Tag Archives: college costs

Application Tips for Low-Income Families



Families and students with low-income backgrounds often find going to college a looming task. They don’t know where to start or how to push past the initial idea of college. I’ve compiled some tips & resources that we regularly use with our students to help make the trip to college more affordable. So, let’s just hop into it then!

One of the most expensive parts of applying that we come across first are the application fees. Oh my gosh the fees. Some college applications are free while others can cost upwards of $100. And those are state schools I’m talking about, not Ivy-leagues. So, how do you get around them?

      • Counselors and Advisors.
        Check in with your student’s school. Many schools have college advisors or counselors that have contacts at the schools your student might be considering.
      • ACT Fee Waivers.
        ACT has this nifty little program where they will waive the registration fee for 2 tests if a student qualifies for free or reduced lunch and meets the other qualifications listed on this website. Some states have specific requirements as well for how to utilize these waivers so, I suggest doing a little more research to make sure you qualify.
      • Application Fee Waivers. These are some of the most useful pieces of paper you can come across.
        • Most colleges have their own fee waiver processes they have specifically for low-income applicants. Most of the time you have to provide proof that your student was able to utilize an ACT Fee waiver to take their ACT. (See above for information on this.)
        • The National Association for College Admission Counseling has a fee waiver as well that you can use once the school counselor has signed off on it.
      • Ask.
        If all else fails, call the college admissions office and ask if they provide any assistance. They are used to this question and it will not phase them a bit. If they respond with “I don’t know.” ask to speak to the recruiter for your area. They typically have a little more information available.

    Another expensive part that we don’t often think of is postage. In our district we will mail the applications, supporting documents, and correspondence between the student and the college for them. I would definitely see if your student’s school has this service provided. If this isn’t available to your students, contact the college they are applying to and see if they will accept materials via email or fax.

    Try to save money on your college visits. If you have a student that is interested in 5 or 6 different colleges, it can get expensive to visit them. We always recommend that students visit a college before making a final decision. To help students who can’t afford to visit, some colleges have fly-ins or diversity programs that allow students to learn about a school while staying on campus for a short visit. These programs for high school seniors usually cover part or all of students’ travel costs. There typically aren’t many spots open so, apply early and follow up often.

    The last and most important tip is to complete the FAFSA. I cannot stress this enough. It could be the difference between having school paid for and having to come up with everything out of pocket. In order to complete the FAFSA, you’ll have to create a FSA ID for yourself and your student. Do not lose this. You have to have the same ID every year and if you have other children, you will need it for them when they go to college as well. After completing your FSA ID, make sure your tax information from last year is available and filed. If you didn’t file, you still have to complete the FAFSA. You will go to https://fafsa.ed.gov and complete the form. If you have trouble, your student’s counselor may be able to help.

    I really hope these tips are helpful. There are other sneaky ways to save up for college but, these are the big four that we use regularly. Prepare. Be organized. And  remember that you are working towards a better future for your student.


    Today’s guest post is from Beth Thompson, who currently works at a public school as a college advisor in the Arkansas Delta. Before starting this adventure, she worked in various university career services offices assisting students with their pursuit of a career applicable to their field of study. She is experienced in rural as well as urban job markets and has a deep love for the Arkansas Delta. She has a great, supportive family and two apathetic but cuddly cats. Feel free to visit her at FromApptoCap.


Preparing for the High Cost of College


high cost of college

It’s no secret that college is expensive, and most parents will spend their working lives post-children saving for it. Unfortunately, there are no fixed costs when it comes to college, and fees and other expenses can rise and fall in line with the economy. Knowing what to expect when it comes to college expenses will help you and your child be prepared for the high cost of college, as well as be able to budget.

The rising cost of college

The cost of college has risen in recent years, and the same applies to universities all over the world. If you Google ‘the cost of college,’ you could be in for a bit of a shock. According to Forbes, going to an elite college could cost as much as $334,000 ($68,000 a year) by 2018, with four years at a public college costing up to $28,000 a year and private colleges $59,000 a year. While college has always been expensive, you might not have been expecting costs to be this high.


