My daughter applied to the Coca-Cola Scholars program, a large scholarship of $10,000. The application reads, “Students are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, and their commitment to making a significant impact on their schools and communities.” She had some service and very little leadership. She didn’t win, of course. Not because it was a scam, but because she applied to the wrong scholarship.

You apply to the scholarships that have thousands of applicants

The big scholarships for $100,00, $20,000,  and $10,000 have thousands of applicants. The national scholarships will have so many applicants, the competition for the scholarship rivals that of trying to gain acceptance to a competitive college.

The better bet is applying to local scholarships. There will be fewer applicants and a better chance of winning. My daughter won a substantial local scholarship because she was the best applicant in a smaller pool of applicants.

Your scholarship application is incomplete or doesn’t stand out from the other applicants

If your scholarship application arrives incomplete the scholarship judges will simply place it in the rejection pile. If your student can’t follow instructions, they won’t be placed in the viable applicant pile.

Imagine a scholarship with hundreds of applicants. If the application doesn’t stand out, isn’t properly completed, or doesn’t make an impression on the judges, your odds of winning will be slim. For tips on how to package a winning scholarship application, get How to Win College Scholarships–A Guide for Parents and Students in 10 Easy Steps.

Your scholarship essay has misspellings, grammar mistakes, or simply doesn’t answer the question

This goes without saying–proofread and proofread again. Answer the questions, check your spelling and grammar and have someone proof it before you submit it.

You haven’t focused your scholarship search

There are scholarships available for everyone in just about every category imaginable. Be specific in your scholarship search by doing a simple internet search. For instance, are you pursuing a STEM major, there are STEM scholarships available. Read this article: How to Search for STEM Scholarships. You can apply these tactics in any scholarship search.

You haven’t applied to a college where you are at the top of the applicant pool

Scholarships from the college are based on academic achievement and where you fall in the applicant pool. If you apply to a highly competitive college and have marginal test scores and a decent GPA, odds are there are applicants with better qualifications. The key is to apply to colleges that see you as a top applicant. These colleges will be happy to award scholarships to entice you to accept their offer of admission. You can research colleges on College Navigator. Look at the statistics for their applicants and see if you will be at the top or simply in the middle. Top applicants earn top scholarships.

You aren’t playing the odds

This is a simple formula. The more scholarships you apply for, the better your chances of winning. The time you devote to searching and applying for scholarships will pay off if you leverage the odds. If you aren’t winning, keep applying using the right tactics. Your efforts will pay off.

7 Must-Have Tips for the New SAT


Many tutors are recommending students avoid the new SAT and focus on the ACT. But if your student wants to take the SAT, for whatever reason, here are some tips that should help. This article was originally published by The Tutoring Company and is used with permission. 


new sat

March, the College Board will officially administer the updated 2016 SAT. Whether you’re taking the SAT as a beginner or a veteran, these seven tips can get you on the path to a perfect 1600! Here are seven things you can do (starting now!) to prepare for this new and improved standardized test.

1. Master mental math: The SAT now include two types of math sections: calculator and non-calculator. Conquer the new, non-calculator section by making sure you have multiplication tables and basic arithmetic memorized. Technology has made this almost painless; apps like XtraMath can be used to practice your math facts anywhere, anytime on your cellphone. If you’ve got your basic facts down and want to learn some mental math tricks to speed up your test taking time, check out these Mathemagical Apps.

2 . Take time to review U.S. founding documents and other important works:  While the specific passages are unknown until test day, you will encounter one passage from U.S. founding documents or the global conversation they inspired. While it is not necessary to be familiar with the document ahead of time, it couldn’t hurt to brush up on the themes of major works, such as the examples given by College Board:

Along with these works, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with historically influential figures, such as:

  • Edmund Burke
  • Mary Wollstonecraft
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Mohandas Gandhi

3. Study for the ACT: Seriously. If you’ve been busting your butt studying for the ACT, you should be in great shape for this version of the SAT, which is now more similar than ever. Check out the specificdifferences to see how the two tests now compare.

4. Take advantage of the free, online personalized prep offered in partnership with the creators of the test: College Board and Khan Academy have worked together to create the Official SAT Practice site. This is free, easy to use, and includes diagnostics, personalized practice recommendations and can link to your College Board account. Looking for a quicker, more convenient way to practice? Check out theSAT Daily Practice App.

5. Learn how to make an educated guess: The new SAT features some significant scoring changes including one reason to celebrate: no more penalty for guessing. This means you should strive to answer every question on the test–even if you are guessing. Also, there will only be four answer choices instead of five for each question. You should guess on every question (no matter what!), but if time allows, you should try to eliminate at least one answer choice and guess the same letter pair each time.

6. Practice using context clues to figure out the meaning of a word: This year, according to College Board, there will be no need to cram vocabulary words by studying flashcards of arcane words. Instead, the SAT will test your ability to figure out a word based on a given passage. Be sure to practice using context clues to determine the meaning of a word.

7. Study from your PSAT/NMSQT results: If you are a ninth or tenth grader currently who is trying to prepare early, you can use the results of the new PSAT/NMSQT test (given in 2015 or later) to pinpoint exactly what you need to work on. Not only does your score report provide guidance for what skills you need extra help with, it also can personalize the free, official online SAT prep from Khan Academy. Watch this video to learn how to interpret your score report and link your report to your online practice account.

Using these tips and finding a skilled test prep tutor can help you reach your dream SAT score!

How to Choose a Career Path Before College


career path

Many college students would like to get a job as soon as they graduate from college. However, this is not always the case for many of them mainly because they had not decided on which career path to take before college. Unfortunately, this situation is replayed in the lives of many graduates making it clear that the decision on which career path to take should be made before applications to colleges are sent out.  Here are some tips to ensure that you do not fall in the same trap of selecting a college before deciding on the best career for you.

  • Work backwards

After high school many students typically start looking for colleges that they would want to attend, then select a major and finally decide on the career they would like to pursue. However, this is not right and things should actually be done the other way round, with the choice of a career path being decided on first and then the rest follow. You should picture yourself filling in application forms for a job that you are passionate about many years after college.

  • Choose  a career you love

Do you know what you enjoy doing? In most cases, the answer to this question will make it easier to choose a career that you are passionate about. Always look into career possibilities that match your personality and in the long run will satisfy your needs for years to come. If your interests seem to be all over the place consider narrowing them down to at least three areas and choose a career that will march them perfectly. Also you can try out online tests that help people find a career path that go with their personality.  

The goal of a good career test is to match you to a group of careers based on certain parameters.  Career tests are typically multiple choice and take under 30 minutes to complete. They match you based on your personality.  For example, they could match you to specific careers based on your skills, interests, abilities, etc. A good career test will not give you absolute confidence in choosing a specific career.  However, they certainly can help you develop or narrow down a specific group of careers and that is half the battle in making your career plan. Here is a free career test that takes a few minutes to complete and custom matches you to over 1000 well paying careers. 

  • Select the right college

When you have settled on the career path you would like to pursue in the future, it is time to choose a major and a corresponding college. Although colleges to choose from are many, research on the best ones in the field that want to pursue so that you get the best education possible in the area. These colleges are also likely to offer several options in terms of majors that you can selecting according to your interests.

Overall, having an idea of the career you want to have in the future as you select colleges will keep you focused and motivated to work towards your dream profession.


Today’s guest post is from Aaron Ramsey, the owner and writer for, an online resource for job seekers to find all the information they need on today’s largest companies.

Do You Need to Go to College to Be President?


Everyone remembers the scene from “Goodwill Hunting” when Will confronts a Harvard student spouting off his formal education knowledge. Will contends his high-priced Ivy League education is simply that–high priced. He contends you can get a college education with a simple library card. According to Will, the key is to read. Read everything written by the experts in any field that interests you. Fill your library, and your mind, with wisdom from the greats. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington would agree with him.

Neither Washington or Lincoln graduated from college, along with seven other presidents: Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Grover Cleveland, and Harry Truman. But if you notice from the list, every president since Harry Truman, who withdrew before finishing, has been able to present a college degree as a qualification to hold the highest office in America.

Do you need to go to college to be President of the United States? In this day and age where education is valued and often a badge of intelligence, it would be unlikely to win even a nomination without a college degree. As a matter of fact, every candidate for president in 2016 is able to say they have a college degree, many have advanced degrees. But every degree is meaningless without a thirst for knowledge, a willingness to learn, openness to listen to other viewpoints, and a curiosity about the world in general.

But Will Hunting would say: just get a library card and read! Granted, he was a math genius and most likely had a photographic memory.  But it’s not bad advice for every college-bound student. Reading is the key to all education. You don’t have to set foot in a lecture hall to read Shakespeare, study history, or experience the world. Books can open all those doors and more!

For a list of past Presidents and their college degrees, read Where’d They Go to College?-The Presidents

For a list of presidential candidates and where they went to college, read 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidates-Where’d They Go to College? and 2016 Republican Candidates-Where’d They Go to College?

