Tag Archives: 2014

The Best and Worst College Stories of 2014

What are the best and worst college stories of 2014? Do you have a favorite? What about 2014 blew you away? What’s your favorite tweet of the year?

best and worst college stories of 2014If you’re home tonight, (or out and want to schedule tweets), #CampusChat is hosting a New Years Eve chat for a walk down memory lane.

Join @collegevisit for an open mic night asking the following questions:

21:05 Q1 What was the best college story/headline of 2014?
21:10 Q2 What was the worst college story/headline of 2014?
21:15 Q3 What was the biggest change in college education in 2014?
21:25 Q4 Did college become more, or less, affordable in 2014?
21:30 Q5 What should be on parent’s radar when sending their kids to college in 2015?
21:35 Q6 What was your favorite tweet of 2014?
21:40 Q7 What do you predict will impact college education the most in 2015?
21:45 Q8 What’s the best advice you have for college-bound teens for 2015?
21:50 Q9 What resolutions do you wish colleges would make in 2015?

It’s going to be a party! Complete with virtual champagne, lots of laughs, and time spent with all our #CampusChat friends.

Tonight at 9PM ET using hashtag #CampusChat; follow @collegevisit.

See you there!

P.S. If you can’t make it, look for the recap!