Some college fees will include the cost of housing and meals that make it easier for you to work out how much you’ll be paying for the basics. On average, you could expect to pay between $8,000 and $11,000 a year for this – depending on whether you go to a public or private college. If you choose a meal plan, this means you won’t have to worry about how your child will eat for the next four years when you say goodbye and can feel happy knowing that this has already been covered.

Housing costs, of course, can vary, and if your child is paying these costs themselves, they may not necessarily want to live on campus. Off-campus housing can often be cheaper, as there is a wider choice of properties available that they could share with friends and fellow students during their time.


Books are another cost that can be unexpected when your kid goes to college. Book costs will vary depending on what they choose to study, but the average is around $1,200 and up to $200 a book. This is of course if you buy all of the books brand new, which is unnecessary in most cases.Many textbooks can be accessed online, and most college libraries will carry the books you need if you can get your hands on them.


Computers and other equipment are other costs you’ll want to factor in when working out the total cost of college. While it’s likely your child already has a laptop, it may be due for an upgrade by the time they leave for college. A laptop should last the four years of college, although it might be wise to invest in some insurance as well in case of theft or accidental damage. Another idea is to lease a laptop as a way to save money and to get an upgrade after two years without spending much more than it would have cost to buy the computer outright.

Entertainment and other expenses

Entertainment is another cost that will need to be factored in and might be where you draw the line at what you’re willing to pay for as parents. There are many hidden costs of going to college, including laundry and nights out. For these expenses, your child may need to consider a part-time job, or you could set them a monthly budget for these costs. This is the part that will teach them the most about managing their own money, and if they want to enjoy a more active college lifestyle than you are willing to provide – they will need to think about how they’re going to cover those costs.

Financing college

There are many ways you can finance college. While many colleges will offer a scholarship with their acceptance, you need to be prepared for the possibility that they may not. You can find ways to fund college without a scholarship and might want to consider grants, loans and payment plans to cover it.

For many parents, funding college will come out of your income. This will mean certain sacrifices while your child is at college such as vacations, a new car or home improvements. If things get tight, you might need to seek options for a larger payday from time to time. It might be a tough four years, but it will be worth it when your child earns their college degree.

Going to college is a huge achievement for your child, and for you as parents. The cost can be worrying, but there are other parents in your situation who have survived and made it through. Once you’ve worked out how to pay for college, you can look forward to this special time in your child’s life knowing that you’ve been able to help them on their way.

A Parent’s Guide to Controlling College Costs


controlling college costs

This past week, regular decisions began rolling out from colleges and universities around the country. With them, financial aid packages. With both those important decisions, parents are beginning to look ahead to the fall and how they will pay for this expensive education.

In addition to tuition, room and board, there will be travel expenses, clothing, dorm supplies, textbooks and entertainment. Each year, these expenses will increase. How can parents put a vice grip on their wallets by controlling college costs apart from all the incidental expenses?

Four tactics

I gave my best advice to Collegiate Parent recently in the form of four simple tactics:

  1. Take advantage of scholarships.
  2. Apply for financial aid.
  3. Borrow wisely.
  4. Graduate on time.

To find out just exactly how these tactics work, read the article. But these four tactics alone can save you thousands of dollars over the next four years of college.

Other savings tips

In addition to saving money on basic college costs, parents can save even more on tuition, room and board and incidentals by taking advantage of these five cost-saving tactics:

  • Get credit for AP or IB courses in high school
  • Become an RA after freshman year
  • Use the bare minimum student meal plan
  • Take advantage of student discounts
  • Rent, buy used, or exchange textbooks
  • Spread out your tuition payments

Get creative. Save on dorm accessories by sharing with roommates. Book hotels and travel in advance of parent’s weekend before the rates skyrocket. Teach your student to budget wisely before leaving for college. Encourage your student to work part-time during college to contribute to the college expenses. Studies show that students who work manage their time wisely and study more.

Every little bit helps when it comes to paying for college. By using these simple cost-cutting techniques, you can protect your savings and help your student control costs.


5 Ways To Get Your College Student Home on the Cheap


college studentOver 3 million college students will attend universities outside of their home state this year. With the yearly costs of a private or out-of-state education starting at $24,000, any added expenses beyond room and board, books and tuition can be a real burden. Yet, not having your kids home for the holidays is unimaginable for many parents, so they find a way to make it happen.