10 Scholarships Your Student Will LOVE


scholarships your student will love

Sunday is Valentine’s Day and love is in the air. On that note, who doesn’t LOVE winning scholarship money to pay for college? I can’t think of a better Valentine’s Day gift to my readers than a list of scholarships your student will love.

Unigo offers some fun scholarships–yes I said fun! These are not your typical “academic” scholarships or long boring essays to write.  Hence, your student will LOVE these short essay scholarships:

Sweet and Simple Scholarship-$1500

Think back to a time when you received a special gift that seemed so unassuming yet made such a strong impact on your life.


SuperPower Scholarship-$2500

Have you ever wondered where you’d go if you could fly or maybe you daydream of secretly taking over the world? How would use your super powers for good, or bad, even if it was just for the day?


Fifth Month Scholarship-$1500

What’s so special about the number 5? May is the fifth month of the year. Write a letter to the number five explaining why five is important. Be serious or be funny.


Do-Over Scholarship-$1500

What if you had the chance to “do-over” a moment in your life? What would it be? How would it affect you and your future?


Flavor of the Month Scholarship-$1500

Summer and ice cream go hand-in-hand. If you were an ice cream flavor, which would you be and why?


Make Me Laugh Scholarship-$1500

This is a fun scholarship that lets you cut loose and lighten things up. Show your funny bone. Tell an embarrassing, but funny, story that will make everyone laugh.


Shout It Out Scholarship-$1500

Have something on your mind? Shout it out. Give your thoughts a voice and earn free money for college.


Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship-$2000

Hone in on those survival tactics and imagine what your school or college campus might be like in a zombie apocalypse. What’s your plan to avoid the zombies, where will you would hide (or maybe you don’t need to), and the top five things you would bring to stay alive.


Top 10 List Scholarship-$1500

Inspired by David Letterman’s top ten lists, this unique scholarship gives you the chance to show us what’s truly special and different about you. Get creative, be serious, or tug at the heart strings.


I Have a Dream Scholarship-$1500

Did you have a dream that was off-the-wall, or maybe it was so real that you didn’t know you were dreaming? Maybe you dream of a successful future or reaching your goals.


For comprehensive lists of all types of scholarships and more scholarships your student will love, check out Unigo’s Scholarship Directory.

In This World of College Experts


world of college expertsMy heart is heavy today because we have lost a colleague and a friend, Wendy David-Gaines. She passed away yesterday after a long, hard-fought battle with ovarian cancer. She helped thousands of parents face life before and after college with her book, Parents of College Students Survival Stories. She and I collaborated each week on Wednesday’s Parent, giving advice for parents from two different perspectives. We co-hosted one week a month on #CampusChat sharing advice and helping parents.

She gave her time, her advice, her talent and for me, her friendship. She was a true parent advocate. She helped countless parents on Twitter and Facebook deal with college-related problems with little or no reward for her expertise.

Wendy would never say she was a victim of ovarian cancer and never craved the spotlight. She was an advocate for early detection, a fighter who searched for anything and everything that might help her overcome this disease, and someone who valued life and her family above all else. She will be missed.

If you are so inclined, please give to this worthwhile cause and leave a comment if you were a “cyber” friend of Wendy or she was of help to you along your college journey. I’m sure her family would love to know how she touched your life.

What Is Your Teen Doing Online?


what is your teen doing online
Image from

The best thing about the internet is a wealth of information available at your fingertips for college prep. You can find college advice, testing help, college visit information, financial aid information and everything you need to know about individual colleges. But with every good thing, there are dangers lurking in the shadows. Researching college topics is good, other social media activities might not be as safe–what is your teen doing online?

My grandsons are already familiar with their parents’ smartphones. My 5 year old grandson can access games, turn Netflix on and off, and use Facetime on his own. My 2 year old grandson knows that the phone gets him access to cartoons anywhere, anytime. I can’t imagine what it will be like when they both become teenagers because it’s a very scary online world. If you don’t believe so, read this article from Smart College Visit: A Parent’s Greatest Fear.

The Liahona Academy did some real research about teen’s online activity on social media. Based on this information, if you aren’t taking an active role in your teen’s online life you are burying your head in the sand. Years ago teens snuck out of the house to engage in risky behavior. Today it’s easier than it has ever been with the use of a smartphone to hide online activity from parents.

