Mom-Approved Tips: Student Behavior Can Impact College Admissions


student behaviorDid you know student behavior in high school can have an impact on college acceptance? The vast majority of colleges and universities use disciplinary records to help determine whether to accept or reject a student’s application, according to a new study discussed in an Education Week article.

The study, released on Friday, was conducted by the Center for Community Alternatives, a New York-based organization that advocates on behalf of students who’ve had prior court involvement. It found that roughly 3 out of 4 colleges and universities collect high school disciplinary information, and that 89 percent of those institutions use the information to make admission decisions.

The study, titled “Education Suspended: The Use of High School Disciplinary Records in College Admissions,” also found that half of all high schools disclose such information to colleges, even though they are not required to do so.

Is this discipline sharing fair?

Defenders of the use of disciplinary records in college admission decisions say it is an important way for universities to keep students with a history of behavioral problems off their campuses as they build incoming classes of freshmen. But opponents say high school disciplinary records have little predictive value, needlessly stigmatize students for infractions that are often minor, and reduce their opportunities for higher learning.

They also argue that the practice is a civil rights issue because of the well-documented fact that students of color and students with disabilities face disciplinary actions in K-12 schools at disproportionately higher rates than other students.

What are the implications for parents?

These findings make it even more critical for parents to begin creating students who respect authority and submit to the instruction and guidance of authority. In today’s world of helicopter parenting, it’s easy to step in and help students avoid the consequences of their actions. But that type of parenting only produces entitled children who rebel against teachers and school administration. Students should understand that the consequences of their bad behavior will quite possibly affect their college admissions options.

Scholarship Friday: Maximizing College Scholarship Options


college scholarshipWith the rising tuition costs every year, it is getting difficult for students and their families to pay for the college because the financial aid packages they get from college are not sufficient to cover the other costs including room, books and other necessities. If they can apply for scholarships, this additional college debt can be covered. The college scholarship money is offered by the private sector sponsors, foundations and corporations and is rising year by year.

Make the mark

The organizations who grant scholarship always ask for academic achievements or grade point average i.e. GPA. Therefore, you need to get high grades in every year of your high school, as well as sometimes even in middle school, to avoid putting your scholarship chances at risk.

Know scholarship options – where to look

Scholarships are gift aid and thus the best option for the students with high skills.  The first place you can ask for the scholarships is your school or college or you can check their websites. Some personal organizations, businesses and other country foundations also provide scholarships. If you are an employee in some company, you can also look in your company. Many companies offer programs for their employees like tuition reimbursement programs.


During your high school years, you should involve yourself in outside activities, which can reflect your leadership abilities. The students who are in need of scholarships who are also involved in several community organizations have a stronger application. Most organizations that offer scholarships consider all the skills beyond academic, as they like to give scholarships to people they believe are well-rounded applicants. You need not to switch your activities randomly just to make your list of accomplishments big. It is important that you are making a difference, giving your focus only a few organizations. You can go for volunteering at local non-profits, student clubs at school or raising money for a cause; there are many more other options.

Make the match

You should make sure the scholarships for which you are applying to must match your skills. Therefore, you may want to build up those special skills required because many scholarships offered only to the people having certain skills. The organizations sponsoring scholarships may look for the applicants who are a certain gender, studying specific degrees, planning to work in certain fields, in need of financial aid, and many endless other skills. At LendEDU, we have a scholarship search that allows applicants to filter off many fields.

Good writing skills

It is highly required having strong writing skills as it is the important part of the application process for scholarships. Essay writing is a must in most of the applications. While this part of the application is often self-explanatory, many scholarship committees review essays as their opportunity to “get to know” the applicant. Having a strong essay with a powerful story or strong reasoning can boost your application to the top of the pile, even if you do not have the strongest grades or test scores.

Apply, apply, and apply

The one and only way you will be getting a scholarship is to apply! All other things come secondary. However, people get disheartened soon just by looking at the amount of time the scholarship process takes and don’t apply. Always remember, the investment is worth it and soon you will be getting hundreds and even thousands of dollars in scholarships, free money that you do not need to pay back!

Determine what makes you special and start searching for the good college scholarships to see the kinds of awards you could have for a chance to win.


Today’s guest post is from Matthew Zehr, Content Marketing Manager at! LendEDU is a marketplace for student loans and student loan refinance. LendEDU helps borrowers find the best terms and rates available with one application.