For those already thinking about how to get back home “from” school, here are five tips to help your college student get home on the cheap:

  • Rack up miles and earn free flights. While fares during peak season can cost hundreds, earning free flights is easier, and simpler, than many think. RewardExpert helps travelers create easy-to-follow strategies by developing customized earning plans and maximizing frequent flyer rewards. The service makes it easy to earn free tickets in just a few months, making now the perfect time to enroll.
  • Carpool with someone headed the same direction.  College Carpool is amongst a handful off services that allow students to connect with others driving the same direction through private pages for each college. Through forums, students can find available rides, or proactively request one.
  • Enroll in a car share. Many traditional rental car services have restrictions for those under 25, however ride car services like Zipcar andEnterprise CarShare are available to university students. Monthly fees are low, and once registered, students can reserve a car whenever they need one.
  • Hop on the bus… Sure, the bus might not be the most glamorous option, but Bolt Bus, Megabus and Greyhound are cheap options with surprising amenities. Most have free wifi, power outlets and even reclining seats. Smaller-scale regional buses also offer student discounts, such as Short Line.
  • … Or the train. Taking the train home is another great option, withAmtrak providing service from 500 destinations in 46 states. The company offers a 15% student discount, along with the opportunity to earn points towards free travel.

No matter how far away or son or daughter may be, there are some creative ways to get them home without breaking the bank.

Paying for College: The Best Strategy


paying for college

Last night I spoke with a relative whose son just had a baby. The parents were already developing a strategy for paying for college. When she told me they were planning to enter their child in beauty pageants to foot the bill, I had to interject. I told her this was certainly going to cost the parents money and  the rewards would probably not be worth the effort. Then I told her the best strategy to pay for college: good grades.

According to an NACAC survey, colleges rank the grades in college prep courses, the strength of curriculum, and grades in all courses as the top factors in the admissions decision. But here’s the added bonus, those grades can also net a student huge rewards in financial aid. Many colleges will award automatic full-ride scholarships to students with high GPAs and class rank.

Instead of placing all your college money “eggs in one basket”, in addition to saving, use these three strategies to create a plan that will pay the college tuition bill:

Focus on academics

The tone is set freshman year. Make it a goal to choose the pre-college courses (AP and Honors) and get the best grades possible in these courses. If your student does poorly freshman year, it makes it difficult to catch up later. All throughout high school, your student should place high value on academic progress: commit to study, prepare for class and tests, seek help when needed, and put academics before any other activity.

Apply for outside scholarships

Start applying for scholarships as early as possible. Waiting until senior year is a poor decision. There are scholarships available for all ages. It should be your student’s “job” during high school to search and apply for scholarships. An hour a day can produce huge rewards and start racking up funds each year to make a huge dent in the tuition bill.

Chose the colleges with the best financial aid footprint

What does this mean? Look for colleges with a high percentage of financial aid. Every college reports the statistics related to their financial aid profile. These statistics can tell you how generous they are with their scholarships and grants and also the percentage of students who receive help with their tuition.

The best resource available for these statistics is College Navigator. You can enter the name of the college, or search using criteria such as location, size, and degree plans. Once you’ve pulled up the data, you can use it to compare colleges.

If you use these three “paying for college” strategies, no matter where you are in the process, your student should be able to graduate from college with little or no debt. Additionally, you should be able to pay for college without borrowing or dipping into your retirement (which I never recommend).

10 Tips to Help Cut College Costs


cut college costs

During these tough economic times, everyone is finding ways to cut costs. Pinching pennies and forgoing that latte can add up, but what about paying less for those college expenses: tuition, room and board, books, and meals. Until our economy picks up and catches up with the rising cost of tuition, parents and students need to find creative ways to cut college costs. These ten tips might help you keep a little more money in your pocket and graduate with little or no debt.

1.Consider private college

Some people believe that if you forgo the high-priced private universities, you can save some bucks. But is that really the case? The simple truth is that many private colleges give great financial aid in the form of grants and scholarships. They can do this because of their generous alumni who reinvest in their alma maters. Many times, you could end up paying less at an expensive private university than you would at a local state college.