If you don’t believe me, here are some sobering statistics from the above mentioned study:

  • 55% of teens have given out personal info to someone they don’t know
  • 29% of teens have been stalked or contacted by a stranger
  • 29% of teens have participated in cyber bullying
  • 24% of teens have had private or embarrassing info made public without permission
  • 22% have been cyberpranked


  • Only 34% of parents check their teen’s social network sites

Are those stats cause for concern? Based on these responses those stats should be:

  • 67% of teenagers say they know how to hide what they do online from their parents
  • 43% of teens say they would change their online behavior if they knew that their parents were watching them
  • 39% think their online activity is private from everyone, including parents
  • 20% of teens think their parents have no idea what they are doing online
  • 18% have created a private email address or separate social networking profile
  • 10% have unlocked parental controls to disable filtering


  • 38% would feel offended if they found out their parents were spying on them with parental controls

It’s time for parents to wake up. It’s no longer acceptable to ignore your teen’s online activity.. They may be the best behaved, best mannered and most respectful teenagers. But there is a world out there full of online predators waiting to pounce on naive teens who post on social media.

What social media tools are teens using?

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Pinterst
  • Pheed
  • YouTube
  • Kik
  • 4chan
  • Askfm
  • Vine
  • Tumblr
  • Snapchat
  • Instagram

For more information about each of these and how they pose a threat to your teenager, you can access the infographic here: What Your Teen is Doing on Social Media. The infographic also provides information on how to get involved, how to monitor online activity, how teens hide their browser activity from their parents, and most importantly, some monitoring tools for parents. Parents will also find 10 Online Activities Every Parent Needs to Talk About With Their Teens.

This is one of the most concise and helpful infographic I have seen informing parents about online activity and giving tools to help them monitor it. You wouldn’t allow a predator or stranger in your home, don’t let it happen on social media.

10 “No Essay” Scholarships with March Deadlines


"no essay" scholarships

It’s Scholarship Friday again and today I’m sharing 10 “no essay” scholarships with March deadlines:

Toyota TeenDrive365 Video Challenge
Amount: Up to $15,000
Challenge is open to legal U.S. residents who are at least 13 years of age and are enrolled in grades 9-12 who create a 60-90 second video that demonstrates the importance of safe teen driving.

Deadline: March 7, 2016

“Frame My Future” Scholarship Contest
Amount: $1,000
Applicant must intend to enroll as a full-time student at a U.S. college or university in the 2015-2016 academic year and be a legal resident; must submit an original creative image that shows “how you want to Frame Your Future!”

Deadline: March 8, 2016

Junior Duck Stamp Contest
Amount: Up to $1,000
Contest is open to students in grades K-12 who attend public, private, or home schools who draw, paint, or sketch a picture of an eligible North American waterfowl species.

Deadline: March 15, 2016 for most states

My Preparedness Story: Staying Healthy and Resilient Video Challenge
Amount: Up to $2,000
Challenge is open to students between the ages of 14 and 23 years of age who submit a short video to YouTube showing how you can help family, friends, and community protect their health during a disaster.

Deadline: March 28, 2016

“Stop Cell Phone Robocals” $1,000 Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors and current undergraduate students who submit a 140-character statement completing the following sentence: “Cell phone robocalls need to be regulated because..”

Deadline: March 31, 2016

$1,000 Scholarship Sweepstake: High School Edition
Amount: $1,000
Scholarship is open to legal residents of the U.S. who are 13 years of age or older and currently enrolled in a high school. Parents of high school students may also apply by registering on

Deadline: March 31, 2016

2016 ABA YLD Law Day Art Contest
Amount: Up to $750
Contest is open to students in grades 9-12 in the United States who submit an art piece on the topic: “Miranda: More than Words.”

Deadline: March 31, 2016

Creative Patriot Art Awards
Amount: Up to $10,000
Applicant must be in grades 9-12 and submit an original piece of art to local ladies auxiliary organization that expresses patriotism.

Deadline: March 31, 2016

Superpower Scholarships
Amount: $2,500
Scholarship is open to students 13 years of age or older who are legal residents of the U.S. and are currently enrolled (or will enroll no later than the fall of 2022) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher education. Applicant must explain in a short written response which superhero or villain they would want to change places with for a day and why.

Deadline: March 31, 2016

Yo Teach! Scholarship
Amount: $3,000
Applicant must show their love for their best professor or teacher by writing and performing a rap with friends about teaching.

Deadline: March 31, 2016

What Are the Alternatives to Traditional College?

traditional college

If traditional college isn’t for everyone, what’s the alternative?