Degrees That Work: Planning for a Career, Not Just a Job


careerWouldn’t it be great to graduate from college with a career and not just a job? Students all over the country dream of graduating from college with a job. Penn College students graduate with a career.

During my time on campus I spoke with students from all career concentrations and the overwhelming response was, “This education is preparing me for a career, and for a career that I love.” That’s the key—students at Penn College don’t just earn a degree; they discover their true passion and learn the skills to pursue it.

There’s no better way to see the impact of this college than through the words of its students and the companies who employ them.

94% of graduates responding to a survey were employed, continuing their education, or serving in the military within one year of graduation.

“I will … not be left with what so many college graduates are left with … uncertainty about the future. All the degree programs at Penn College prepare students for having a job and take away the uncertainty.” — Matthew Stoltz, Physician Assistant

“My major was a mix of theory and lab … that’s why I came here (Penn College). The reward for completing this major is job security.” —Jorgette Grosso, Systems Application Engineer, Schneider Electric Co.

“In this field (Building Automation Technology), you can write your ticket before graduating … I couldn’t have picked a better place to go.” — Adam Yoder, Service Energy Analyst, Honeywell International

“Throughout each day I am faced with a very wide variety of troubleshooting issues. From networking and communication, to PLC programming, to component and other circuit issues, Penn College has prepared me for it all. I would not be as successful as I am today if I hadn’t made the decision to get my degree from Pennsylvania College of Technology.” –Francis “Dave” Nevill, Controls Engineer, First Quality Enterprises, Inc.

“The hands-on education from Penn College allowed me to hit the ground running from day one on the job. I was able to contribute to my company with the technical skills I’ve learned from college.”—Zachary Brook, Pennsy Corporation

“I attribute the hands-on, strong, and practical work ethic I received from Penn College as the building block to my accelerated career path.”—Sean Stabler, Business Development Engineer, Arkema, Inc.

“Industrial and technological change is inevitable and these changes require a deeper understanding of asset procurement, integration, and organizational-change management … take advantage of the diverse curriculum and extracurricular activities at Penn College to advance in industry, as well as in life.”—Robert Blauser, Manufacturing engineer leader, Harley-Davidson Motor Company

In 2013-14, more than 75 employers participated in on-campus recruiting information and interview sessions, 34 Fortune 500 companies recruited Penn College students and alumni, and 367 employers offering more than 5,200 jobs attended the Penn College Career Fairs.

“We are proud that we have added another Penn College graduate to our team.” — Roger Kipp, Vice President-Engineering, McClarin Plastics, Inc.

“Pennsylvania College of Technology has provided Synthes, USA with a valuable talent pool of manufacturing engineers, engineering technicians, and CNC machinists over the past eight years … In fact, our #1 source for manufacturing engineers over the past several years has been Penn College alumni.”—Mike Sticklin, SPHR, Human Resources Manager, Synths USA Brandywine Plant

Penn College is providing its students with more than a college education. It is preparing them for a career coupled with a unique college experience, a college with all the offerings of any four year university, and a faculty committed to giving their students a hands-on education.

Check out the other articles in the Degrees That Work series: Degrees That Work: One College’s Best Kept Secret; Degrees That Work: A Working World Within a College

Wednesday’s Parent: What is a Perfect Fit College?


perfect fit collegeWhat is a perfect fit college? When asked, “how do you determine if a college is the right fit?”, overlook all the emotional motives:

  • Your friends are going there
  • Your parents went there
  • You like the football team
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend has chosen it
  • You want to impress your friends by the name
  • You want to stay close to/or move far away from home

Once you remove those emotional motives, you can concentrate on six criteria that will help you determine whether or not the college is a “perfect fit”:

  1. A place you can afford.
  2. A place that provides the academic program that meets your needs.
  3. A place that provides the style of instruction that best fits your learning style.
  4. A place that provides a level of rigor and challenge equal to your ability.
  5. A place that feels like home.
  6. A place that values you for what you do well.

You will notice that #1 is about the financial fit. Before you even look at 2-6, you MUST be the “voice of financial reality”. This will save you much heartache in the future. In an article on University Parent’s blog: Reality, fit and substance—The ultimate college list, financial fit is key:

Before your student gets her heart set, get clear on what your family can afford. Take half an hour to work through the “net price calculator” available on most school websites, or use the FAFSA4caster to estimate federal student aid. These tools calculate your family’s financial need — essentially the difference between the college sticker price and what the formula says you are able to contribute.

