Tag Archives: adobe imagination challenge

Do you need $10,000 for college?

Do you have a creative student? Writer, photographer, graphic artist, filmmaker, print designer, architect? Here’s their chance to enter a contest that could net them $10,000 for college. All they have to do is enter–how simple is that!


Adobe is looking for examples of unique self-expression, individualism and creativity using their Adobe Creative Suite 5.5. Your student can download a FREE trial and create anything using the Suite and upload it to their Imagination Gallery.

Entries are being accepted NOW!

Adobe will be awarding a $10,000 prize from the finalists of four entry periods. Entry Period 4 has already begun and it’s not too late to submit an entry. You don’t have to enter the contest to win the daily prize. Then, once the finalists are chosen, you will get a chance to have people vote on your submission. Tap your Facebook friends, your Twitter followers, your Google+ circles, your family and friends.

The deadline to enter this final period is October 15th.

While you’re there, vote for the current finalists and give someone a chance to win!

While you’re at it, check out the REAL OR FAKE app that gives you a chance to decide whether or not the photo is “real or fake”. It’s pretty darn cool!

Imagine snagging a $10,000 prize for college…just by your student expressing their creativity using Adobe Creative Suite 5.5. 

Snag a $10,000 Prize from Adobe

How does your student use their imagination?

      How do they say what they love, what they do, who they are?

              How do they express themselves?


Adobe is looking for examples of unique self-expression, individualism and creativity using their Adobe Creative Suite 5.5. Your student can download a FREE trial and create anything using the Suite and upload it to their Imagination Gallery.

Their imagination might include:

  • A belief
  • An illustration
  • A poem
  • A composite photo
  • A poster
  • An engineering plan
  • A slogan
  • A house design
  • A video
  • A greenspace plan
  • A short story
  • A cartoon
  • A dream

The possibilities are endless!

Adobe will be awarding a $10,000 prize during three separate entry periods AND a daily $50 winner each day throughout the contest period. You don’t have to enter the contest to win the daily prize.

Entries are being accepted starting TODAY!

Imagine snagging a $10,000 prize for college…just by your student expressing their creativity using Adobe Creative Suite 5.5.