Yesterday I posted an article: “Should Every Child Go To College?” The answer: It’s not for every child and parents shouldn’t push if it isn’t happening. You know your child better than anyone. Think outside the box and help your child find the right path.

Here are some other options beyond the traditional college path:

Community college

Many graduating seniors have decided to take the community college path. They made that choice for several reasons: cost, academic preparation, and the freedom to stay at home for the first few years. Community colleges aren’t just training grounds for technical careers, they are also the first stop for about 4 in 10 of college-bound high school graduates.

A gap year

More and more students are considering a gap year (or gap years) after high school. This time would be to explore career options, travel to discover yourself and gain cultural experience, volunteer for a year in a community service job or abroad, or work with the goal of saving money for college.

The military

While the military is not for everyone, it is a viable option for many students. Not only will you learn discipline, organization, and teamwork, but you will also gain job experience. The military has numerous career options to choose from that will transition into the workforce after your term of service is over. An added benefit is the education benefit veterans receive, allowing you to attend college using government funding.

Work and community college

Another option you might choose is working while attending community college. You can take as few courses as your time permits and ease into the college level courses. Working during community college also allows you to pay for college as you attend, avoiding large amounts of student loan debt.

Trade school or apprenticeship

The trades and/or apprenticeships are certainly overlooked as a path after college. Pursuing a trade ensures job security and future earning potential. You can go to a specific career school such as an art or fashion institute or a culinary institute, or you can work in with a professional learning their trade. Another option would be to consider a college that focuses not only on academics but also on hands on education. One such college is Pennsylvania College of Technology. You can read all about them in these series of articles.


Students can also work at paid or unpaid internships after high school. These internships will help you discover your interests and gain insight into various careers and what training or education you would need. Many employers offer paid education benefits while working and will often hire you as a full time employee after completion of the internship and/or education.

If your student seems unmotivated or uninterested in college have a serious discussion about his plans after high school. Make it clear that he needs a plan and help him formulate that plan. If they become part of the planning process and are involved in the decision making, they will be much happier with their choices.

Should Every Child Go to College?



I published this article about five years ago, but I feel it’s content is still true today. Too many parents push students to go to college when they are not prepared either academically, emotionally or financially. So many students go and fail because college is simply not for them.


I read an article a few years ago in The Atlantic: “In the Basement of the Ivory Tower, that gave me some food for thought. It’s been on my mind for quite awhile, especially since I have a close friend who is a financial aid counselor at one of those infamous “for profit” colleges.

She would answer my leading question with a loud and emphatic, “NO”, based on her experience dealing with those who are not prepared to attend college and don’t understand the consequences of borrowing money they can’t pay back. They have been convinced that without a college education, they can’t get a job or pursue a career. They’ve been told by someone that it doesn’t matter how much money you borrow as long as you get that degree. Once you get that degree you can earn enough money to pay back what you’ve borrowed. But we all know that’s not often the case.

In the above mentioned article, the English professor makes an interesting point:

America, ever-idealistic, seems wary of the vocational-education track. We are not comfortable limiting anyone’s options. Telling someone that college is not for him seems harsh and classist and British, as though we were sentencing him to a life in the coal mines. I sympathize with this stance; I subscribe to the American ideal.

Sending everyone under the sun to college is a noble initiative. Academia is all for it, naturally. Industry is all for it; some companies even help with tuition costs. Government is all for it; the truly needy have lots of opportunities for financial aid. The media applauds it—try to imagine someone speaking out against the idea. To oppose such a scheme of inclusion would be positively churlish.

I’ve come to realize that Americans truly are snobs. We brag about what we have and what we have obtained. Like it or not, we are a classist society. We snub our noses at those who haven’t been to college and brag heavily about our numerous degrees as if they are badges of honor. And while graduating from college is an accomplishment, so is learning a trade.

Often, we push our kids to attend college when we know it’s not for them. Why? Because we are a society that measures success by the number of degrees hanging on a wall or the dollar signs that can be found on our bank accounts. It is noble to dream big and education is always a noble goal. But so is being a plumber, a carpenter, a cosmetologist or a civil servant like a police officer or fireman.

What’s my point? My point is that you need to know your child. If they want to go to college and have the skills and knowledge they need to be successful there, then encourage them to go. But if they aren’t interested or motivated, save yourself some heartache, disappointment and money by letting them pursue a trade or career and even consider a college that offers both. There are so many fabulous careers out there that they can do without higher education. You will be happier, they will be happier and they will fill an important role in society. College really isn’t for child.

Helping parents navigate the college maze