Net price calculators don’t assess potential merit aid — institutional money set aside for students based on varying factors like GPA, standardized test scores, advanced courses, etc. Some institutions include merit calculators on their websites; many do not. To learn how specific schools determine merit aid, don’t hesitate to call the admissions office and ask.

With net price and merit aid estimates in hand, your student’s list can be more economically viable. If you and she have assumed that private scholarships and loans will fill gaps, the amounts you are supposing are now clearer, and that’s a good thing.

Once #1 is addressed, you should encourage your teen to “chew” on each of those remaining and think about what it is they want to get out of a college education. College is more than bricks and mortar and a place to get a diploma. It’s a place where the mind is challenged, social interaction abounds, friendships are formed and a place your college-bound teen will call home for at least four years of their life. That “perfect fit” will assure your teen is comfortable, challenged and ready to learn.

Read Wendy’s Post: The Prime Relationship Between College List and College Fit


Wednesday’s child may be full of woe but Wednesday’s Parent can substitute action for anxiety. Each Wednesday Wendy and I will provide parent tips to get and keep your student on the college track. It’s never too late or too early to start!

The bonus is on the fourth Wednesday of each month when Wendy and I will host Twitter chat #CampusChat at 9pm ET/6pm PT. This week’s guest will be Jessica Velasco (@Admissions411) discussing college fit.

Wednesday’s Parent will give twice the info and double the blog posts on critical parenting issues by clicking on the link at the end of the article from parentingforcollege to and vice versa.

Mom-approved Tips: 6 Ways To Prepare the Summer Before College


summer before collegeThe Disney Pixar movie Toy Story 3 offers an unexpected insight into the lives of parents with teens going off to college. As young Andy prepares to leave home, his toys try to deal with what his departure means to them. Just as the old saying goes, Andy realizes that it’s time to put away childish things.

That doesn’t mean you have to incinerate your child’s toys, but it is time to think of things in a new light. How can you help your own “Andy” transition into college life? Consider these six tips and you’ll be well on your way to help your college-bound teen prepare the summer before college.

1. Put them to work.

If your teen has not been working, now is the time to make sure they are given some kind of responsibility. Encourage them to get a job, an internship, or volunteer for the summer. This work will give your child confidence and a taste of the “real” world. Also, it allows them to meet other professionals in a work setting. Any job will do, but if it is something that ties at least loosely into a set of career goals, all the better.

2. Offer a crash course in Adulthood 101.

There are probably many things that you think your child knows that he or she simply does not. For one thing, encourage your son or daughter to do their own laundry all summer long. Also, teach them rudimentary accounting skills: how to balance a checkbook and make a budget (a job helps here, too). Depending on where they’re going to school, how to use public transportation might be something to work on; most freshman don’t have access to a car, and you won’t be there to drive your son or daughter around. Some basic cooking and grocery shopping skills should be included as well—one way to augment this is to have your teen cook for the family at least one night a week. You’ll still be surprised by the late night calls asking, “How do I make a doctor’s appointment?” or “What do I do if I’ve locked my keys in my car with the engine running?” But at least they’ll be prepared with the basics.

3. Take a look in a book.

To prepare for the amount of reading that will be necessary in college, get your child into the habit of reading as much as possible—reading every day on the bus to work would be grand! This is more about building study habits rather than worrying about specific material, however many colleges have books they would like freshman to have read before they start classes. These titles will be a great place to begin. If your child knows what classes he or she is taking, then gear the books toward these courses.

4. Teach time-keeping.

Encourage your child to maintain a schedule or planner by themselves. Show them how to keep track of work, social, and family events—they should refer to the schedule all summer and write down their comings and goings. It’s easy enough to do that on a computerized calendar or in a datebook.

5. Don’t let go quite yet.

Of course, your teen is going to want to spend the summer with friends, but you can still get your time in surreptitiously. Schedule a few family outings and meals at favorite restaurants. Fit in a vacation if possible—even a weekend or a Fourth of July outing can have real future value. P.S. Going to the store for college shopping doesn’t count as family fun.

6. Be true to their school.

Learn everything you possibly can about your son’s or daughter’s new school, and talk with them about opportunities. Go over the information on classes and extracurriculars. In particular, check if there are any “superstar” professors and encourage your child to take their classes. Also look for a history of achievement in any particular extracurricular, such as a winning debate team. It’s wonderful to work toward being part of a tradition of excellence.