2. Choose EA or regular decision

If you apply early decision, letting colleges know that they are your first choice college, you lose your bargaining power. That bargaining power can mean huge dividends when it comes to financial aid. If your teen is accepted to several colleges and each offers them some grants and/or scholarships, you can use those offers to negotiate more aid with the college of your choice. Early decision robs you of that negotiation.

3. Take Dual Credit and/or AP Classes

If you take dual credit classes during high school, you can get college credit at the same time you receive high school credit. In many cases, you can get enough credit to enter college as a sophomore. Additionally, if you take AP classes, be sure to take the AP tests which many colleges count as credit if you test well. By choosing either option, you can save on the cost of tuition. For more information on how this works, you can order or download a free copy of the National Center for Education Statistics’ publication: Dual Credit and Exam Based Courses.

4. Work during college

Studies show that working during college helps you with time management and organization. If you work while you’re in college you can use that money for textbooks, living expenses, and even put some it toward tuition expense. It makes better sense to work than borrow and pile up your student loan debt.

5. Don’t buy new textbooks

With all the websites offering textbook options, think before you plunk down top dollar for those new textbooks. Consider buying used, renting, or even downloading e-textbooks. All these options will save you hundreds of dollars every semester. Barnes and Noble has made this easy by providing a link where you can search for new, used, rentals and e-textbooks all in one location.

6. Live at home or become an RA (Resident Assistant)

Room and board can be a huge portion of your college expense. One option is to live at home if the college is within driving distance. If you aren’t interested in living at home, here’s another option: apply to become an RA (Resident Assistant). Some colleges allow RA’s to live rent free (which means a huge cost saving on room and board). Others give substantial discounts.

7. Use your student ID card for discounts

That student ID is useful for more than just getting into your college dorm. Use it everywhere for substantial discounts at restaurants, on clothing, on books and even groceries. Ask local businesses if they honor the student ID if you don’t see a sign at the cash register or drive-thru.

8. Consider community college

Community college is considerably cheaper and can offer you an opportunity to get some of your core subjects out of the way. The difference between $3000 for a college credit at a university and $300 a credit at a community college can add up to substantial savings. Don’t forget to check with your college first and make sure they will accept credits from the community college.

9. Take a look at your meal plan

Most students don’t need the full meal plan (3 meals a day). If you knock your meal plan down to the minimal one meal a day you can save thousands of dollars per semester. Most college students roll out of bed in the morning, grab a red bull or coffee, snack during the day and often order out late at night. Why pay for three meals a day when you don’t eat them?

10.Graduate in three years

Imagine the money you can save if you graduate in three years instead of the 4-6 years required by most college students. How is that done? First, if you were wise and took those dual credit or AP classes it’s possible to chalk up 12-15 credit hours before you ever set foot on campus. For some excellent tips on why and how to graduate in three years, check out this amazing post by a guy who advises parents on how to pay less for college: How to Graduate in 3 Years! The economy has forced all of us to tighten those belts and eliminate wasteful spending. These 10 tips can potentially save you hundreds and even thousands of dollars on college costs.

Payscale’s 2015 College Salary Report


salary reportWith college costs rising, along with student debt, it’s more important than ever for parents and students to look carefully at college ROI (return on investment) when creating the college list. Payscale recognizes the importance of choosing a college major that will be a good return on investment and has released their 2015 College Salary Report.

Following are just a few of the categories covered in the data:

Majors That Pay You Back (Associate and Bachelor’s Degrees)

When somebody tells you they are headed to a college or university, whether it’s for an associate degree, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, MBA or PhD, the first question out of everybody’s mouth is “Where are you going to school?” In reality though, the choice of major can have a much bigger impact on your future earnings than the school you attend. PayScale ranks the top college majors by salary to help you figure out how much you can earn after graduation.

Most Recommended Majors (by alumni)

What makes graduates recommend their major to students trying to pick a major today? One look at this list of most recommended majors shows us that the majors that people rave about are the ones that allow them to easily find a job in their intended field. It’s not necessarily how much money a person makes, but the likelihood that they can find work doing what they want to do.

Best schools for particular majors (by earning potential)

Choosing a college and deciding to get a degree are big decisions, so do your homework and choose the degree and school that will set you up for the career of your dreams. PayScale’s 2015 College Salary Report ranks undergraduate and 2-year colleges by the highest earning graduates.

