Tag Archives: back to school bundle

Everything Changes When Your Child Turns 18

child turns 18
Image by Mahmud Shoeb from Pixabay

The transition from childhood to adulthood happens at the stroke of midnight on your child’s 18th birthday. They may not know how to boil water and they still bowl with bumpers, but in the eyes of the government, they are a full-fledged grown-up with all of the rights, privileges, responsibilities, and consequences for their actions that you have. Everything changes when your child turns 18.


Fortunately, there is a solution to help you and your child navigate this transition. 

I have been telling you all about the Back to School Bundle, which is chock full of resources and solutions for parents of teens and college students. If you haven’t checked it out, you might be missing out. Not only will you get some great parent products at a very low price, but you will also be automatically entered in a giveaway!

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Don’t Miss this Back to School Bundle

back to school

It’s that time of year again–back to school is quickly approaching. Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering how you will ever schedule, organize and take care of all the tasks that loom ahead during the next school year?

Next Phase Parenting has got you covered with their Back to School Bundle. It’s a bundle of 19 products worth over $500 with a 90% discount: Just $57!

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Back to School Bundle Sale

back to school

Ah Back to School…. 

It’s a million degrees outside and the aisles at the store are crowded and bare of the exact supplies your student needs to start the year.

You want to set you and  your student up for the best possible school year, but are finding overwhelm at every turn. They are sold out of the twin XL dorm sheets your daughter had her heart set on. Your son wants to visit every college on the west coast and the east coast and all the ones in the middle as well. You found out you were supposed to keep your “Band Mom” t-shirt from last year, but you painted your fence in it and now….

Or maybe you are taking your baby to college and are wishing with all your might you could wear that ratty “Band Mom” t-shirt in the concession stand just one more time.

Feeling your frenzy (because we’ve all been there), I jumped at the chance to contribute my Parenting for College Crash Course eBook to help you set your student up for college to the BACK TO SCHOOL BUNDLE.

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