Most importantly, be patient and keep lines of communication open. There’s no getting around it—it’s going to be rough emotionally, but you can help your child be prepared for everything that is to come. And isn’t that what parenting is all about?


About the Author

Ryan Hickey is the Managing Editor of Peterson’s & EssayEdge and is an expert in many aspects of college, graduate, and professional admissions. A graduate of Yale University, Ryan has worked in various admissions capacities for nearly a decade, including writing test-prep material for the SAT, AP exams, and TOEFL, editing essays and personal statements, and consulting directly with applicants.

Scholarship Friday: 3 Social Media Scholarship Strategies


social media scholarship strategiesYour teens live on social media (and you do too!) Why not parlay some of that recreational social media time into a productive scholarship search? These three social media scholarship strategies can add some scholarship dollars to your college fund!


Looking for scholarships? Why not use your Facebook time to your advantage. All you have to do is “like” some Facebook scholarship pages and watch the scholarship information fill your timeline.

Here are 10 Facebook pages that dispense regular scholarship information:


Pinterest is an excellent place to find scholarships. If you follow these boards, you could unearth some scholarships, get scholarship tips, and gather a wealth of scholarship information. If you aren’t on Pinterest, you should be. It’s easy to follow these scholarship boards—just click on the links and start gathering scholarships.


Twitter is a wealth of resources for parents of college-bound teens. Just about any question you have about college prep can be answered on Twitter. And if you’re looking for scholarships (and who isn’t) follow these Twitter scholarship accounts


Degrees That Work: A Working World Within a College


This week I continue my series on Degrees That Work—a look at Pennsylvania College of Technology. Take a visual walk with me across the campus and you will see there are labs; and then there are labs.

Anyone who has ever been to high school or college has done lab work related to a class. But as I mentioned previously, Penn College is no ordinary college. What does that mean? The labs on their campus are no ordinary labs. It’s one thing to add a lab to coursework days after the subject is studied. It’s another thing to use the lab for hands-on training and experience immediately after learning about it in the classroom.

Penn College has taken this concept and turned it into a well oiled, rock star training, job securing, life-altering education.

penn college constructionThese labs simulate the working world

It may be hard to visualize the scope of these on-campus labs, but imagine several mini-worlds all operating under one roof. You have a chef’s kitchen, fully equipped with students taught by professional chefs and a fully staffed restaurant serving their culinary creations. Across the campus you have a construction zone with miniature houses from foundation to roof, with plumbing, electrical, and trim work all being completed by the students. In another facility on campus you have welding cubicles where each student has the opportunity to practice his craft with real-world simulations on pipes and fittings. Walk down a long corridor and you find yourself in a full automotive diagnostic room and automotive bay with actual vehicles and students solving electrical and mechanical problems.

Off campus on separate facilities you can find an aviation hangar with every flying craft imaginable from a helicopter, to a small single engine plane, to a private jet, to a commercial airliner donated by FedEx. A short drive down the road there is a forestry department with actual logging facilities, greenhouses, and several working oil rigs used to train students for the oil industry.

penn college degrees that workThese labs teach students how to deal with real world problems and issues

Students are given hands-on experience dealing with and diagnosing problems as their education progresses. By providing students with actual problems, Penn College teaches them to master these problems and find solutions before they enter the workforce. The automotive training requires students disassemble and reassemble a complete engine, diagnosing any problems that might occur upon reassembly. The aviation training gives student actual simulation experiences with warning lights, faulty wires, and instrument malfunctions.

Have you ever wished that the student nurse trying to draw blood had actually practiced on a live human before you? Penn College solved this problem with their SIMM family. Students in their health science program get the opportunity to practice using this SIMM family. These simulations cover everything from live childbirth (I got to experience this!) to caring for the rest of the family. Instructors can simulate illnesses and emergency situations that might arise during a healthcare situation. This SIMM family is like no other in any education training program.

degrees that workThese labs prepare students to enter the workforce as fully trained employees

Once students graduate from Penn College they can hit the ground running. It’s not necessary for employers to train them on basic techniques or skills. They are familiar with equipment, tools, practices and techniques used to work at their chosen career immediately after graduation. Employers hire Penn College students because they know these students have been trained properly and are familiar with their products, services, and equipment.

penn college chefsThese labs spawn creativity, innovation, and confidence

Students from Penn College compete in competitions all across the country. They are challenged to search for ways to solve common problems and push the boundaries using the skills and techniques they learn in these labs. Manufacturing engineering technology students have spent the past year constructing, from scratch, a battery pack intended for lithium batteries and an electric car. Just recently, Penn College student chefs helped prepare the Kentucky Derby feast for 140,000 fans. Students are encouraged to move beyond the basic textbook knowledge and find ways to improve the working world with the skills and technology they receive from a Penn College education.

Watch this short video to see why students love the working world within Penn College:

If you missed the first article in the series, click here–>Degrees That Work: One College’s Best Kept Secret

Finding a Job: How to Help Your Student Be a Perfect Match

Teens go to great lengths to find and win the perfect match to share their personal lives, even during high school and onto college. Just as there are interpersonal relationships in social circles, you and your teen might not realize there are personality interactions in the workplace. Prospective employers are looking for the worker they deem to be the best fit for their company’s personality and aspirations. When your teen graduates from college and can show the hiring managers that he is the one they are seeking, the search will be over. To bring about this intended match, think of the future job hunt as a courtship and picture your student’s resume as the missive suitor.

finding a jobAnnounce Availability

Social networks afford wonderful opportunities to get the word out about your job search, even starting with internships. Join groups and link to professional associations that can share your capabilities in areas of interest that may be outside your geographic sphere. This broadens your scope and increases the chances of finding the right match for your skills. It also provides networking opportunities which will help later as your job search becomes more focused. Once you locate a desirable prospect, you can begin your courtship.

Get to Know Your Intended

When one person finds another to be of interest, all efforts are centered on discovering likes and dislikes and understanding important relationship parameters. In the same way, when looking for a job, the applicant needs to understand the specific desires of the prospective employer. As you begin to personalize your resume for the opening, read the job description carefully. Do extensive research on the company and learn its purpose and major accomplishments. Find out what its long-term goals are. The more you know, the better you will be able to match your skills with the company’s needs and pique the interest of the hiring staff.

Turn the Resume Into a Matchmaker

Armed with the information from your study, craft your resume to pair your skills and experience with the requirements listed for the position. Show your recent accomplishments that exhibit proof of desired qualifications shown in the advertisement for the opening, along with any internship experience. When completed, your resume should read like answers to the employer’s job search questions, so that once the hiring staff picks up your information, they need look no further.

Become Irresistible

In all your interactions with the company, whether by resume, cover letter, phone conversation, or face-to-face interview, pay careful attention to interpersonal relationships. You want to make an unforgettable, positive impression in every instance so that all the hiring staff will see the importance of bringing you into their workplace.

Clinch the Deal

Although a job search is no romantic courtship, the rules of human attraction work in much the same way. By approaching the hiring process as a quest for the ideal relationship, you can make your application more relevant to the needs of the workplace. Your expectations become more clearly defined through your efforts and your student’s future employer enjoys the benefits of having hired the perfect candidate for the job.

Wednesday’s Parent: Scoring FREE Pre-College Costs


pre-college costsEvery parent knows about tuition, room, board, books, and other college-related expenses once your student is accepted. But what about the costs prior to being accepted to college? How can your score some fee waivers, free advice, and free tutoring. Let’s face it—every little bit helps when you are saving for a college education and cutting these costs can put more in the college savings piggy bank!

Fee Waivers

With all the standardized tests, AP exams, and college application fees, those fees can add up. Not everyone qualifies for fee waivers, but it’s worth asking.

On top of those fee waivers, there are colleges that don’t require application fees:

America’s 25 Top Colleges With No Application Fees

348 Colleges with Free College Application Fees

Free Advice

If you have a computer or a smartphone, your resources are limitless. You can search on Facebook, browse Pinterest, and ask any question you might have on Twitter. You can also attend Twitter Chats to get free advice from the experts. You would be surprised how many are willing to offer their expert advice for free.

Here are a few resources that can help:

50 College Info Websites

50 More College Prep Websites

25 School Counselors to Follow on Twitter

25 School Counselors to Follow on Twitter

25 + 25 Twitter Accounts Every Parent Should Follow

25 + 25 Twitter Accounts Every Parent Should Follow

Why You Should Attend Twitter Chats

10 Facebook Pages Every Parent Should Like

How to Use Pinterest for College Prep

Free Tutoring

Most every student needs tutoring help at some point during high school. Complicated subjects like calculus, physics, chemistry and others can stump even the brightest students. Before you opt to pay for a tutor, check out the high school’s tutoring department, talk to a teacher or ask for students who are tutoring as part of their volunteer service.

