Tag Archives: carpe college

Carpe College! A Review and a Giveaway


Review and Book Giveaway: Carpe College!It is graduation time and every parent and relative are looking for gifts for graduates. I know, I know. No teenager likes to receive a book for graduation. But, if you’re smart, you can stuff it in a backpack, add it to a duffle bag or stick it in a laptop case or messenger bag. However you choose to gift it, you MUST get them a copy of this book: Carpe College!

It’s not just a gift, it’s an investment in the graduate’s future. And when I say that, I mean this is the BEST book for soon-to-be college students. They may not read it right away, but I guarantee there will be some point in the first few months of college that they will pick it up. Because this book is more than just a book—it’s a guidebook to making the most of a college education. It’s a book written for college students in a language they can understand.

I don’t write in-depth reviews because most of us have little time to read those. What I do like to do is tell you what I liked about the book and what stood out to me. That way, you can easily see its value over other graduation gift books. I mean, “Oh the Places You’ll Go” is great but it’s going to sit on a shelf after they read it once. This book won’t. They will use it as a reference book over the next four years when they feel like they are spinning their wheels, or are frustrated with the major they have chosen, or they can’t seem to fit in, or they have a horrific roommate that is driving them crazy. That’s right, this book covers these topics and so much more!

What I like about Carpe College!

Here it is. A simple list of why I like this book so much:

  • It’s easy to read. So many books go on for page after page discussing one topic.
  • It’s broken up into sections, which makes it easier to find what you are looking for.
  • It’s filled with quotes for inspiration. Who doesn’t like quotes?
  • The section and chapter headings cracked me up: Swinging from the Trapeze at the Country Club, Tempus Fugit (More Latin! You’re Killing Me, Smalls!), The Famous Formula (aka Smells Like Teen Freedom to name a few.
  • It addresses every aspect of college life in a way that students can relate to.
  • The illustrations are cute. Who doesn’t like illustrations?
  • There’s an appendix filled with charts, and planners, and advice from students who have “been there and done that.”
  • The information in it is relevant to today’s college student.

All kidding aside . . . if you just get one book for your graduate, I would recommend this book. And before you pass it along (or after) read it yourself. Or better yet, get your own copy!


If you like what you read and think you might like a copy for your graduate (or another graduate you know) I’ve got good news for you. I’m giving a copy away here on my blog. That’s right—FREE. Your very own copy of Carpe College! by Mike Metzler: a great book by an even greater parent.

All you have to do is follow the directions in the giveaway below. Enter as many times as you want every day. Pass the URL along to your family and friends. And it the end of the giveaway we will draw a winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway