What Do Colleges Look for in an Applicant?


The NACAC (National Association for College Admissions Counseling) surveyed their member four-year colleges and you might be interested to know what they found.

The responses indicated that the most important factors in admission decisions were grades and high school courses. According to their recent survey, 77 percent of colleges listed the student’s grades in college prep courses (AP and Honors) as considerably important. High school grades in all courses were considered important by 74 percent of colleges, and the strength of the high school curriculum by 64 percent of colleges surveyed.

Interestingly, the essay had considerable importance by only 19 percent of colleges, with demonstrated interest ranking important by 16 percent of colleges.

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Less is More When Applying to College

applying to college

There’s a theory among teens, and many parents, when applying to college: “The more colleges you apply to, the better your chances.” In theory, it makes sense, but there are other things to consider besides hedging your bets with numbers.

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Top Tips for Educating Your Child

educating your child

It’s always important to find ways of educating your child outside of the classroom. Why? Well, there are often some things that aren’t covered in the classroom and it’s also a case that when your child is one of many in a classroom, they might not always get that 1-2-1 attention you feel they deserve.

That’s why it’s useful to do what you can as a parent to provide them with as many opportunities for educational resources as possible. 

Here are some top tips to educate your children at home in 2023.

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The Transition from High School to College


As your student makes the transition from high school to college, he enters a very different world. This is a world of freedom, but also responsibility. For the parents, it’s often the reality of an empty nest and the realization that their student is taking a huge step toward adulthood. This transition period offers its own set of challenges for parents, students and their families.

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Drink Cover Can Save Your Student’s Life

When I come across a product that helps parents and students, I’m happy to highlight it here on my blog, especially if it pertains to student safety. This drink cover, NightCap, is a must-have for any student.

drink cover

Shirah Benarde might be only 20 years old, but she has already helped keep over half a million people safe from drink spiking with her viral company NightCap. NightCap is a revolutionary brand that was featured on Shark Tank in 2021, resulting in a passionate partnership with the queen of QVC herself, Lori Greiner.

Shirah launched NightCap when she was just 16, after a close friend had her drink spiked during a night out, and worked tirelessly to ensure the product would be something her customers would feel comfortable bringing along on a night out with friends.

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College Administrators Weigh In on Admissions

college administrators

As the parent of a college-bound teen, you want to know what college administrators think about admissions practices. Knowledge is power and you can use it as your student begins to apply to colleges. If you know what the colleges are focusing on and what administrators consider important, your student will have useful information as they apply.

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6 Financial Aid Mistakes

financial aid mistakes

Financial aid is on the minds of every soon-to-be college student and their families. Will you qualify? How much will you receive? How do you apply? How do the colleges disperse the aid? No matter where you are in the college application process, you should avoid these six financial aid mistakes that could cost you thousands.

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Back to School: College Prep Checklist for Seniors

college prep checklist

Getting a head start on college prep can make the fall and spring less stressful for parents and students. Seniors will need to be prepared for the overwhelming amount of college admissions activities once school begins. Tackling (or preparing) for those college related tasks now can help ease some of the pressure in the fall. Get ahead of the game and prepare in advance; be ready for your student’s senior year to begin with this college prep checklist.

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Parent Survival Guide for Cross-Country College Moves


Once your child decides they want to move cross-country for college, a mix of emotions arise: pride, dread, excitement – perhaps even the urge for something strong like coffee (or maybe stronger!). Don’t fret though; we are here to help guide this new chapter with ease and possibly even bring smiles or laughter along the way!

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Back to School: 9 Tips for Managing Your Finances


With consumer finances facing further turbulence following the announcement of the August resumption of U.S. student loan repayment, young Americans are bracing themselves for a financial squeeze in advance of the holidays.

With evidence that shoppers are already showing caution – the savings experts at SimplyCodes have put together some practical money advice for young consumers on how to navigate an increasingly compressed disposable income and how to better manage student loan repayments being back on the list of monthly expenses.

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Helping parents navigate the college maze