You can also check out these smartphone resources to give your student some added help:

Writing and Research Apps

8 History Apps

10 Math Apps

10 Study Apps for Students

SAT Prep to Your Smartphone

For a list of pre-college costs and how they can save you money in the long run, read Wendy’s post:

7 Pre-College Costs That Can Lead to Big Savings Later


Wednesday’s child may be full of woe but Wednesday’s Parent can substitute action for anxiety. Each Wednesday Wendy and I will provide parent tips to get and keep your student on the college track. It’s never too late or too early to start!

The bonus is on the fourth Wednesday of each month when Wendy and I will host Twitter chat #CampusChat at 9pm ET/6pm PT. We will feature an expert on a topic of interest for parents of the college-bound.

Wednesday’s Parent will give twice the info and double the blog posts on critical parenting issues by clicking on the link at the end of the article from parentingforcollege to and vice versa.

Wednesday’s Parent: Parent vs Student Reasoning


parent vs student reasoningThe stress of the college admissions season weighs heavy on your college-bound teen. I read an old NY Times blog article that went inside the mind of a college-bound teen by asking them exactly what they were feeling and thinking. Students voiced their concerns related to college prep; but what would the parents say? What is the parent vs student reasoning?


Students may seem fearless at times, but as they approach the final months of high school fear sets in. One teen, Phoebe Lett, 16 talks about how she feels as a junior.

“I fear for my rapidly approaching senior year. Should I really spend nine hours a night on school work? As I rack up as many extracurriculars, community service hours and “beneficial relationships” (college-prep speak for impressive recommendations), I can’t help but think that it’s not good enough. Better grades, higher scores, more varsity letters, more leads in the play: have I been bulking up an application that perhaps doesn’t reflect who I am, but instead just represents what a college wants from me? That is my true fear.”

Parents, on the other hand, feel fear as well. They fear their student will experience rejection on so many levels. Along with this, they fear their student won’t make the right college choice and regret it later.


The pressure they feel is of paramount proportions. This pressure will be exhibited in all kinds of emotions from tears, to anger, to denial to frustration. Robin Karlin, 17 felt the pressure of failing.

“Around the application deadline you’re studying for finals, and it’s your senior year. You already have a lot of classes and you have to write essays and you’re already stressed out thinking “what if they don’t want me?’’ And you worry what if you don’t get into any school at all? I’m not from a big city. We have pretty good schools, but I think in a bigger city with more people you have more perspective on where you stand in the nation. I’m not really sure how good I am.”

Parents feel pressure as well—from other parents, from themselves and sometimes from the students as well. Other parents can make them feel inadequate. They feel pressure when it comes to the finances related to college. They also feel pressure from their student when they choose a college that is out of their financial reach.


If your student hasn’t experienced rejection, get ready. There’s a strong possibility some of the colleges they apply to won’t offer them admission. Sam Werner, 18, felt disappointment when the rejection letters started arriving.

“Everyone I had talked to, once they heard “perfect SAT,” they said, “You can get in anywhere.” That was the hardest part, having everyone tell me I would and then not getting in. It was a rough few days. The rejection letters and my parents both kept telling me it’s not a case of me not being good enough, but a case of too many qualified applicants. But it’s really hard not to feel like you got rejected….”

Parents feel the same rejection students feel when they aren’t offered admission—perhaps more. It’s hard to watch your student do their best, only to realize they didn’t achieve their goal (through no fault of their own).

Relieving some of the pressure

College admission is how students (and parents) define their success. Years down the road, you will see that some of those rejections probably sent you and your student into better directions. In the meantime, recognize your feelings and empathize with your student. You can both weather the college admissions storm together.

Read Wendy’s Post: How Parents and Students Can Be on the Same Page


Wednesday’s child may be full of woe but Wednesday’s Parent can substitute action for anxiety. Each Wednesday Wendy and I will provide parent tips to get and keep your student on the college track. It’s never too late or too early to start!

The bonus is on the fourth Wednesday of each month when Wendy and I will host Twitter chat #CampusChat at 9pm ET/6pm PT. We will feature an expert on a topic of interest for parents of the college-bound.

Wednesday’s Parent will give twice the info and double the blog posts on critical parenting issues by clicking on the link at the end of the article from parentingforcollege to and vice versa.

Helping parents navigate the college maze