Tag Archives: cloud storage for students

Cloud storage for your student

shutterstock_97246499January is the month to start those college preparations for your seniors who are looking towards college in the fall. While you are waiting for those all-important college acceptance notifications, you can use the time to make some early preparations. Part of the college preparation process involves technology: laptops, iPads, smartphones, and cloud storage.

We all hear how technology is changing the very nature of how we do business. New devices and applications are making file transfer and communication more efficient at a very rapid pace. Business environments are relying more and more on digitized methods, so much so that many are even prioritizing Internet security through companies like Share File. But what we don’t hear as much about, is how technological developments can benefit people outside of the world of business, and primarily, students.

Of course, to some extent the benefits of technology for students are clear – every student can make use of a laptop, tablet, smart phone, etc. However, there are some newer developments that you may be very interested in exploring as a parent. For example, consider cloud storage systems, which have been implemented on a broad basis and can make your student’s life easier, and his or her work more secure.

These days, an enormous percentage of work in college environments is done electronically. Simply put, it is quicker to type a paper and save it on a computer than to write one and file it away physically. But, this same convenience also exposes students’ work to a number of potential vulnerabilities. Here are a few that just about every student has experienced at one time or another:

    • Loss – If a student saves a paper on an external hard drive, a USB drive, or even a computer itself, and then loses that object, the paper is simply gone. Professors are often somewhat intolerant of these sorts of issues, and lost content is usually beyond recovery, which means this can be a disastrous problem on multiple levels.
    • Damage – Similarly, if any electronic system on which a student has saved data, a paper, notes, etc. were to be damaged, that content may simply be inaccessible. This can be a major setback in your student’s studies.
    • Malfunction – Finally, the devices on which students traditionally save their work can also be prone to random malfunctions. If a student’s computer freezes just before he or she planned on printing out or sending a paper, there is serious risk that the assignment will end up being late!

For most students, these problems are uncommon. However, the do occur, at some point, for just about everyone, and the consequences can be extremely unfortunate. Cloud storage technology, however, solves each of the potential problems listed previously, by providing students with an external, digital storage source that can be accessed from just about anywhere.

With a cloud storage system, students can save notes, papers, research, and other files to their cloud, and then access it from a variety of devices – laptops, smart phones, school desktops, etc. This means that if a single device fails, the student’s files are still safe and accessible via the cloud. And, given the increasing use of technology in school work, this is extremely valuable to the modern student.


Today’s guest post contribution was from Jason Saunders, a blogger and freelance writer. He contributes to a number of sites on topics relating to technology and its impact on the world of business.