Common jobs for particular majors

Choosing a college and deciding to get a degree are big decisions, so do your homework and choose the degree and school that will set you up for the career of your dreams. PayScale’s 2015 College Salary Report ranks undergraduate and 2-year colleges by the highest earning graduates.

College Comparison Tool (compare up to 5 colleges side by side)

Trying to decide which college or university to attend? PayScale has alumni salary data about more than 1,000 schools. Select up to five schools and see how they compare based on earning potential and more.

Most Meaningful Majors

When it comes to choosing a career and picking a college major that will help you achieve your goals, money isn’t everything. Job meaning counts for a lot too. That’s why PayScale asks everybody who takes our survey if they feel like their job makes the world a better place. This list ranks 207 college majors by the percentage of graduates in each major who answer that question with a resounding “yes.”

Here’s an article published in Money Magazine, “Choosing a College Major by Age 16 Pays Off”, proposing that students should think about choosing a major early to avoid spending more for the college education than necessary.

A college choices isn’t all about the money, but it should certainly factor into such a large financial investment. Parents and students should do their homework, just as they would if purchasing any other big ticket item.

How to Get In-State Tuition if You Live Out of State


in state tuitionIs your child considering a school that is out-of-state? More than likely, you want to give them the ability to attend any of the schools that they are considering. However, this is difficult when in-state colleges carry far less expensive tuition fees. We’ve compiled some tips for getting in-state tuition for out-of-state students to help families solve this cost dilemma.

1. Plan ahead

The more time you give yourself to plan, the more opportunities you will have to obtain tuition benefits. It pays to research, as many of your savings options can last through all four years of college. Also, it is important to apply to many of these benefits early, giving you preference over other applicants.

2. Understand the college’s rules

Some schools have stricter in-state tuition qualification requirements than others. It is important to research the rules for each school that your child may be considering. Some colleges require students to have graduated high school in the state or have a parent living in the state. Others allow in-state residency for students that live in the state for one year and are financially independent from their parents. It completely depends on each school. Check out Finaid.org for a list of links to each school’s rules regarding in-state residency requirements.

3. Fill out forms carefully

Make sure you completely understand the rules for each school so that you do not make any mistakes or omit any information when filing for residency. Be cautious when filling out forms and be sure to look them over before submitting them. If you have any questions, be sure to utilize the college’s admissions offices by giving them a call. As a result, you can be sure to submit the correct information.

4. Avoid penalties

Try to avoid the negative consequences of making a mistake. The penalties assessed to students for inaccurate in-state residency range from expulsion from school to being charged for past tuition at an out-of-state price.

5. Research academic reciprocation agreements

There are currently four regional programs that help students obtain lower out-of-state costs compared to the full out-of-state tuition. These programs are made available to students interested in specific majors. Students must qualify and there is usually a cap on how many students can receive this benefit from each college.

The Western Undergraduate Exchange helps resident of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming gain access to out-of-state schools. Students from one of these states are eligible to receive a reduced tuition rate of 150% of in-state costs at a school outside their home state. This includes two and four-year institutions. Again, this depends on how many spaces are available for WUE students at each school.

Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia all participate in The Academic Common Market. This program offers tuition savings to students if an institution in their home state does not offer them the program that they are looking to study.

The Midwest Student Exchange Program offers students in Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, or Wisconsin a similar benefit.

The New England Board of Higher Education offers a tuition break program referred to as the New England Regional Student Program. This allows students that are permanent residents in the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont to receive tuition aid. With this program, students may qualify if the out-of-state college they would like to attend is closer to home than an in-state college that offers the same academic program.

6. Hire an expert

In-State Angels helps students and families navigate the often confusing process of establishing residency in a different state. Avoid the risk of going at this by yourself and employ an Angel to help. ISA helps students gain residency in the fastest and most legal way possible, saving families like yours tens of thousands of dollars.

These tips can help you and your student by opening up as many college options as possible, even those you originally thought to be too expensive. Like we’ve been saying, it pays to do your research, so get searching and start saving!


About the Author – Jake Wells founded In-State Angels in 2009 after graduating from the University of Colorado-Boulder with more debt than seemed reasonable. He is on a mission to prevent others from suffering a similar fate, and now advises students on how to get in-state tuition in the fastest way legally possible.


10 Ways to attend college for free (or almost free)


attend college for freeAs students begin applying to colleges, and juniors begin narrowing down their college choices, consider that there are many options available that allow your student to attend college for free (or almost free), excluding expenses like books, fees, and possibly room and board. But free tuition is nothing to scoff at. Many of these colleges cost upwards of $100,000 for four years.

Here are 10 ways your student might be able to attend college for free;

1. Get good grades and score well on the SAT

Many colleges offer free rides to valedictorians, top 10 percent, and other academic distinctions. High SAT scores help as well—where many colleges offer merit-based free tuition.

Students at Macaulay Honors College, part of the City University of New York system, don’t stress about the high price of tuition. That’s because theirs is free. At Macaulay and a handful of other service academies, work colleges, single-subject schools and conservatories, every student receives a full merit-based tuition scholarship for all four years. Macaulay students also receive a laptop and $7,500 in “opportunities funds” to pursue research, service experiences, study abroad programs and internships.

2. Be a PSAT Merit finalist

Scoring high enough on the PSAT to become a Scholar, a Finalist or a Semi-Finalist can equal big money at some schools-public and private. That means your student may only need to score high enough to make it to the last round; he or she doesn’t even have to be the last one standing.

Here’s a list of automatic (and full-ride) scholarships for National Merit finalists and semi-finalists: http://thecollegematchmaker.com/52-colleges-offering-full-tuition-scholarships-national-merit-finalists/

3. Win Scholarships

With work and a tested method (How 2 Win Scholarships) your student can cruise into college with multiple scholarships. Start early with the research, register on scholarship search sites, and look locally.

4. Work while you attend

There are several colleges that let you work while you attend and pay your tuition. In exchange for free tuition, students at the College of the Ozarks work on campus 15 hours a week. Possible jobs at this Missouri college include dairy farming and custodial work.

5. Pursue a specific career path

Colleges offer free tuition to students who pursue specific career paths or areas of interest. For instance, prospective students must audition for enrollment into Philadelphia’s Curtis Institute of Music. Those accepted receive full-tuition scholarships.

6. Use your location

A number of cities, counties, and states offer free tuition to students who either excel in their studies, or demonstrate a serious need.

7. Go overseas

Believe it or not, there are colleges overseas that offer free tuition to international students. For instance, students at KTH Royal Institute of Technology can get a free technological education at the Royal Institute of Technology. At Lund University in Sweden, you will not have to pay tuition fees.

8. Attend college online

Get free tuition from these online colleges and you’ll truly get a good deal. You won’t even need to pay for room and board! Andrew Jackson University,  Trinity College of Biblical Studies and The Diulus Institute allow you to attend college online for free.

9. Demonstrate need

Students who come from low income families can get free admission from numerous colleges and universities. Surprisingly, many colleges consider low income to be above the poverty level, so don’t think you won’t qualify. Check out each college’s income levels.

10. Serve your country

With a commitment to serve after graduation and acceptance to one of the nation’s military academies and some military colleges, you can attend college for free (and even get paid while you attend). And if you join the military before college, you can attend using the GI Bill after you are honorably discharged.

Following is an additional resource:

The College Solution listed colleges that provide 100 percent of need:



Rising college costs = student loan debt


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student loan debtRising college costs put the student loan debt at an all time high. Paying for college is one of the greatest challenges when it comes to securing a college education for your children. While it seems that getting accepted into a college is the biggest hurdle, once they have received the acceptance letter, you can stop worrying about that and start worrying about how to pay for it. With tuition costs rising every year (nearly 500 percent in the last 60 years), most families find it difficult to cover college expenses. Financial assistance from the college is available to a lucky few, as are private and federal grants and scholarships. However, the vast majority of students will end up taking out student loans in order to pay for their education.

Picking which loan to take out is key. A loan, regardless of what kind, is something that will need to be repaid—which means your children will be in debt before they even start working. So, before you start applying for any and all student loans, find out more about the reality of the debt management post-graduation. This infographic clearly lays out the past, present and future of student loans and consider how it would impact your children’s financial outlook.

Continue reading Rising college costs = student loan debt